Restaurants and Food: Pre-Intermediate

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Restaurants and food 13

Discussing restaurants

1 How many different styles of restaurant can you think of?

2 Add do / is / are to these questions.
1 What different kinds of restaurant there in this town?
2 Which restaurants you go to with friends? Why?
3 Where the best restaurants in town for business lunches?
4 there a good, cheap restaurant near here?
5 What style of restaurant you like most? And least?
3 Discuss the questions in pairs.


1 Read these menu extracts.

1 Which of the restaurants would you prefer to go to? Why?
2 Which do you think are starters, main courses or desserts?

Pizza House.
Toast with our homemade tomato dip.
Pizza topped with seasonal vegetables and/or chicken.
Veggie burger with juicy tomato slices on a toasted bun.
Bottled mineral water: sparkling or still.

Chez Med.
a bowl of mixed olives stuffed with spicy garlic or red pepper.

juicy mushroom risotto with our home-grown chopped herbs.

balls of our delicious homemade ice-cream: vanilla, cherry, or chocolate.

Seafood Sam’s.
Grilled tuna steak on a bed of fresh salad leaves.
Fish cakes made with creamy potato, served with roasted vegetables.
A glass of fresh fruit juice.

1  myClass  Pre-intermediate 13 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Restaurants and food 13

2 Put words from the menus in this table:

Food Preparation Taste

3 Discuss with a partner.

1 Have you tried any of these foods?
2 Which dishes do you like the most? Which don’t you like at all?
4 13.1 Listen to two colleagues discussing which restaurant to go to for lunch.
1 Which restaurant do they decide to go to?
2 Which words from the table do they use?

Language focus

1 Here are some useful phrases David and Anita used. Put the words in the correct order.
1 shall where go we ?
2 would I Chez Med suggest
3 don’t try we Why Pizza Etc. ?
4 pizza We a share could
5 you What think do ?
6 like I’d it try to
7 have Maybe vegetarian a they option
8 it’s fresh Only if
9 trying about Seafood Sam’s how ?
10 good about I’ve of heard it lots things
11 not Okay why? go let’s it a give
12 table Should and a phone we book?
2  myClass  Pre-intermediate 13 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014
Restaurants and food 13

2 13.1 Listen again and check.

3 With your partner practice making plans to:
1 Go to the cinema at the weekend.
2 Meet for lunch tomorrow.
3 Go on holiday together somewhere in summer.
4 How did David and Anita compare the restaurants? Fill in the gaps.
1 It was hot.
2 It might be quality, and hopefully cooler Chez Med.
3 The pizzas are popular.
4 Only if it’s expensive.
5 People say the fish cakes are anything else on the menu.
6 It’s not expensive Chez Med.
7 It should be busy now.
5 Discuss with a partner. Change the underlined words to make new sentences.
Describing Comparing
It was so hot … was / were cooler than …
It’s not too expensive … was / were tastier than …
… was / were more popular than …
… was / were less busy than …
… was / were (not) as expensive as …
1 Discuss two restaurants you know in your town. Compare them for food, service, style, price, etc.
2 Compare English food and your country’s food.
3 Compare your cooking with your mother’s, father’s, grandmother’s and grandfather’s cooking.


1 Look at the restaurant reviews your teacher gives you.

2 With a partner, decide which review you think is the best.
3 Your class has decided to go for a meal next month. As a group, compare all the restaurants.
Decide which you prefer for the group and why. When you have decided which is the best to
visit, agree the best day and time for your meal.
4 Report to the class your plans.


3  myClass  Pre-intermediate 13 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

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