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A Microprocessor-based VLF Receiver for Exploration

Evrim Çabuk1, Günal Baki1 and Charles Young2*
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, 49931
*Corresponding author


A modern low cost microcomputer and accessories were used to create a very low
frequency (VLF) receiver for geophysical prospecting. The signals were detected by induction
coils, which were then amplified, digitized by a sound card, and analyzed by a Raspberry Pi
computer. The computer used a Linux operating system and the Python programming language.
The peripheral devices were ‘‘off-the-shelf’’’ commercial items except for the preamplifiers and
the induction coils, which were designed and constructed by the authors. A test profile showed
typical VLF anomalies across a weak conductor.

Introduction part of a senior design project for a university

undergraduate class.
The VLF method of geophysical exploration is
used to map shallow subsurface conductors (Eross et al.,
2017). The signals are produced by a worldwide network
of government-owned transmitters, providing signals in
The VLF signal is received by induction coils
the range 20 to 60 KHz (see Loudet, 2013). No local composed of 2,000 l plastic coated ferrite rods
transmitter is needed and the local survey equipment (Stormwise, Yantis, Texas), which are connected in
consists of only a lightweight receiver with orthogonal parallel with a capacitor to resonate at approximately 26
induction coils and signal processing equipment. VLF KHz. The cores have a length and diameter of 6 inches
receivers are used primarily to detect narrow conductive and 1 inch, respectively. At the time of this writing, these
zones which may contain minerals, groundwater, or specific cores were no longer available, but similar
contaminant plumes. A subsurface conductor is indicated products with a 6 or 9 inch length, 150 l can be found
by the tilt of the combined fields or by the presence of a (see Stormwise part numbers R623-2661102002-6 (for 6
vertical field, as shown in Fig. 1. In some geologic inch length) or R623-2661102002-9 (for 9 inch length)).
settings, the sign of the out-of-phase component is The cores are wound with a few hundred turns of ~1.0
flipped, depending on the presence and thickness of the mm diameter enamel solid copper wire to create a 35.5
overburden material. mH inductor.
In contemporary VLF receivers, the antenna The coil outputs are amplified by preamplifiers
signals are digitized into time series, which are filtered with gains of 100. The schematic of the preamplifiers is
within a narrow-band and resolved into vertical and shown in Fig. 2. The outputs from the preamplifiers are
horizontal components. Typically, the vertical compo- digitized by a Syber 2.0 USB Stereo Sound Card, which
nent of the field is expressed as a percentage of the has 16-bit resolution and 96 KHz sample rate. In
strength of the horizontal field for both in-phase and out- principle, the coils should be held horizontal and vertical
of-phase components. The results are displayed on an for a given measurement. In practice, it is difficult to
operator console in the field and recorded in digital align the coils accurately. Instead, the system measures
memory. We describe here our low-cost VLF receiver the coil inclination with a Level Developments LCP-45
made from commercial modules combined with custom- inclinometer and the data are corrected for the tilt. A
made induction coils and preamplifiers. The project was Raspberry Pi 2 computer is used because of its modest

JEEG, September 2017, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp. 299–303 DOI: 10.2113/JEEG22.3.299
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
(Fig. 3), and 2) a control console, mounted in a plastic
box (Fig. 4). Components for the modules are shown in
each figure.

Operating System and Utility Software

The Raspberry PI operating system was Wheezy

Linux ( The programming lan-
guage was Python 3; its scientific, mathematical, and
graphical applications packages made it a logical choice
for this application. Data logging and display software
was prepared using the libraries in Table 1, with Python
to view signal spectra, set signal frequencies, control
Figure 1. (a) Ideal VLF data for an anomaly over a data sampling intervals, view narrow band signal ratios,
(b) narrow conductor. Figure modified from Powers observe inclinometer values, acquire data at individual
et al. (1999). stations, and store and plot profile data.

price, its capability, and excellent free software includ-

Graphical User Interface Display Screens
ing the Python programming language. The computer
can also accommodate a large range of suitable Several graphical user interface (GUI) display
peripheral devices with software. The receiver is screens were created for the VLF system. The main
powered by a 10,000 milliamp hour (mAh) lithium operating screen (not shown) provided software buttons
polymer battery, which lasts about three hours. A five- which select sections of the program to view signal
inch thin film transistor (TFT) resistive touchscreen spectra, select the VLF station to receive, set the profile
monitor provides graphical data display and software- number and station interval, list calculated or measured
defined pushbutton controls. profile data, acquire data, and plot the data profile.
The receiver was assembled into two modules: 1) a Figures 5 and 6 show the GUI spectrum display and
wooden backpack containing the antennas, preamplifi- spectrum setting screens, respectively. Figure 7 shows
ers, analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and inclinometer the completed packaged system for field use.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of preamplifiers.

Çabuk et al.: A Microprocessor-based VLF Receiver for Exploration
Test Profile

To test the accuracy and functionality of the new

VLF receiver, we acquired a test profile along a gravel
road, passing over a drainage canal and a bridge. A
profile plot of smoothed in-phase and out-of-phase data,
as computed in the field, is shown in Fig. 8. The data are
displayed as the percent secondary vertical field (for both
in-phase and out-of-phase) divided by the primary
horizontal field. The original data displayed erratic
Figure 3. VLF receiver antenna module. (A) verti- values of about 62 percent along the profile, so for this
cal induction coil antenna. (B) horizontal induction plot the data are smoothed with a weighted three-point
coil antennas. (C) preamplifiers. (D) Level Develop- moving window filter (values for the weights were 0.25,
ments LCP-45 inclinometer. (E) Terminal strip and 0.5, 0.25) to make the main anomaly more prominent. A
cable connecting the preamplifiers to the ADC and clear þ5 to 10 percent anomaly in the out-of-phase
the inclinometer to the Raspberry Pi. (F) ADC (Syba
values from about 30 to 50 m, and about six percent
USB 2.0 External Stereo Sound Card Adapter).
positive in-phase values are shown at the same location.
The anomalies coincide with the bridge and are likely
created by the steel reinforcing rods in the bridge deck or
the conductivity of the water and sediment in the
drainage canal. The erratic values in the data away from
the bridge are quite typical for VLF work. Thus, these
anomalies of a few percent over the bridge might be the
minimum that could be reliably detected by the system.

Figure 4. VLF Receiver control console mounted in
a plastic box. (A) 10,000 mAh battery. (B) Waveshare We developed a VLF geophysical receiver as part
5-inch TFT resistive touch screen display module of a senior project in the Geophysical Engineering
with HDMI interface. (C) Antenna lead-in. (D) Department, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. The
Restart/Start button. (E) Raspberry Pi 2 GPIO project aimed to use inexpensive and modern off-the-
terminal strip. (F) USB cable. (G) Raspberry Pi
shelf equipment with custom peripherals and free
Ethernet port.
software. The success of the project was realized during

Table 1. Software libraries for the VLF system.

Library name Source Purpose

Qt & PyQt Qt to create the graphical user interface (GUI) in Python
matplotlib 2D drawing library for Python for plotting
SQLAlchemy Object-Relational Mapping, to connect to the SQLite database
pyserial serial port communication library, to read data from the
inclinometer and UART communication ports.
pyalsaaudio Python commands to control Linux ALSAMIXER commands
ALSAMIXER Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) Linux command line
Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture controls for the sound card
SQLite database for storing and manipulating data
VLFRX Receiver provides about 50 routines for acquisition and analysis of
Software Toolkit multichannel VLF signals. Routine VTCARD reads a digitized
data stream from a sound card using Linux ALSAMIXER
routines. Routine VTCMP carries out narrow-band filtering and
compares the amplitude and phase of two channels.
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

Figure 8. Field data smoothed with three-point

filter. The solid line is in-phase data and the dashed
line is out-of-phase data.
Figure 5. The signal spectrum display. The vertical
lines are frequency markers for signals expected to be a test profile, which detected a weak VLF anomaly that
received (listed in the table on the right), running likely represented metal or geologic material. For
from 20.30 KHz on the left to 26.70 KHz on the right. improvements to the VLF system, we suggest that the
The continuous plots represent the signals from the next generation VLF receiver use an audio card with 24-
vertical and horizontal coils (upper and lower plots bit ADC and 192 KHz sample rate, such as the Cirrus
Logic Audio Card. The greater ADC resolution would
reduce or eliminate the need for a hand-wired pream-
plifier and the higher sampling rate would allow
reception of higher frequency VLF transmissions. This
card can be controlled with ALSA software, thus it
should work with the VLFRX routines.


The authors appreciate assistance from: Prof. Gülçin

Özürlan Ağaçgözgü and Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tuğrul Genç, (faculty),
Avni Hilmi Pazarbası (student) at Istanbul Technical University,
Metin Zobu, manufacturer of geophysical equipment, and Paul
Nicholson, VLFRX webmaster. Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Mines Dept. of Geophysical Engineering provided
funds to construct the receiver. Authors Evrim Çabuk and Günal
Figure 6. The spectrum settings display. The Baki are senior students in the Geophysical Engineering
settings are adjusted by the arrow keys. Department, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. Charles
Young mentored the project over the Internet, and prepared this
SAGEEP abstract from Çabuk and Baki’s senior project report.

Additional Documentation

Project software is available at

ecabuk/. There is no support nor guarantee of perfor-
mance. Detailed schematics and interconnections are not
given in the senior thesis. Author CTY can provide
interested readers a copy of the senior thesis (in


Figure 7. Completed VLF receiver ready for field Çabuk, E., and Günal, B., 2015, Very low frequency electromag-
use. netic method (in Turkish): Senior Thesis, Geophysical
Çabuk et al.: A Microprocessor-based VLF Receiver for Exploration
Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Loudet, L., 2013, VLF stations list:
Turkey, 44 pp. stations-list-en.xhtml.
Eröss, R., Tezkan, B., Stoll, J.B., and Bergers, R., 2017,
Powers, C.J., Singha, K., and Haeni, F.P., 1999, Integration of
Interpretation of very low frequency measurements carried
out with an unmanned aerial system by 2D conductivity surface geophysical methods for fracture detection in
models: Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geo- bedrock at Mirror Lake, New Hampshire: USGS Water
physics, 22, 83–94. Resources Investigations Report 99-4018C, 757–768.

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