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Vendors - Before Episode 2

Nala's 'Procured' Potion's and Misc

Item Description Type Rarity Price (Gold) Uses Purchase Cap
Empty Jug Its a jug. Container Mundane 1 - -
Empty vial Its a vial. Container Mundane 1 - -
Bundle of Torches 5 in a pack. Fire and light good. Consumeable Common 5 5 -
Oil Lantern (full of oil) A small victorian style lamp with a little glass shutter. Holds oil. Consumeable Common 15 * ** -
30ft of Rope Handy in a multitude of situations Consumeable Common 5 * ** -
Dried rations Nuts, Jerky and Twinkies... "Forever food" Consumeable Common 3 5 -
10ft Long Pole It's a long pole. Don't ask how it fits in your backpack. Tool Common 20 - -
Crowbar For applying and levering force to an object... or some ones head. Tool Common 15 - -
Shovel It's a large spade, swing it, lean on it, bury your enemies and friends with it. Tool Common 10 - -
Bag of ball bearings Bag of marbles / ball bearings. handy in a pinch. Misc Common 50 1 1
Vial of Acid A small amount of weak acid in a vial, can't melt the cork but will hopefully melt whatever else you want Misc Uncommon 90 1 1
it to.

Cloak of billowing As a bonus action this cape can billow heroically regardless of environment Apparell Uncommon 230 - 1 in stock
Spider walk potion Can spiderwalk like a von carstein for 1 hour Potion Rare 140 1 1 in stock

Minor Healing Potion Heals 1d4 + 3 times your constitution modifer. (10hp recovered max) Potion Common 80 1 2
Common Healing Potion Heals 4d4 + 3 times your constitution modifer. (20hp recovered max) Potion Common 220 1 1
Major Healing Potion Heals 6d6 + 3 times your constitution modifier. (Heals a minimum of 18hp) Potion Uncommon Out of stock - -
Superior Heaing Potion Heals 8d8 + 3 times your constituion modifier. (Heals a minimum of 36hp) Potion Rare Out of stock - -
Minor Potion of Spell Slot Recovery Recovers up to 2 of your spell slots (not restricted by level) Potion Uncommon 200 1 3
Major Potion of Spell Slot Recovery Recover all your spell slots and other limited use per day Ability slots Potion Rare 380 1 1
Nala's "Cure all" Tonic Removes poisoned, frightened, blinded, charmed or deafened conditions. Potion Uncommon 170 1 1
(Can be drunk while effected at the cost of both action and bonus action, has diminishing returns)
Raise Dead Matts Enough Materials for 1 "Rez" type spell e.g Revivify or Raise Dead (on a PC) Misc Rare 600 1 -
Oil of Slipperiness A crowd favorite. Has many uses. MIsc Common 30 * ** -
Arathi Ring of Spell Storing Once per long rest the bearer may store a spell avaliable to him into the ring which can be later Misc Epic 1660 - 2 in stock
cast as an Action. This ring glows and thrums with power. Once attuned to it the ring also grants
A +2 bonus to spell damage (not cantrips). (Does not stack with self).

Jax's (likely Hustled) Armor and Weapons

Rule Keywords Simple/Martial Damage Damage type Cost
Dagger Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60) Simple 1d4 Piercing 15
Handaxe Light, Thrown (range 20/60) Simple 1d6 Slashing 12
Mace - Simple 1d6 Bludgeoning 10
Spear Thrown (range 20/60) , Versatile (1d8) Simple 1d6 Piercing 8
Battleaxe Versatile (1d10) Martial 1d8 Slashing 40
Flail - Martial 1d8 Bludgeoning 20
Greatsword Heavy, Two handed Martial 2d6 Slashing 55
Bastard sword Heavy, Two handed Martial 3d4 Slashing 105
Halberd Heavy, Reach, Two handed Martial 1d10 Slashing 65
Longsword Versatile(1d10) Martial 1d8 Slashing 40
Maul Heavy, Two handed Martial 2d6 Bludgeoning 50
Rapier Finesse Martial 1d8 Piercing 45
Shortsword Finesse, Light Martial 1d6 Slashing 15
Warhammer Versatile (1d10) Martial 1d8 Bludgeoning 40
Whip Finesse, Reach Martial 1d4 Slashing 30
Aridizeeran Blasting Gauntlet Grants +2 damage with cantrips and removes the verbal requirements of spells Simple 1d6 (Melee) Bludgeoning 1340
Requires attunement. (This bonus can stack with a second gauntlet).
Ornate Dead Mines Dagger + 1 Vicious,This weapon also crits on a natural roll of 19 or 20. Martial 1d6 (+1) Slashing 1900
Wrist mounted Syeeran Stinger Ammunition (range 15 / 60), Light, Loading, Poisoned (16+) If the user did not make an attack action Martial 1d6 (d6 Poison) Piercing 1120
this turn this weapon can be fired as a bonus action. Comes with a wrist mount bracer.

Shortbow Ammunition (range 80/320), Two-handed Simple 1d6 Piercing 10

Longbow Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed Martial 1d8 Piercing 40
Crossbow,light Ammunition (range 80/320), Loading, Two-handed Simple 1d8 Piercing 20
Crossbow, Heavy Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed Martial 1d10 Piercing 140
Crossbow, Hand Ammunition (range 30/120), Light, loading Martial 1d6 Piercing 95
Hammer Industries - STD Revolving Light Crossbow Ammunition, Magfed 8 (range 60/180), Two-Handed Martial 1d8(d6+)(4FR) Piercing 1120
Bizeeran BlackMarket Rocket propelled Shattergrenade One use only (range 25/300) - Unweildy, Big Scatters - Illegal / Illicit across Fey Terra Simple 5d8 Small blast Thunder 1050

ARMOR Description AC Strength Req Stealth Cost

Padded More layers gotta count for something right? hoodie up. 11+dex - Disadvantage 3
Leather Cheap and tough, but not as tough as the bandits and gangers think. 11+dex - - 10
Studded Leather Refined and strengthened and doesn't restrict any movement. 12+dex - - 45
Hide The tailored rump of some poor beastie. 12+dex (max2) - - 10
Chain shirt Common amongst milita and guards, jingles when you run 13+dex (max2) - - 50
Scalemail Much tougher than chain and with a more layered look but jingles twice as much. 14+dex (max2) - Disadvantage 50
Breastplate Royal and elite, plate crafted with full movement in mind. This is definately stolen. 14+dex (max2) - - 400
Halfplate Chunky and robust, this plate restricts movement but weighs much less than full plate. 15+dex (max2) - Disadvantage 750
Ring mail Cheap and weighty, likely worn by at least 5 men before you. 14 - Disadvantage 30
Chain Mail A durable layered chain link design aied to stop any blade slashing through. 16 13 Disadvantage 75
Splint Chunky plate with hide spliced over in some areas. 17 15 Disadvantage 340
Full Plate The knights special, Gucci and expensive, who did Jax kill for this? 18 15 Disadvantage 950
Shield For getting to stupid high AC and pissing off the DM. Adds 2 to total - - 10

Wrist mount bracer upgrade Allows certain weapons or items to be stored up a sleeve to be deployed with the flick of a wrist. - - Max 2 per pers. 400
The user can spend 1 hour delicately refitting a new item to the slide.
The item stored must be thinner and no longer than the users forearm - discuss with DM.

Poisoned Poisoned weapons always beat the targets armour class on the required roll. Successfully hitting with
the required roll also inflicts an additional related damage die and inflicts the poisoned status effect.
Targets that have resistance to Poison effects must make a DC13+ Con save or be poisoned anyway.
Poisoned weapons have no (or reduced) effect on the less fleshy targets e.g Apparitions, Constructs and undead.

Halycon To hit rolls that succeed and were rolled with an unmodified result equal to the number next to the trait inflict this effect as described.
Halves the targets ms and reduces their dexterity by 4, the target also suffers -4 to hit until the effect expires. effect lasts for 2minutes. Criticals double these penalties.
Can also cause low CR and some medium to high CR creatures to miss an action entirely on their next turn.
Creatures suffering from this effect may not use their reaction to make attacks of opportunity. Reduced effect on bosses.

Vicious Your critical hit inflicts an additional amount of damage equal to the max damage you could roll. (as if you were repeating the effect of the critical a second time over)

Magfed I'll just explain in game if you buy this , you can rapid fire this weapon to dump the full mag if you want to at a cost to accuracy. These weapons take an action to reload or a bonus action if you attempt a
sleight of hand check to quick load while under pressure. (A natural roll of 6 or less and this weapon will jam)
Branded - In the name, refers to place of origin. This weapon has been branded and marked by its manufacturer. Some companies are more popular than others and some are better craftsmen than others. Weapons with this trait recieve
a buff or debuff depending on which company manufactured it.

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