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Paragraph Writing Assignment 1

Name : Firza Galuh Drajati

NPM : 21420023

Class : 2A

Step 1 : Explore Ideas

1) What is my subject?
My subject is about anime literally is about many ways to watching anime
2) What is my purpose?
To inform and also to persuade someone to like about anime based information
what I give.
3) Who is your audience ?
My aundience is for people with age 14 – 25 years old.

Make a paragraph by 3 methods :

Topic : Anime

I. Brainstorming
Definition of anime
History of anime
Anime emerge on Japan television
Many genres of anime
Many ways for watching Anime
The popularity of anime each countries.
Any recommended anime to watch.

II. Clustering

Any History
recommended of

Anime Anime
popularity emerge
of anime on Japan

Ways to Genres
watching from
anime anime

III. Freewriting

Anime is the animation with the Japanese style who the design of character always
look cute with shiny eyes. Based of history, anime has appeared since 1907 which is the
animation telling about a boy who rise the hat for respect to soldier on war era with the
duration only 5 seconds and also with white- black colour graphic. Many years ago
anime after war era , Anime has growth being better on graphic and also story. Anime
also emerged on Japan television commercial after war era, which is the first anime on
Japan television outright as first coloured anime is “The Tale of the White Serpant” on
1958. With that’s thing its become sign of succesfull era from anime itself. Anime its not
only for kids, but also for adult. With variant genres like Shoune, seinen, shoujo, action,
romance, comedy, and others. With that’s variant genres watchers aren’t worry for
choice anime what they like. For watching anime everyone can choice many ways, the
most civical way is streaming on Netflix, but if you have not money you can download
app the name is BSstation, there is have a lot anime you can download and also its legal.
Because all of it the popularity of anime has increase every year not only Japan but also
another countries like US, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil,etc. according the popularity I
have some recommended anime for the newbie, there are Jujutsu kaisen, Boku no hero,
Kimetsu No yaiba, and others.
Step 3 : Organize
1) What goal do you want to accomplish?
To inform and also persuade everyone about what should we do for watching
anime with many ways.
2) What point do you want to make?
For this step, I will make the point about many ways to watching anime.

1. Selecting
Definition of anime
History of anime
Anime emerge on Japan television
Many genres of anime
Many ways for watching Anime
The popularity of anime each countries.
Any recommended anime to watch.

2. Subtracking

3. Adding
Anime is the animation with the Japanese style who the design of character
always look cute with shiny eyes. Based of history, anime has appeared
since 1907 which is the animation telling about a boy who rise the hat for
respect to soldier on war era with the duration only 5 seconds and also with
white- black colour graphic. Many years ago anime after war era , Anime
has growth being better on graphic and also story. Anime also emerged on
Japan television commercial after war era, which is the first anime on Japan
television outright as first coloured anime is “The Tale of the White
Serpant” on 1958. With that’s thing its become sign of succesfull era from
anime itself. Anime its not only for kids, but also for adult. With variant
genres like Shoune, seinen, shoujo, action, romance, comedy, and others.
With that’s variant genres watchers aren’t worry for choice anime what
they like. For watching anime everyone can choice many ways, the most
civical way is streaming on Netflix, but if you have not money you can
download app the name is BSstation, there is have a lot anime you can
download and also its legal.But sometimes some television station have
anime on their production. Because all of it the popularity of anime has
increase every year not only Japan but also another countries like US,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil,etc. according the popularity I have some
recommended anime for the newbie, there are Jujutsu kaisen, Boku no hero,
Kimetsu No yaiba, and others.

4. Outlining
a) Streaming Netflix
Need more money
Not waste time
Have many variant animes
Have limit days for watching
b) Download apps (Bs Station)
Need more internet
Waste time for download data
Have many variant animes
You can watch whenever you want
c) Watching on tv
More relax
No need money
Have not variant anime
Anime only can watching based on schedule
Step 4 : Make First Draft

 For watching anime, you should know some ways to watching anime. The first
one you can streaming by Netflix. By Netflix you can watch many variant animes,
without worry about times but for enjoy Netflix service, you should registration
into a member with cost money based on how long you will watch anime on
Netflix. The second one you can watch by downloading application Bsstation
which is the best application for watching anime this year with a lot variant
anime, without any schedule for watching so you can watching anime whenever
you want. But you need more internet connection for enjoy it. The third you can
only watch on tv which is you will be more enjoy it, more relax while you
watching it. But on tv you can not watch whenever you want because there are
many schedule of program you should wait for watching anime. And also you will
be feel disturb when the program turn into adds.

Step 6 : Final Copy

 For watching anime, you should know some ways about it. The first way you can
watching by streaming via Netflix. Because on Netflix there have a lot variant
animes that you can watch whenever and wherever you are without schedule. But
for using Netflix you must become the member of Netflix first by pay some
money. The second way you can watching anime by download via apps, the name
of apps is “BS Station” . That’s the most recommended applicaton for download
anime without pay some money like Netflix. But you must need more internet
quota for watching anime on there. The third way you can watching anime by
only watch on television. Actually with watch on tv you will feel more relax and
enjoy the time and also without need any internet quota or some moneys. But on
tv you cant watch a lot anime on there because just many television station which
have anime program and have schedule so you can not watch it any time.

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