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1. Antiarrythmic drug causing lupus syndrome

2. Antiarrythmic drug containing iodine
3. Which of the following drug causes constriction of blood vessels to the uterus and affect
fetal circulation? (Options were : Oxymetazoline, Pseudoephidrine)
4. Action of Pseudoephidrine (Antitussive)
5. Boy with drycough and wheezing while playing, also experiences breathing difficulty
which is more at night, Which of the following agent is effective (Corticosteriods, Short
acting Beta 2 agonist, long acting beta2 agonist)
6. Patient is taking Mycophenolate mofetil and is planning to conceive. What would be
your advice for the patient?
 Continue on Mycophenolate
 Continue on mycophenolate until first trimester and then stop it
 Mycophenolate should be stopped 6 weeks prior to pregnancy
 Mycophenolate should be stopped 12 weeks prior to pregnancy
7. Which of the following Antiepileptic drug requires renal dosage adjustment?
(Topiramate, Tiagabine, Clonazepam,Phenytoin)
8. Patient is on Valproic Acid for seizures since few years and her seizures are well
controlled. She is now planning for pregnancy and have started taking folic acid since a
month. What would be your suggestion.
 Continue on Valproic Acid as her seizures are well controlled
 Stop Valproic acid and shift to anothera gent
 Start Leviteracetam and decrease Valproic acid till epilepsy is well controlled and
then discontinue
9. How would you educate a patient on the usage of metered dose inhaler
10. What is the mechanism of action of Salbutamol
11. Patient is on Rivastigmine for Alzheimers Disease and he is not able to tolerate the drug
due to associated nausea and vomiting. What is the most appropriate intervention?
 Stop Rivastigmine and add another agent
 Start the patient on Rivastigmine Patch
 Add Metoclopromide before each dose of rivastigmine
 Start the patient on Glantamine
12. Maximum daily dose of Ibuprofen ( 1200)
13. IV narcotic effective till (12hr, 36hrs, 24hrs, 72hrs)
14. Patient is on Voriconazole, which lab parameter is to be monitored ( Renal function,
Liver function)
15. Diabetic patient who was on Metformin, Glipizide was recently starterd on Pioglitazone.
Which lab parameter is to be monitored
16. A drug waiting to be added to the formulary is called (Formulary drug, Non Formulary
drug, restricted drug)
17. What is the best way to start antihypertensives in elderly
Start on low dose and the titrate as per response
Start on high dose and taper
18. How heparin should be overlapped with Warfarin
 Heparin should be continued till 5 days with INR above 3
 Heparin should be continued for 7 days and INR above 1.5
 Heparin should be continued till 5 days and IBR above 3
19. Which of the following drug is associated with hyperuricemia?( Options were:
bumetanide, hydroclorthiazide, etc)
20. Which electrolyte abnormality can worsen lithium toxixity
(Hypokalemia, hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia)
21. A patient who is on Prazocin is complaining of symptoms of BPH and the doctor wants
to add PDE5 inhibitor. What is the best option for him?
 Take Tadalafil 4 hours after Prazocin
 Take Sildenafil 4 hours after Prazocin
 Take Tadalafil with Prazocin
 Take Sildenafil with Prazocin
22. What is the mechanism of action of Ramelton
23. 2 year old child ingested 3%Sodium hypochlorite solution. What is the appropriate
Gastric lavage
Neutralize with an alkali
Neutralize with an acid
24. Antidote of Paracetamol
25. What is the maximum dose of Simvastatin with Verapamil
26. Antidote for methemoglobinemia( Methylene blue, pralidoxime etc)
27. Patient was given an expired drug. What type of medication error (Deteriorated drug
28. Case: Lab values were given. Hb, MCV, MCHC were low. Suggestive of microcytic
hypochromic anemia. Choose the best treatment option
 Iron with ascorbic acid
 Iron with food
 Iron on an empty stomach
29. Daily Dose of Calcium in an elderly woman
30. Validity of narcotic prescription (30days, 45days, 60 days, 90days)
31. Vaccine to be taken annually (Influenza)
32. Which of the following is cytotoxic? (Cyclophosphamide was in the option)
33. Management of chemotherapy induced nausea vomiting (Granisetron was in the
34. Equivalent dose of proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole 20mg is equivalent to –
Pantoprazole 40mg was in the option)
35. Patient was diagnosed to have multiple sclerosis. What is the treatment option
(Fingolimod was in the option)
36. Which of the following is a controlled drug? (Fentanyl was in the option)
37. A neurotransmitter acts in milliseconds and another in seconds to minutes. Choose the
most appropriate option (Don’t remember the options exactly)
Ligand gated and GPCR
GPCR and ligand gated
Ion channel and ligand gated
Ion channel and GPCR
38. Patient was prescribed with ciprofloxacin tablet and phosphate binder. How would you
educate him?
 Take phosphate binder 2 hours after ciprofloxacin
 Take phosphate binder and ciprofloxacin together
 Phosphate binder should not be taken 2 hours before or after ciprofloxacin
39. Patient was presented to the ER with arrhythmia. Lab values were given (Dont
remember everything) Potassium levels were high. What is the appropriate
 Administer calcium gluconate
 Administer insulin
 Administer potassium binders
40. Patient is a known case of kidney disease and is now presented to the ER with some
symptoms(don’t remember). Some lab parameters were given. BP was 90/70mmhg.
Choose the best treatment option for hypotension
 Dopamine
 Normal Saline IV bolus
41. What is the prophylaxis for DVT in pregnant woman? (Enoxaparin, dabigatran, Warfarin)
42. What will happen if you crush and administer a sustained released tablet?
43. Which form of vitamin D would you recommend for a patient with Chronic Kidney
 Vitamin D3
 Vitamin D2
 1,25 dihydroxy Vitamin D3
44. In a patient with hypoalbuminemia taking phenytoin, what should be monitored?
 Free phenytoin levels
 Peak phenytoin levels
 Trough phenytoin levels
45. Mechanism of action of Diltiazem
46. Which analgesic is not an appropriate option in a patient with Coronory Artery Disease
and hypertension? (Celecoxib was in the option)
47. Which of the following is pregnancy category X? (Leflunomide was in the option)
48. What is the purpose of Pharmacy and therapeutics committee?
 Safe and quality services
 Therapeutic drug monitoring
 Prepare and maintain Drug formulary
 One more option – don’t remember
49. Which of the following is a thrombolytic? (Aspirin, Streptokinase, Clopidogrel, Warfarin)
50. Patient was on an antiepileptic (Don’t remember ) and is now planning to shift to
Lamotrigine. What is the maximum initial dose?
(200mg, 300mg, 400mg, 500mg)
51. Zanamivir Indication
52. Which of the following is an adverse effect of Bisphosphonates (Muscle pain was in the
53. What is the meaning of Offlabel use
54. Nurse recieved an extra vial of Gentamicin from pharmacy. What should be done?
(Return the extra vial to the pharmacy)
55. Summary of a case: Patient is hypertensive, lab values suggest protienuria. Which is the
appropriate antihypertensive (Enalapril was in the option)
56. Patient on Ramipril developed drycough. (Shift to an ARB)
57. Patient developed amebiasis and started Tab. Metronidazole 500mg but continued to
have symptoms. Whatmedication can be added? (Diloxanide)
58. Most common topical OTC (Options were: Analgesics, Antiallergics, Multivitamin)
59. Clopidogrel should be stopped how many days prior to surgery (7 days was in the
60. Patient has expired drugs with him. What would you advise him (Buy new medicines)
61. Cetirizine acts on which receptor (H1 receptor)
62. Anticoagulant used in hemodialysis (Unfractionated Heparin)
63. Patient is a known case of Asthma and the symptoms are not improving with Beta2
agonists or corticosteroids now. What is the next option? (Omalizumab was in the
option. Don’t remember the other options. Kindly refer for the right answer)


Nearly 30 questions from calculations


Drop rate, Infusion rate

Dose and AUC of both IV oral forms were given. Vd was given. Calculate absolute

Total Clearance of a drug was (don’t remember). Hepatic clearance accounts for 25% of total
clearance when the hepatic blood flow is low and 40% when the hepatic blood flow is high.
Calculate the hepatic clearance of the drug in fed state of the stomach.

Physician prescribed Levofloxacin injection 250mg. But the pharmacist has Levofloxacin at a
concentration of 500mg/20ml. The physician advised that the final concentration before
administration should be 5mg/ml. How many ml of normal saline should be added to the
preparation before administration (Options were: 50ML, 20ML, 40ML, 30ML)

Milliequivalents calculation came for Ammonium chloride

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