Ee 480 Senior Design Ethics Paper

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Ethics are the moral principles that governs a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

Ethics touches various aspects from individual based, group based, company or institution. It

plays a major role in corporate responsibility, consumer rights, civil rights, personal privacy, and

protection as well as the online security. It is the responsibility of not just governments and but

also the people to make sure moral ethical virtues are observed in everything they do.

According to the ethics presentation, before undertaking any task or decision on doing

something, one has to think through the effects which might be caused by the act or the decision

made and how they will impact the parts involves, citizens, leadership, country, organization and

even the economy of the both the company, country and the world in general. The decision made

by considering all the possible proper ways of analyzing the situation and the correct action

which will be take, always end up becoming beneficial to the parties involved and they cause no

or less as compared to the one which are done without properly analyzing the situation before

action or rather determining the most recommendable actions to be taken with minimal effects.

At some points opinions ranging from cultural affects the decisions made from time to time since

culture is more diverse and keeps on evolving with time. Some concept of privacy is essential to

American culture for essential growth. Even what is termed as moral itself, is a signature on a

healthy legal system constantly reshaping itself to meet the demands of its peoples. On how we

may satisfy these demands via a shift in corporate (services providers) culture and behavior to

one that is more in sync with the demands

On matter of who is responsible for violations of privacy when they are found, we see that by

and large for example the “mobile operator” or in context of this paper service provider is
considered responsible. But how should the service provider carry this burden of responsibility?

According to Information Privacy: Corporate Management and National Regulations. This

burden of responsibility may not in whole be sustainable by the corporation itself, whose general

behavior is described as “reactive”. Here they advocate for some regulation via government over

corporations, for them to implement more privacy conscious policies.

Based on our senior design project, there are some ethical issues which we’ve come across

severally one being about security. For the Remote ID for the UAVs security is the major

concern for every individual inn the area since there is allot of damage which can be caused by

this gadget if the security measure is not put in place to prevent it. As for this project we realized

that one can use remote Id to redirect the UAVs and crush it to property or crowd of people

causing damage of dead. To prevent this, more measures must be taken on the kind of operations

you can perform with the remote ID by limiting it to only identification on and location


The last ethical issue is about the privacy since this Remote ID can expose the sensitive

information of the UAV operator as well as the location of the operator hence breaking the

privacy of the operator. This way, using Remote ID the operator is prone to danger which may

arise from exposure of the Remote ID to people with other bad intent or terrorist /hacker who

may use the information to cause harm, damage or steal resources electronically and even hold

people hostages using the hacked UAVs and controlling them using the Remote ID. This issue is

taken care of in our project by having add brokers and ant-tamper engineering activities intended

to deter and/or delay exploitation of critical technologies in a system

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