Reaction Paper (Self-Awareness)

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Self-awareness discussed by our dear instructors during our lecture

time. It is emphasized in the discussion that nurses should be aware of

themselves before interacting with their patients. It is a phase called

interaction phase. The reason is you need to prepare yourself as you will

become the guide of the patient throughout the therapy sessions.

We made various activity of self-awareness like Johari’s window and the

concept of man. The Johari window were created by the student in the most

creative way they can do and presented it during the afternoon class. The

student presented and explain their work and interaction within the group is

facilitated by our clinical instructor. We had learned something about ourselves

and at the same time learning and knowing something from other members of

the group. Its like a group therapy within the class. The other activity called

the concept of man which was also related to self-awareness. Our CI made us

draw a concept of man and within that drawn man will show our perceptions,

common things, beliefs and etc. Every part of the body corresponds a question

that represent something from ourselves. And after an hour of doing this

activity, it was presented by each member and the discussion begins.

These types of activities made every member of the group being aware of

themselves and being aware of some background from the members. It can be

like knowing thy strength and weaknesses, what they want, what they don’t

want, and many more. It is concluded that we nurses in order to interact and

understands our clients we should know ourselves first.

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