Research Paper Group 2 Out of School Youth-1

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A Research Proposal Presented to Ms. Lara Mae R. Sitiar, M.A

Clarencio Calagos Memorial School of Fisheries
Sta. Margarita Samar

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Practical Research 1


JUNE 2021


Every one of us has a right to attend formal school. Children at

their earliest ages should learn and realize the importance of education in their

lives. Nobody can deny the fact that “Education is a key to success” Nobody can

say that education can’t change everyone’s lives because it can.

The government should ensure and support the education of every

child. Public schools offer free tuition for enrolment for elementary. This may

count for high enrolment in schools, although the enrolment has a high result,

many poor families in unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their

children. The reason why out of school youth happens because of the problems in

the family that forces a teenager to work early that they shouldn’t be.

Conceptual Framework

In conducting this research study I planned to:

 Gather the group and give their initial statement about the topic.

 Conduct a meeting to start chapter one (1)

 Distribution of each task by the group members.

 The group leader will monitor and review the said tasks.
 Submit the initial to the subject instructor

 Revising error


The researcher conducts this study because nowadays, many uneducated

children are a serious problem for the future of the country, because uneducated

and unskilled people with lack of intelligence will not be able to find a good job

and will not be successful in the near future.


The importance of this study is that every one of us becomes

knowledgeable about the Child/Youth who is not lucky to attend a formal

school because of many problems. This study can also help the people to realize

the importance of having good education and it also for the government to make

a solution in order for the youth to have a better education.



Related Literature

Here are some TOP 10 reasons why there is out of school youth.
1. INCAPABLE GOVERNMENT- the sovereign Filipino people of the

Philippines Government does not have the ability to give a good and

standard education. Where funds for new projects that would provide the

learners a good habitat for learning is being deprive from them because of

the rampant corruption of its officers.

2. POVERTY- even the education is free, many Filipinos can not afford still to

go to school because of the lack of essential needs like bag, notebooks,

paper, writing materials etch.. We cannot really deny the fact that the

Philippines is a third world country where poverty is rampant and the

hardships of life is in one package deal already. To very poor people they

can not even afford to eat three times a day that's why it is more important

for them is food rather than investing for the education for there children.

3. UNSUPPORTABLE PARENTS - what are the qualifications of

unsupportable parents; one is they are the anti-motivator they don't motivate

there children to go to school instead they are manipulating there children

not to go to school. 

4. BAD PEER PRESSURE - some common reasons why children, and teens

drop out are there bad peers. What are these bad pressure they are

influencing to them? Here are some examples

premarital sex [or even sex between minors]

under-age drinking liquor

drugs of any kind (marijuana, cocaine, shabu etc.)


5. BAD VICES - Vice is a practice or a habit considered immoral, depraved,

and/or degrading in the associated society (Wikipedia). Vices are like bad

habits or addictions that are always considered as too much for a person.

6. CHILD LABOR - refers to the illegal employment of children below 18

years old in hazardous occupations. Under-age children are being forced to

manual Labor to help their families mainly due to poverty. About 2.06

million children all around the Philippines are compelled to do Labor, such

as in crop plantations, mining caves, rock quarries and factories.



Research Method

The descriptive method of research was used to determine the problem of every

youth with their studies.

In gathering data, the researcher identified the place where the study is to be

conducted and enumerated the number of respondents that I included in the study.

The study was conducted at Brgy. Balud Sta. Margarita, Samar.

Research Environment

This study was conducted in Brgy. Balud Sta Margarita, Samar. The subjects are

the youth that not anymore in school.

Research Respondents


Research Instruments

The materials used in conducting our study are the following

 Laptop

 Ballpen

 Questionnaire

 Mobile phones

 Papers

Research Procedure

A study is made to find answers to the queries clung to the problem.

This term paper will not become complete if the things and strategies used to

gather important and pertinent information is not accurate and reliable. Some of the

things used by the researchers to gather and collect information are the following:

 Respondents

Are the individuals who answered the questionnaire and filled it with

information in regard with the stated topic. The respondents who are then directed

to answer the questionnaire are the people who are experiencing the said topic.

 Questionnaire

A pre-written series of questions made by the researcher used in

gathering important information’s from one or more persons. This will be given

to the individual who have a experiencing the said topic. With the use of this,

important information about the topic is gathered by the researcher.

Statistical Treatment

In gathering information I used the survey method, which is a method of collecting

data in which people are asked to answer a numer of questions (usually in the form

of questionnaire). The said survey ask a representative sample of individuals a

series of questions about the main issue including their name, age and gender tat is

needed in our survey.

I gathered information in Brgy. Balud about the out of school year youth and it's

effect to them. I noticed that many of them didn't continued there study in

Elementary/Highschool because they can't support the needs in Studying. I noticed

to that there are few that unwilling to study because of that problem. Incapable

government, poverty, unsupportable parents, bad peer pressure, bad vices, distant

parents, child labor, teacher factor, laziness, high cost of education, illness/

disability, lack of interest, and cannot cope with school work are the reasons why

they cannot attend formal school and choose to work to help their family.

In doing our survey at Brgy Balud i observe that there are a lot that don’t go to

school anymore but they know how to read and write yet their knowledge is

limited. According to them poverty is the main cause.

Every member of our group was separated in conducting a survey so i got

information and data's too quickly. Furthermore our questionare is qualitative and

not an open ended question in order not so hard for them to answer.

“Out of School Youth in Brgy. Balud”


Name: __________________________ Age: ____ Gender: ___

Directions: Answer the following questions. Put a check mark on your answer.

1. Is Education important to you?

___ Yes ___ No ___
2. What is your highest educational attainment?

___ Did not attend School

___ Pre School

___ Elementary (Specify) Grade: ___

___ High School (Specify) Year level: ___

___ Collage (Specify) Collage level ___

3. What is your reason for not attending formal school? (check as many as you can)
___ Incapable Government ___ Distant parents
___ Poverty ___ Child Labor
___ Unsupportable parents ___ Bad environment
___ Bad peer pressure ___ Teacher Factor
___ Bad Vices ___ Laziness
___ No school within the Barangay
___ No regular transportation
___ High cost of education
___ Illness/ disability
___ Lack of interest
___ Cannot cope with school work.
4. Are you willing to continue your studies with the help of the programs of DepEd? (ALS, TESDA, etc.)
___ Yes ___ No ___ Maybe






Name: Ramil L. Mabon

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Birthdate: November 7, 2002

Address: Brgy Balud Sta. Margarita Samar

Year: Junior High School

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