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(/ɪˌlæzməˈbræŋkiaɪ/[7]) is a subclass of Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fish,

including sharks (superorder Selachii), rays, skates, and sawfish (superorder Batoidea). Members of
this subclass are characterised by having five to seven pairs of gill clefts opening individually to the
exterior, rigid dorsal fins and small placoid scales on the skin. The teeth are in several series; the
upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the upper. The details of
this jaw anatomy vary between species, and help distinguish the different elasmobranch clades. The
pelvic fins in males are modified to create claspers for the transfer of sperm. There is no swim
bladder; instead, these fish maintain buoyancy with large livers rich in oil.
The earliest elasmobranch fossils came from the Devonian and many surviving orders date back to
the Cretaceous, or even earlier. Many species became extinct during the Permian and there was a
burst of adaptive radiation during the Jurassic.
The name Elasmobranchii comes from the Ancient Greek words elasmo- ("plate")
and bránchia ("gill"), referring to the broad, flattened gills which are characteristic of these fishes.


 1Description
 2Evolution
 3Habitats
 4Taxonomy
 5See also
 6References
 7External links

Elasmobranchii is one of the two subclasses of cartilaginous fish in the class Chondrichthyes, the
other being Holocephali (chimaeras).
Members of the elasmobranchii subclass have no swim bladders, five to seven pairs of gill clefts
opening individually to the exterior, rigid dorsal fins, and small placoid scales. The teeth are in
several series; the upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the
Extant elasmobranchs exhibit several archetypal jaw suspensions: amphistyly, orbitostyly, hyostyly,
and euhyostyly. In amphistyly, the palatoquadrate has a postorbital articulation with the
chondrocranium from which ligaments primarily suspend it anteriorly. The hyoid articulates with the
mandibular arch posteriorly, but it appears to provide little support to the upper and lower jaws. In
orbitostyly, the orbital process hinges with the orbital wall and the hyoid provides the majority of
suspensory support.
In contrast, hyostyly involves an ethmoid articulation between the upper jaw and the cranium, while
the hyoid most likely provides vastly more jaw support compared to the anterior ligaments. Finally, in
euhyostyly, also known as true hyostyly, the mandibular cartilages lack a ligamentous connection to
the cranium. Instead, the hyomandibular cartilages provide the only means of jaw support, while the
ceratohyal and basihyal elements articulate with the lower jaw, but are disconnected from the rest of
the hyoid.[8][9][10] The eyes have a tapetum lucidum. The inner margin of each pelvic fin in the male fish
is grooved to constitute a clasper for the transmission of sperm. These fish are widely distributed
in tropical and temperate waters.[11]
Many fish maintain buoyancy with swim bladders. However elasmobranchs lack swim bladders, and
maintain buoyancy instead with large livers that are full of oil.[12] This stored oil may also function as a
nutrient when food is scarce.[6][13] Deep sea sharks are usually targeted for their oil, because the livers
of these species can weigh up to 20% of their total weight.[1]

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