Negotiation - Final Exam: 2 Points

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Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

Negotiation - Final Exam

This is a multiple choice exam. There may be more than one correct answer to choose
from or sometimes none may be correct. Therefore, please consider the alternatives

1 2 points
What basic principles are NOT key to the Harvard Method of Negotiation?
Separate the people from the problem
Be hard on the problem, soft on the people
Seek opportunities for mutual gain

Focus on interests, not positions

2 2 points
What two aspects are central to any negotiation?

Creating value
Claiming value Page 1 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

3 4 points
What are the two basic types of negotiation?


4 2 points
What are types of leverage?
Resource or power-based leverage
Normative leverage or standards-based appeals
Positive or needs-based leverage

Negative or threat-based leverage

5 2 points
The acronym ZOPA stands for
Zone of Possible Agreements

Zone of Premature Assessments

Zone of Possible Arguments

Zone of Premeditated Agreements Page 2 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

6 2 points
In negotiation the term "anchoring" refers to:
The tendency to anchor your position or dig in your heels rather than being open
to new offers

The tendency to "fixate" on your own BATNA rather than consider the other
The tendency to rely too heavily on the first offer or bid as the reference point
for further negotiation.

The tendency to "fix" your position based on the other party's BATNA

7 2 points
Which of the following techniques does Chris Voss recommend in a negotiation?

Accusation audit

Splitting the difference


8 2 points
Which of the following value dimensions are often involved in understanding cross-
cultural negotiations?
The relative values ascribed to individuality vs collectivism

The relative values ascribed to democracy vs totalitarianism

The relative values ascribed to capitalism vs socialism

The relative values ascribed to egalitarianism vs hierarchy Page 3 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

9 2 points
What two factors play a role in choosing among the bargaining styles as a negotiation
The perceived importance of your power in the negotiation

The perceived importance of the relationship with your negotiation


The perceived importance of the stakes (outcome) in the negotiation

The perceived importance of your rights

10 3 points
What three factors play a role in any negotiation according the article by Ury, Brett
and Goldberg?




11 2 points
The term "leverage" refers to:
Your ability to use your knowledge of the other parties needs, wants and desires
to positively influence the outcome of a negotiation in your favour

The appeal to your party's subjective sense of fairness to achieve a negotiated

The ability to use a small issue to extract a larger advantage Page 4 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

12 2 points
What is the goal of the Harvard Method of Negotiation?
Make concessions as a condition of the relationship

Avoid conflict and preserve the relationship

To reach a wise, efficient and amicable outcome

Not only to reach an agreement but to do so on your own terms

13 6 points
Please select the appropriate negotiation strategy for each condition.

Stakes (outcome) are less

important than the relationship
with the counterpary.

Stakes (outcome) and the

relationship with the
counterpary are equally

Stakes (outcome) and the

relationship with the
counterpary are equally

Stakes (outcome) are more

important than the relationship
with the counterpary.

Possible answers

competitive powerful collaborating distracted

accommodation avoiding Page 5 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

14 4 points
Please order the phases of a negotiation chronologically.

Information using



Information gathering



Relationship building

15 2 points
Complete the following sentence: the 2 Euro game is an example of:
Creating value

Splitting the difference

An integrative negotiation
A distributive negotiation Page 6 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

16 4 points
Why is understanding your BATNA important in preparing for a negotiation?
It determines your reservation point

It allows you to determine when NOT to negotiate further

It provides you knowledge of the alternatives if negotiations fall through

17 3 points
What criteria do Ury, Brett and Goldberg employ in determining which method of
dispute resolution is most efficient?
Satisfaction with the negotiation outcome
The effect on the relationship between the negotiating parties

Whether the negotiation actually settles the dispute so it does not reoccur.
Transaction costs

18 4 points
Which bargaining styles does Richard Shell describe in his book Bargaining for
Contesting, compromising, appeasing, contesting, and avoiding

Accomodating, compromising, appeasing, contesting, and avoiding

Compromising, appeasing, avoiding, collaborating, and competing

Accommodating, compromising, avoiding, competing, and collaborating

19 2 points
Decisions about "opening" and "closing" moves in a negotiation depend upon:
Whether you negotiate face-to-face or in writing.
The negotiation strategy you adopt and the information you have.

Your degree of preparation.

The information you have. Page 7 of 8
Quizzes - Take 26/03/22, 5:01 PM

20 2 points
The acronym BATNA refers to
Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

Bulk Agreement to Non-Relevant Arrangements

Best Approach to a Non-Transparent Argument
Best Act to Take in a Negotiated Agreement

21 4 points
Which of the following statements are characteristic of the Harvard Method of
Negotiation as described in the book, Getting to Yes?
Invent options for mutual gain
Focus on problems, not interests
Separate the people from the problem.

Be soft on the problem, hard on the people.

22 2 points
Why is an understanding of the "ZOPA" important in preparing for a negotiation?
It defines the upper and lower boundaries of the negotiation settlement

It can focus your attention on the other parties interests

It can help avoid thinking the range of a possible negotiated settlement depends
exclusively on the strength of one's BATNA

It can help increase your negotiation options Page 8 of 8

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