MSTET - 18th Feb - Shift1 - HE

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Middle School Teacher
Eligibility Test - 2018
18th Feb 2019 09:30 AM

Topic:- Child Development & Pedagogy (CDP)

1) Which of the following is not a child-centered learning practice? / िन िल खत म से कौन-सा

एक बाल-कि त अिधगम का अ ास नही ं है ?

1. Make the student more active in acquiring knowledge and skills / ान और कौशल अिजत करने म
छा को अिधक सि य बनाना।

2. Make the student more aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it / छा को इस बारे
म अिधक जानकारी दे ना िक वे ा कर रहे ह और ों कर रहे ह।

3. Working under teacher’s direction and decisions / िश क के िनदश और िनणयों के तहत काम

4. Focus on interaction, such as the use of tutorials and other discussion groups / पार रक िवचार-
िवमश पर ान कि त करना, जैसे िक ूटो रयल और अ चचा समूहों का उपयोग करना।

Correct Answer :-

Working under teacher’s direction and decisions / िश क के िनदश और िनणयों के तहत काम

2) Which of the following is used in tests of attitude? / िन िल खत म से िकसका उपयोग

मनोवृि के परी णों म िकया जाता है ?

1. Aptitude test / अिभ मता परी ण

2. Achievement test / उपल परी ण

3. IQ test / बु म ा परी ण (आई ू टे )

4. Likert scale / िलकट ेल

Correct Answer :-

Likert scale / िलकट ेल

3) Multicultural awareness in the field of education includes the appreciation for and
िश ा के े म
understanding of differences in students in terms of their ________. /
ब सां ृ ितक जाग कता म उनके ________ के संदभ म छा ों म मतभेदों की समझ और सराहना
शािमल है ।

1. skills and abili es / कौशल और मताएं

2. special needs and gi edness / िवशेष आव कताएं और उपहार

3. socioeconomic status and religious backgrounds/ सामािजक -आिथक थित और धािमक पृ भूिम

4. behaviours and disposi ons / वहार और वभाव

Correct Answer :-

socioeconomic status and religious backgrounds/ सामािजक -आिथक थित और धािमक पृ भूिम

4) The anti-anxiety drug is a drug whose primary behavioral effect is the reduction of anxiety
but it functions as Central Nervous System (CNS)______. / एं टी-तनाव
दवा, एक ऐसी दवा है
िजसका ाथिमक वहार भाव, िचंता को कम करता है लेिकन यह क ीय तंि का तं
(सीएनएस) के प म काय करता है :

1. Activator/ उ ेरक

2. Depressant/ अवसादक

3. Stimulant/ उ ेजक

4. Modifier/ संशोधक

Correct Answer :-

Depressant/ अवसादक

5) Which of the following mainly causes children to fail in examinations? / िन िल खत म से

कौन-सा मु प से ब ों को परी ाओं म असफल होने का कारण बनता है ?

1. Environment in the classroom / क ा का प रवेश

2. Physical strength / शारी रक श

3. Fear of Examina on / परी ा का डर

4. Lack of patience during examination / परी ा के दौरान धैय की कमी

Correct Answer :-

Fear of Examina on / परी ा का डर

6) “Learning by doing” is when learning is: / “करके सीखना” तब होता है जब अिधगम िन न

होता है :

ि े
1. Teacher centred / िश क के त

2. Relevant and practical / ासंिगक और ावहा रक

3. Passive and theoretical / िन य और सै ां ितक

4. Rote or didactic / रटना (रोट) या िश ा द

Correct Answer :-

Relevant and practical / ासंिगक और ावहा रक

7)Children who deviate considerably from the normal children are known as / जो ब े
सामा ब ों से काफी हटके होते ह, उ इस प म जाना जाता है :

1. Autistic children / वपरायण ब े (ऑिट क िच डे न)

2. Abnormal children / आसमा ब े

3. Intelligent children / बु मान ब े

4. Exceptional children / असाधारण ब े

Correct Answer :-

Exceptional children / असाधारण ब े

8)Gender refers to the _____ constructed differences in persons. / यों म _______ उ

िभ ताओं को िलंग (जडर) संदिभत करता है ।

1. Educationally / शैि क प से

2. Emotionally / भावना क प से

3. Biologically / जैिवक प से

4. Socially / सामािजक प से

Correct Answer :-

Socially / सामािजक प से

9) The psychologist, who conducted experiments of trial and error learning, was ______. /
______ वे मनोवै ािनक थे, िज ोंने य - ुिट अिधगम के योगों को संचािलत िकया था।

1. Thorndike / थानडाइक

2. Kohler / कोहलर

3. Skinner / नर

4. Pavlov / पावलोव
Correct Answer :-

Thorndike / थानडाइक

10) The learning that happens in the formal environment is studied by ____. / औपचा रक
वातावरण म होने वाले अिधगम का ______ ारा अ यन िकया जाता है ।

1. Anthropologists / मानविव ानी

2. Educational psychologists / िश ा मनोिव ानी

3. Clinical psychologists / नैदािनक मनोिव ानी

4. Social psychologists / सामािजक मनोिव ानी

Correct Answer :-

Educational psychologists / िश ा मनोिव ानी

11)Which profession uses the aptitude tests most? / िकस पेशे म अिभवृि जांच का सबसे
अिधक उपयोग िकया जाता है ?

1. Guidance Counsellor/ मागदशन परामशक

2. Doctors/ िचिक क

3. Lawyers/ वकीलों

4. Engineers/इं जीिनयर

Correct Answer :-

Guidance Counsellor/ मागदशन परामशक

12) Which of the following theories of motivation does not focus in any way on biological
aspects and needs? / िन िल खत म से ेरणा का कौन-सा िस ांत, जैिवक पहलुओ ं और
आव कताओं पर िकसी भी कार से ान कि त नही ं करता है ?

1. Drive theory / डाइव िस ां त

2. Hierarchy of needs theory / आव कताओं के िस ां त का पदानु म

3. Manifest needs theory / ता को िस ां त की आव कता होती है

4. Instinct theory / वृि िस ां त

Correct Answer :-

Manifest needs theory / ता को िस ां त की आव कता होती है

ि ि े
13)Which of the following is not considered a cognitive form of learning? / िन िल खत म से
िकसे अिधगम का एक सं ाना क प नही ं माना जाता है ?

1. Vicarious conditioning / यिधकृत अनुबंधन (िवकै रयस कंडीशिनंग)

2. Latent learning / अ अिधगम

3. Observational learning / िव ेषणा क अिधगम

4. Classical conditioning / शा ीय अनुबंधन ( लािसकल कंडीशिनंग)

Correct Answer :-

Classical conditioning / शा ीय अनुबंधन ( लािसकल कंडीशिनंग)

14) Which of the following principle can be used to make the students curious about the
topic?/ िन िल खत म से िकस िस ांत का उपयोग छा ों को िवषय के बारे म उ ुक बनाने के िलए
िकया जा सकता है ?

1. Already know / पहले से पता (ऑलरे डी नो)

2. Willing to know / जानने की इ छा (िविलंग टू नो)

3. Not willing to know / जानने की इ छा न होना (नॉट िविलंग टू नो)

4. Don’t know / पता न होना (डो ट नो)

Correct Answer :-

Willing to know / जानने की इ छा (िविलंग टू नो)

15) Which of the following statements is true regarding a Constructivist classroom? /

िन िल खत म से कौन-सा कथन रचनावादी (क िव ) क ा के संबंध म स है ?

1. The classroom environment is intellectually, emotionally and physically safe. / क ा का वातावरण

बौ क, भावना क और भौितक प से सुरि त होना चािहए।

2. The learning process lacks structure. / अिधगम ि या म संरचना का अभाव होता है ।

3. Student-student interactions have no role to play in a constructivist classroom. / रचनावादी

(क िव ) क ा म छा -छा के बीच बातचीत की कोई भूिमका नहीं होती है ।

4. The method of instruction is purely didactic in a constructivist classroom. / िनदश की िविध, एक

रचनावादी क ा म पूणत: िश ा द है ।

Correct Answer :-

The classroom environment is intellectually, emotionally and physically safe. / क ा का वातावरण

बौ क, भावना क और भौितक प से सुरि त होना चािहए।


ि ी ि
In what type of memory is the skill of riding a cycle stored? / िकस कार की ृित म एक
साइिकल चलाने का कौशल सं िहत होता है ?

1. Procedural memory / ि या क ृित

2. Iconic memory / ितभा स त ृित (आइकॉिनक मेमोरी)

3. Episodic memory / ासंिगक ृित (एिपसोिडक मेमोरी)

4. Declarative memory / घोषणा क ृित

Correct Answer :-

Procedural memory / ि या क ृित

17) Self-improvement is given importance in _________ approaches to personality. / आ म-

सुधार को के_________ ि कोणों म मह ा दी जाती है ।

1. Cognitive / सं ाना क

2. Psychoanalytic / मनोिव लेषणा क

3. Humanistic / मानववादी

4. Biological / जैिवक

Correct Answer :-

Humanistic / मानववादी

18) What kind a learner is a child who seems to learn best when carrying out a physical
activity related to the subject? / एक ब ा िकस तरह का िव ाथ है जो िवषय से संबंिधत भौितक
गितिविध करते ए सबसे अ ा सीखता है ?

1. Aural / य

2. Reading/writing / पठन/लेखन

3. Visual /

4. Kinesthetic / गितसंवेदी

Correct Answer :-

Kinesthetic / गितसंवेदी

19) Learning is defined as a process of bringing relatively permanent changes in the

____________ of an organism. / अिधगम को एक जीव के ____________ म अपे ाकृत थायी
प रवतन लाने की ि या के प म प रभािषत िकया गया है ।

1. Behavior / यवहार
2. Thought / िवचार

3. Personality / य व

4. Intelligence / बु

Correct Answer :-

Behavior / यवहार

20) In the Fearless Peer experiment by Bandura, who played the role of the model? /
बॅ ु रा ारा िकए गए िफयरलेस पीयर योग म, िकसने मॉडल की भूिमका िनभाई थी?

1. The experimenter / योगकता ने

2. The fearless child / िनडर ब े ने

3. The friendly dog / िम वत कु े ने

4. The fearful child / भयभीत ब े ने

Correct Answer :-

The fearless child / िनडर ब े ने

21)Study of meaning in language is known as: / भाषा म अथ के अ यन को इस नाम से जाना

जाता है :

1. Morphology / मोफ लॉजी

2. Linguistics / िलं

3. Syntax / िसंटे स

4. Semantics / िसमिट स

Correct Answer :-

Semantics / िसमिट स

22)In view of Piaget the stage of development from the age 7 to 12 years is called: / िपयाजे के
अनुसार, 7 से 12 साल की उ के िवकास की अव था को कहा जाता है :

1. Concrete operational /मूत संि या क

2. Formal operational / औपचा रक संि या मक

3. Pre operational / पूव-संि या क

4. Sensory motor stage / संवेदी पेशीय अव था

Correct Answer :-
Concrete operational /मूत संि या क

23)Four limbs of the body are affected in case of ____. / ____ के मामले म शरीर के चार अंग
भािवत होते ह।

1. Triplegia / टाई लेिगया

2. Biplegia / बाइ लेिगया

3. Quadriplegia / वाडी लेिगया

4. Hemiplegia / हे मी लेिगया

Correct Answer :-

Quadriplegia / वाडी लेिगया

24) Developing one’s personality helps in / िकसी के के िवकास से ______ म सहायता

होती है ।

1. Quicken the process of maturation. / प रप ता की ि या को तेज करने

2. Increasing body stature. / शरीर का कद बढ़ने

3. Dealing with social situations. / सामािजक थितयों से िनपटने

4. Overcome congenital disorders. / ज जात िवकारों पर काबू पाने

Correct Answer :-

Dealing with social situations. / सामािजक थितयों से िनपटने

25) According to Thorndike’s theory, the frequency of stimulus-response pairings determine

the formation of/ थानडाइक के िस ांत के अनुसार, उ ेजना- िति या यु ों की आवृि , िन न का
गठन िनधा रत करता है :

1. Reinforcements / बलन

2. Habits / आदत

3. Punishments / दं ड

4. Conditioning / अनुबंधन

Correct Answer :-

Habits / आदत


ि ि े ौ
Which of the following is an example of crea ve thinking? / िन िल खत म से कौन रचना क
िचंतन का उदाहरण है ?

1. Arguing / तक करना

2. Managing me / समय बंधन

3. Ac ve listening / सि य वण

4. Ques oning / पूछ-ताछ

Correct Answer :-

Ques oning / पूछ-ताछ

27) Language is which of the following types of content? / भाषा, िन िल खत म से िकस कार
की िवषय-व ु है ?

1. Auditory / वण

2. Pedan c / िढ़वादी

3. Visual /

4. Symbolic / सां केितक

Correct Answer :-

Symbolic / सां केितक


Which of the following compares the human cognition to the working of a computer?/
िन िल खत म से कौन कं ूटर के कामकाज के िलए मानवीय अनुभूित की तुलना करता है ?

1. Neural Processing / तंि का म

2. Network mapping / नेटवक मानिच ण

3. Information Processing / सूचना म

4. Mind mapping / मन मानिच ण

Correct Answer :-

Information Processing / सूचना म


What is described as the pattern of enduring characteristics that defines a person and
produces consistency and individuality? / थायी िवशेषताओं के पैटन के पम ा विणत है जो
एक को प रभािषत करता है और थरता एवं का उ ादन करता है ?
1. Personality /

2. Learning / अिधगम

3. Intelligence / बु

4. Motivation / ेरणा

Correct Answer :-

Personality /


The term Abstract Thinking refers to / तकसंगत िचंतन श िन न से सबंिधत है :

1. Personality /

2. Attitude / मनोवृि

3. Intelligence / बु

4. Motivation / ेरणा

Correct Answer :-

Intelligence / बु

Topic:- General Hindi (L1GH)

1) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: गोमा के पास कौन सा जानवर नही ं था?

1. बकरी

2. गाय

3. भे ड़

4. बै ल

Correct Answer :-

2) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

: ‘आशा’ श का पयायवाची श कौन सा है ?

1. उलाहना

2. वासना

3. सां ना

4. आकां ा

Correct Answer :-

आकां ा

3) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: िन म से ा गोमा की परे शानी नही ं थी ?

1. जं गल

2. वषा

3. फसल

4. चारा

Correct Answer :-


4) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: गोमा कौन था?

1. एक िकसान

2. एक बिनया

3. एक लोहार

4. एक सोनार

Correct Answer :-

एक िकसान

5) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: गोमा के मन म खेत न जोतने का िवचार ों आ रहा था?

1. ोंिक वह ब त थक गया था।

2. ोंिक उसकी प ी नहीं चाहती थी।

3. ोंिक और लोग खेत नहीं जोत रहे थे।

4. ोंिक वषा होने का कोई आसार नहीं था।

Correct Answer :-

ोंिक वषा होने का कोई आसार नहीं था।

6) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: गोमा कैसा था ?

1. मू ख
2. आशावादी

3. कामचोर

4. पागल

Correct Answer :-


7) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: बक रयों को कौन चरा रहा था ?

1. गोमा

2. गाँ व वाले

3. गोमा की प ी

4. उपरो सभी

Correct Answer :-

गोमा की प ी

8) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: ‘डाँवाडोल’ श का ा अिभ ाय है ?

1. थर

2. अ थर

3. असाधारण

4. साधारण

Correct Answer :-
अ थर

9) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: ‘आषाढ़’ महीने के बाद कौन सा महीना आता है ?

1. बै शाख

2. काितक

3. सावन

4. े

Correct Answer :-


10) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: गुजर-बसर म कौन सा समास है ?

1. ं समास

2. ब ीिह समास

3. अ यीभाव समास

4. ि गु समास

Correct Answer :-

ं समास

11) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: िकतने वष से वषा कम ई है ?

1. पाच वष से

2. चार वष से

3. तीन वष से

4. दो वष से

Correct Answer :-

तीन वष से

12) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: बैलों का खेती म ा योगदान है ?

1. पीटे जाने का

2. खे त जोतने का

3. चराए जाने का

4. हां के जाने का

Correct Answer :-

खेत जोतने का

13) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

न: ुत ग ख म ‘खेत जोत कर ा क ं गा?’ गोमा िकससे पूछता है ?

1. यं से

2. िकसानों से

3. जानवरों से

4. प ी से

Correct Answer :-

यं से

14) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ
थी ं। छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई थी। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस
वष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस
छोड़ी और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर
उठा। गाय, बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त
बटोरी और हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक
“गोमा! खेत जोतने से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका
मन डाँवाडोल भी आ िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

: 'गोमा एक िकसान था' म कौन सा काल होगा?

1. इनम से कोई नहीं

2. वतमान

3. भू त

4. भिव

Correct Answer :-


15) एक था िकसान। गोमा मोरी नाम था उसका। गुजर-बसर लायक खेती थी। एक गाय, एक जोड़ी बैल, बीस बक रयाँ थी ं।
छोटा-सा घर। घर के सामने पशु बाँधने का बाड़ा। तीन साल से वषा ब त कम ई। न फसले ई थी ं न चारा। इस वष भी
आषाढ़ सूखा ही रह गया। वषा की कोई आशा नही ं बंधी थी। “खेत जोतकर ा क ँ गा?” गोमा ने एक ल ी सांस छोड़ी
और मन ही मन सोचा। वह बैलों को हाँकते ए वािपस घर की ओर चल पड़ा। अगले िदन गोमा बड़े सवेरे सोकर उठा। गाय,
बैल व बक रयों को बाड़े से िनकाला। उसकी प ी बक रयों को घेरकर उ चराने चली गई। उसने िफर िह त बटोरी और
हल को बैलों के कंधे पर रखकर चल पड़ा खेतों की ओर। रा े म उसे कई िकसानों ने टोककर कहा िक “गोमा! खेत जोतने
से ा होगा? वषा के तो कुछ भी आसार नही ं िदख रहे ।” गोमा ने सब की बात सुनी। कई बार उसका मन डाँवाडोल भी आ
िफर भी उसने िह त रखी और कुछ सोचकर खेत पर प ँ च गया।

उपयु त ग ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए न का उ र बताइए।

: ‘बाड़ा’ श ा है ?

1. िवदे शी

2. दे शज

3. त म
4. त व

Correct Answer :-

दे शज


जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: ुत पं याँ िकस छ म रिचत ह ?

1. इनमे से कोई नहीं

2. सबद

3. रमै नी

4. साखी

Correct Answer :-


17) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: ‘जीभ’ श िन न म से या है ?

1. ीिलंग

2. इनम से कोई नहीं

3. पु ंग

4. नपुं सकिलं ग

Correct Answer :-


18) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले ै का उ ुर बताइए।

: “जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान” के मा म से किव ने िकसके मह को ाथिमकता दी है ?

1. जाित

2. साधु

3. ान

4. तलवार

Correct Answer :-


19) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

: ‘कर’ का ा अथ है ?

1. कान

2. नाक

3. मुं ह

4. हाथ

Correct Answer :-


20) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

: ‘पड़ा रहन दो ान’ से ा ता य है ?

1. आभू षण का सौ य

2. ान का मह हीन होना

3. ान को रं ग दे ना

4. उपरो सभी

Correct Answer :-

ान का मह हीन होना

21) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

: ‘द ँ िदिस िफरै ’ का ा ता य है ?

1. मन का भटकाव

2. चारों रा

3. चारों लोक

4. चारों कुल

Correct Answer :-

मन का भटकाव

22) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: सुिमरन के अंतगत ा आता है ?

1. केवल िचं तन

2. केवल रण

3. केवल मनन

4. उपरो सभी

Correct Answer :-

उपरो सभी

23) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: ुत पं म किव ा पूंछने से मना करता है ?

1. जाित
2. ान

3. वै रा

4. उपरो सभी

Correct Answer :-


24) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: ुत पं म कबीर ने िकसके मह को दशाया है ?

1. ान

2. तलवार

3. अ ान

4. उपरो सभी

Correct Answer :-


25) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: तलवार श का पयायवाची श ा नही ं है ?

1. कृपाण

2. खड् ग

3. अिस

4. तरकस

Correct Answer :-


26) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥
माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।
मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: मन कहाँ िफरता रहता है ?

1. ान म

2. उपवन म

3. चारो िदशाओं म

4. सु िमरन म

Correct Answer :-

चारो िदशाओं म

27) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: “मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ” पं म किव ने िकस बाट का िवरोध िकया है ?

1. भ का

2. ान का

3. जाित का

4. कमका का

Correct Answer :-

कमका का

28) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: कबीर ने सुिमरन िकसे नही ं माना है ?

1. केवल जीभ डु लाने को

2. केवल मन को चरों िदशाओं म घु माने को

3. केवल माला फेरने को

4. उपरो सभी
Correct Answer :-

उपरो सभी

29) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

न: ‘साधु’ श का ीिलंग ा है ?

1. साधु ओं

2. शा ी

3. साधु ई

4. सा ी

Correct Answer :-

सा ी

30) जाित न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीिजए ान,।

मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो ान ॥

माला तो कर म िफरै , जीभ िफरै मुख माँिह ।

मनुवाँ तो द ँ िदिस िफरै , यह तौ सुिमरन नािहं ॥

िदए गए प ांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले न का उ र बताइए।

: ‘सुिमरन’ का ा अथ है ?

1. भगवान् के नाम का रण

2. ोध करना

3. मृ ु को ा करना

4. इनमे से कोई नहीं

Correct Answer :-

भगवान् के नाम का रण

Topic:- General English(L2GE)

1) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate preposition in the given sentence.

Most people like cricket, but ______ my opinion it is too chaotic.

1. of

2. from

3. with

4. in

Correct Answer :-


2) Fill in the blank with the correct option in the given sentence.

The school conducted the annual sports day success--.

1. -ion

2. -ive

3. -fully

4. -ful

Correct Answer :-


3) Fill in the blank with the correct option in the given sentence:

If _________ is low, they will cancel the class.

1. enrolling

2. enrolled

3. enrollee

4. enrollment

Correct Answer :-


4) Fill in the blank with the correct option in the given sentence:

The students requested the school management to conduct a --exam mock test.

1. pro-
2. post-

3. multi-

4. pre-

Correct Answer :-


5) Choose an appropriate modal for the given sentence:

___________ you have orange juice?

1. Might

2. Shall

3. Will

4. Should

Correct Answer :-


6) Choose the most suitable pronouns for the given sentence:

____ house is as big as ____.

1. My … yours

2. Our … your

3. Our … ourselves

4. Their … theirs

Correct Answer :-

My … yours

7) Choose the appropriate tenses to fill in the blanks in the given sentence :

______ the degree to his ward for personal reasons, the dean ____ to make it public.

1. Denied, was not wan ng

2. Having denied , didn’t want

3. Having denying, would want

4. Denying, didn’t wanted

Correct Answer :-

Having denied , didn’t want

8) Choose the appropriate conjunction to fill in the blank in the given sentence:

Do your duty without ___________ado.

1. many

2. all

3. little

4. much

Correct Answer :-


9) Choose the appropriate antonym for the highlighted word in the given sentence.

Incessant rains inundated low lying areas.

1. Occasional

2. Uninterrupted

3. Con nual

4. Ceaseless

Correct Answer :-


10) Choose the appropriate option that rewrites the given sentence in its passive voice.

Everybody loves Mr. Brown.

1. Mr. Brown was loved by everybody.

2. Mr. Brown is loving everybody.

3. Mr. Brown is loved by everybody.

4. Everybody is loved by Mr. Brown.

Correct Answer :-

Mr. Brown is loved by everybody.

11) Choose the appropriate synonym for the highlighted word in the given sentence.

Western leaders are looking beyond traditional indices of economic and social well being and
turning to ways of measuring national happiness.

1. Theories

2. Masterpieces

3. Indicators

4. Dices

Correct Answer :-


12) Choose the appropriate prepositions for the given sentence:

Jawaharlal Nehru was the brain_______ the project and it gave a fillip ___ the relations ____the
two countries.

1. in, on, about

2. for, from, to

3. to, behind, between

4. behind, to, between

Correct Answer :-

behind, to, between

13) Choose the option that best combines the following two sentences.

There was a cyclonic storm. The schools were closed.

1. The schools were closed, but there was a cyclonic storm.

2. The schools were closed, so there was a cyclonic storm.

3. There was a cyclonic storm, so only the schools were closed.

4. There was a cyclonic storm, so the schools were closed.

Correct Answer :-

There was a cyclonic storm, so the schools were closed.

14) Choose the option that best transforms the sentence into its Indirect form:

“You must not tell anyone,” my mother said.

1. My mother warned me not to tell to anyone.

2. My mother warned me not to tell anyone.

3. My mother warned me that I must not to tell anyone.

4. My mother warns me that not to tell anyone.

Correct Answer :-

My mother warned me not to tell anyone.

15) Choose the option that best explains the highlighted expression:

Wild horses cannot drag me to the party tonight.

1. Nothing can pull me

2. Only wild horses can take me

3. Everything is undecided

4. Even the wild horses cannot go

Correct Answer :-

Nothing can pull me

16) Choose the option that best explains the highlighted expression:

A: The insurance advisor met the so-called prospect for the seventh time.

B: I heard that. Tell him not to flog a dead horse.

1. to waste one’s efforts

2. to spend one’s money

3. to kill someone

4. to revive things

Correct Answer :-

to waste one’s efforts

17) Choose appropriate articles for the given sentence:

____ bird that cannot fly is____ anomaly.

1. No article required, a

2. A, no article required

3. The, no article required

4. A, an

Correct Answer :-

A, an

18) Read the sentence carefully and choose the option that has an error in it:

It is the dream of every mountaineers to climb the world's highest peak.

1. the world's highest peak.

2. of every mountaineers

3. to climb

4. It is the dream

Correct Answer :-

of every mountaineers

19) Read the passage carefully and answer the question given below:

Magnetic levitation trains also known as ‘maglev trains’ is a floating land transportation which
works on the principles of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion. It has been in commercial use
since 1984.
Maglev trains uses the basic concept of magnets ‘like poles repel each other’ to lift, propel and
guide the train on its track. Thus, eliminating the force of friction. However, it needs to overcome
air pressure. This enables the maglev train to reach higher speeds when compared with the
conventional trains. It can travel in excess of 500 kmph.

The advantages of Maglev trains are not only that it travels faster, it has unlikely chances of
derailing, less operating and maintenance costs, quieter when compared and also produces little
or no air pollution.

Due to air pressure the maglev trains are only slightly more energy efficient than conventional
trains. Maglev trains are little affected by snow, ice and wind.

Which of the following concepts is involved in the working of Maglev trains?

1. Electromagne c induc on

2. Electromagne c distrac on

3. Electromagne c repulsion

4. Electromagnet radia on

Correct Answer :-

Electromagne c repulsion

20) Read the passage carefully and answer the question given below:

Magnetic levitation trains also known as ‘maglev trains’ is a floating land transportation which
works on the principles of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion. It has been in commercial use
since 1984.

Maglev trains uses the basic concept of magnets ‘like poles repel each other’ to lift, propel and
guide the train on its track. Thus, eliminating the force of friction. However, it needs to overcome
air pressure. This enables the maglev train to reach higher speeds when compared with the
conventional trains. It can travel in excess of 500 kmph.

The advantages of Maglev trains are not only that it travels faster, it has unlikely chances of
derailing, less operating and maintenance costs, quieter when compared and also produces little
or no air pollution.

Due to air pressure the maglev trains are only slightly more energy efficient than conventional
trains. Maglev trains are little affected by snow, ice and wind.

The disadvantage of maglev train is:

1. Less fric on to overcome

2. More air pressure to overcome

3. More speed and faster travel

4. Less opera on cost

Correct Answer :-

More air pressure to overcome

21) Read the passage carefully and answer the question given below:

Magnetic levitation trains also known as ‘maglev trains’ is a floating land transportation which
works on the principles of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion. It has been in commercial use
since 1984.

Maglev trains uses the basic concept of magnets ‘like poles repel each other’ to lift, propel and
guide the train on its track. Thus, eliminating the force of friction. However, it needs to overcome
air pressure. This enables the maglev train to reach higher speeds when compared with the
conventional trains. It can travel in excess of 500 kmph.

The advantages of Maglev trains are not only that it travels faster, it has unlikely chances of
derailing, less operating and maintenance costs, quieter when compared and also produces little
or no air pollution.

Due to air pressure the maglev trains are only slightly more energy efficient than conventional
trains. Maglev trains are little affected by snow, ice and wind.

Maglev trains are affected by:

1. conven on

2. a rac on

3. snow

4. fric on

Correct Answer :-


22) Read the passage carefully and answer the question given below:
Magnetic levitation trains also known as ‘maglev trains’ is a floating land transportation which
works on the principles of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion. It has been in commercial use
since 1984.

Maglev trains uses the basic concept of magnets ‘like poles repel each other’ to lift, propel and
guide the train on its track. Thus, eliminating the force of friction. However, it needs to overcome
air pressure. This enables the maglev train to reach higher speeds when compared with the
conventional trains. It can travel in excess of 500 kmph.

The advantages of Maglev trains are not only that it travels faster, it has unlikely chances of
derailing, less operating and maintenance costs, quieter when compared and also produces little
or no air pollution.

Due to air pressure the maglev trains are only slightly more energy efficient than conventional
trains. Maglev trains are little affected by snow, ice and wind.

In the passage, what does the sentence, ‘Maglev trains have unlikely chances of derailing’ mean?

It will not ___.

1. serve as a train

2. move like a train

3. be considered a train

4. get off its track

Correct Answer :-

get off its track

23) Read the poem carefully and answer the question given below:

Living a life full of lies

Invites a battle to rise
Anytime your world can break
Giving you a bitter taste.

So open your eyes

And smile all your life
The doors are open to a real world
Which is far more adventurous.

Every time sharpen your mind

Learn a lesson from time
You know you can do it
Say this as you lose it.

You will get a closer look

To your fortune trailer
Your dreams are not too far
If you know who you are.

Living a life full of lies invites a:

1. Battle to rise

2. Place of peace

3. Place to hide

4. Taste of pies

Correct Answer :-

Battle to rise

24) Read the poem carefully and answer the question given below:

Living a life full of lies

Invites a battle to rise
Anytime your world can break
Giving you a bitter taste.

So open your eyes

And smile all your life
The doors are open to a real world
Which is far more adventurous.

Every time sharpen your mind

Learn a lesson from time
You know you can do it
Say this as you lose it.

You will get a closer look

To your fortune trailer
Your dreams are not too far
If you know who you are.

You will know your dreams when you know about _____.

1. yourself

2. adventure

3. the world

4. death

Correct Answer :-

25) Read the poem carefully and answer the question given below:

Living a life full of lies

Invites a battle to rise
Anytime your world can break
Giving you a bitter taste.

So open your eyes

And smile all your life
The doors are open to a real world
Which is far more adventurous.

Every time sharpen your mind

Learn a lesson from time
You know you can do it
Say this as you lose it.

You will get a closer look

To your fortune trailer
Your dreams are not too far
If you know who you are.

When the speaker describes the world as adventurous, she means that it is:

1. Sad

2. Thrilling

3. Gloomy

4. Happy

Correct Answer :-


26) Read the poem carefully and answer the question given below:

Living a life full of lies

Invites a battle to rise
Anytime your world can break
Giving you a bitter taste.

So open your eyes

And smile all your life
The doors are open to a real world
Which is far more adventurous.
Every time sharpen your mind
Learn a lesson from time
You know you can do it
Say this as you lose it.

You will get a closer look

To your fortune trailer
Your dreams are not too far
If you know who you are.

The speaker advises the reader that lies can make life ______.

1. adventurous

2. fun

3. scary

4. difficult

Correct Answer :-


27) Choose the right tag:

You do a lot of experiments, ______?

1. do you

2. don't you

3. won't you

4. aren't you

Correct Answer :-

don't you

28) Choose the option that substitutes the given phrase appropriately.

The science which studies human socie es, cultures and their development

1. Anatomy

2. Archaeology
3. Acupuncture

4. Anthropology

Correct Answer :-


29) Change the given statement from direct speech to indirect speech.

He said, “I will arrive at 7pm today.”

1. He said that I was arriving at 7pm that day.

2. He said that he would arrive at 7pm today.

3. He said that he would arrive at 7pm that day.

4. He said that I would arrive at 7pm today.

Correct Answer :-

He said that he would arrive at 7pm that day.

30) Choose the most appropriate determiner in the given sentence.

____ of the dogs was given a bone to play with.

1. All

2. Every

3. Each

4. Any

Correct Answer :-


Topic:- English (ENG)

1) Choose the synonym for the underlined word in the given sentence.

Their uncouth laughter sounded loud in the room.

1. gracious

2. suave
3. civilized

4. coarse

Correct Answer :-


2) Choose the antonym for the underlined word in the given sentence.

The instructions look very complicated, but I will try to fix it.

1. tortuous

2. meandering

3. convoluted

4. straightforward

Correct Answer :-


3) Choose the appropriate suffix to get the noun form of the underlined word in the given

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.

1. magnificence

2. magnanimous

3. magnanimity

4. magnificently

Correct Answer :-


4) Choose the appropriate modal to fill in the blanks.

If it _____ rain, they will not come.

1. can

2. may

3. might

4. should

Correct Answer :-

5) Choose the appropriate adverbial clause to fill in the blank.

The stolen goods were found ________.

1. outside the garage

2. where the dacoits usually hid things

3. in the dacoit’s hiding place

4. and the police confiscated them all

Correct Answer :-

where the dacoits usually hid things

6) Choose the appropriate tense to fill in the blanks.

Everyday, the shop ____ at 8 in the morning.

1. will opens

2. would opened

3. opens

4. open

Correct Answer :-


7) Choose the appropriate phrase preposition to fill in the blank.

_____ introduction, he made some pertinent remarks.

1. On way of

2. On the way

3. By way of

4. In the way

Correct Answer :-

By way of

8) Choose the appropriate phrase to fill in the blank.

She _____ the people standing nearby.

1. yelled at

2. yelled into
3. yelled out

4. yelled off

Correct Answer :-

yelled at

9) Choose the appropriate articles to fill in the blanks.

___ hour at ___ house is enough to give you an impression about the family that lives there.

1. a, a

2. a, an

3. an, a

4. an, an

Correct Answer :-

an, a

10) Choose the appropriate noun clause that could replace the underlined part of the given

_______ hurts me.

1. Cheating

2. The statement

3. That you should cheat me

4. Even the thought of his suffering

Correct Answer :-

That you should cheat me

11) Choose the appropriate idiom to fill in the blank.

There will be ______ in today’s interview.

1. no holds barred

2. holding pattern

3. hold of

4. hold all

Correct Answer :-

no holds barred
12) Choose the appropriate idiom to fill in the blank.

Despite the slump in crimes, the Superintendent has been ______.

1. at the wrong foot of the sergeant

2. running the sergeant off her feet

3. landing the sergeant in her feet

4. rushed the sergeant into her feet

Correct Answer :-

running the sergeant off her feet

13) Choose the appropriate determiner to fill in the blanks.

The climate of Belgavi is like ____ of Pune.

1. these

2. this

3. that

4. those

Correct Answer :-


14) Choose the option that correctly changes the voice in the given sentence.

The officer asked me my name and he jotted it down.

1. I asked my name by the officer and jotted it down by him.

2. I was asked my name by the officer and it was jotted down by him.

3. My name was being asked and had been jotted down by the officer.

4. My name was asked by the officer and he jotted it down.

Correct Answer :-

I was asked my name by the officer and it was jotted down by him.

15) Choose the option that correctly changes the voice in the given sentence.

The captive was bound to a tree.

1. The captive was bound to a tree by someone.

2. A tree was bound to the captive by someone.

3. Someone bound the captive to a tree.

4. Someone bound the tree to a captive.

Correct Answer :-

Someone bound the captive to a tree.

16) Choose the option that best transforms the simple sentence into a compound sentence.

To his eternal disgrace, he betrayed his country.

1. His betrayal of the country brought him disgrace.

2. He was disgraced by the betrayal of his country.

3. Eternal disgrace is the result of the country being betrayed by him.

4. He betrayed his country, and this was to his eternal disgrace.

Correct Answer :-

He betrayed his country, and this was to his eternal disgrace.

17) Choose the option that best transforms the given interrogative sentence into an assertive

Why waste time reading trash?

1. Is it wasting time when one reads trash all the time.

2. It is extremely foolish to waste time in reading trash.

3. Must you waste time reading trash foolishly

4. Wasting time is foolish because one reads trash, isn’t it?

Correct Answer :-

It is extremely foolish to waste time in reading trash.

18) Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of English Language?

1. It is evolving over the years

2. It is used for communication

3. It is inborn and need not be learnt

4. It is acquired through training

Correct Answer :-

It is inborn and need not be learnt

19) Which of the following is true in the context of using effective teaching learning materials in

1. Teaching without any materials helps in enhancing creativity

2. Use of materials fail to break the monotony of the teacher-centered classrooms

3. Use of relevant materials makes completion of the task very difficult

4. A task without any material seems quite boring and burdensome

Correct Answer :-

A task without any material seems quite boring and burdensome

20) Read the following letter and answer the given question.

Whomsoever it May Concern
I have had the pleasure of employing Joy Jen for five years. Joy has handled many
responsibilities in these five years. She has handled customer interaction, inventorying, and
content writing for our website, Joy is an intelligent, responsible, energetic lady who never loses
her cool in any crisis. I am sure that Joy will perform any responsibility given to her with care
and maturity.
Yours sincerely
Susan Sanders
J.O. Enterprises

According to Susan, which of the following comments is true about Joy?

1. she will be composed in the face of a crisis

2. she will panic in the face of a crisis

3. she will handle all crisis with trepidation

4. she will handle all crisis with apprehension

Correct Answer :-

she will be composed in the face of a crisis

21) Read the following report and answer the question given below:

Healthy Eating Mela

Students from the Ganapur High School organized a Healthy Eating Mela to spread the message
of good food habits. The competition included events like Cooking without Fire, Conjuring
Salads, and Watch the Calories. Our chief guest for the day was the famous nutritionist Ms.
Kamala Madhav. She spoke to the students about what is healthy and what is unhealthy food.
The day must certainly have found several converts from junk to healthy food.
Based on this given report, what does the author say must have been the consequence of the

1. Students would abandon healthy food habits and turn to junk food

2. Students would give up junk food and adopt healthy eating habits

3. Students would think that junk food is healthy and continue to eat it

4. Students would understand that junk food is not unhealthy

Correct Answer :-

Students would give up junk food and adopt healthy eating habits

22) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Make in India initiative was launched on September 25, 2014, with the primary goal of making
India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic
companies to manufacture their products within the country. Led by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, the initiative aims to raise the contribution of the
manufacturing sector to 25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the year 2025 from its
current 16%. Make in India has introduced multiple new initiatives, promoting foreign direct
investment, implementing intellectual property rights and developing the manufacturing sector.
It targets 25 sectors of the economy which range from automobile to Information Technology
(IT) & Business Process Management (BPM), the details of each can be viewed on the official
site. It also seeks to facilitate job creation, foster innovation, enhance skill development and
protect intellectual property. The logo of ‘Make in India’ – a lion made of gear wheels – itself
reflects the integral role of manufacturing in government’s vision and national development.

Apart from making India a global manufacturing hub, the Make in India initiative seeks to do a
few more things. Which one of the following options in NOT one of them?

1. safeguard intellectual property

2. encumber skill development

3. nurture innovation

4. succor job creation

Correct Answer :-

encumber skill development

23) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Make in India initiative was launched on September 25, 2014, with the primary goal of making
India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic
companies to manufacture their products within the country. Led by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, the initiative aims to raise the contribution of the
manufacturing sector to 25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the year 2025 from its
current 16%. Make in India has introduced multiple new initiatives, promoting foreign direct
investment, implementing intellectual property rights and developing the manufacturing sector.
It targets 25 sectors of the economy which range from automobile to Information Technology
(IT) & Business Process Management (BPM), the details of each can be viewed on the official
site. It also seeks to facilitate job creation, foster innovation, enhance skill development and
protect intellectual property. The logo of ‘Make in India’ – a lion made of gear wheels – itself
reflects the integral role of manufacturing in government’s vision and national development.

According to the passage, which of the following is not among the sectors of economy about
which details could be obtained from the official website?

1. Information Technology

2. GDP

3. BPM

4. Automobile

Correct Answer :-


24) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Make in India initiative was launched on September 25, 2014, with the primary goal of making
India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic
companies to manufacture their products within the country. Led by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, the initiative aims to raise the contribution of the
manufacturing sector to 25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the year 2025 from its
current 16%. Make in India has introduced multiple new initiatives, promoting foreign direct
investment, implementing intellectual property rights and developing the manufacturing sector.
It targets 25 sectors of the economy which range from automobile to Information Technology
(IT) & Business Process Management (BPM), the details of each can be viewed on the official
site. It also seeks to facilitate job creation, foster innovation, enhance skill development and
protect intellectual property. The logo of ‘Make in India’ – a lion made of gear wheels – itself
reflects the integral role of manufacturing in government’s vision and national development.

Which of the following options best expounds the logo of Make in India as given in the passage?

1. the lion indicates the integral role of the foreign manufacturing sector and the gear wheels symbolize
their nation

2. the lion indicates the integral role of the multinational companies and the gear wheels symbolize the
domestic companies

3. the gear wheels indicate the integral role of the Indian manufacturing sector and the lion symbolizes the

4. the gear wheels indicates the integral role of the Information Technology and the lion symbolizes the
Business Process Management (BPM)

Correct Answer :-

the gear wheels indicate the integral role of the Indian manufacturing sector and the lion symbolizes the
25) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Make in India initiative was launched on September 25, 2014, with the primary goal of making
India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic
companies to manufacture their products within the country. Led by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, the initiative aims to raise the contribution of the
manufacturing sector to 25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the year 2025 from its
current 16%. Make in India has introduced multiple new initiatives, promoting foreign direct
investment, implementing intellectual property rights and developing the manufacturing sector.
It targets 25 sectors of the economy which range from automobile to Information Technology
(IT) & Business Process Management (BPM), the details of each can be viewed on the official
site. It also seeks to facilitate job creation, foster innovation, enhance skill development and
protect intellectual property. The logo of ‘Make in India’ – a lion made of gear wheels – itself
reflects the integral role of manufacturing in government’s vision and national development.

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT one of the initiatives introduced as part
of Make in India?

1. promote foreign direct investment

2. develop the manufacturing sector

3. protect multinational companies

4. implement intellectual property rights

Correct Answer :-

protect multinational companies

26) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Most of his wife's opinions were heirlooms, and he took a quaint pleasure in tracing their
descent. She was proud of their age, and saw no reason for discarding them while they were still
serviceable. Some, of course, were so fine that she kept them for state

occasions, like her great-grandmother's Crown Derby; but from the lady known as Aunt
Sophronia she had inherited a stout set of every-day prejudices that were practically as good as
new; whereas her husband's, as she noticed, were always having to be replaced. In the early
days she had fancied there might be a certain satisfaction in taxing him with the fact; but she
had long since been silenced by the reply: "My dear, I'm not a rich man, but I never use an
opinion twice if I can help it."

How did the husband’s opinions differ from the wife’s?

1. They were always as good as new

2. They were always serviceable with no reason to discard

3. They were always having to be replaced

4. They were practically never having to be replaced

Correct Answer :-

They were always having to be replaced

27) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Most of his wife's opinions were heirlooms, and he took a quaint pleasure in tracing their
descent. She was proud of their age, and saw no reason for discarding them while they were still
serviceable. Some, of course, were so fine that she kept them for state

occasions, like her great-grandmother's Crown Derby; but from the lady known as Aunt
Sophronia she had inherited a stout set of every-day prejudices that were practically as good as
new; whereas her husband's, as she noticed, were always having to be replaced. In the early
days she had fancied there might be a certain satisfaction in taxing him with the fact; but she
had long since been silenced by the reply: "My dear, I'm not a rich man, but I never use an
opinion twice if I can help it."

What were practically ‘as good as new’ and inherited by the wife?

1. quaint pleasure opinions

2. everyday prejudices

3. serviceable heirlooms

4. stout set of practical ideas

Correct Answer :-

everyday prejudices

28) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Most of his wife's opinions were heirlooms, and he took a quaint pleasure in tracing their
descent. She was proud of their age, and saw no reason for discarding them while they were still
serviceable. Some, of course, were so fine that she kept them for state

occasions, like her great-grandmother's Crown Derby; but from the lady known as Aunt
Sophronia she had inherited a stout set of every-day prejudices that were practically as good as
new; whereas her husband's, as she noticed, were always having to be replaced. In the early
days she had fancied there might be a certain satisfaction in taxing him with the fact; but she
had long since been silenced by the reply: "My dear, I'm not a rich man, but I never use an
opinion twice if I can help it."

What is the implication when the author calls the wife’s opinions ‘heirlooms’?

1. that they gave pleasure

2. that they were about her hair

3. that they were inherited

4. that she was proud of them

Correct Answer :-

that they were inherited

29) Read the passage carefully to answer the given question:

Most of his wife's opinions were heirlooms, and he took a quaint pleasure in tracing their
descent. She was proud of their age, and saw no reason for discarding them while they were still
serviceable. Some, of course, were so fine that she kept them for state

occasions, like her great-grandmother's Crown Derby; but from the lady known as Aunt
Sophronia she had inherited a stout set of every-day prejudices that were practically as good as
new; whereas her husband's, as she noticed, were always having to be replaced. In the early
days she had fancied there might be a certain satisfaction in taxing him with the fact; but she
had long since been silenced by the reply: "My dear, I'm not a rich man, but I never use an
opinion twice if I can help it."

According to the passage, the wife’s everyday prejudices were inherited from____?

1. the Crown derby

2. Aunt Sophronia

3. her husband

4. her great grandmother

Correct Answer :-

Aunt Sophronia

30) Read the poem carefully before answering question:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—

Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating

“’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—

Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—

This it is and nothing more.”

Whose loss is the poet mourning?

1. maiden Lenore

2. forgotten lore

3. a late visitor

4. bleak December

Correct Answer :-

maiden Lenore

31) Read the poem carefully before answering the given question:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—

Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating

“’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—

Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—

This it is and nothing more.”

What is the rhythmic structure evident in the first line?

1. iambic pentameter

2. spondaic hexameter

3. anapestic monometer

4. trochaic octameter

Correct Answer :-

trochaic octameter

32) Read the poem carefully before answering the given question:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—

Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating

“’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—

Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—

This it is and nothing more.”

What does the poet eagerly wish for even in the midst of his sadness?
1. visitor

2. books

3. books of sorrow

4. tomorrow

Correct Answer :-


33) Read the poem carefully before answering the given question:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—

Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating

“’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—

Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—

This it is and nothing more.”

Which of the following figures of speech best describes the use of the words ‘tapping’ and
‘rapping’ in lines three, four, and five?

1. Alliteration

2. Litotes
3. Personification

4. Onomatopoeia

Correct Answer :-


34) Read the following notice and answer the given question

Green National School, Mathura


28 January 2019

This is to inform all students that our school is organizing a 2 day field trip to the Wipro
Industrial Estate. The details are as follows:

Classes: VIII to X

Dates: 23 February to 25 February

Those who are keen on registering for the trip must pay 1500 rupees to Ms. Ritu, Biology teacher
before 31 January.


Where will the students be going during the field trip?

1. Mathura Industries

2. Wipro Industrial Estate

3. Biology lab in Mathura

4. Fields near the school

Correct Answer :-

Wipro Industrial Estate

35) Read the following advertisement and answer the given question.



Walk-in Interview for part time SQUASH COACH on 3rd July, 2018 at 10 a.m at the Vidyalaya
campus. For more details please visit Eligible candidates must attend the
interview with original and attested copies of educational qualification and work experience. No
TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.


What are the documents that the interviewees ought to carry to the interview?

1. Both Notarized and photocopies of documents related to education and work experience

2. Both original and attested copies of documents related to education and work experience

3. Only attested copies of documents related to education and work experience

4. Only original documents related to education and work experience

Correct Answer :-

Both original and attested copies of documents related to education and work experience

36) Read the following poster and answer the given question



organising a Diwali Mela


bring light and happiness into everyone’s life

Venue: TK Stadium, North Campus

Date: 7th to 9th November

Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Entry fee: Adults 20/- Children 5/-

Let’s make this Diwali cracker free

Sponsored by


Which of the following statements is not true based on the information from the poster?

1. The Mela is sponsored by Ronex and organized by the DJ School Club

2. The club will charge an entry fee for those who wish to join the Mela

3. The organizers will distribute free crackers during the celebrations

4. There will be no pyro techniques displayed during the Mela

Correct Answer :-

The organizers will distribute free crackers during the celebrations

37) Read the following letter and answer the given question.
Dear Dev

How are you? I am sure that your studies must be keeping you busy. I am glad to tell you that I
have now been selected to the theatre group. We have a play coming up next month at
Rangashankara. It is a big deal. Remember, we had once met the who’s who of theatre and
cinema at Rangashankara. Maybe, my dream might come true and someone will notice me for a
small role in the movies. Well, enough of day dreaming. How are things at your end? When is
that big test of yours? Do write to me as soon as you could.

Yours truly


According to the letter, what does Jo hope might happen at Rangashakara?

1. he will be noticed by an influential person who might offer him a role in the movies

2. he will be introduced to the greatest personalities from theatre and cinema

3. he will fumble his part in the upcoming play and lose his face

4. he will win the best actor award at the upcoming play

Correct Answer :-

he will be noticed by an influential person who might offer him a role in the movies

38) Read the following letter and answer the given question.


The Recruitment Officer

Anganwadi, Bidar

Dear Sir,

I wish to apply for the post of Anganwadi worker at Bidar. I have completed my Matriculation
with First class. The Principal of my school, Bidar High School, is willing to give you a reference
for my conduct. Please consider my application. I will work hard and do my best.

Thank you.

Kishan Raj

Fill in the details based on the letter.

Name: ______

Post: _____

Education: ________
Referee: ________

1. Recruitment Officer, Anganwadi worker, 12th Grade, Principal of Bidar High School

2. Recruitment Officer, Anganwadi worker, First Class, Principal of Bidar High School

3. Kishan Raj, Recruitment Officer, Matriculation, Anganwadi worker at Bidar High School

4. Kishan Raj, Anganwadi worker, Matriculation, Principal of Bidar High School

Correct Answer :-

Kishan Raj, Anganwadi worker, Matriculation, Principal of Bidar High School

39) Read the following letter and answer the given question.


The Editor

The Hindu

Dear Sir,

In response to the news about the Municipal Corporation of Hibbalpur converting the public park
into a bus stand, I would like to express my strong displeasure as a citizen. There are very few
public parks in the Hibbalpur locality. Moreover, shifting the bus stand there will increase
pollution in an otherwise clean residential area. The Corporation is sure to face more severe
protest from the residents of Hibbalpur in the coming week.

Yours faithfully,

Krishna Swamy

What would be the dominant tone of this letter?

1. complaisant

2. congenial

3. irate

4. insolent

Correct Answer :-


40) Read the following letter and answer the given question.

Communications Skills Training

Munnar, Kerala

Dear Sir,

I write to enquire whether your company would offer a 5 day Communications skills workshop
for our new recruits at HR Customer Services, Munnar. We have a group of 25 fresh graduates
who need training in customer interaction, etiquettes, presentation and such other skills. If you
could send us the details about your training program, the cost, and the trainer profile, we could
fix an appointment accordingly.

Thank you


HR Customer Services

Which of the following are among the details that the Manager asked for from the
Communications Skills Training company?

1. the details about the program offered by Communications Skills Training

2. the profile of the new recruits at HR Customer Services

3. the cost of several communication skills materials available in the market

4. the cost of their Time Management course

Correct Answer :-

the details about the program offered by Communications Skills Training

41) Read the following letter and answer the given question.

Dear Kaite

I hope you are well. I am waiting for the summer holidays. I’m writing to you because I want to
invite you to visit me during the holiday season. We could visit the heritage centers and
museums or spend the day at the movies or wander around the shopping malls. Let me know
what you think. We could plan everything then.

Hoping to see you.


Which of the following is not one of the things that Jainne suggests she and Kaite could do
during the summer holidays?

1. spend the day at the movies

2. visit the heritage centers and museums

3. go swimming on the sunny beaches

4. wander around the shopping malls

Correct Answer :-

go swimming on the sunny beaches

42) Read the following instructions and answer the given question.

Follow these guidelines when there are children with disabilities in the class.


Get audiobooks through services like Bookshare, a free online library for students with

Provide pictures of directions and schedules

Use large-print text for worksheets

Simplify directions with key words for most important ideas

Provide colored strips or bookmarks to use when reading

According to the instructions given, which of the following options is not among the things that a
teacher should do for the students with disabilities?

1. Use audiobooks whenever possible

2. Use simple, key words to give important directions

3. Provide notes in advance for all the chapters in the text

4. Provide colored bookmarks to enable them to track their reading

Correct Answer :-

Provide notes in advance for all the chapters in the text

43) What is one of the major drawbacks of the structural approach?

1. it taught language in meaningful contexts that learners could relate to

2. led to a fragmentation and trivialisation of thought by breaking up language into structures and skills

3. It gave learners language that could be used in real life situations instead of just the ability to use correct
sentences in classrooms

4. it bridged the gap between “linguistic age” and “mental age”

Correct Answer :-

led to a fragmentation and trivialisation of thought by breaking up language into structures and skills
44) What is one of the major problems faced in the implementation of the Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)?

1. teachers largely consider CCE as an integral part of the assessment process

2. the teachers integrate the assessment with the teaching-learning process

3. it is considered by teachers as an external activity that is to be followed after the completion of a


4. it is given significant attention by teachers to integrate into the teaching learning process

Correct Answer :-

it is considered by teachers as an external activity that is to be followed after the completion of a


45) What is a major aim of remedial teaching?

1. to enable detention practices that would instill fear in a child

2. to dictate notes of every chapter so that a child could learn everything by heart

3. to put a child through grueling hours of drill so that he despises learning

4. to bring a child to minimal acceptable levels in each class

Correct Answer :-

to bring a child to minimal acceptable levels in each class

46) What is the role of grammar in teaching language?

1. sensitise the child to language-sound structures

2. develop the imagination

3. reconstruction of the meaning of the attempted expression through imperfect English

4. tool for increasing the language repertoire and for understanding the construction of text “rhetoric” and

Correct Answer :-

tool for increasing the language repertoire and for understanding the construction of text “rhetoric” and

47) What is the one of the methods adopted by the government to tackle the challenge of the
multilingual nature of the Indian society?

1. the grammar-translation method

2. the information technology curriculum

3. the modern language policy

4. the three language formula

Correct Answer :-

the three language formula

48) In mother tongue learning, speech progresses from ____ through ____ to _____.

1. one word, one sentence, several sentences

2. one sentence, two sentence stage, multi-sentences

3. one phoneme, a few morphemes, multi-vowel stage

4. one word, two word stage, multi-word sentences

Correct Answer :-

one word, two word stage, multi-word sentences

49) According to Norbert Schmit (2000) “whereas the ______ of a language is largely in place by the
time a child is 10 years old . . . , ______ continues to be learned throughout one’s lifetime.”

1. grammar, vocabulary

2. order, structure

3. structure, order

4. vocabulary, grammar

Correct Answer :-

grammar, vocabulary

50) Listening and Reading proficiency in language learners mainly develop ____ skills.

1. expression

2. comprehension

3. articulation

4. delivery

Correct Answer :-


51) Which one of the following is NOT a correct statement?

1. Writing is an important Language Skill

2. Listening is an important Language Skill

3. Reading is an important Language Skill

4. Reckoning is an important Language Skill

Correct Answer :-

Reckoning is an important Language Skill

52) Which of the following statements is true in the context of sentence construction in a language?

1. when compared to organizing words, there is no order of organizing sentences in any language

2. Like in the case of organizing sentences, there is no order of organizing sentences in any language

3. as compared to the level of sentences, language is more tightly organised at the level of words

4. as compared to the level of words, language is more tightly organised at the level of sentences

Correct Answer :-

as compared to the level of words, language is more tightly organised at the level of sentences

53) Which of the following is an important consideration when choosing teaching materials for a

1. need to be as confounding as possible in the extend of texts that will be used

2. need to be sensitive to perspectives of equity (gender and societal) and harmony

3. need to be rigid and inconsiderate to the cultural and local contexts of learning

4. need to be circuitous when deciding the concepts to be dealt with in class

Correct Answer :-

need to be sensitive to perspectives of equity (gender and societal) and harmony

54) Which of the following is one of the aims of teaching English Poetry?

1. enable students to solve puzzles

2. enable students to write an essay

3. enable learners to prepare reports and brochure

4. enable learners to appreciate rhythm and feeling

Correct Answer :-

enable learners to appreciate rhythm and feeling

55) In the case of English words like ‘fun’, ‘rain’, and ‘fish’, how would you convert them into

1. add ‘ion’ at the end

2. add ‘in’ at the beginning

3. add ‘y’ at the end

4. add ‘a’ at the beginning

Correct Answer :-

add ‘y’ at the end

56) Choose the closest meaning of the underlined phrase in the given sentence.

The act of burying a dead person sometimes becomes mundane for an undertaker.

1. Internment

2. Interstitial

3. Interment

4. Intermittent

Correct Answer :-


57) Choose the closest meaning of the underlined phrase in the given sentence.

After the event he felt weak and tired.

1. encomiastic

2. energized

3. enervated

4. engineered

Correct Answer :-


58) Satish was out of office when he got a call from the onsite supervisor asking him to immediately send the
office assistant with the BMP approval form to the Head Office in Andheri. Govind, Satish’s colleague, has to fill
the following out of office form passing on the message.

_____ (Name), send _____ with _____ to ______ in Andheri.

1. Office assistant, Govind, BMP approval form, onsite supervisor

2. Govind, Satish, Head Office, BMP approval form

3. Satish, office assistant, BMP approval form, Head Office

4. Satish, Govind, BMP approval form, Head Office

Correct Answer :-

Satish, office assistant, BMP approval form, Head Office

59) Change the given sentence into direct speech.

He urged them to be quiet and listen to his words.

1. He wished, “that they were quiet and listening to his words.”

2. He enquired, “are you quiet to listen to my words?”

3. He exclaimed, “you are quiet and listening to my words!”

4. He said, “be quiet and listen to my words.”

Correct Answer :-

He said, “be quiet and listen to my words.”

60) Change the given sentence into indirect speech.

He said to them, “will you listen to such a man?”

1. He asked them to listen to such a man

2. He asked them whether they would listen to such a man.

3. He said that they will listen to such a man.

4. He said to them that they will have to listen to such a man.

Correct Answer :-

He asked them whether they would listen to such a man.

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