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Bahrain Metro Phase One

Pre-Qualification Document
Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

1 Notice ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Confidentiality Undertaking ................................................................................................. 8
3 Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................ 9
4 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 14
Background ................................................................................................................... 14
Project Outline ............................................................................................................... 15
Bid Process overview .................................................................................................... 15
Project Objectives ......................................................................................................... 15
Regulatory Framework .................................................................................................. 16
Enabling Works ............................................................................................................. 16
5 Project Scope ...................................................................................................................... 18
General .......................................................................................................................... 18
Scope of Work ............................................................................................................... 18
6 Project Contractual Framework ........................................................................................ 20
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 20
Commercial Structure ................................................................................................... 20
Project Agreements ....................................................................................................... 21
Project Financing Aspects............................................................................................. 22
7 Procurement Approach ...................................................................................................... 23
Bid Process ................................................................................................................... 23
Disqualification .............................................................................................................. 23
Pre-qualification Timelines ............................................................................................ 23
8 Pre-qualification Criteria and Eligibility Requirements .................................................. 25
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 25
General conditions ........................................................................................................ 25
Applicant Entities - Single Entity ................................................................................... 26
Applicant Entities – Consortium .................................................................................... 26
Eligible Entities and Legal Capacity / Requirements .................................................... 26
Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Applications ................................................................. 27
Minimum Eligibility for Financial Capacity and Capability............................................. 27
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 1 ("MER 1"): Financial Capacity ........................... 27

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Minimum Eligibility Requirement 2 ("MER 2"): Experience of successfully

negotiating and closing financing for Infrastructure Projects as a developer .......................... 28
Minimum Eligibility for Technical Capabilities ............................................................... 29
General ...................................................................................................................... 29
Development of the Metro System ............................................................................ 29
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 3 ("MER 3"): Experience of Management of Metro
‘turnkey project’ ......................................................................................................................... 29
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 4: (“MER 4”): ‘Structures & Building Construction’
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 5 ("MER 5"): Experience of Supply and Integration
of a Transit System ................................................................................................................... 30
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 6 ("MER 6"): Experience of Design & Technical
Interfaces management ............................................................................................................ 31
Transportation Services ............................................................................................ 31
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 7 ("MER 7"): Maintenance of Transit System
experience ................................................................................................................................ 32
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 8 ("MER 8"): Passenger Services and Facilities
Management ............................................................................................................................. 32
9 Instructions to Applicants ................................................................................................. 33
Clarifications and Additional Information Request ........................................................ 33
Submission of the PQ Application (PQA) ..................................................................... 34
PQA documents ............................................................................................................ 34
Ownership of PQAs ....................................................................................................... 34
Language....................................................................................................................... 34
Currency ........................................................................................................................ 34
Governing Law .............................................................................................................. 35
PQA Opening ................................................................................................................ 35
Responsibility of Applicant ............................................................................................ 35
Submissions by Consortium.......................................................................................... 35
Information Requirement in PQA .................................................................................. 35
Other Information to be provided by all Applicants ....................................................... 41
Parent Company Guarantee ......................................................................................... 41
Other Conditions ........................................................................................................... 41
Evaluation and Notification of Evaluation Results ........................................................ 41
Notices of Pre-Qualification........................................................................................... 42

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Amendments and Further Information Final Form of RFP ........................................... 42

10 Appendix A - Form of Submission Letter......................................................................... 43
11 Appendix B - Applicant Information ................................................................................. 45
12 Appendix C - Financial Information/Experience.............................................................. 47
13 Appendix D - Experience of successfully developing, negotiating and closing
financing packages for Infrastructure Projects ...................................................................... 53
14 Appendix E - Technical Experience .................................................................................. 55
15 Appendix F - Declaration ................................................................................................... 59
16 Annex 1 - Key Technical Requirements for the Metro System and Transportation
service ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Key physical features of the Metro System .................................................................. 60
Brief of the Services associated with the Development Phase .................................... 69
Brief of the Transportation Services during the Operation Phase ................................ 69
Brief of the Maintenance Services during the Operation Phase................................... 72
Applicable Standards .................................................................................................... 73

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Bahrain Metro Phase One (the Project)........................................................................ 15
Figure 2: Illustrative Contractual Summary of the Project [Indicative] ......................................... 21
Figure 3: Bahrain Metro Phase One layout .................................................................................. 60
Figure 4: Geographical Breakdown of Bahrain Metro Project Phase One .................................. 61
Figure 5: Central Section Set-up: three Platforms at interchange stations.................................. 63
Figure 6: Map and potential layout of the Depot .......................................................................... 67
Figure 7: Elevated Station (Functional layout for illustration only) ............................................... 68

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Table of Tables
Table 1:Allocation of non-farebox revenues ................................................................................ 20
Table 2: Pre-Qualification Process Timeline ................................................................................ 24
Table 3: Global Credit rating agencies minimum investment grade ratings ................................ 27
Table 4: Summary Applicant Information ..................................................................................... 45
Table 5: Applicant Details ............................................................................................................. 47
Table 6: Tangible Net Worth Information of Applicant (Figures in USD Million).......................... 48
Table 7: Tangible Net Worth Information of Parent Company (Figures in USD Million) ............. 49
Table 8: Weighted Tangible Net Worth Summary (Figures in USD Million) ................................ 50
Table 9: Sample calculation for Tangible Weighted Net Worth (Figures in USD Million) ............ 52
Table 10: Information of Applicant for MER 2 .............................................................................. 53
Table 11: Eligible Projects for Satisfying MER 2.......................................................................... 53
Table 12: Management of Metro ‘turnkey project’........................................................................ 55
Table 13: Structures & Building Construction .............................................................................. 55
Table 14: Transit System supply and implementation (including rolling stock) ........................... 55
Table 15: Design & Technical Interfaces management ............................................................... 55
Table 16: O&M - Transit System Maintenance ............................................................................ 56
Table 17: O&M - Service to Passengers and Facilities Management ......................................... 56
Table 18: Information for eligible references required to satisfy MER 3 to 8 (under Section 8.8)
(Figures in USD Million)................................................................................................................ 57
Table 19: Indicative length of Bahrain Metro Phase I .................................................................. 61
Table 20: Bahrain Metro Phase One – Station Location associated with Neighbourhood.......... 61
Table 21: Key Features of the Metro System .............................................................................. 65
Table 22: Service Level Key Parameters ..................................................................................... 69

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

1 Notice
Unless otherwise defined below, capitalised terms have the respective meaning given to them in
the Glossary of Terms set out in this RFQ.
All information contained in this RFQ, including financial, commercial, legal and technical
information, has been prepared by MTT with assistance from KPMG (Lead and Financial Advisor),
Egis (Technical Advisor) and DLA Piper (Legal Advisor) (together the “Advisors”) and is furnished
solely for the purpose of assisting each Applicant in making its own evaluation of the Project. This
RFQ does not constitute an offer in relation to the Project. Each Applicant shall be solely and fully
responsible for:
• satisfying itself as to the information required to submit a Pre-Qualification Application
(“PQA”) to qualify; and
• undertaking the Project in accordance with the terms of its PQA, if the application is
successful and the Applicant subsequently submits a Bid to undertake the Project.
Whilst the information contained in this RFQ has been prepared in good faith, it does not purport
to be comprehensive nor to have been independently verified. The Applicant should form its own
views as to what information is relevant and make its own investigations, projections and
conclusions and consult its own advisors to independently verify the information contained in the
RFQ, and to obtain any additional information that it may require, prior to submitting a PQA.
Neither MTT nor its employees, agents or Advisors make any representation or warranty, express
or implied, with respect to the veracity, adequacy, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of
the information contained in this RFQ or with respect to the information on which it is based or in
respect to any written or oral information or representation given or made or to be given or made
by MTT or any of its Advisors to any Applicant or its professional advisors, whether given or made
prior to or after the issuance of this RFQ (collectively, the "Information"). In particular, no
representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy, reasonableness or likelihood of
achievement of any future projections, prospects or returns.
MTT and its Advisors hereby expressly disclaim any and all liability (other than in respect of
fraudulent misrepresentation) arising out of or in relation to the Information (including in relation
to any omissions therefrom) and in respect of the use of and/or reliance on such Information by
the Applicants and/or their advisors.
MTT has the right to cancel the prequalification process and reject all applications at any given
time as it sees appropriate, without need to provide any reason to the applicant. Neither MTT, the
Government nor their respective directors, officers, members, employees, agents or advisors
(including the Advisors) shall have any responsibility or liability for any costs, expenses or other
liabilities incurred by any participants in the tender process.
This RFQ and the information contained herein is confidential and may not be issued,
published, distributed or otherwise divulged to any other persons other than in
accordance with the Confidentiality Undertaking deemed to be given by each recipient of
this RFQ pursuant to section 2 .

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

2 Confidentiality Undertaking
In consideration of MTT agreeing to make available the RFQ to each recipient, whether they
received the RFQ directly from MTT, or from a third party, the recipient undertakes to MTT that it
will keep the RFQ and any supplemental information provided to it by MTT (together the
“Confidential Information”) confidential and, save to the extent expressly provided hereunder,
to not disclose Confidential Information to any other party unless as otherwise provided for in this
• each recipient agrees that it will disclose any Confidential Information to third parties only
to the extent such disclosure is necessary to enable them to prepare a response to the
RFQ provided the recipient obtains a commitment to maintain such Confidential
Information in confidence from any such third party on terms consistent with, and at least
as stringent as the terms of this Confidentiality Undertaking;
• each recipient agrees to limit internal disclosure of Confidential Information to those
professional/ technical employees and/or executives who require it in order to prepare a
response to the RFQ;
• each recipient agrees, upon request from MTT, to promptly return all Confidential
Information and destroy all copies thereof unless required (and only to the extent required)
by applicable law;
• each recipient agrees that prior to making any publicity release or other announcement
incorporating Confidential Information, it will first obtain written approval of MTT for each
release or announcement. Furthermore, each recipient agrees not to make general
disclosures to others concerning the general nature of the Project;
• each recipient agrees to indemnify MTT for any losses, claims, demands, liabilities, and
expenses of whatever nature arising out of a breach of the obligations under or in
connection with this Confidentiality Undertaking;
• each recipient agrees that this Confidentiality Undertaking shall remain in effect until the
submission by the recipient of the Confidentiality Undertaking in respect of the RFP; and
• each recipient shall apply security measures such that the Confidential Information is
properly protected against theft, damage, loss and unauthorized access.

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

3 Glossary of Terms
Term Meaning
Advisors KPMG, Egis and DLA Piper
Applicant An individual company or a Consortium of companies that
submits a PQA in accordance with this RFQ
Bahrain The Kingdom of Bahrain
Bid Process As described under section 4.3 and 7.1
Bidder Pre-Qualified Applicant (s) who have fulfilled the eligibility
requirements set out in this RFQ and have not been
disqualified in terms of this RFQ and issued an NPQ by
Concession Agreement The agreement between the MTT and the Successful
Bidder for implementation of the Project
Confidentiality Undertaking as set out in section 2
Consortium A joint venture, partnership or other forms of arrangement
for jointly participating as an Applicant
Consortium Agreement As provided in section 9.11.11(v)
Consortium Member An entity being part or member of a Consortium with an
agreed percentage of equity interest to be taken in Project
Control shall mean:

(a) ownership or control (whether directly or otherwise) of

fifty percent (50%) or more of the equity share capital,
voting capital or the like of the controlled entity or
company; or

(b) ownership of equity share capital, voting capital, or

the like by contract or otherwise, conferring control of,
power to control the composition of, or power to appoint,
fifty per cent (50%) or more of the members of the board
of directors, board of management, or other equivalent or
analogous body of the controlled entity or company
D&B Dun & Bradstreet
Entrusted Works Any works for which design, and construction is included
in the scope of work of the Project Company and handed
over to an Entrusted Works recipient after completion (e.g.
diverted utilities, roads reinstatement, new private
property fencing, barriers etc.)
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Term Meaning
EWA Electricity and Water Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain
Facilities Management The expertise consisting of ensuring routine maintenance
of the Metro premises such as cleaning of the stations and
buildings maintenance.
GOA4 Grade Of Automation 4 according to The International
Association of Public Transport (UITP).
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
Infrastructure Project Standalone project in any of the following sectors (i)
power, (ii) water and wastewater, (iii) telecommunication,
(iv) railways, (v) roads, including bridges, (vi) sea ports,
(vii) airports, (viii) industrial parks, (ix) oil and gas, and (x)
urban and social infrastructure. Pure real estate projects
will not be considered as eligible Infrastructure Projects
Lead Contractor The consortium member or contractor committed to the
Consortium nominated for a specific expertise as per the
MER set in this RFQ
Lead Member A member of the Consortium appointed to act on behalf of
that Consortium as set out in section 8.2.3
Letter of Intention as provided in section 9.11.17
Maintenance All activities required for maintaining the Project Asset
specified in the Concession Agreement as part of the
Technical Specifications and which includes routine,
heavy and lifecycle maintenance.
MERs Minimum Eligibility Requirements
Metro Urban public transit system based on traditional steel rail
solution within a fully dedicated and protected permanent
Metro Right of Way (RoW) Land granted to the Project Company and within which
the Metro System and associated facilities must fit.
Metro System Integrated group of engineering elements working
together on a routine basis whose function is to transport
the passengers and managing their flow. It is composed of
the following main sub-systems: station buildings, the
spine (fitted linear structures), the Transit System (with its
integrated maintenance equipment).

MOFNE Ministry of Finance and National Economy, Kingdom of

MOI Ministry of Interior – General Directorate of Civil Defence,
Kingdom of Bahrain

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Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Term Meaning
MOICT Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Kingdom of
MOW Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affair and Urban
Planning, Kingdom of Bahrain
MTT Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication, Kingdom of
Non Farebox Revenue Revenue generated from the Project Asset other than
passenger fares
NPQ Notice of Pre-Qualification
O&M Operation and Maintenance
Operations All activities required for operating the Project Asset and
any other equipment made available to the Operator.
Parent Company In relation to a person, company or entity, the company or
entity that directly or indirectly Controls that person,
company or entity
Passenger Service All services to passengers and general public (e.g. web
site, lost & found, etc.) but excluding transportation
PCOD Project Commercial Operation Date
PPHPD Passengers Per Hour and Per Direction
PPP Public private partnership
PQA Pre-Qualification Application
PQA Date The date of the PQA submission by an Applicant
PQA Submission Deadline As described under section 7.3
PQD This pre-qualification document issued by MTT in relation
to the Project
Pre-Qualification Process Timeline Pre-qualification process timeline as set out in section 7.3.
Pre-Qualified Persons Applicants that have been issued an NPQ.
Project The development, financing, design, engineering,
procurement, manufacture, factory testing, transportation,
construction, erection, installation, completion, testing,
commissioning of the Metro Assets.

The Project refers to Bahrain Metro Phase One which

comprises of the metro rail system comprising Line One
(Red Line) between the Bahrain International Airport and

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Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Term Meaning
Seef; and Line Two (Blue Line) between Juffair and the
Educational Area in Isa Town.
Project Asset All tangible assets owned by the Project Company that
are purchased or developed as part of its duties set in the
Contract and which property is to be transferred to MTT
at contract termination/expiry
Project Agreement As set out in section 6.3

Project Company The company to be incorporated and registered in Bahrain

by the Successful Bidder of the Project
Railway System A transportation infrastructure which is made of a guiding
track and an integrated centralized control fleet (e.g.
Metro, LRT, Tramway, Monorail, Heavy Rail)
Reference Sheet Document containing details and proof of evidence to
demonstrate technical related MERs
RERA Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Qualification
S&P Standard & Poor’s
SCE Supreme Council for Environment, Kingdom of Bahrain
Scope of Work As set out in section 5.2
Sister Company In relation to a person, company or entity, a company or
entity that is under common Control with that person,
company or entity.
Subsidiary In relation to a person, a company or entity; a company or
entity that is directly or indirectly Controlled by that
person, company or entity.
Successful Bidder The Bidder awarded the Concession Agreement by MTT
for implementing the Project
Tangible Net Worth As determined in accordance with Appendix C - Financial
Technical Specifications Specifications provided in the Concession Agreement that
defines the minimum technical features of the permanent
works and includes the quality of the services and
processes to be followed for the purpose of their
development and monitoring. This also includes the
Transportation Services and all Operation and
Maintenance activities.

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Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Term Meaning
Tender Board An independent board overseeing and running the tender
process in accordance with the Tender Law of Bahrain
Tender Law Legislative Decree No. 36 of 2002 and Decree No. 37 of
2002 and any amendments thereto
Transit System Subsystem of the Metro System, which directly allow
longitudinal movement of Vehicle Units and the
management of passengers on board for
alighting/disembarking. It can cover several lines and
areas as depot and stabling. The main subsystems are
Vehicle Units, track system, signalling system,
telecommunications, SCADA-OCC system, automated
fare collection system, platform screen door, power supply
and all specific maintenance equipment.

Transportation Capacity Maximum flow of passengers being transported in a given

period of time at a given point. This flow is measured in
Transportation Services Services provided by the Project Company to passengers
or users of the Metro System and also includes
associated services that may be specified in the
Concession Agreement such as fare collection, passenger
communications, reporting to authority, etc.
Ultimate Capacity It is the maximum level of transportation capacity
expressed in PPHPD that the Metro System can handle
USD United States Dollars
Vehicle Unit The sub-system of the Transit System which carries and
transports Passengers and is made of integrated
motorized cars

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Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

4 Introduction
As part of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Strategic Vision (2030), the development of a high-quality
public transport system has been identified as key to promoting the growth and development of
Various studies conducted by MTT have recommended the development of a rail-based urban
transit network as an alternative mode of transport. As a result of the findings of various studies,
a 109-km long Metro System is proposed as an integral part of the public transport network.
The key objectives of the Metro System are to promote modal shift from automobiles to reduce
future congestion and to support economic growth and facilitate urban development.
The development of the Metro System is likely to act as a catalyst for economic development by
promoting seamless travel across Bahrain and promoting development of areas adjoining the
metro corridor.
Through this Project, the MTT aspires to develop a high-quality public transport services by the
means of a state-of-the-art Metro System which is fully automated, driverless and with modern
technology following international standards, while having the scope for scalability and
representing the best value for money outcome.
The Project is expected to have the following broad technical features:
▪ An elevated rail- based urban transit system with latest technology, following international
standards based on traditional steel rail solutions
▪ A fully automated, driverless GoA4 system operation
▪ Initial capacity of around 5000 PPHPD with the scope for scalability and expandability to
23,000 PPHPD
To achieve this, the MTT is looking to private sector participation to introduce innovation and
efficiencies in the delivery and operations of the Project.
The Project will be tendered as an integrated PPP with the following salient features:
▪ The selected private partner will implement the Project on DBFOMT (Design, Build,
Finance, Operate, Maintain, Transfer) basis with a contract period of 35 years.
▪ The demand risk will be borne by the Government while the private partner will receive
availability-based payments along with performance-based deductions and incentives.
Ridership in the initial few years of operation is expected to be around 200,000 per day,
with growth expected as more travellers shift from using their private cars to the Metro
▪ It is proposed that the Government will provide a pre-determined amount as construction
grant to Project company to fund a limited portion of the capital expenditure.
▪ The sites required for the metro corridor and the associated depot facilities will be handed
over to the private partner at the start of the Project.

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Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Project Outline
The Project comprises of a section of Line One (Red Line of 11.1 km) between the Bahrain
International Airport and Seef; and, a section of Line Two (Blue Line of 19.4 km) between Juffair
and the Educational Area in Isa Town.
Applicants should refer to Annex 1 - Key Technical Requirements for the Metro System and
Transportation service of this PQD that provides further details regarding the technical and service
level specifications for the Project.
Figure 1: Bahrain Metro Phase One (the Project)

Bid Process overview

The Bid Process will be supervised by the Tender Board, comprising of two stages, namely,
RFQ followed by RFP.
The proposed timetable for RFQ issuance has been set out in section 7.3 of this RFQ.
The RFP process is envisaged to commence by Q2 2022. Once the Project is awarded, it is
expected that the successful bidder will achieve finance closure and commence operations
within a period of five years.
Project Objectives
The primary objectives of the Project as envisioned by MTT are as follows:
Develop a state-of-the-art transport system
▪ Revamp the urban landscape and add a distinctive modern feel to the Kingdom of Bahrain

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Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

▪ Offer optimum connectivity for travel

▪ Increase public transport modal share
▪ Scalable and future proofed Metro
Ensure Sustainable development
▪ Reduce traffic congestion
▪ Protect the environment by reducing carbon emissions
▪ Facilitate urban development integration across the corridor
Achieve social and economic goals
▪ Improve mobility of residents and visitors by providing a comfortable, fast, reliable safe
and affordable transport alternative
▪ Increase productivity through reduced travel times
▪ Generate direct and indirect business and employment opportunities and boost local skills
Value for Money
▪ Achieve the best value for money
▪ Affordable public transport solution to the user
Regulatory Framework
MTT’s mandate is primarily derived from the following set of legislation:
▪ Traffic law - Decree No. 23 of 2014; and
▪ Telecommunications law - Legislative Decree No. 48 of 2002
It is not anticipated that a regulatory framework will be introduced for the purposes of the Project.
Rather, MTT will exercise its regulatory powers, with contractual provisions governing
mechanisms for the same.
In addition to MTT, a range of other relevant ministries and authorities will be stakeholders in the
Project and will have interfaces with the Project Company, either directly or through MTT. These
ministries and authorities include (but are not limited to):
▪ MOW;
▪ SCE;
▪ RERA; and
▪ MOI.
The Project Company will be required to comply with the regulatory frameworks of each such
ministry and authority.
Enabling Works
Land acquisition
MTT has identified the metro corridor, agreed on the station locations, and reserved the RoW for
the Project, based on the reference design which utilises industry standard dimensions for a
similar project, and studies conducted by MTT. The RoW is largely within the existing mobility
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Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

corridors, with some sections of the corridor and the majority of the station locations requiring
additional lands. MTT started the land acquisition process several years ago for both public and
private lands, and they are now at the final stages of the land acquisition process. By the time the
PPP contract is awarded, the acquisition process by MTT will be complete and the Project
Company will be provided with the RoW.
Utility diversion
MTT intends to provide a clear RoW, free of any conflicts with the main utilities and land ownership
issues. All known utilities along the RoW which are potentially in conflict with the works have been
identified through the reference design. MTT is in the process of appointing a consultant to further
evaluate the utility conflicts and design permanent diversion of the main utilities which conflict
with the RoW. The consultant’s remit also extends to quantifying these works and supervising
their execution. MTT will, under a separate tender, divert the critical utilities. An agreed amount
of the utility diversions may be executed by the Project Company. The terms of this undertaking
and the utility conflict risk share mechanism will be provided in the RFP.
EIA Study
A “Framework Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)” for the Bahrain Metro Phase One, has
been undertaken for both the construction and operational phases of the Project. The
recommendations identified in this Framework EIA shall be taken into consideration in the
proposed scheme in its various sections and phases.
The Framework EIA has been prepared to present baseline monitoring data and assess potential
impacts of the Project on the biophysical and social environments, and to set out measures to
avoid, minimize, mitigate and manage adverse impacts to acceptable levels, as defined by
Bahraini regulatory requirements and Good International Industry Practice (GIIP).
The Project Company will be required to develop a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment
as part of the detailed design stage and seek its own specific final approval from the SCE to
proceed for that component of the Project.
Geotechnical study
Ground investigation works to assess the subsurface conditions along the proposed route and at
the various stations along the alignment has been carried out. The ground investigation covers
the factual data collected from the site works and laboratory tests carried out on the samples
recovered from boreholes. It summarizes the geologic, soils and rock conditions and their quality
based on the in-situ collected data and the results of the laboratory tests performed on selected
samples with an appraisal of ground conditions.
The Geotechnical information available are enough to cover the entire corridor of the Bahrain
Metro Phase One and will be made available at RFP stage.

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Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

5 Project Scope
The scope of the Project includes the following:
a) Financing of the Project;
b) Detailed planning and engineering design;
c) Development and procurement of the Metro System and associated permanent works
(earthworks, civil structures - stations and viaduct, track works, power supply, signalling,
Rolling stock, depot and workshop);
d) Entrusted Works, roads reinstatement and accessibility facilities around the stations;
e) Operations and Maintenance of the Metro System;
f) Other services related to the transportation of passengers (assistance to passengers, lost
and found, public information services, etc.)
Scope of Work
Permanent Works
The scope of works consists in providing Transportation Services to all Bahrain dwellers by the
means of the development of the Metro System (namely its design, procurement, construction,
testing and commissioning) and its Operations and Maintenance.
Entrusted Works
Entrusted Works include the following and are not deemed to be part of the Project Asset. They
are to be handed over to the relevant third party at completion :
a) Public utilities diversions required for the site clearance prior to construction;
b) Electricity connections from the grid station(s) to the substation of the Metro System; and
c) All reinstatement works, redesigned carriageways and pedestrian walkways required for
car traffic and pedestrian movements.
Phasing of the Scope of Works
For ease of management, the activities included in the Contract are divided in two phases:
a) Phase 1 - the “Development Phase” consisting of the procurement and development of
the Metro Asset,

b) Phase 2 - the “Operation Phase”, which starts from the date of commencement of
commercial operations.
Development Phase
The following activities are deemed to be part of the Scope of Works. They apply to the
development of not only the Project Asset but also to the development of all Entrusted Works
included in the Contract:
a) Design (Conceptual, Functional, Architectural and Engineering)
b) Interface and coordination with stakeholder
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Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

c) Design approval from relevant entities

d) Grant of building permits
e) Procurement
f) Supply and storage
g) Site clearance of pre-existing structures to be decommissioned that are located within the
Metro RoW and land provided by MTT for the construction of the Project Asset
h) Construction and installation
i) Testing and commissioning
j) As built documents, operation and maintenance manuals and setup of the asset
management system
k) Testing and hand-over of Entrusted Works to relevant end owners
l) Metro Operations and Maintenance mobilization and trial run
m) Acquiring license for commercial operations
Operation Phase
The following activities are deemed to be part of the Scope of Works:
a) Operations and Maintenance of the Metro System;
b) Other services to passengers and users of the Metro System, including:
i. Public information systems and website;
ii. Helpdesk for Transportation Services; and
iii. Lost and found services.
c) Fare collection on behalf of MTT; and
d) Hand over to MTT of the Project Asset at contract termination/expiry

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6 Project Contractual Framework

The Successful Bidder for the Project will be required to establish a separate special purpose
company (the “Project Company”) pursuant to the Commercial Companies Law, the Tender
Law and subject to the provisions of any other applicable laws in Bahrain, to implement the
Project and to enter into the Project Agreements.
Commercial Structure
The Project is intended to be procured as a single design, build, finance, operate, maintain,
transfer (DBFOMT) contract, requiring the Successful Bidder to finance, design, construct
(including civil works and rail systems, and procurement of the rolling stock), operate and
maintain through to the expiry of the Concession.
The Project key governing commercial principles are highlighted below:
▪ The MTT retains the risk of ridership in order to meet the desired objectives of PPP
▪ The MTT sets and retains revenue from the user fare (farebox revenue); the Successful
Bidder will have no entitlement over the fare revenue collected.
▪ The MTT will pay monthly availability payments during the operation phase. The
availability payments payable will primarily be linked to service availability and subject to
a performance abatement regime based on key performance indicators to be provided in
the Concession Agreement.
▪ The MTT will provide a pre-determined amount as construction grant to support a portion
of the capital expenditure which will be detailed in the Concession Agreement
▪ Revenue from non-farebox activities is proposed to be allocated as below:
Table 1:Allocation of non-farebox revenues
Description Allocation
Advertising Successful Bidder
Retail Successful Bidder
Commercial Telecommunication Services Successful Bidder
Sponsorship and Station Naming Rights MTT

▪ The MTT is responsible for providing access to site during the construction phase, and a
lease or license of the project site over the operations phase.
▪ The Successful Bidder through the Project Company may/will enter into an EPC fixed
price contractual arrangement for implementation of the Project, under which it
subcontracts its obligations to design and construct the civil works and rail system
(including procurement of the rolling stock) to one or more major civil engineering
contractors and a light rail vehicle and systems supplier.
▪ The Successful Bidder may/will also enter into an Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
contract(s) under which it subcontracts its obligations to operate and maintain the Metro
System to an Operator. The Operator either performs the maintenance activities itself or
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it may further subcontract these activities to third parties such as the rolling stock and
systems supplier.
▪ The Successful Bidder is responsible for financing the development of the Project to fulfil
its contractual obligations by entering into:
o an Equity Subscription Agreement with each Equity Investor, under which each Equity
Investor agrees to contribute its respective share of equity required for the Project;
o a Loan Facility Agreement with Debt Financiers, under which the Debt Financiers
provide debt financing to the Successful Bidder.
MTT will enter into a Concession Agreement with the Successful Bidder to deliver the Project.
The contractual framework for the Project will adopt a typical document structure generally used
for PPPs. Figure 2 sets out a high-level overview of the indicative contractual structure for the
Bidders may propose contractual arrangements between the Project Company and its
Subcontractors that differ from the indicative commercial structure outlined in Figure 2 below
provided the bidder demonstrates the bankability of the structure to MTT.
Figure 2: Illustrative Contractual Summary of the Project [Indicative]

Project Agreements
The Project will require the execution of the Project Agreements, which is anticipated to include
(but may not be limited to):
▪ A Concession Agreement under which the Project Company will enter into a contract with
MTT to undertake the Project;
▪ Project Founders Agreement under which the Applicant (or Consortium Members) will
contract with MTT to procure the development of the Project;
▪ Finance Agreement with financiers providing debt finance for the Project;
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▪ Site Lease Agreement(s) (as necessary) under which the Project Company will be
provided with land to undertake the Project;
▪ EPC contract under which the Project Company will procure the Metro System and
other facilities required for the Project by the means of a lump sum turnkey construction
contracts(s) with a consortium of contractors;
▪ O&M Contract under which the Project Company will procure the Transportation Services
by the means of the Operation and Maintenance of the Metro Systems and other facilities
required for the Project by an O&M company; and
Drafts of the main Project Agreements (other than the EPC Contract and O&M Contract, which
will be submitted by the Bidders in accordance with the term sheets contained in the RFP) will be
circulated as part of the RFP.
MTT and its Advisors continue to assess the form of government guarantee which may be
provided as part of the Project Agreements.
Project Financing Aspects
The financing of the Project will be the sole responsibility of the Successful Bidder.
At the RFP stage, Bidders will need to satisfy MTT of their ability to raise finance for the Project
and to demonstrate a clear strategy for achieving financial close in a timely manner.
The Bidders will not be restricted from sourcing finance for the Project from a combination of their
own resources and from the debt markets. In addition, Bidders’ proposed financing structures
should seek to optimise the level of efficiently priced private sector finance to ensure value for
money to the MTT for the Project.
Bidders, in submitting its response to the RFP, will be required to submit evidence of their ability
to reach financial close with their bids. Bidders seeking to finance the Project using non-
recourse or limited recourse project finance debt will be required to submit evidence of their
equity financing commitment together with evidence in the form of letters of support from
financial institutions to provide the debt financing on disclosed terms. Those seeking to utilise
other sources of finance will need to demonstrate and provide similar evidence that the required
funding has been allocated for the Project.
MTT recognises that the Successful Bidder may wish to raise limited recourse financing in
relation to the Project and that lenders may expect to be afforded certain rights in relation to
such financing. Accordingly, and if required, relevant Project Agreements will contain provisions
requiring the counterparties to enter into appropriate direct agreements with the lenders.

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7 Procurement Approach
Bid Process
The Bid Process will be subject to the Tender Law and regulations and carried out in
accordance with the principles of transparency, due process, equal opportunity, equality and
freedom of competition and in all cases without discrimination or partiality between persons and
in accordance with the laws of Bahrain.
The Bid Process will include the qualification stage pursuant to this RFQ and a subsequent
bidding stage in accordance with the subsequent RFP.
Only Applicants that submit a PQA and become Pre-Qualified Persons will be entitled to submit
a bid in response to the RFP. The RFP will set out the terms under which the Pre-Qualified
Persons will be invited to submit a bid for the Project.
Pre-Qualified Persons who elect to submit a bid in response to the RFP will be required to
submit a bid in accordance with the draft Concession Agreement that will be issued together
with the RFP.
MTT may disqualify or reject an Applicant’s PQA or drop an Applicant from further consideration
for reasons including:
▪ receipt of PQA after 13:30 hours on the PQA Submission Deadline;
▪ failure by Applicant (in their joint or individual capacity, if acting as a Consortium) to submit
the PQA in the prescribed format;
▪ misrepresentation within the PQA;
▪ failure, upon reasonable request by MTT, to disclose additional information relating to
Applicant’s experience, such information being necessary to MTT’s judgement to properly
evaluate the Applicant’s qualifications;
▪ the Applicant is bankrupt or being wound up, its affairs are being administered by the
court, it has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business
▪ the Applicant is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order
for compulsory winding up or administration by the court for an arrangement with creditors
or has suffered any other analogous event; and
▪ the Applicant has been convicted of an offence concerning its professional misconduct in
the course of his business or profession, unless reinstated.
Applicants should note that to ensure a fair evaluation of the PQAs, this pre-qualification process
is strictly subject to the Tender Law rules and regulations. Canvassing or attempting to influence
the outcome of the evaluation of the PQAs, in any form, will result in immediate disqualification of
the Applicant.
Pre-qualification Timelines
The expected Pre-Qualification Process Timetable is set out in the table below:

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Table 2: Pre-Qualification Process Timeline

Sr. No Milestone Timelines
1. Issue of RFQ 30 November 2021
2. Submission of PQA 02 March 2022, 13:30 hours Bahrain Time
3. Opening of PQA 03 March 2022

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8 Pre-qualification Criteria and Eligibility Requirements

To pre-qualify to bid for the Project, the Applicant must submit a detailed PQA by the PQA
Submission Deadline as set out in the Pre-Qualification Process Timetable (set out in Section 7.3
of this RFQ). Based on the MERs and other considerations, Pre-Qualified Persons will be invited
to participate in RFP stage of the bid process for the Project.
General conditions
Considering the strategic importance of the project and its size and complexity, it is imperative
that Applicants for the Project demonstrate successful experience gained from developing similar
projects. For the avoidance of doubt, entities that are not engaged in similar projects (e.g. financial
investors) are permitted to submit applications for prequalification as part of a Consortium (to act
as a Consortium Member) although fund investors must provide the information specified in
The Applicant, or if the Applicant is a Consortium, each Consortium Member, must be a business
organisation duly organised and existing and registered in good standing under the laws of its
country of incorporation. The Applicant must not involve local agents in dealing with MTT.
Each Applicant that is a Consortium must nominate a Lead Member who should have requisite
experience and capabilities as per the requirements of the RFQ. The Lead Member of the
Consortium will be authorised to be responsible for all dealings with MTT up to but excluding
execution of the Project Agreements.
The Consortium must be formally constituted for the submission of the PQA. Any subsequent
change in the composition of the Consortium/Lead Contractor will be subject to MTT’s written
approval prior to the submission of the bid and following a re-evaluation of the Consortiums
qualifications. For the avoidance of doubt, change of Lead Member shall not be permitted.
No Applicant that is a Consortium may contain any entity that is a member, or have an affiliate
that is a member, of more than one Consortium responding to this PQD, unless approved in
writing by MTT at its discretion prior to the submission of the PQA. Applicants should note that
this requirement is not intended to restrict envisaged downstream contractors/sub-contractors
from supporting more than one Applicant in that role.
Any entity that is a potential contractor/sub-contractor may be involved with multiple Consortia,
other than where such contractor/sub-contractor is an equity investor (whether as an individual
Applicant or as a Consortium Member) in which case MTT’s written approval is required. Such
restriction shall also apply to the Parent Company, Sister Company or Subsidiary of such
contractor/sub-contractor. For the avoidance of doubt, individual Applicants and Consortium
Members that are not potential sub-contractor/sub-contractors are also prohibited from
participating in multiple Consortiums without obtaining MTT’s written approval.
In case a consortium is formed between several Contractors to deliver one of the expertise
defined in the section 8.8, the Lead Contractor shall be committed to have a minimum of 30% of

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the financial value of the scope of the expertise. The Lead Contractor shall also have the dominant
share of the financial value of the scope of the expertise.
MER 1 and MER 2 will be fulfilled by Consortium Members in a manner as set out in section 8.7.
MER 3 to MER 8 can be fulfilled by the Consortium Members and/or contractors/subcontractors
in a manner as set out in the section 8.8.
It is preferred that the Operator should be a Consortium Member. As part of RFP evaluation,
weightage will be provided for such arrangements.
It is envisaged that O&M contractual arrangement should be for at least 15 years from PCOD.
Applicant Entities - Single Entity
If the Applicant is a single entity, the MERs should be satisfied by such company, its Parent
Company, a Sister Company or its Subsidiary. In addition, the Applicant must undertake to
retain its stake for a specified duration from PCOD and such provisions will be communicated at
the RFP stage.
Applicant Entities – Consortium
If the Applicant is a Consortium, then the applicable MERs may be satisfied by the Consortium
Members or Parent Company, Sister Company or Subsidiary of the Consortium Members.
If the Applicant, Lead Member or any Consortium Member(s) of an Applicant is reliant on
resources and/or experience of its Parent Company, Sister Company or Subsidiary to meet any
MER, then such Applicant shall be required to submit along with its PQA requisite documentation
as detailed in Section 9.13 of this Pre-Qualification Document.
The Lead Member must undertake to subscribe to at least 30% of the equity share capital of the
project company and should be the single largest shareholder with explicit management control.
In addition, the Lead Member must undertake to retain its stake for a specified duration from
PCOD and such provisions will be communicated at the RFP stage.
Each Consortium Member must undertake to subscribe to at least one tenth (10.00%) of the
equity share capital of the project company. In addition, each Consortium Member must undertake
to retain its stake for a specified duration from PCOD and such provisions will be communicated
at the RFP stage.
Eligible Entities and Legal Capacity / Requirements
The Applicant, or each Consortium Member in the case of a Consortium, has submitted the
Submission Letter, including completing the Conflict of Interest Declaration at paragraph 1.5 of

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the Submission Letter. Such submission should be in the form provided in and in accordance
with Section 9.11.11(i) and (ii)
The Applicant, or each Consortium Member, in the case of a Consortium has duly authorised a
signatory to sign the requisite documents to submit the PQA. Such authorisation to take the
form of a Power of Attorney submitted in accordance with Section 9.11.11(iii) .
The Applicant, or each Consortium Member, in the case of a Consortium is duly incorporated
and validly existing in its country of incorporation. Evidence in the form of the constitutional
documents must be submitted in accordance with Section 9.11.11 (iv)
In the case of a Consortium, a Consortium Agreement has been submitted in accordance with
section 9.11.11 (v), which defines the allocations of responsibility between the Consortium
Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Applications
Each PQA will be evaluated to determine whether the Applicant satisfies the MERs set out
Minimum Eligibility for Financial Capacity and Capability
This MERs under this section will be used to evaluate the applicant’s financial strength and its
ability to raise financing for the project.
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 1 ("MER 1"): Financial Capacity
The Applicant (in the event that it is a single entity) must demonstrate Tangible Net Worth (as
determined in accordance with 12Appendix C - Financial Information/Experience) of at least
seven hundred and fifty million USD (USD 750,000,000) in the latest available audited financial
statements as on the PQA Date; .
In the event that the Applicant is a Consortium, the Consortium must demonstrate Tangible Net
Worth of at least seven hundred and fifty million USD (USD 750,000,000) on a weighted average
basis, weighted in the proportion of the equity stake proposed to be held by each of the respective
Consortium Members in the Consortium in the latest available audited financial statements as on
the PQA Date. In addition, the Lead Member must demonstrate a Tangible Net Worth of minimum
two hundred and fifty million USD (USD 250,000,000).
In case the Consortium member is a fund investor, it needs to provide details of undrawn
commitments to demonstrate its ability to meet its equity commitments as described in Appendix
C - Financial Information/Experience.
The Applicant (or Lead Member in case the Applicant is a Consortium), shall demonstrate an
investment grade rating from any leading global credit rating agency such as Standard & Poor’s,
Moody’s, or Fitch. Applicant or Lead Member, as the case may be, may use the credit rating of
its Parent Company. If the Applicant or the Lead Member in Consortium does not have a credit
rating, the Applicant or the Lead Member in a Consortium should demonstrate creditworthiness
by providing supporting information.
Table 3: Global Credit rating agencies minimum investment grade ratings
Rating Agency Investment grade rating
Standard & Poor BBB-
Moody’s Baa3
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Rating Agency Investment grade rating

Fitch BBB-

Minimum Eligibility Requirement 2 ("MER 2"): Experience of successfully

negotiating and closing financing for Infrastructure Projects as a developer

The Applicant must demonstrate (in accordance with Appendix D - Experience of successfully
developing, negotiating and closing financing packages for Infrastructure Projects) that it has
been responsible for successfully closing financing packages as a developer as follows:
a) Aggregate debt financing of at least 1.5 billion USD (USD 1,500,000,000) globally, raised
cumulatively across one or more Infrastructure Projects;
b) At least two thirds of the above requirement should be from operational projects financed
on limited or non-recourse basis. For the avoidance of doubt, one third of the above
requirement may be met through Infrastructure Projects that are under construction that
have achieved financial closure or have been funded through corporate debt or full
recourse financing.
Eligible Infrastructure Project under MER 2 should satisfy the following conditions
a) Financial close should have been achieved in the last ten (10) years preceding the PQA
b) Minimum project cost is one hundred million USD (USD 100,000,000); and
c) Applicant (or the Consortium Member for an Applicant that is a Consortium), must have
held a minimum interest of fifteen percent (15%) in each of the projects as on date of
financial close and actively involved in closure of financing package.
Project cost shall mean the costs of developing, financing, designing, procuring, engineering,
constructing, testing and commissioning the project
Applicants are required to provide relevant documents (such as statutory auditor certificate for
financial closure, project completion certificate or similar other document) in support of the above
In addition, the Applicant must demonstrate all of the following:
a) At least one (1) of the Infrastructure Projects should have a minimum project cost of seven
hundred and fifty million USD (USD 750,000,000); and
b) At least one (1) of the eligible Infrastructure Projects should have been procured on PPP
Applicants should note that the financing for the acquisition of an existing project does not meet
MER 2. In addition, commercial or residential real estate developments do not qualify as
eligible Infrastructure Project for the purposes of MER 2.

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Minimum Eligibility for Technical Capabilities

The Applicant must satisfy it has capabilities relating to :
(a) The development of a Metro System that includes the design, construction, and
commissioning; and
(b) The provision of services that incorporates the operations and maintenance of a Metro
To demonstrate such capabilities, the Applicants are requested to identify a Lead Contractor for
each of expertise listed below.
A Lead Contractor may be a Consortium Member or a contractor.
Development of the Metro System
To meet the required capability with respect to the development of a Metro System, the
Applicant must satisfy the following fields of expertise :
(a) Management of a “turnkey” metro project as set out in MER 3;
(b) Construction of structures and buildings as set out in MER 4;
(c) Supply and integration of a Transit System (including the rolling stock) as set out in MER
5; and
(d) Design and Technical Interface management as set out in MER 6.
A Metro System must meet the following features to enable an Applicant to satisfy MER 5 and 6
(a) Operate using a fully dedicated and protected permanent way;
(b) Featuring traditional steel rail guiding tracks;
(c) Be an electrified system, and
(d) Have a minimum design capacity of 10,000 PPHPD
Capabilities of the Lead Contractors will be assessed based on their references. To be valid,
these references shall satisfy the following requirements:
(a) References of Metro Line that has been put in operation successfully between 2010 and
2021. (Note: for ‘Structures & Building Construction’, If hand-over of the permanent work
to the Transit System Contractor is effective with at least track system laid on the whole
length before end 2021; the references will be valid).
(b) The share of involvement must be at least 30% of the financial value of the delivery of the
scope of work related to the expertise.
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 3 ("MER 3"): Experience of Management of Metro
‘turnkey project’
To meet the requirement of ‘turnkey project’ experience of management of Metro System, the
Applicant must have expertise consisting in mastering the processes of organizing, planning,

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procuring through to the successful commissioning of a Railway System. Capability in this field
of expertise shall be demonstrated by providing references of experience for a Railway System:
(a) With a minimum continuous length of six (6) km (located out of domestic country of the
parent company);
(b) With a minimum of five (5) stations (located out of domestic country of the parent
company); and
(c) With a minimum of two (2) depot sites; inclusive of stabling area and maintenance
workshop for the maintenance of a Railway System.
An Applicant may meet the above criteria by citing their experience on one or more Railway
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 4: (“MER 4”): ‘Structures & Building Construction’
To meet the requirements of MER 4 the Applicant must demonstrate experience in constructing
structures and buildings. This expertise should include the knowhow and mastering of supply
chain / logistics activities which are related to the physical construction of a Metro System
(excluding Transit System). It also includes its integration in its urban environment.
Capability in this field of expertise shall be demonstrated by providing references of experience
for a Metro System with the following criteria:
i. Construction of at least six (6) km of Railway System (elevated, at grade or underground)
(located out of domestic country of the parent company);
ii. Construction of at least five (5) Railway System stations (elevated, at grade or
underground) - (located out of domestic country of the parent company); and
The Applicant may meet the above criteria by citing their experience on one or more Railway
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 5 ("MER 5"): Experience of Supply and Integration
of a Transit System
To meet MER 5, the Applicant must have experience in supplying and integrating a Transit
System which is to be demonstrated by providing references of experience in the following:
i. One GOA4 Transit System line (elevated, at grade or underground) with a minimum
continuous length of six (6) km (located out of the domestic country of the parent
ii. One GOA4 Transit System line (elevated, at grade or underground) with a minimum
number of five (5) stations (located out of the domestic country of the parent company);
iii. Minimum of two (2) depot sites (inclusive of stabling area and maintenance workshop)
for maintenance of a rail system (located out of the domestic country of the parent
company); and
iv. Delivery and integration in a GOA4 type line of a minimum of thirty (30) Vehicle Units -
(located out of the domestic country of the parent company).

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The Applicant may meet the above criteria by citing their experience on one or more Metro
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 6 ("MER 6"): Experience of Design & Technical
Interfaces management
The expertise consists in the following definition:
i. General design of a Metro System including all disciplines involved (e.g. Civil, Transit
System, MEP, etc.)
ii. Definition of the technical and functional interfaces of all components or subsystems
which are to be supplied, installed or constructed by different players contributing to the
development of a Metro System with warranty of suitability in terms of constructability
operability and maintainability.
iii. Knowhow and mobilization of design resources for the purpose of mastering the process
known as “V-cycle” which allows traceability of implementation of the technical
requirements set in the contract at each stage of the development of a Metro System until
the testing and commissioning.
To meet MER 6, the Applicant must have experience in designing and managing technical
interfaces which is to be demonstrated by providing references in the following:
i. Design of elevated Metro System with a minimum length of six (6) km;
ii. Design of five (5) elevated stations;
iii. Design of a minimum of two (2) depot sites - (inclusive of stabling area and maintenance
workshop) for maintenance of a rail system; and
iv. Integration and validation of testing and commissioning for a minimum of two (2) Metro
Systems. The Metro Systems shall have the following minimum features:
a. 2km
b. 2 Stations
The Applicant may meet the above criteria by citing their experience on one or more Metro
Transportation Services
For Transportation Services the Applicant needs to demonstrate expertise in the following fields:
1. Maintenance of Transit System as set out in MER 7; and
2. Passenger Services and Facilities Management as set out in MER 8
In case, the Lead Contractor in charge of MER 8 decides to subcontract the Facilities
Management, the required expertise to be demonstrated by the Lead Contractor shall be the
capabilities of procuring and managing multiple local subcontractors dealing with these
To demonstrate an Applicant’s expertise, the Applicant must make references to experience
that are:
1. Subject to an on-going contract at the date of submission of the PQA with a minimum past
two years of services’ delivery
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2. Where the Applicant has at least 30% of the financial value of contract value; and
3. Where the Transit System have a minimum ridership at peak hour of 5000 PPHPD
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 7 ("MER 7"): Maintenance of Transit System
This expertise consists in the knowhow and mastering the processes / mobilization of the
resources for the purpose of keeping the availability of the Transit System at the level specified
in the Contract.
To meet MER 7, the Applicant must have experience in the Maintenance of Transit Systems
which is to be demonstrated by providing references with the following features:
i. A GOA4 Transit System line with a minimum length of twenty (20) km;
ii. With at least fifteen (15) Metro stations that is part of a GoA4 Metro Line;
iii. Operating a minimum of thirty (30) Vehicle Units that is part of a GoA4 Metro lines; and
iv. With a minimum of two (2) depot sites that is part of a GoA4 Metro line.
The Applicant may meet the above criteria by citing their experience on one or more Metro
Minimum Eligibility Requirement 8 ("MER 8"): Passenger Services and Facilities
Passengers Services is the expertise of ensuring effectiveness of the services related to the
transport of passengers along metro lines aiming at their satisfaction. This also includes
management of crowd when the Transit System is in degraded mode or in case of disruption of
Facilities Management is the expertise consisting of ensuring routine maintenance of the Metro
premises such as cleaning of the stations and buildings maintenance. This is often outsourced
to a facility management services provider.
To meet MER 8, the Applicant must have experience in the provision of Passenger Services
and Facilities Management which is to be demonstrated by providing references with respect to
maintenance of a Transit System with the following features:
i. A minimum of one (1) line (or one single network) with a length of thirty (30) km including
thirty (30) Vehicle Unit
ii. A minimum of twenty (20) Metro stations of any types (multiple project possible)
The Applicant may meet the above criteria by citing their experience on one or more Railway

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9 Instructions to Applicants
Clarifications and Additional Information Request
This Prequalification is subject to the Tender Law issued by Legislative Degree No. 36 of 2002
as amended by the Law No. 29 of 2010, the Tender Board Decision no. (1) of 2020, and the
implementing Regulations issued by Decree No. 37 of 2002. These governing laws are
provided at the website of the Tender Board www.tenderboard.gov.bh
In accordance with Tender Board regulations the Applicant has the right to file complaints and
reconsiderations directly to the Tender Board against any unlawful procedure or decision
related to the Prequalification process
Applicants procuring the RFQ will be required to use the E-tendering system for the RFQ
process, that can be accessed online through http://www.tenderboard.gov.bh/. Interested
Applicants can also access the step-by-step video guide available online at the following link to
use the E-tendering system: https://youtu.be/_wn0SopukRc. For any technical queries or
support required on the E-Tendering System, the Applicants can contact the help desk of the
Tender Board:
Technical System Help Desk
Tender board
T. +973 17566666
F. +973 17587855
Arcapita Building – Bahrain Bay
Kingdom of Bahrain
All queries and requests for clarification in relation to this RFQ should be directed through the E-
tendering system of the Tender Board, by no later than ten (10) working days before the PQA
Submission Deadline.
All questions and/or requests for clarification or other comments made by Applicants to MTT
which relate to this RFQ shall be in English.
The responsibility for correct delivery/ transmission of clarifications and requests for information
will rest entirely with the Applicant.
During the course of the tender process, MTT can request additional clarification from the
Any amendment to the prequalification documents would be done by MTT through an official
addendum uploaded to the E-tendering system at least 7 days before the PQA Submission
Applicant may obtain clarification on any aspect of this prequalification document by contacting:
The Supervising Officer: Mrs. Nada Yousif Deen
The Supervising Administrator contact details:
Email: Bahrainmetro@mtt.gov.bh
Phone: +973 1733 7531/+973 1733 7832/+973 1733 7813

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Submission of the PQ Application (PQA)

All PQA’s will be submitted electronically through Tender Board’s E-tendering system and there
will be no need to submit Form Number TB02 or a copy of your bid in CD or Flash memory.
Bids to be submitted in pdf format unless otherwise specified. Each file should not exceed the
size of 200MB. In case of files above 200 MB, the same should be split to meet the size
MTT may, at its discretion, extend the date of the PQA Submission Deadline by amending the
It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that its PQA is submitted at the stated PQA
Submission Deadline.
Submission should not include prices, rates, or estimates
The Applicant based in Bahrain/GCC who purchased the prequalification documents shall submit
the application by itself with the same name, CR and branch. For the avoidance of doubt,
condition related to CR is not applicable to companies not registered in Bahrain/GCC.
PQA documents
The PQA shall include all documents required to be submitted with or as part of a PQA. The PQA
document shall contain the (i) Submission Letter (ii) original authenticated or apostilled versions
of the powers of attorney and (iii) Declaration.
Ownership of PQAs
On submission, the PQA and all copies thereof shall become the absolute property of MTT who
shall be entitled to copy and/or reproduce the same and distribute to appropriate third parties, as
reasonably required in connection with the Project and/or as required by applicable law.
All PQAs and supporting documents must be in English. Where an original document is written in
a language other than English, the Applicant shall provide both the original and a certified English
translation. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and non-English versions of the
document, the English version shall prevail.
All financial information in the PQA should be provided in USD equivalent.

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Governing Law
Unless expressly provided, this RFQ shall be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
PQA Opening
PQAs will be opened at the PQA Submission Deadline at the offices of the Tender Board and
the results will be uploaded on the Tender Board website. Any PQAs received by the Tender
Board after the PQA Submission Deadline will be rejected whatever the cause for delay.
Responsibility of Applicant
Applicants are solely responsible for satisfying themselves with respect to all matters that may
in any way affect the Project. Failure to do so will be at the Applicant's entire risk and no relief
will be given for errors or omissions by an Applicant or by MTT.
Submissions by Consortium
Where an Applicant is a Consortium:
i. All PQAs shall indicate the legal name, principal address or place of business, place of
incorporation and registered number of incorporation of each Consortium Member;
ii. Each member must accept joint and several responsibility for all obligations in relation to
this RFQ by separately signing Appendix A - Form of Submission Letter and shall provide
satisfactory evidence as to the due authority of the person executing Appendix A - Form
of Submission Letter to do so on behalf of that Consortium Member; and
iii. The Consortium must nominate one (1) member of the Consortium as its Lead Member
that meets the minimum MER criteria set out in section 8.The Lead Member of the
Consortium will be authorised to be responsible for all dealings with MTT up to but
excluding execution of the Project Agreements. Pre-Qualified Persons that are a
Consortium shall be required to include in their bids satisfactory evidence as to the validity
and effectiveness of the appointment of the Lead Member.
Information Requirement in PQA
Each PQA is required to include the following sections:
▪ Section One: Executive Summary;
▪ Section Two: Corporate and Organisation Structure;
▪ Section Three: Financial Capability;
▪ Section Four: Technical Capability;
▪ Section Five: Legal Capabilities;
▪ Section Six: Additional Capabilities;
▪ Section Seven: Appendices;
▪ Section Eight: Letter of Intention from Lead Contractor(s);
▪ Appendix A - Form of Submission Letter;
▪ Appendix C to E (Pre-qualification information templates); Appendix B - Applicant
Information, Appendix C - Financial Information/Experience, Appendix D - Experience of

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successfully developing, negotiating and closing financing packages for Infrastructure

Projects, Appendix E - Technical Experience; and
▪ Appendix F - Declaration
In the case of a Consortium, each Consortium Member must complete and execute each
of the above sections individually, other than the Submission Letter which should be
executed by the Consortium collectively.
Section One: Executive Summary
The executive summary section of the PQA shall provide a brief description of:
i. The Applicant’s qualifications for the Project (using the criteria outlined in section 8 of this
RFQ as the base for responses);
ii. Overview of the Applicant’s corporate structure and history and, if a Consortium, the
identification of all entities within the Consortium, levels of participation thereof and the
identity of the Lead Member, together with summaries of their corporate structures and
histories; and
iii. Envisaged use of key contractors and sub-contractors identified for the purpose of Pre-
Section Two: Corporate Structure
Contact Information and Summary Corporate Information
The Applicant is required to provide contact and corporate information in the manner prescribed
in Appendix B - Applicant Information. If two (2) or more entities associate themselves in a
Consortium, each entity must submit a duly completed copy of this Appendix B - Applicant
Information. Further, the information requested in Appendix A to E of this RFQ should also be
provided in microsoft excel (unprotected) formats.
Organisational Structure
This sub-section shall contain the following:
i. A description and/or organisational chart of the corporate structure of the Applicant (i.e.
identity of shareholders, levels of shareholding and ultimate Parent Company);
ii. In the case of a Consortium, a description and/or organisational chart of the structure of
the Consortium indicating, for example, distribution of shareholdings, apportionment of
roles and responsibilities within the Consortium and the degree to which a formal
relationship exists among the entities within the Consortium at the date of the PQA, etc.);
iii. In the case of a Consortium, a description and/ or organisational chart of the corporate
structure of each member of the Consortium; and
iv. A description of the key technical, operational and managerial personnel available to
entities identified in the relevant organizational chart.
In addition to Appendix B - Applicant Information, Applicants are free to submit the above
information in their own format.
If Applicant intends to seek Parent Company / Sister Company / Subsidiary support in its
application, Contact Details and Summary Corporate Information requirements mentioned above
of Parent Company / Sister Company / Subsidiary are required.

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Section Three: Financial Capability

This section of the PQA shall include the following information about the Applicant (including, in
the case of an Applicant which is a Consortium, such information for each Consortium Member):
i. Copies of annual audited financial statements for each of the last three (3) years and
quarterly or other periodic financial statements since the last annual audited financial
statements. Such financial statements shall include a consolidated balance sheet,
consolidated income statement, consolidated cash flow statement and consolidated
owner’s equity statement, along with corresponding footnotes and auditor’s report in
accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. The accounting standard under
which the financial statements have been prepared shall be IFRS. Where Applicant or
Consortium Member does not prepare audited accounts under IFRS, they are required to
provide a statement from their auditors confirming that their net worth would not be
materially affected by reporting under IFRS (or, if materially affected, the extent of any
ii. the currency of all financial information provided should be in USD equivalent;
iii. details of any material change in the financial or trading position or material post balance
sheet events after the date of approval of the last audited financial statements and any
related stock exchange announcements;
iv. confirmation that no significant merger, change in ownership, share or business
acquisition or disposal, or joint venture or partnership arrangement, which may have a
material effect on the financial or technical abilities of the Applicant or the Consortium
Member, has taken place and is not otherwise disclosed;
v. In the event that the Applicant or Lead Member and / or Consortium Member is reliant on
the financial standing of its Parent Company to meet MER 1, then the aforementioned
information should also be provided for the Parent Company;
vi. Where an Applicant has less than three (3) years of operation, it must submit the
aforementioned financial information covering the full three (3) year period by providing
such financial information for its Parent Company or predecessor(s) as appropriate;
vii. Details of the Applicant and its Parent Company’s current long-term unsecured credit
rating (provided by Moody’s, S&P, or Fitch) or a current D&B rating. If the Applicant or the
Lead Member in Consortium does not have a credit rating, the Applicant or the Lead
Member in a Consortium should demonstrate creditworthiness by providing supporting
viii. If the Applicant (or, in case of a Consortium, any Consortium Member) will rely on a Fund
Investor, such entity must additionally provide information about drawn and undrawn
commitments; and
ix. Any other relevant information relative to the Applicant’s or Consortium Member which
can have a material impact on the financial standing of the Applicant.

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This section shall also include information set out in Appendix C - Financial
Information/Experience for the purpose of calculation of Tangible Net Worth of the Applicant or
Lead Member and / or the Consortium Member(s).
In the event that the Applicant or Lead Member and / or Consortium Member is reliant on the
financial standing of its Parent Company to meet MER 1, then information relating to the Parent
Company should also be provided in Appendix C - Financial Information/Experience.
In addition, the Applicant should provide information in respect of experience of successfully
developing, negotiating and closing financing packages for Eligible Infrastructure Projects, in the
summary table as set out in the form of Appendix D - Experience of successfully developing,
negotiating and closing financing packages for Infrastructure Projects hereto, which includes
details of the project references for MER 2. Project references for the Applicant or the
Consortium Member should be provided. Applicant or the Consortium Member can seek
qualification of MER 2 based on project references of its Parent Company, a Sister Company
or its Subsidiary also.
For the avoidance of doubt, if the Applicant is a Consortium, only those members of the
Consortium that are submitting relevant information to satisfy MER 1 are required to complete
Appendix C - Financial Information/Experience.
Section Four: Technical Capability
This section shall include the following:
The Applicant shall provide the following documents :
1. A schematic operational organization chart
This document shall demonstrate contractual and operational relation between the Lead
Contractors who will deliver the various components of the Project. The objective is to ensure that
the Lead Contractors are pre-mobilised and that the principles of contractual and operational
relationship between each other is clearly identified. This document shall also provide assurance
that the chain of responsibilities between the different parties of the Project Company is clear and
that governance of the Project will be effective.
As a minimum, the Lead Contractors of the six areas of expertise as defined in section 8.8 shall
be identified in the document.
The organisation chart shall also be provided with the following details :
▪ Name of the company and address of the headquarters,
▪ Nature of contractual relation for the purpose of the delivery of the Project with either the
Project Company, one of the Consortium Member or another Lead Contractor.
2. References compliance sheets
The Applicant shall fill the tables attached in Appendix E - Technical Experience (one per field of
3. Folio of references
All the references listed in the above-mentioned compliance sheet shall be supported by a single
Reference Sheet as per the template provided in Appendix E - Technical Experience . The
Applicant shall inform all fields and mark N/A when Non-Applicable.

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Each Reference Sheet shall have a single number identical to the one indicated in the compliance
Each Reference Sheet shall be supported with document(s) providing evidence of their accuracy.
Section Five: Legal Capability
This section shall include the following information for the Applicant (including, in the case of
any Applicant that is a Consortium, such information for each Consortium Member):
Section 5.1 – Submission Letter:
(i) Each Applicant, or each Consortium Member in case of Consortium, is required to
submit the Submission Letter, in the form provided in including completing the
Conflict of Interest Declaration at paragraph 1.5 of the Submission Letter.
(ii) Each Applicant, and each Consortium Member in case of Consortium, must provide
confirmation that it has no conflict of interest in relation to the Project, or provide
details of any such conflict of interest together with an explanation as to why such
conflict should not be considered to be material to the conduct of a fair and transparent
procurement process. A conflict of interest for these purposes includes (but is not
limited to) a situation where an Applicant or a Consortium Member or any affiliate or
associated entity of any of them:
(a) has previously acted or is acting in any other capacity on or in relation to the
Project; and/or
(b) is involved or proposes to be involved in any capacity in relation to the Project
with a different Applicant or Consortium Member.
Section 5.2 – Power of Attorney:
(iii) Each Applicant, or each Consortium Member in case of Consortium, is required to
submit power(s) of attorney authorising the person(s) who signed the Confidentiality
Undertaking and the Consortium Agreement. This power of attorney must comply
with the following:
a. if the power of attorney is issued in Bahrain, it will need to be authenticated
by a Notary Public; or
b. if the power of attorney is issued in a country (other than Bahrain) which
is a member of the Hague Apostille Convention, then the power of
attorney will need to be notarized by the relevant authority (e.g. Ministry
of Justice or a registered solicitor) and subsequently apostilled under such
convention; or
c. if the issuing country is not a member of the Hague Apostille Convention,
the power of attorney shall initially be notarized by the relevant authority
(e.g. Ministry of Justice or a registered solicitor), attested by the Bahraini
embassy in the issuing country, or if no such embassy exists in such
country, by the embassy of any other Arab League country. The power of
attorney will additionally have to be legalised at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in the issuing country and subsequently at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in Bahrain.

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If the original power of attorney is in a language other than English, then the document
must be supported by an English translation certified by an independent third-party

Section 5.3 – Constitutional documents:

(iv) Each Applicant, or each Consortium Member in case of Consortium, must submit up-
to-date copies of their constitutional documents, which shall include as a minimum:

a. certified copies of its organisational documents (e.g., certificate of

incorporation, contract or deed of incorporation, memorandum and/or
articles of association, bylaws, etc.) together with all amendments thereto,
if any; and
b. certified copies of a certificate of registration in the commercial and/or
company registry or a good standing certificate from the jurisdiction of its
incorporation (or, if unavailable in such jurisdiction as a matter of law, an
equivalent thereof).
If the constitutional documents are in a language other than English, then the
constitutional documents must be supported by an English translation certified by an
independent third-party translator.
Section 5.5 – Consortium Agreement:
(v) If acting as a Consortium, the Consortium Members must submit a certified copy of
the complete joint venture or Consortium Agreement, signed by all parties, together
with powers of attorney authorising the execution of such agreement.
If the Consortium Agreement is in a language other than English, then the Consortium
Agreement must be supported by an English translation certified by an independent
third-party translator.
Section Six: Additional Capabilities
Provided that the minimum requirements specified in the RFQ are complied with, Applicants are
free to submit any other information they feel would be useful to MTT in respect of its evaluation
of their corporate structure, organisational, technical or financial capability and experience.
Bidders are free to submit the above information in their own format which would be expected to
set out details of relevant projects demonstrating the required experience of contractual and other
Section Seven: Appendices

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Each PQA shall be certified as to its accuracy by a person legally authorised to bind the
Applicant, through signing the prescribed Submission Letter in the form attached at Appendix A
- Form of Submission Letter.
Each PQA shall contain the declaration in the form attached at Appendix F - Declaration.
Each PQA shall contain the completed Appendices in the form attached at Appendix B to
Appendix E.

Section Eight: Letter of Intention from Lead Contractor(s)

The Lead Contractor(s) must submit a signed letter that indicates its intention to participate in this
Project, together with the relevant information tables set out in paragraph Appendix E - Technical
Experience that demonstrates the Lead Contractor(s) technical experience.
Other Information to be provided by all Applicants
Supplementary information or documentation may be requested from the Applicant and shall be
provided by the Applicant in order to further consider the Applicant’s PQA.
Where the Applicant (or where the Applicant is a Consortium, each Consortium Member) is part
of a wider group of companies, the PQA must include sufficient information to make clear where
in the hierarchy of that group of companies the Applicant (or the Consortium Member) is
Parent Company Guarantee
If the Applicant, or a Consortium Member (in the case of a Consortium) is reliant on the financial
standing, resources and/or experience of its Parent Company or Sister Company to meet any
MER, then such Applicant shall be required to submit along with its PQA, confirmation in form of
a letter from the respective Parent Company (not the Sister Company) that it is willing to provide
a guarantee issued by the Parent Company in favour of MTT.
The Parent Company guarantee shall be provided as part of the bid submitted by a Pre-Qualified
Person and is intended to guarantee compliance by the Applicant or Consortium Member (as the
case may be) with its obligations under and arising from its bid.
The form of Parent Company guarantee will be attached to the RFP, and more than one Parent
Company guarantee may be required for each Bidder (i.e. if more than one Parent Company,
Sister Company or Subsidiary is relied upon by the Applicant to meet the MERs).
Applicants are required to confirm in the Submission Letter (the form of which is attached at
Appendix A of this RFQ) that, subject to any requests for clarification, they have read and

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understood the requirements of this RFQ in full, including the requirements of these Sections
9.13.1, 9.13.2and 9.13.3.
Other Conditions
By submitting its PQA, the Applicant (including, in the case of an Applicant which is an
Consortium, each Consortium Member) releases MTT and its Advisors and consultants,
irrevocably, completely and unconditionally, from any and all liability for claims, losses, damages,
costs, expenses or any other liabilities in any way related to or arising from the assessment of,
and associated decisional process regarding, the Applicant’s PQA and/or eligibility and
qualifications for the Project.
Evaluation and Notification of Evaluation Results
Applicants will be selected on the basis of the MER and other requirements detailed in this RFQ
The Authority will issue the NPQ in writing to the selected qualified Applicants following which
RFP is scheduled to be issued to each Pre-Qualified Person.
Neither issuance of this RFQ nor issuance of the RFP or any other document or request by or on
behalf of MTT at any time will oblige MTT or the Advisors to enter into any arrangement or
agreement or impose any liability on any of them other than assumed pursuant to the Project
Agreements when executed.
Neither Tender Board, MTT nor any of the Advisors shall be under any obligation to return any
PQA submitted by any Applicant or to reimburse any Applicant for any cost or expense, whether
incurred in preparing its PQA, response to the RFP or to any other request from Tender Board,
MTT, its Advisors or otherwise.
Notices of Pre-Qualification
MTT will issue an NPQ, in writing, to each selected qualified Applicant, following which the RFP
will be issued to each qualified Applicant (and to each Consortium Member in case of a
Consortium). Accordingly, there will be no maximum number of Applicants to whom MTT will issue
an NPQ. Should there be an insufficient number of qualified Applicants so as to ensure adequate
competition, MTT has reserved its right, in its absolute discretion, at any stage and without prior
notice, to change the structure and timing of the tender process, to amend the information
contained in the RFQ or to terminate the tender process itself.
MTT reserves the right to reject any or all of the PQAs, proposals or other submissions at any
time prior to the execution of the Project Agreements. Neither issuance of this RFQ nor issuance
of the RFP or any other document or request by or on behalf of MTT at any time will oblige MTT
or its Advisers to enter into any arrangement or agreement or impose any liability on any of them
other than assumed pursuant to the Project Agreements when executed.
Amendments and Further Information Final Form of RFP
While every effort has been made by MTT and its Advisers to ensure that the description of the
Project set out in this RFQ is correct at the time of issue, Bidders must be aware that the
description, timetable and scope of the Project will be set out in further detail in the RFP.

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10 Appendix A - Form of Submission Letter

[Letterhead of Applicant/Lead Member]
[insert MTT’s address]
We, the undersigned:
Last Name:
First Name:
Title: [Chairman/Vice Chairman/President/Vice President]
of [Name of company], acting as the legal representative of [Applicant] (the "Applicant"), hereby
certify, represent, warrant and agree, on behalf of [Applicant] that:
1.1 This Submission Letter, along with all documentation submitted herewith, forms our
Statement of Qualification (“SOQ”), which is being submitted in response to the Request for
Qualification (“RFQ”) dated [date] for participation in the Bahrain Metro project, issued by MTT.
All capitalized terms used herein have the same meaning as in the RFQ.
1.2 We certify that: (i) the information submitted as part of this SOQ is complete, accurate
and true and does not omit any information which might make the information contained in the
SOQ misleading in any material respect and (ii) we accept the documents, terms and conditions
set out in the RFQ.
1.3 We fully understand the RFQ and acknowledge that MTT is not obligated to accept our
SOQ and may at any time reject our SOQ or cancel the pre-qualification process in their sole
1.4 We fully release and discharge MTT, their consultants, advisors (including the Advisors)
and personnel, completely and unconditionally from any responsibility or liability for the decisions
that may be made with respect to our pre-qualification and that MTT, their consultants, advisors
(including the Advisers) and personnel shall not be liable for any such actions and shall be under
no obligation to inform any Applicant of the grounds for them.
1.5 [We confirm that we are not aware of any situation constituting a conflict of interest (as
set out at section (ii) of the RFQ) or could potentially give rise to such a conflict of interest in
connection with this Project.]
[We have identified a conflict of interest of the sort as set out at section 9.11.11(ii) of the RFQ in
connection with this Project and the nature and details of this conflict are set out below:
insert details of the conflict, in accordance with section 9.11.11(ii) of the RFQ]
1.6 MTT and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conduct any inquiries or
investigations to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in connection with
this SOQ, and to seek clarification from our bankers and clients regarding any financial and
technical aspects. This Letter will also serve as an authorization to any individual or authorized
representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide such
information deemed necessary and requested by you to verify statements and information
provided in this SOQ or with regard to the resources, experience and competence of the
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In [Location], on this [Date]

Signature: ________________________

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11 Appendix B - Applicant Information

In case the Applicant is a Consortium, the Lead Member and each Consortium Member must
submit a duly completed copy of this Appendix B.
If Applicant (or the Lead Member or Consortium Member for an Applicant that is a Consortium)
intends to seek Parent Company / Sister Company / Subsidiary support in its PQA, summary
information of the Parent Company / Sister Company / Subsidiary are required as per this
Appendix B.
Table 4: Summary Applicant Information

Information Requirement Applicant

Company name [Applicant Input]

Description of main business [Applicant Input]

Address of headquarters [Applicant Input]

Contact details: [Applicant Input]

(a) Contact Person [Applicant Input]

(b) Address [Applicant Input]

(c) Telephone number [Applicant Input]

(d) Fax number [Applicant Input]

(e) Contact e-mail address [Applicant Input]

(f) Company website address [Applicant Input]

Address of Bahraini or regional office (if applicable) [Applicant Input]

(a) Contact Person [Applicant Input]

(b) Address [Applicant Input]

(c) Telephone number [Applicant Input]

(d) Fax number [Applicant Input]

(e) Contact e-mail address [Applicant Input]

Selected key information (state financial year for which data is [Applicant Input]

(a) Total assets [Applicant Input]

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Information Requirement Applicant

(b) Total shareholder funds/ net worth [Applicant Input]

(c) Turnover [Applicant Input]

(d) Net income [Applicant Input]

(e) Market Cap as of 31 Dec 2021 (if publicly listed): [Applicant Input]

Credit rating (S&P/Moody’s/Fitch/Other – please specify) [Applicant Input]

Number of employees [Applicant Input]

Curriculum vitae of key personnel who will be involved in the project [Applicant Input as
separate attachment]

Year established [Applicant Input]

Place of Incorporation [Applicant Input]

Principal Shareholders of Applicant [Applicant Input]

Primary areas of business (indicate staff numbers and turnover in [Applicant Input]
US Dollars for each business area)

No. of years engaged in Eligible Infrastructure Projects [Applicant Input]

No. of years engaged in PPP Projects [Applicant Input]

No. of eligible Infrastructure Projects undertaken in the last ten (10) [Applicant Input]
years (a) as leader (b) in major role

Number of projects (sector wise) currently in execution and [Applicant Input]

estimated contract value (USD million)

If the Applicant is a Consortium, is the member a Lead Member? [Applicant Input]


If the Applicant is a Consortium, is the member a Consortium [Applicant Input]

Member? (N/A/YES/NO)

Role in the Consortium [Applicant Input]

Nominated MERs (Provide MER reference number for which the

[Applicant Input]
consortium member is claiming experience)

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12 Appendix C - Financial Information/Experience

Information in the tables below is for the purpose of calculation of the Tangible Net Worth of the
Applicant or the Lead Member and Consortium Members of the Consortium, or their Parent
Company, to demonstrate MER 1 has been met.
Table 5: Applicant Details

Applicant / Consortium name [Applicant Input]

Lead Member of Consortium [Applicant Input]

Names of Consortium Members submitting [Applicant Input]

relevant information to satisfy MER 1

Applicant / Lead Member / Consortium [Applicant Input] YES / NO

Member depending on Parent Company to
If yes, then the Applicant must confirm that
meet MER 1?
they have complied with Section 9.13.1,
9.13.2and 9.13.3of this RFQ.

Base currency of accounts [Applicant Input] [For example USD]

Information should be provided, as per the tables below, for the Applicant (single entity). In case
the Applicant is a Consortium, information should be provided, as per the tables below, only for
the Lead Member and Consortium Members who are submitting relevant information to satisfy
MER 1. If Applicant does not intend to seek Parent Company support in its PQA, information on
Parent Company is not required.

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Table 6: Tangible Net Worth Information of Applicant (Figures in USD Million)


Company name of Applicant, or member

[Applicant Input]

Figures for the latest accounting year for Financial Year

Applicant, or member thereof
[●] 1

Base Currency 2
USD Equivalent

Total Assets [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Less: Intangible Assets [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Total Liabilities [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Tangible Net Worth [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Contingent Liabilities [Applicant Input]

Total Liabilities/ Total Assets (%) [Applicant Input]

Total Debt (Long and Short Term) to [Applicant Input]

Tangible Net Worth

Company Auditor [Applicant Input]

GAAP used to present above figures (e.g. [Applicant Input]


S&P Moody’s Fitch D&B

Long term credit rating [Applicant [Applicant [Applicant [Applicant

Input] Input] Input] Input]

Any changes in long term credit rating over [Applicant Input]

the last two years

Details of any material change in the [Applicant Input]

financial or trading position or material post

1Latest audited financial statements consistent with the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Applicant or Parent
2 Convert from local currency to USD using the exchange rate prevalent on the date of the balance sheet.
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balance sheet event.

Confirmation that no significant merger, [Applicant Input]

change in ownership, share or business
acquisition or disposal, or joint venture or
partnership arrangement, which may have
a material effect on the financial or
technical abilities of the Applicant, has
taken place and is not otherwise disclosed

Details of undrawn commitments and [Applicant Input]

Assets under Management in case of Fund

Table 7: Tangible Net Worth Information of Parent Company (Figures in USD Million)

Parent Company

Parent Company name [Applicant Input]

Figures for the latest accounting year for Financial Year

Parent Company
[●] 3

Base Currency
USD Equivalent 4

Total Assets [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Less: Intangible Assets [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Total Liabilities [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Tangible Net Worth (as defined in the RFQ) [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Contingent Liabilities [Applicant Input]

Total Liabilities/ Total Assets (%) [Applicant Input]

Total Debt (Long and Short Term) to [Applicant Input]

Tangible Net Worth

3 Latest audited financial statements consistent with the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Applicant or Parent
4 Convert from local currency to USD using the exchange rate prevalent on the date of the balance sheet.

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Parent Company

Company Auditor [Applicant Input]

GAAP used to present above figures (e.g. [Applicant Input]


S&P Moody’s Fitch D&B

Long term credit rating [Applicant [Applicant [Applicant [Applicant

Input] Input] Input] Input]

Any changes in long term credit rating over [Applicant Input]

the last two years

Details of any material change in the [Applicant Input]

financial or trading position or material post
balance sheet event.

Confirmation that no significant merger, [Applicant Input]

change in ownership, share or business
acquisition or disposal, or joint venture or
partnership arrangement, which may have
a material effect on the financial or
technical abilities of the Applicant, has
taken place and is not otherwise disclosed

Details of undrawn commitments and [Applicant Input]

Assets under Management in case of Fund

Table 8: Weighted Tangible Net Worth Summary (Figures in USD Million)

Applicant / Lead Stake proposed Tangible Net Weighted

Member / Consortium to be held in Worth (USD) Tangible Net
Member (or Project (%) Worth
respective Parent
Company) Name (B)
(C) = (A X B)

Applicant [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Lead Member (Lead [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Member should
demonstrate minimum
Tangible Net Worth
(prior to equity
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Applicant / Lead Stake proposed Tangible Net Weighted

Member / Consortium to be held in Worth (USD) Tangible Net
Member (or Project (%) Worth
respective Parent
Company) Name (B)
(C) = (A X B)
weighting) of USD 250

Consortium Member 1 [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Consortium Member 2 [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

Consortium Member 3 [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]

[…] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input] [Applicant Input]


Weighted Average [Applicant Input]

Tangible Net Worth >
USD 750 million?
Note: Sample calculation of weighted average Tangible Net Worth for an Applicant Group is
provided below.

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Table 9: Sample calculation for Tangible Weighted Net Worth (Figures in USD Million)

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Tangible Tangible Net Tangible Net

Equity Equity Equity
Net Worth Worth Worth

Lead Member 100% 500 40% 200 40% 1000

--- --- 30% 2000 30% 1000
Member 1

--- --- 20% 400 20% 200
Member 2

--- --- 10% 300 10% 300
Member 3

Weighted Average Net Worth

100% x 40% x 40% x

Lead Member 500 80 400
300 200 1000

Consortium 30% x 30% x

--- --- 600 300
Member 1 2000 1000

Consortium 20% x 20% x

--- --- 80 40
Member 2 400 200

Consortium 10% x 10% x

--- --- 30 30
Member 3 300 300

Net Worth for

500 790 770

Disqualified Disqualified Qualified

Note: In Example 2, Applicant is disqualified despite weighted average Tangible Net Worth
being above USD 750 million because Lead Member’s individual Tangible Net Worth (prior to
equity weighting) does not exceed USD 250 million.

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13 Appendix D - Experience of successfully developing, negotiating

and closing financing packages for Infrastructure Projects
Information in the tables below is for the purpose of demonstrating MER 2 has been met.
Table 10: Information of Applicant for MER 2

Applicant / Lead Member claiming [Applicant Input]

MER 2 experience

Applicant depending on Parent [Applicant Input] YES / NO

Company, Sister Company or Subsidiary
If yes, then the Applicant must confirm that they
to meet MER 2?
have complied with Sections9.13.1, 9.13.2 and
9.13.3of this RFQ.

The following table is to be completed only by the Applicant or Consortium Member claiming MER
2 experience, for each project reference required to meet MER 2.
Table 11: Eligible Projects for Satisfying MER 2

Information Requirement Applicant Input

Name of the Entity providing the project reference [Applicant Input]

Relationship of Entity to Applicant (Single-company Applicant, [Applicant Input]

member of Consortium, Parent Company / Sister Company /
Subsidiary of [name of Applicant / member of Consortium] ):

Name of project [Applicant Input]

Sector [Applicant Input]

Project brief [Applicant Input]

If the project is PPP? (If yes, please specify type*) [Applicant Input]

Location of project [Applicant Input]

Owner / developer of project [Applicant Input]

Applicants role in the project (pre and post completion) [Applicant Input]

Project cost (USD million) 54F [minimum USD 100 million

and one project of USD 750
million] [Applicant Input]

5 Convert Project Cost to USD using the exchange rate at the Contract Award Date.
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Information Requirement Applicant Input

Debt Financing (USD million)6 [Applicant Input]

Source of debt finance [Applicant Input]

Nature of financing (non/limited recourse project finance, etc.) [Applicant Input]

Lead arranger(s) of debt finance [Applicant Input]

Applicant’s equity shareholding in the project company on the [Applicant Input]

date of financial close
[minimum 15 %]

Applicant’s source(s) of equity finance including amount [Applicant Input]


Date of financial close [Applicant Input]

[should be within ten (10)
years immediately preceding
the PQA date]

Commercial operation date [Applicant Input]

*Following types shall be considered as PPP – DBFOO, DBFM, DBFOT, DBFOMT, DBFOM,

6 Convert Project Cost to USD using the exchange rate at the Financial Close Date
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14 Appendix E - Technical Experience

Information in the tables below is for the purpose of demonstrating all MER related to technical
The Applicant shall fill the following table by providing Reference sheet number and tick the
validity of each threshold if achieved.
Table 12: Management of Metro ‘turnkey project’

MER 3 Line Station Depot

Threshold 6km 5 No. 2 No.

Reference ID   
Reference XX...   
Table 13: Structures & Building Construction

MER 4 Line Station

Threshold 6km 5 No.

Reference ID  
Reference XX...  
Table 14: Transit System supply and implementation (including rolling stock)

MER 5 Line Station Depot Vehicle Unit

Threshold 6km 5 No. 2 No. 30 No.

Reference ID    
Reference XX...    
Table 15: Design & Technical Interfaces management

MER 6 Line Station Depot Metro

Threshold 6km 5 No. 2 No. 2 No.

Reference ID    
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MER 6 Line Station Depot Metro

Reference XX...    
Table 16: O&M - Transit System Maintenance

MER 7 Line Station Depot Vehicle Unit

Threshold 20 km 15 No. 2 No. 30 No.

Reference ID    
Reference XX...    
Table 17: O&M - Service to Passengers and Facilities Management

MER 8 Line Vehicle Unit Station

Threshold 30 km 30 No. 20 No.

Reference ID   
Reference XX...   

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Table 18: Information for eligible references required to satisfy MER 3 to 8 (under Section
8.8) (Figures in USD Million)


Identification Number : xx

Name of the Lead Contractor [Applicant Input]

Lead Contractor’s Role in the development of the Line or its operation

Contact details (e-mail) [Applicant Input]

Contractual Status (Sub-contractor, Partner, Contract with SPV,

[Applicant Input]

Details of the line subject of the reference

Location of the Line; Country and City [Applicant Input]

Line Name [Applicant Input]

Name and contact details of the Public Transport Authority [Applicant Input]

Legal / Contractual frame of its development (Traditional

[Applicant Input]
Procurement, Concession etc.)

Type of Transit System (Metro, LRT, Monorail, etc.)

Line Design Capacity (PPHPD) [Applicant Input]

Start of Commercial Operation Date [Applicant Input]

Status of the Line as on the PQA Date (If not in Operation) [If Applicable]

Details of the section dealt by the Lead Contractors for MER 3 to 6

Name of the section the Lead Contractor has contributed to deliver [Applicant Input]

Length of this section [Applicant Input]

Number of stations in this section [Applicant Input]

Number of depots [Applicant Input]

Number of Vehicle Unit [Applicant Input]

Date of substantial completion of structural works of this section [Applicant Input]

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Lead Contractor’s share of the financial value of the expertise (in %) [Applicant Input]

Details of the section dealt by the Lead Contractor for MER 7 to 8

Start date of contract [Applicant Input]

Lead Contractor’s share of the financial value of the expertise (in %) [Applicant Input]

Peak Hour Ridership (PPHPD) [Applicant Input]

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15 Appendix F - Declaration
[Letterhead of Applicant]
Nada Yousif Deen
Assistant Undersecretary, Land Transportation
Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
P O Box 2
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: 1733 7531
Email: Bahrainmetro@mtt.gov.bh

Dated [●], 2022

Dear Sirs
Tender [●] Response to the Pre-Qualification Document for the development of Bahrain
Metro Phase One- Declaration
We herewith declare that our [Company] neither in the present nor in the past have:
a) been bankrupt or been wound up, had our affairs administered by the Court, entered into an
arrangement with creditors or suspended business activities;
b) been the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory
winding up or administration by the Court for an arrangement with creditors;
c) been convicted of an offence concerning its professional misconduct in the course of our
business or profession;
d) committed an act of professional misconduct in the course of our business or profession;
e) not fulfilled our obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the laws of the
country in which we are established; or
f) violated the labour laws of (i) Bahrain and/or (ii) the GCC states.
The undersigned declare that the statement made is complete, true, and correct in every detail.
Yours faithfully,
[insert name of Applicant]
Authorised signatory

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16 Annex 1 - Key Technical Requirements for the Metro System and

Transportation service
This annex is intended to provide an overview of the requirements that will be specified in the
Concession Agreement and highlight information which may support Applicants in forming an
appropriate team capable of achieving MTT’s requirements. The final requirements will form part
of the Concession Agreement but should not vary substantially.
Key physical features of the Metro System
For supplying transportation services along the two lines, the Metro-System is, from an
engineering point of view, composed of the Blue line including the depot to which the Red Line is
running parallel at the central section.
Route and station locations are shown on the map below and further described in this section.
Figure 3: Bahrain Metro Phase One layout

Route of the Metro-System

The route followed by the spine of the Metro-System can be divided into 5 sections: the central
section and the four stretches aside it.

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Figure 4: Geographical Breakdown of Bahrain Metro Project Phase One

Central section

Table 19: Indicative length of Bahrain Metro Phase I

Line Length (m)
Blue Line 19,270
Red Line 11,054

Station Location
Bahrain Metro Phase One features 20 stations in total, of which 18 are transit and 2 allows for
interchanging between lines. The latter two are located at the heart of the network, namely
Manama Central and Bab Al Bahrain station.
The distances between the stations range from 0.9 km to over 2 km (Red Line); and from near to
1 km to 2.2 km (Blue Line).
The following table provides station locations. These locations were derived from the
neighbourhood served by the stations. Final naming may be subject to change with the progress
of the works.
Table 20: Bahrain Metro Phase One – Station Location associated with Neighbourhood

Line Station number Description of Surroundings

1.1.4 Seef District

1.1.4 B Seef District
1.1.5 Central Market
1.1.6 Bab Al Bahrain
RED LINE 1.1.7 King Faisal Highway/Diplomatic Area
1.1.8 Sheikh Isa Bin Salman Causeway
1.1.9 Muharraq/Busaiteen
1.1.10 Muharraq
1.1.11 Bahrain International Airport
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2.5.1 Educational Area

2.5.2 Isa Town
2.5.3 Salmabad
2.6.1 Adhari
2.6.2 Tubli
BLUE LINE 2.6.3 Zinj
2.5.7 Salmaniya
2.1.3 Diplomatic Area
2.1.5 Al Fateh Corniche
2.1.6 Grand Mosque
2.1.7 Juffair

Description of Route Sub-areas and RoW

Blue Line West Branch
Starting at the Depot, this section runs north of and parallel to Road 4003. It then turns North
along the west of Sheikh Salman Highway. The alignment remains on the West until the beginning
of the exit to Estiqlal Highway, where it crosses to the East of the highway and then crosses back
to the West. The alignment continues on Sheikh Salman Highway until it turns eastwards onto
the north side of Sheikh Isa bin Salman Highway where it continues to run parallel to the highway.
The alignment turns north along the median of Highway 35, where it continues until the alignment
hits King Faisal Highway; it is to be noted that the alignment crosses behind and existing building,
Al-Hawaj, rather than following the roads towards the Salmaniya intersection.
The alignment continues to run on the median of King Faisal Highway until it comes in parallel
with the red line in the central section.
The “Central Section”
The Central Section begins where the Red Line West Branch and Blue Line West Branch east of
Al-Farouq junction come parallel. The alignment runs along the Central Market site and crosses
to the median of King Faisal Highway past the existing ramp. The section remains on the median
of the highway before it splits into Red Line East Branch and Blue Line East Branch right past
Moda Mall.

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Figure 5: Central Section Set-up: three Platforms at interchange stations

Manama Bab al
Central Bahrain

Provision for operation flexibility at the central Section

The two interchange stations have specific configurations that includes three platforms and
interchange functions in between the two lines. The interchange functions are further detailed in
the section related to architecture of the stations. The spines are composed of two viaducts one
for each metro line. Connections are required in order to manage metro trains going from the
depot and to the red line or back to the depot.
Blue Line East Branch
This section starts at the eastern end of the Central Section, where it turns south onto Isa Al
Kabeer Avenue median. The alignment then turns towards the east onto the median of
Government Avenue where it continues to move east along the southern lane of Road 1708 and
onto the median of Sheikh Hamad Causeway in front of Beit Al-Quran.
The alignment starts turning southwards before reaching the Al-Fateh Highway flyover, crossing
Al-Fateh Highway and runs along the eastern side of the highway. The alignment will continue to
run on the east of the highway avoiding the proposed elevated U-turn but crossing over the flyover
at Shaikh Daij Avenue. After crossing the flyover, the alignment slopes down to be at-grade while
crossing in front of the Grand Mosque. The alignment starts ramping up again to clear the
intersection where it turns to the median of Awal Avenue.
The alignment continues on the median of Awal Avenue following the road to the south, however
portal frames are required to achieve the sharp turn along the road. Its alignment ends at Road
Red Line West Branch
Starting at Seef Mall, this section follows the north side of Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Highway,
before crossing into the median of this highway. The alignment crosses the flyover from King
Abdullah Ibn Al-Hussain Avenue. After passing City Centre Mall, the alignment moves to the south
of the highway to avoid the proposed Al Farooq Junction improvement project before reaching
the Blue Line West Branch and the Central Section to the west of the Central Market site.
Red Line East Branch
This section begins at the eastern end of the Central Section at the median of King Faisal Highway
moving east. The alignment continues on the median where long spans are required to cross over
the Al-Fateh Highway flyover. Past the intersection with Sheikh Isa bin Salman Causeway the
alignment crosses to the north where it continues to run parallel to the causeway. At Al-Ghouse
Highway intersection, the alignment moves to the median of Airport Avenue, where it remains in
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the median until reaching the existing roundabout at the end of the Avenue. The alignment is
designed to avoid the future proposed roads developments at this junction. The alignment turns
to be parallel of Road 2403 but runs through the at-grade Bahrain International Airport carpark.
Before reaching the new airport terminal building, the alignment shifts to the other side of the road
where it ends. This takes into account the future expansion of the network from PK 4+357 to
11+054 follows eastward the King Faisal High-way, fly over the interchange and continue on the
north side of the cause way for joining again the median of 35 and them King Faisal Highway in
the median the following stations before reaching the Airport Complex.
Once at the Airport area, the Spine is still a viaduct and follows road 2403 on the north side over-
lapping the ground of the airport where is the new terminus. A specific station design for the new
airport has been developed.
Track Alignment
Final Track Alignment shall be resulting from the Project Company’s own technology and
compliance with routes and integration principles set in the previous chapter and all other
end performance specified in the contract and the available land established by MTT.

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Summary table of Key Features of the Metro System

Table 21: Key Features of the Metro System

Project Elements Red Line Blue Line Total Comments

Along Grand Mosque and

At-Grade Section None See comment
access to Depot
Transit stations 7 Nos 11 Nos 18 Nos
2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos Along central section
Platform length built shall be
Minimum Straight Alignment of 120m
sufficient to guarantee the
available for overall station
Platform length Ultimate Capacity of the Metro
design configuration
System defined in this table.
Platform clear 4.5m 4.5m
Between 16o and 28o C
Comfort Air-conditioned Air-conditioned
depending on the seasons
Platform screen
Yes Yes

Units Units Fleet sizing is the

responsibility of Project
Rolling Stock and / or and / or
Company to satisfy the level
Coupling Coupling of service required
Rolling Stock Once coupled, all doors must be
length within the length of the platforms
20% Fixed 20% Fixed
Minimum Rolling Seats Seats Calculated based on 4
Stock Seats 28% including 28% including standing pas/m2
Folding Seats Folding Seats

Minimum Speed 80km/h 80km/h

Maximum Gradient including

Maximum Gradient possible curve effect
of Rolling Stock 5% 5% (Maximum gradient: (straight)
traction 4.0 % (curve) 4-50/R % for
the alignment)

Traction Power No Catenary No Catenary

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Project Elements Red Line Blue Line Total Comments

Train Control Driverless Driverless GoA4

Minimum Headway
90s 90s
Ultimate Capacity Including Depot and Stabling
of the Metro 23,000 PPHPD 23,000 PPHD capacity at terminuses with
System no line extension

Depot (maintenance and stabling facilities)

The depot (single area for stabling and maintenance facilities) is located at the south end of the
Blue Line, in the Education Area. It consists of the land plot currently occupied by the bus depot.
The depot facility shall comprise buildings and tracks that provide the required infrastructure to
support in a fully self-sufficient manner the daily maintenance and other major overhaul for the
train fleet (including painting).
The service track to the Blue Line West Branch is starting at the end of the turn-back area of the
rear of terminus station and ramp down until grade level to the depot, which develops at-grade.
The depot’s capacity shall be enough to cover the operational needs of the Blue Service Line and
the Red Service Line at their ultimate capacity (excluding any expansion), which shall be designed
and have all provisions for coping with future increase of the fleet due to reduction of the headway
but excluding any line extension.
Each terminus of the Red and Blue line shall be equipped with a minimum of two stabling position
after the station.
Stabling position at Seef terminal station shall anticipate the future extension of the red line.
Hence, four stabling positions shall be implemented after Seef station.
In case of line extension, a second depot is planned to be constructed (not in the scope of this
Contract) along the extension consisting of extending the Red Line from Seef to the future GCC
railway station.

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Figure 6: Map and potential layout of the Depot

Stations Functional Arrangements

The stations shall be sized to accommodate not only technical rooms required for the Transit
System but also their own “back office” rooms for MEPs and staff activities. Priority shall be given
to the passengers’ experience and safety in addition to smooth pedestrian flows.
The Project Company has the flexibility to propose Station configuration within the
available land and RoW and ensure existing road infrastructure capacity is not affected as
long as all performance requirements described in the previous chapter are satisfied.
The Project Company shall optimize height of station whenever possible.
Stations shall be LEED GOLD certified.

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Figure 7: Elevated Station (Functional layout for illustration only)

Public Image and Perception, “Look and Feel”

The Metro System as a single element will be a major contributor to the identity of the city. As
such, it shall give a feeling of elegance and sobriety. From the passenger’s perspective it shall
provide a friendly atmosphere.
The Stations interior fitting-out and finishes shall be based on ordered alignments of walls, floors
and stone / tile modules which will create a sense of comfort excluding any unnecessary luxury
effects and mirroring the colours of the natural environment of Bahrain.
For the exterior of the station, two visual identities shall be possible, to match the visual identity
of the surroundings :
i. New urban identity across newly developed areas, which implies materials echoing
surrounding newly built buildings. The stations shall feature a kind of high-tech flavour.
ii. Traditional urbanity which implies more natural materials that reminds of the traditional
architecture and construction materials of Bahrain.
Rolling Stock Composition
Rolling stock shall feature the most advanced operational and comfort features available in the
market. Train sets shall operate driverless and fully air-conditioned. Train cars must survive the
harsh climate conditions of Bahrain, with intense direct sunlight, high humidity, strong winds and
occasional sandstorms.
Fleet Sizing
It shall be the responsibility of the Project Company to procure the adequate number of vehicles
as to guarantee the level of Transportation Services set by MTT.

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Brief of the Services associated with the Development Phase

The Project Company shall be responsible for supplying all services required to achieve the
completion of the Project Asset.
This includes the following :
i. Design and quality assurance process applying the “V cycle principle”
ii. Complementary studies to be carried out for supporting the design
iii. Risk assessment of geotechnical conditions and flooding’s
iv. Safety studies
v. Security, risk management provisions for nuclear radiations and biological hazard studies
vi. RAM studies
vii. Operation studies (including accessibility studies, and passengers flow simulation)
viii. Maintenance studies (including accessibility to all part and itineraries for delivery and for
ix. Capital replacement plan & consumable evaluation
x. Development of Building Information Modelling (BIM) during design and construction to
support MMS (Maintenance Management Systems) with technical data base and As-Built
xi. Development of manuals and training sessions for operations and maintenance entry
xii. Site and Construction management
xiii. Design of temporary works
xiv. Protection of works from weather
xv. Traffic Management – The Project Company shall adopt a global approach to “Keep
Bahrain Moving” during the entire period of the Works.
xvi. Protection of adjacent structures and works
xvii. Security
xviii. Testing & Commissioning with technical training of the operation and maintenance entity
and assistance to operation and maintenance entity during trial run.
Brief of the Transportation Services during the Operation Phase
Table 22: Service Level Key Parameters
Services Key drivers Red Line Blue Line Comments
Terminus 1 Seef
Terminus 2 International Juffair
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Services Key drivers Red Line Blue Line Comments

Number of Stops 7 11 2 are in Central Sections
Minimum Commercial
42km/h 42km/h
Maximum Passenger 15mn at start and end of
10 minutes 10 minutes
Waiting Time Services
On board Max no of
4pax/m2 4pax/m2
Adjustable depending on
period of the week
Window for Commercial
18 Hours (Weekends) and Year
(Ramadan, Public
Events, School, etc.)
Expected Load at Start of 5000 PPHPD
Commercial Services
Daily Numbers of
190,000 On the Entire Network
Expected Passengers
Ultimate passenger load
23,000 23,000 When lines will be operated
of infrastructure and
PPHPD PPHPD with 90 s headway
Transit System
Organization and Resources (Human and Material)
The Project Company shall be responsible to hire all human resources and purchase or lease
any material resources including consumable that may not be included in the Project Asset, and
which are required to deliver the Transportation Services.
Transportation Services
The Transportation Services due by the Project Company in brief include the following items :
a) Fare collection (All forms of payment for example e-payment and cash handling)
b) General watch and report
c) Fare evasion prevention and enforcement
d) Day to day public information about the Bahrain Metro services by means of posters,
public announcement, digital (including social media and apps) or direct approach to the
e) Passengers flows / crowd management
f) Assistance to passengers with special needs
g) Assistance to passengers with bicycle and any other “Micro-mobility” vehicles
h) Central lost & found
i) Central contact centre
Services related to Cooperation with Public Transport Stakeholders
The Transportation Services to be provided by the Project Company in brief also include the
following items :
a) Cooperation with other Public Transport Operators in Bahrain
b) Cooperation with Civil Defence
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c) Cooperation with Police and other Security Staff

d) Cooperation with “Lease Holders” (Private entities allowed to benefit from part of the
Project Asset for the purpose of business activities)
e) Cooperation with owners and operators of buildings where the Project Asset has direct
connection with
f) Involvement for “Crisis Management”
g) Management of access conditions in the Metro premises
h) Contribution to “Institutional Promotion of Public Transport”
i) Cooperation for evolution and update of the way finding facilities
j) Coordination for interoperable Tetra with other Public Transport operators and Civil
k) Contribution to cyber security
l) Administrative assistance to MTT by providing data and statistics
Definition of the KPIs and Reporting / Dashboard
An indicative list of categories of KPIs includes:
a) Passenger’s satisfaction
b) Safety of passengers and staff
c) Cleanliness
d) Compliance of service with headway and trip time and timetable
e) Adaptation of headway to peak of demand (max no of Pax/m2)
f) Appearance and attitude of staff
g) Assistance and information to customer
h) Fare evasion prevention and enforcement
i) Security (Physical and Cyber)
j) Care for the environment
k) Energy efficiency
l) Reporting to MTT
Fare collection
The Project Company shall ensure fare collection on behalf of MTT from all the metro passengers
and prevent effectively fare evasion.
The Project Company shall ensure availability to the public of all means of payment that
technology can provide at any time of the Operation Period including:
▪ Web Payment through the Metro-Web Site under the control of the Project Company
▪ Payment by means of smart phone applications purchased / developed / maintained by
the Project Company
▪ Selling of smart cards in metro stations both by the means of Automatic Ticket machines
or at the booth by members of the Project Company’s staff
▪ Direct purchase of fare fees at the gate with credit card NFC capabilities

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Brief of the Maintenance Services during the Operation Phase

The Maintenance Services apply to all components of the Project Asset and KPIs are established
for monitoring and assessing the performance.
The scope of the maintenance is understood as including all activities required for maintaining
the Project Asset and any other facilities that may be indicated part of the maintenance scope, at
a constant level of performance.
Definition of the KPIs and reporting
Here is the indicative list of categories of KPI’s :
a) Compliance of metro services
b) Availability rate
c) Medium time between failures of the Transit-System, the conveyors, and the station
d) Responsiveness for repair
e) Health and safety of workers
f) Availability of tools & other maintenance equipment
g) Spare parts management
h) Waste management and contribution to circular economy
i) Completeness of the technical database
j) Completeness and accuracy of manuals and as built documentation
k) “Leeds Gold” Certification of the stations.

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Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

Applicable Standards
Applicable Common Standards to All Contract Components
All permanent Works shall satisfy the Building Codes and Standards imposed by Bahraini
legislation relating to workmanship quality policy, safety policy, security policy, health policy.
However, in case of any contradiction with a requirement detail, especially in sections related to
specific subsystem of the Metro System, the latter shall prevail, and derogation shall prevail.
General to the Whole Metro System (provisional list)
▪ National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
▪ NFPA 130: 2017 Standard for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems
(Requirements related to tunnels will apply on viaduct but with justified adaptations)
▪ NFPA 101 Fire and Life Safety standards
▪ AS/NZS 4536: 1999, Life cycle costing – An application guide
Structural Components (provisional list)
▪ Bahrain Standard Specifications for Construction Works
▪ Euro-Codes
▪ UIC – International Union of Railways
▪ EN – European Codes for Plumbing and Drainage
Safety of the Transit System (provisional list)
▪ AREMA-Manual for Railway Engineering
▪ 50126-2: 2007 Railway Applications – The specification and demonstration of Reliability,
Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), Part 2: Guide to the application of EN
50126-1 for Safety.
▪ EN 50128: 2011 Railway Applications – Communication, Signalling and processing
systems – software for railway control and protection systems.
▪ EN 50129: 2018 Railway Applications – Communication, signalling and processing
systems – Safety Related electronic systems for signalling.
▪ EN 61508: 2010 Function safety of electrical/ electronic/ electronic / programmable
electronic safety- Related systems
▪ IEC 61511, Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry
▪ N 614 Part 1: 2009 Safety of machinery- Ergonomic design principle – Part 1: Terminology
and general principle
▪ EN 614 Part 2: 2008 Safety of machinery- Ergonomic design principle – Part 2:
Interactions between the design of machinery and work tasks
▪ IEC/TS 61000-1-2: 2016 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 1-2: General –
Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems
including equipment regarding electromagnetic phenomena.
▪ IEC 60812: 2018, Analysis techniques for system reliability – Procedure for Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis
▪ MIL-HDBK-781A - Reliability Test Methods, Plans, and Environments for Engineering
Development, Qualification and Production

73 | P a g e
Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain
Bahrain Metro Phase One: RFQ Document

RAMS (provisional list)

EN 50126: 2017 Railway Applications –The specification and demonstration of Reliability,
Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Part 1: Basic requirements and generic process.
The RAM objectives are set separately for:
▪ Transit System
▪ The Rolling Stock
▪ The Stations Conveyors (Escalators, Lifts, etc.)
▪ Stations MEP
In addition, specific RAMS objective of 99.9% for safety related subsystems are detailed in the
relevant requirements for the permanent works.
Cybersecurity (provisional list)
▪ Bahrain cybersecurity regulations
▪ ISO 27002 Information technology – Security techniques – Code of practice for
information security controls for his information security management systems.
▪ IEC 62443 - Cybersecurity for industrial automation and control systems (IACS)
providing guidelines to the stakeholders along the system life cycle
▪ CENELEC TS 50701 - Railway applications – cybersecurity for the implementation of
the IEC 62443 for the transportation system.
Other Applicable Standards (Provisional)
▪ EEMUA 201: Process plant control desks utilizing human-computer interfaces: a guide to
design, operational and human-computer interface issues
▪ EEMUA 191: Alarm systems – a guide to design, management, and procurement
▪ EN ISO 11064 Parts 1 - 7: Ergonomic Design of Control Centers
▪ BS 5940 Part 1: 1980 Office furniture. Specification for design and dimensions of office
workstations, desks, tables, and chairs
▪ EN 55022 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of
▪ EN 55024 Information technology equipment – Immunity characteristics – Limits and
methods of measurement
▪ EN 50061 EMC Standard for Cardiac Pacemaker
▪ EN 50121 series Railway Applications – EMC Part 1 to 5
▪ EN 12015 Electromagnetic compatibility – Product family standard for lifts escalators and
passengers’ conveyors – Emission
▪ EN 12016 Electromagnetic Compatibility – Product family standard for lifts, escalators,
and passenger conveyors – Immunity
▪ EN 50238 Railway applications – Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection
▪ EN 50130-4 Alarm systems – Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility – Product family
standard: Immunity requirement for components of fire, intruder, and social alarm

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