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Give 5 early world civilizations and describe each of them.

The Mesopotamian Civilization The Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Civilization Name: Mesopotamian Civilization Name: Egyptian civilization

civilization Period: 3150 BC–30 BC
Period: 3500 BC–500 BC Original Location: Banks of the Nile
Original Location: Northeast by the Zagros Current Location: Egypt
mountains, southeast by the Arabian Major Highlights: Construction of
plateau pyramids
Current Location: Iraq, Syria, and Turkey
Meaning: Land between rivers (ancient
Major Highlights: First civilization in the

Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and

culturally rich civilizations on this list. The
ancient Egyptian civilization, a majestic
civilization from the banks of the Nile, is
known for its prodigious culture, its
pharaohs, the enduring pyramids, and the
And here it is, the first civilization to have The civilization coalesced around 3150 BC
ever emerged. The origin of Mesopotamia (according to conventional Egyptian
dates back so far that there is no known chronology) with the political unification
evidence of any other civilized society of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first
before them. The timeline of ancient pharaoh. But this would not have been
Mesopotamia is usually held to be from possible had there not already been
around 3300 BC to 750 BC. Mesopotamia settlers around the Nile valley in early
is generally credited as being the first 3500 BC.
place where civilized society truly began to The history of ancient Egypt can be
take shape. It was somewhere around divided into a series of stable kingdoms
8000 BC that people developed the idea of separated by periods of relative instability
agriculture and slowly started to known as intermediate periods: The Old
domesticate animals for both food and to Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the
assist in farming. Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age
People had already been creating art well and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze
before the Mesopotamians, but this was Age.
part of human culture, not human Ancient Egypt gave us the pyramids, the
civilization. It was the Mesopotamian mummies that preserve the ancient
civilization that refined this, adding to and pharaohs to this day, hieroglyphics, and
formalizing all these systems, and much more. Ancient Egypt reached its
combining them to create the first pinnacle during the New Kingdom, when
civilization. They prospered in the regions pharaohs like Ramesses the Great ruled
of modern-day Iraq, then known as with such authority that another
Babylonia, Sumer, and the Assyria contemporary civilization, the Nubians,
Highlands. also came under Egyptian rule.
The Chinese Civilization The Ancient Greek Civilization

Civilization Name: Chinese civilization Civilization Name: Greek civilization

Period: 1600 BC–1046 BC Period: 2700 BC–479 BC
Original Location: Yellow River and Original Location: Italy, Sicily, North
Yangtze region Africa, and as far west as France
Current Location: Country of China Current Location: Greece
Major Highlights: Invention of paper and Major Highlights: Concepts of democracy
silk and the Senate, the Olympics

Ancient China – also known as Han China

– comes in at number five and doubtlessly
has one of the most diverse histories. In
fact, if you consider all the dynasties from The ancient Greeks may not have been
the very first to the very last that ever the oldest civilization, but they are
ruled in China, a significantly huge period doubtlessly one of the most influential.
of time needs to be covered. Even though the rise of ancient Greece
came from the Cycladic and Minoan
The Yellow River civilization is said to be civilizations (2700 BC–1500 BC), there is
the beginning of the entire Chinese evidence of burials in the Franchthi Cave
civilization as this is where the earliest in Argolid, Greece, dating back to around
dynasties were based. It was around 2700 7250 BC. The history of this civilization is
BC that the legendary Yellow Emperor spread over such a long period of time that
began his rule, which later led to the birth historians have divided it into different
of many dynasties that went on to rule periods, the most popular of them being
mainland China. the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic
periods. These periods saw a number of
In 2070 BC, the Xia dynasty became the ancient Greeks come into the limelight,
first to rule the whole of China as many of whom changed the world forever
described in ancient historical chronicles. and are still being talked about to this day.
From then on, there were a number of
dynasties that held control during different Among other things, the Greeks invented
periods of time until the end of the Qing the ancient Olympics, and formed the
dynasty in 1912 AD with the Xinhai concept of democracy and the Senate.
Revolution. This marked the end of more They laid the foundations for modern
than four millennia of ancient Chinese geometry, biology, and physics.
civilization. By this time, however, the Pythagoras, Archimedes, Socrates, Euclid,
Chinese had given the world some of its Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great… the
most useful inventions and products such history books are full of these names
as gunpowder, paper, printing, the whose inventions, theories, beliefs, and
compass, alcohol, cannons, and many heroics have had a significant impact on
more. subsequent civilizations.
Give at least 2 inventions that were
The Roman Civilization developed in each of the civilization.

Provide photo and description.
Civilization Name: Roman civilization
The Roman Civilization
Period: 550 BC–465 AD
Original Location: Village of the Latini 1. Roman Numerals
Current Location: Rome
Major Highlights: Most powerful ancient

Roman numerals, one of the most popular

number systems, was invented by the
Romans. The number system is still
taught in every school or college all over
the world. The Roman numerals were
Roman civilization emerged around the
first used around 900 – 800 BC but were
sixth century BC. Even the story behind
developed around 500 BC.
the foundation of ancient Rome is the stuff
of legend and myth. At the height of its
Before that, the counting number system
power, the Roman Empire ruled over a
developed by the Greeks was in use. The
huge chunk of land, and all the present-
Roman numerals were invented to make
day Mediterranean countries were part of
the counting system more uniform,
ancient Rome.
effective, and simple.
Early Rome was governed by kings, but
2. Sewer and Sanitation
after only seven of them had ruled, the
people took control over their own city and
ruled themselves. They introduced a
council known as the Senate which ruled
over them. From this point, Rome was
referred to as the Roman Republic.

Rome also saw the rise and fall of some

of the greatest emperors in human history,
like Julius Caesar, Trajan, and Augustus.
But eventually, the empire became so vast
that it was simply not possible to bring it
under single rule. In the end, the Roman
The ancient Roman Empire in many ways
Empire was overrun by millions of
boasted the highest level of sewage and
barbarians from the north and east of
sanitation management in contemporary
times. The Romans established a number
of public baths, latrines, and an
interlinked sewage line binding them all
together in a complex and efficient feat
of engineering.
The Mesopotamian Civilization The Ancient Egyptian Civilization
1. The Plow 1. Cosmetics Make up

Humans learned to domesticate animals

and use them to make daily life easier. In
Mesopotamia, man first harnessed the ox
and developed the first plow called the
“ard.” The earliest plow was made of wood
The Egyptian invented eye makeup as far
and was very heavy. The major problem
back as 4000 B.C. They combined soot
with the plow was that the dirt would stick
with a lead mineral called galena to create
to it and needed to be removed manually. It
a black ointment known as kohl. They
also did not work in thick grass. The
also made green eye makeup by
invention of the plow in Mesopotamia
combining malachite with galena to tint
helped the hunter-gatherer groups to stay
the ointment. Both men and women wore
in the same place and use agriculture for
eye makeup; believing it could cure eye
food rather than hunting.
diseases and keep them from falling
2. The First Form of Writing: Cuneiform victim to the evil eye.

2. Paper Orpapyrus

The Sumerians developed the first form of

writing called “cuneiform” to maintain
business records. It was mostly used in Papyrus sheets are the earliest paper-like
trade, where merchants recorded material – all other civilizations used
information such as the amount of grain stone, clay tablets, animal hide, wood
traded. The Mesopotamians also used materials or wax as a writing surface.
writing to record daily events like Papyrus was, for over 3000 years, the
astronomy. most important writing material in the
Cuneiform evolved as a simple pictograph. ancient world. It was exported all around
For instance, the pictograph for a horse the Mediterranean and was widely used in
might be a small image of a horse. The the Roman Empire as well as the
writer had to drag the tip of a stylus across Byzantine Empire. Its use continued in
wet clay to create a shape. It was hard to Europe until the seventh century AD,
remember every character and it would when an embargo on exporting it forced
take 12 years for a person to learn to write the Europeans to use parchment.
in cuneiform.
The Chinese Civilization The Ancient Greek Civilization
1. Silk 1. Water Mill

The invention of silk dates back to the fourth

Water mills were a revolutionary
millennium BC during the Neolithic period.
invention and have been used all over the
Apart from clothing, silk was widely used in a
variety of sectors including writing, fishing, world for the purpose of metal shaping,
and for musical instruments. Silk was agriculture and, most importantly,
dominantly used by emperors and high-class milling. To mill means to grind, and that
society but later it spread to the rest of the invariably means to grind grain. This in
population. During the Han dynasty (202 BC– turn led to the production of edible food
220 AD), silk became more than just a staples like rice, cereals, pulses, flour, and
commodity. It was used as a reward for a so on. Ever since its invention, the water
worthy Chinese citizen or government official. mill has seen a number of adaptations,
which have enabled people to use it to
Silk became an important part of the Chinese
mill different raw materials. These mills
economy. Japan and the Middle East started
cultivating silk around 300 AD and the are still used in many parts of the world
Crusades brought the concept of silk and serve a similar function.
production to Western Europe. This resulted in
2. Alarm Clock
an economic boom and Chinese silk started to
decrease in value and exports. However, China
dominates the luxury silk market today.

2. The Great Wall of China

One of the most commonly used gadgets

these days is the alarm clock, and it too
had its origins in ancient Greece. Over
time, the alarm clock has undergone a
The Great Wall of China was built by the
number of changes and improvements
first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang
from the mechanical alarm to modern
(260–210 BC) to protect the country from
gadgets like cell phones, which come with
northern invaders. The 5,500-mile-long
an inbuilt alarm.
wall was built by slaves, criminals, and
peasants. It is estimated that millions of The ancient Greek philosopher Plato
people worked to build the Great Wall over (428–348 BC) was said to possess a large
a period of 1,000 years. Most of the Great water clock with an unspecified alarm
Wall that we can see today was built during signal similar to the sound of a water
the Ming dynasty. Glutinous rice flour was organ. He used it at night, possibly for
used as a binding material to bind the signaling the beginning of his lectures at
bricks. dawn.
Look for a world map and label where exactly your identified early
civilizations developed.

Roman Ancient Egyptian Chinese

Civilization Civilization Civilization

Ancient Greek Mesopotamian

Civilization Civilization

What geographical features make a region especially conducive to the

development of a civilization and why?

Countries with plains, mountains, and waterfalls, in my opinion, are more likely to develop
because they are places where civilization cannot be observed as much, as opposed to those
regions whose geographics are already susceptible to cultivation. For example, regions located
in rural areas tend to be the target of businessmen in commercial sectors, resulting in more
engagements for tourists, thus bringing civilization in.

How does geography influence the nature of a civilization that develops

in a particular region?
Geography influences the nature of a civilization that develops in a particular region in such a
way that it allows someone to perceive a particular place in a physical manner. Having a
physical image of the geography of a region can result in broader and more refined
information for better civilization.

What else can you learn from looking at a map of early world
Something that I can learn from looking at a map of early world civilization is that it proves
the movement of tectonic plates.

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