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BSE 2106: Computer Networks
DATE: 7th October 2018

Time Allowed: 1 hour


i. Attempt ALL the questions.

ii. Answer to every question should be started on a fresh page.

Question One
a) Using examples;
i. Define a network edge as applied to a network structure (3 Marks) 1 mark –
definition, 2 marks for the examples
A boundary/terminal side of the network that feeds into the core network
Examples; Hosts (Clients and servers) – Concrete examples under these two categories can

ii. Explain the two technologies applied at the core network (4 Marks) 2 marks
for each, 1 for stating and the other for correct explanation
• Packet Switching – Host breaks application messages into packets, forwards them
from one router to another from source to destination at full link capacity
• Circuit switching – End to end resources are allocated and reserved for call between
the source and destination

b) Describe and state the relevance of Akamai as a content provider network positioned at the
Internet Exchange Point (IXP) (4 Marks)
Content Provider Networks like Akamai may run own networks spanning different ISPs in order
to bring services and content closer to where most users are operating. The Internet Exchange
Point (IXP) allows different ISPs to interconnect locally for sharing of local content hosted
within their different networks. Positioning Akamai at the IXP enables more ISPs to share the
Akamai content – like a local service to all ISPs connected at the IXP.

c) Below is a KYC network diagram extract:

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i. Determine the average end-to-end throughput (state any assumptions where necessary)
i. Wireless laptop and Web server (2 Marks)
Where different standards are specified with different capacities – possibly correct, just
double check the standards
Wireless Laptop → Access Point = 54Mbps
Access Point → Router A = 1Gbps
Router A → Router B = 1Gbps
Router B → Switch = 1Gbps
Switch → Web server = 100Mbps

Average end-to-end throughput = min (above)

= 54Mbps

ii. Wired workstation and the web server (2 Marks)

Average end-to-end throughput = min (above)
= 100Mbps
iii. Router A and Router B (2 Marks)
Average end-to-end throughput = min (above)
= 1Gbps

ii. The wireless laptop is transferring a file of 4.5KB to the web server at maximum link
transmission rates.
i. Find the total transmission delay from the sender to the receiver. (6 Marks)
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Transmission Delay = L/R (1 mark with defined L & R)
4.5KB → 4500B → 36000bits (1 mark Conversion either to b)
Between Wireless Laptop & AP, delay = 36000/(54*10ˆ3)= 0.0007s (3 marks working)

= 36000/(54*10ˆ6) + 3 * 36000/(1*10ˆ9) + 36000/(100*10ˆ6)

= 36000/(54.0*1000000) + 3*36000/(1.0*1000000000) + 36000/(100.0*1000000)
= 0.0011346666666666666s (1 mark for correct result)

ii. State three other types of delay that may be encountered during this data transfer
(3 Marks)
(1 mark each)
• Nodal processing delay
• Queuing delay
• Propagation delay

Question two

a) Define a network protocol (2 Marks)

Correct definition = 2 marks
Protocols are rules that govern the exchange of messages between hardware or software
processes on different hosts, including messages (ordering, semantics, and syntax), reliability,
and connection orientation.

b) Use the Wireshark snapshot below to answer the following questions:

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a. Write down the two sockets used in the above communication (2 Marks)
Only IPs – 1 mark

b. How long did it take from when the HTTP GET message was sent until the OK response
was received (3 Marks)
Formula = 1 mark, working = 1 mark, correct answer (with units) = 1 mark
0.1582030000000001 seconds

c. Explain the importance of the window size in the above TCP segment (3 Marks)
Definition = 1 mark, importance = 2 marks
The window size specifies the amount of data that a source can transmit before an
acknowledgment must be received
Helps in flow control – Adjusts the effective transmission rate to a maximum flow that
the source and destination can support without losses. This can minimize on

d. State the differences between the sequence number and acknowledgment number
with reference to the figure above (4 Marks) 2
marks for difference, 2 marks for further explanation from the diagram
Sequence numbers are used to reassemble segments into the original header;
acknowledgment numbers are used to confirm receipt of the segments

TCP Segment Length = 725, and the initial sequence number is 1 – next sequence
number = 725+1 = 726

Acknowledgment number 1 is used to confirm receipt of segment with TCP sequence

number 1

Question three

a) Giving an example of each, what is the difference between stateless and stateful protocols(2
2 examples = 1 mark, correct definition = 1 mark

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Stateless protocols (e.g HTTP) don’t maintain any information about a request-response cycle,
stateful (FTP) protocols do and quite hard to implement

b) List two components of a cookie in maintaining user-server state (2 Marks)

(2 marks, 1 for each)
• Cookie header line of HTTP response message
• Cookie header line in next HTTP request message
• Cookie file kept on user’s host, managed by user’s browser
• Back-end database at Web site
c) Two commonly used mail access protocols by clients are IMAP and POP3
a. Briefly explain two scenarios where you would prefer IMAP to POP3 (2 Marks)
(1 mark each)
• A good Internet connection to the mail server
• Sync emails on different devices such as phones, laptops, ….
b. State the secure TCP ports used by the above protocols (2 Marks)
(1 mark each)
IMAPS – 993
POP3S – 995
d) Describe two transport layer services required by an email application (2 Marks)
(1 mark each)
• Data Integrity – Requires reliable data transfer
• Security – Emails can contain sensitive information

~ END ~

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