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English in science


Work with a partner. Discuss the following questions.

• How much English do you use in your daily life?

• Is English important for your current or future career?
• Do you think native English speakers have an advantage in life?


1. Read the article about English in science. Which of

the following statements best describes the Reading strategies: difficult texts
author’s opinion?
Many academic texts contain a number
1. The benefits of using English in science are greater of difficult words.
than the problems.
• Try to get a general understanding of
2. The overuse of the English language in science is a the text without understanding every
problem. word.
• Use the words around any difficult
vocabulary to help you guess the
3. Native English-speaking scientists should learn
other languages.
• Limited use of a dictionary is fine,
but only when you cannot follow the
4. Most people are happy that English is the universal
overall meaning.
language of science.

2. Read the text again. Make notes on the author’s comments about the use of English as the
universal language of science.

Benefits Problems

3. Discuss with a partner. Do you agree with the author? Why / Why not?

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English in science


1. The phrases in the box are taken from the text. Add each phrase to the correct column in
the table.

However, … In fact, … ... leading to … Many scientists

feel that …

They feel that … There are clear There is a real There are benefits
disadvantages for … danger that… to …

Purpose Phrases

1. Adds more detailed information to a


2. Introduces peoples’ opinions Some suggest that …

3. Introduces disadvantages A downside to this is …

4. Introduces contrasting information Having said that …

5. Introduces advantages One advantage is …

6. Introduces the result of an action This causes / … causing …

2. Add any other phrases you know to the table.

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English in science

3. Read the statements. Choose two statements and make notes on your opinions using
language from the box.

• Scientists should be able to publish papers in any language.

• Scientists must learn English if they want to be successful.
• It is OK for science to use the English language for global communication.
• Scientists who speak English have an advantage.

4. Discuss your ideas with a partner.


Listen to Ira and May discussing the article about English in science. Answer the following

• Does each speaker agree with the author’s opinions?

• Which speaker do you agree with more? Why?


1. Listen again and complete the gaps.

May: We should allow people to write papers in other languages.
Ira: any language?

Ira: Maybe we could use some kind of machine to help for that.
May: translation equipment?

Ira: Well, in the article the author thought the rise of English was unstoppable. I don’t think there’s
much we can do to be honest.
May: we just ignore the problem?

2. Check your answers with a partner.

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English in science

3. Work with a partner. Discuss the questions.

• What is the purpose of Ira and May’s responses?

• Do you know any more phrases you can use for this purpose?

1. There are only a few jobs a. Are you saying they

Pronunciation: intonation
you could do with a degree should get some
when clarifying
in English Literature. I don’t work experience?
think it’s useful at all.
Circle the correct option to
2. If people are interested in b. You’re saying they’re complete the rules
becoming an Engineer, they more employable?
should first find out what • hen a speaker is
the industry is like. confident they understand
a point but just need to
3. I think people who speak c. Do you mean they confirm, they ask the
two languages definitely have an advantage question with rising /
have more chance of over other falling intonation
getting a job. researchers? • When a speaker is less
confident about a point
4. You won’t be considered d. So are you saying it and wants to check they
for that job with just a would be a waste of fully understand they ask
Bachelor’s degree. time? the question with rising /
falling intonation

5. Native English speakers find e. Do you mean I need

Listen to the questions from
it so much easier to publish a Master’s?
Language. Mark whether the
their papers just because
voice rises () or falls ().
English is the ‘international

4. Match the statements 1−5 with an appropriate response a−e.

5. Work with a partner. Practise having short conversations using the comments and questions
in the speech bubbles.


You are going to have a formal discussion about the following statements.
Choose a statement. Decide if you agree or disagree. Make notes on your opinion.

1. Everyone should live or study in another country at some point.

2. These days, it is very important to get a degree.

3. Being bilingual is not always beneficial.

4. It is much more useful to study a science related degree than a subject like Art or Drama.

5. University education should be free for everyone.

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English in science


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