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ELECTROSTATICS 1( Coulomb’s law)

1. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3.2
x 10-7 C (a) estimate the number of electrons transferred and (b) Is there a
transfer of mass from wool to polythene?

2. Calculate the charge carried by 12.5 x 108 electrons.

3. A glass rod when rubbed with silk acquires a charge of +1.6 x 10 -12 C. What is
the charge on silk? How many electrons have been transferred and which to

4. How many electrons will have a charge of one coulomb?

5. Calculate the charge on 7N14 nucleus.

6. Calculate the charge on Cl- ion.

7. Can a body have a charge of 0.8 x 10-19 C.?

8. A comb is run through dry hairs and it is known that there is transfer of
1024electrons. Calculate the charge on hairs and comb.

9. A glass rod is rubbed with silk such that one mole of electrons are
transferred. Calculate the charge on silk and glass.

10. Calculate the charge on a -Particles.

11. The are five balls 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 balls (1,2), (3,4) and (2,5) attract each other whereas
(1, 4) and (3,5) show repulsion. What is the charge on ball 2?

12 Five charges of equal amount (q) are placed at five corners of a regular hexagon of
side 5 cm. what will be the value of sixth charge placed at sixth corner of the hexagon
so that the electric field at the center of hexagon is zero?

13 Two small balls with equal positive charges q coulomb are suspended by two
insulating strings of equal length/meter from a hook fixed to a stand. The whole set up
is taken in a satellite into space where there is no gravity. Find the angle between two
strings and the tension in each string.

14 The electrostatic force between two protons situated at a distance x from each other is
y Newton. What will be the electrostatic force between two electrons situated at the
same distance?
15 Two point electric charges of value q and 2q are kept at a distance d apart for each
other in air. A third charge Q is to be kept along the same line in such a way that the
net force acting on q and 2q is zero. Calculate the position of charge Q in terms of q
and d.

16 Two point charges 10μC and 20μC are separated by a distance ‘r’ in air. If an
additional charge of -8μC is given to each, by what factor does the force between the
charge changes?

17 Two charge each of +Q is kept at a distance “r” about from each other. A
third charge “q” is to be placed on the line joining the above two charges such
that the system is in equilibrium. Find the magnitude, sign and position of the
third charge “q”

18 Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal length. The
strings make an angle of 30 with each other. When suspended in a liquid of
density 800 kg m-3, the angle remains the same. What is the dielectric
constant of the liquid? The density of the material of the sphere is 1600 kg m -

19 Two-point charge +2c and +6c repel each other with a force of 12N. If each
is given an additional charge of -4c. What will be the new force between

20 (A) Two insulated charged copper spheres A and B have their centers
separated by a distance of 5 cm. What is the mutual force of electrostatics
repulsion if the charge on each is 6.5 x 10-7C. The radii of A and B are
negligible as compared to the distance of separation. (B) What is the force of
repulsion if each sphere is charged double the above amount and the distance
between A and B?

21. Suppose the spheres A and B in the above example have identical size. A
third sphere C of the same size but uncharged is brought is contact with the
first then brought in contact with the second

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