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Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for

the US
Implementation and Use Guide (HR and Payroll)
Release 12
Table of Contents

Table of Contents 0

Overview 1

Reference Information 1

United States 1

Global Human Resources 1

Global Payroll Interface 1

Global Payroll 2

General 2

Effective Dates 2

Calculation Cards 3

Organization Structures 4

Enterprises 4

Implementation Projects 4

Product Extension Parameter 5

Product Extension Management 5

Address Validation 5

Address Style Settings 6

Geographies 6

Loading Geographies 6

Verifying Geographies 6

Configuring State Display Properties 7

Configuring City Display Properties 7


Running the Load Geography Information and Load Payroll Tax Information

Processes 8

Load Payroll Tax Information 8

Defining Address Style Format Mapping for United States 8

Viewing Geocodes for a Geography 9

Manually Adding a Geography 9

Changing the Address Field Display and Display Sequence 10

Enterprise Structures 12

Legal Addresses 12

Legislative Data Groups 12

Jurisdictions 12

Viewing Jurisdictions 13

Creating Jurisdictions for Local Taxes 13

Legal Entities 14

Legal Employers and Payroll Statutory Units 14

Recognizing Balances Across Multiple TRUs 14

Legal Reporting Units and Tax Reporting Units 14

Organization Structure Models Supported by the US Localization 15

Creating Legal Entities 16

Identifying the LDG 17

Additional Information for Legal Employers and PSUs 17

Legal Entity Calculation Cards 19

Creating the Calculation Card 19


Creating Federal Tax Rules 19

Creating Regional Tax Rules 19

Legal Reporting Units 20

Contact Details 20

Registrations 22

HCM Information 23

Reporting Establishments 24

Calculation Cards 25

State Unemployment Insurance Rate 25

Withholding PA Resident Tax for Non-PA Work Locations 26

Business Units 27

US Territory Configuration 27

Legal Addresses 27

Legal Reporting Units 27

Tax Reporting Units 27

Employee Withholding Certificate for Guam 27

Deduction Elements for Puerto Rico 28

Puerto Rico Young Entrepreneurs Act 29

Workforce Structures 29

Managing Workforce Structures 29

Locations 29

Departments 31

Grades 31


Jobs 32

Banking Setup 32

Configuring Employee Options for Bank Details 32

Defining Banks 33

Defining Bank Branches 33

Defining Bank Accounts 33

Defining Organization Payment Methods 33

Configuring Prenotes 35

Payroll Configuration 35

Consolidation Groups 35

Payroll Definitions 36

Elements and Element Templates 37

Indirect Elements 39

Results Elements 39

Retroactive Elements 39

Element Eligibility 40

Base, Results, and Retroactive Elements 41

Multiple Eligibility Records for an Element 42

Eligibility Definition Worked Example 42

Predefined Employee and Employer Tax Elements 42

Secondary Element Classifications 44

Domestic Partner Secondary Classifications 44

Salary Basis 44


Gross-up Earnings 45

Overtime Earnings 46

Involuntary Deductions 46

Deferred Compensation 46

Supported Deferred Compensation Plans 46

Contribution Limits 46

Balance and Feed 47

Time Card Elements 47

Creating Time Card Elements 47

Setting Up Tagging in Oracle Fusion Time and Labor 48

Wage Basis Rules 52

Viewing Wage Basis Rules 52

Creating Wage Basis Rules 53

Editing Wage Basis Rules 54

Document Delivery Preferences 55

Person-Level Overrides 55

Document Delivery Preference Configuration 55

Process Configuration Group 55

Process Configuration Group for Payslips 55

Process Configuration Group for Forms W-2, W-2c, and 1095-C 56

Employee Management 56

Configuring Disabilities 56

Hiring a Worker 56


Verifying Employee New Hire Status in Work Relationship Details 58

Maintaining Person and Employment Information 58

Maintaining Person Information 58

Maintaining Employment Information 59

Adding a Second Assignment 59

Employee Security: Roles, Duties and Privileges 59

Configuring Security Roles and Duties 59

Employee Roles Within Portrait Access 60

Smart Navigation 60

Employee Management of Document Print Preferences in My Portrait 60

Employee Self-Service Features 60

Employee Self-Service Navigation 60

Viewing and Updating Personal Information 60

Viewing and Updating Tax Withholding 61

Viewing and Updating Personal Payment Methods 61

Viewing Payslips and Other Year-End Documents 62

Managing Document Delivery Preferences 62

Employee Self-Service Smart Navigation 62

Payroll Processing 63

Taxation Within Oracle Fusion HCM Payroll 63

Managing the Employee Withholding Certificate 63

Setting Up Automatic Tax Card Creation 63

Manual Tax Card Creation 63


Changing the TRU for an Assignment 64

Wage Accumulation 64

Manage Tax Withholding in My Portrait 64

Manage Tax Withholding using Smart Navigation 65

Tax Calculation 65

Payroll Processing 65

Other Considerations 65

Supplemental Taxation Overrides 66

Prerequisites 67

Supplemental Earnings Elements 67

FUTA Calculations 67

FUTA Standard Value Definitions Overrides 67

FUTA Rate Override 67

FUTA Credit Reduction Rate Overrides 68

FUTA Tax Balance Adjustments Process 68

Calculation, Withholding, and Maintenance of Pennsylvania Local Earned Income

Tax 68

Configuring the Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax 69

Pennsylvania Residency Certificate in the Person Gallery 70

Pennsylvania and Maryland Reciprocity 70

Withholding for Philadelphia 71

Tagging and Effective Dating for Pennsylvania Local Taxes 71

Balance Adjustments for Pennsylvania Local Taxes 71


Setting Up Employee Earning Distribution Overrides 72

Reciprocal Agreements and Setting the Employee Nonresident Status 72

SUI Limits and Changes to State 73

Overriding the Employee’s California Wage Plan Code 73

New York Paid Family Leave Taxation 73

Terminating a Worker 74

Assigning Salary Information to an Employee 74

Adding Payment Information to an Employee 74

Assigning a Payroll to the Employee 74

Transferring an Employee to a New Payroll 74

Assigning Payment Methods to the Employee 75

Payroll Processes 75

US Simplified Payroll Cycle 75

QuickPay 76

Settings that Affect Processing 76

How QuickPay Is Processed 77

Submit the QuickPay Flow 77

Calculate and Verify Run Results 78

Processing International ACH Transfers 78

Employee Payslip 79

Person Management Work Area 79

Manage Person 79

Manage Document Records 79


Pretax Deduction Refunds 79

Tax Troubleshooting 80

New Hire Reporting 81

Prerequisites 81

Set Up Steps 81

Baselining Employee Status After Implementation 81

Generating the New Hire Report 81

Viewing the Output 82

VETS-4212 Employment Report 83

Prerequisites 83

Set Up Steps 83

Running the Report 84

Viewing the Output 84

EEO-1 Report 85

Prerequisites 85

Set Up Steps 85

Running the Report 86

Viewing the Output 87

Multiple Worksite Reporting 87

Prerequisites 87

Set Up Steps 88

Running the Report 88

Troubleshooting 90


Appendix A: Vertex 91

Product Extensions 91

Address Validation 91

Vertex Tax Calculation Reference Material 91

Troubleshooting 92

Support and Reference 92

Appendix B: User Interface Configuration 92

Configuring User Interfaces 92

Changing UI Color 93

Configuring Oracle Fusion HCM Application UIs Using Page Composer 93

Appendix C: Configuring the Predefined Payslip Template 93

Configuring the Template 93

Configuring the Delivery Options for the Online Payslip 94

Configuring the Delivery Options for the Printed Payslip 95

BI Server Information 96

Troubleshooting 97

Appendix D: Configuring the Check Template for the MICR Codes 97

Appendix E: Adding a Signature File to the Check Template 99

Appendix F: Setting up a Regular Earnings Element to Reduce Regular 99


This document is intended to document how to:
 Define the organizational structures required for HR and Payroll country-specific processes
 Define the data required for paying a US worker
 Define the data required for hiring and maintaining a US worker
 Define the data required for HR and Payroll country-specific reporting

Reference Information

Utilize the following information to find other documents that may be useful for your implementation.

United States

United States Information Center (Doc ID 2063588.2). Contains all US specific information on HR,
Benefits (including ACA), and Payroll.

» Legislative Announcements
» Whitepapers
» Other useful US information

Global Human Resources

Document Name Location: Book List – Cloud Global Human Resources Release 12

Oracle Cloud Global Human Resources Using Global Navigate to the Oracle Help Center > Cloud > Applications Tab (next to Get Started) > Global
Human Resources (Release 12) Human Resources > Release 12 > Books (on the left panel)
This takes you to all of the documents listed in this chart.
Oracle Cloud Global Human Resources Implementing
Global Human Resources (Release 12)

Global Payroll Interface

Document Name Location: Book List – Cloud Global Human Resources Release 12

Oracle Cloud Global Human Resources Using Global Navigate to the Oracle Help Center > Cloud > Applications Tab (next to Get Started) > Global
Payroll Interface (Release 12) Human Resources > Books (on the left panel)
This takes you to all of the documents listed in this chart.
Oracle Cloud Global Human Resources Implementing
Global Payroll Interface (Release 12)

There are two options available to US customers wanting to outsource their payrolls to a third-party
payroll service provider:

» Using predefined extract definitions for ADP Connection for PayForce. The reference documents
listed contain detailed information about this interface and will not be covered in this guide.
» Using the inbound and outbound interface provided with the Global Payroll Interface. This enables
the application to interact with third-party payroll service providers. It also includes a predefined
extract definition you can tailor to meet your needs. The Global Payroll Interface extract definition
works within the context of the country or territory. When creating your copy of the extract definition,


select a US legislative data group (LDG). When selecting the LDG, some US specific parameters
are included in the extract definition, such as gender, marital status, ethnicity, and Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA) status. In addition, it includes employee withholding certificate information for
federal and regional levels. Refer to the documents listed for further details on the Global Payroll

Global Payroll

Document Name Location: Book List – Cloud Global Human Resources Release 12

Oracle Cloud Global Human Resources Implementing Navigate to the Oracle Help Center > Cloud > Applications Tab (next to Get Started) > Global
Global Payroll (Release 12) Human Resources > Release 12 > Books (on the left panel)
This takes you to all of the documents listed in this chart.
Oracle Cloud Global Human Resources Using Global
Payroll (Release 12)

Fusion Cloud Payroll: How Earnings are Paid and Taxed Navigate to My Oracle Support and in the search field enter the Doc ID number.
in Supplemental Run vs Regular Payroll Run? (Doc ID


Document Name Location: Book List – Cloud Global Human Resources Release 12

Oracle Fusion Applications Help (external access)

How to Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email to Navigate to My Oracle Support and in the search field enter the Doc ID
subscribe to Fusion US Legislative Product News (Doc
ID 1677334.1)

Oracle Fusion Applications Documentation: Oracle

Fusion Human Capital Management

YouTube Video Playlist Related to Customizing the

Fusion Applications UIs Using Page Composer

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management HCM Extract Navigate to My Oracle Support and in the search field enter the Doc ID
for Release 8 and Release 9 (Doc ID 1960148.1)

Database Items for Extracts and Formulas in Oracle Navigate to My Oracle Support and in the search field enter the Doc ID
Fusion HCM (Doc ID 1565118.1)

Oracle Fusion Payroll Batch Loader User Guide for Navigate to My Oracle Support and in the search field enter the Doc ID
Release 9 (Doc ID 2030268.1)

Fusion HCM For US Courtesy Tax Users Guide (Doc ID Navigate to My Oracle Support and in the search field enter the Doc ID

Effective Dates
In Oracle Fusion HCM, many objects are date-effective objects, which is an object with a change history.
Customers can retrieve objects as of a current, past, or future date. When searching for a date-effective object, you
enter an effective as-of date. The search returns the record with the effective date range that includes the specified
effective as-of date. Special care must be taken when adding, updating, or deleting records that are date-effective.


Calculation Cards
In Oracle Fusion HCM, there are many types of calculation cards. A calculation card is a type of record that is
maintained either on a PSU/TRU or employee level, that allows you to configure your records as needed. Types of
cards include:
Card Type Description

PSU/TRU Level These cards allow you to update information as referenced in the “Legal Entity Calculation
Cards” section of this document. Also refer to the “Configuring Organization Calculation Cards
for the US: Explained” topic on the Help Portal.
 Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards > Calculation Rules for Tax Reporting and Payroll
Statutory Unit – The information here is on the Payroll Statutory Unit level.
 Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards > Calculation Rules for Tax Reporting
and Payroll Statutory Unit – The information here is on the Tax Reporting Unit level.

Employee Level These cards allow you to update information as referenced throughout this document on an
employee’s record. Also refer to the “Personal Calculation Cards for the US: How They Work
Together” topic on the Help Portal.
 Reporting Information card
Available Federal components:
o Legal Representative
o Corporate Officer
o Eligible for Retirement Plan
o Reporting Location for Work-at-Home Employees
o Probationary Code
o Family member with majority interest
o Third-Party Interfaces (ADP Special Processing and ADP Special Sort Code)
Available State (Regional) components:
o Alaska: Geographic Code
o Alaska: Occupational Code
o California: Wage Plan Code
o Maine: Seasonal Code
o North Carolina: Seasonal Code
o Vermont: Health Care Status
Detailed uses for the fields in the Reporting Information card are referenced in:
 This guide in the Overriding the Employees California Wage Plan Code section
 End of Year Processing Guide in the Reporting Information section
 US Third-Party Tax Interface white paper in the Reporting Information Calculation
Component Details (Federal and Regional Level) section
 Employee Withholding Certificate – uses referenced in:
o This guide in the Managing the Employee Withholding Certificate section
o End of Year Processing Guide in the Employee Withholding Certificate section
 Involuntary Deductions – uses referenced in:
o This guide in the Involuntary Deductions section
o Involuntary Deductions White Paper
 Absences card – uses referenced in:
o Absence Management White Paper
 Time Cards – uses referenced in:
o This guide in the Elements and Element Templates section
 Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides – uses referenced in:


o This guide in the Setting up Employee Earning Distribution Overrides section

Organization Structures
Before an employer can hire a US worker or run any country-specific processes, the Implementation Team must set
up the organization structures required for the management of HR processes. You can perform all setup tasks
using the Functional Setup Manager (FSM).

The following sections describe these structures and how to define them:

» Enterprises
» Implementation Projects
» Product Extension Parameter
» Geographies
» Enterprise Structures
» Legal Addresses
» Legislative Data Groups
» Jurisdictions
» Legal Entities
» Legal Employers and Payroll Statutory Units
» Legal Entity
» Legal Reporting Units
» Contact Details
» Registrations
» HCM Information
» Calculation Cards
» Business Units
These structures, which typically contain country-specific information, must be defined before you can create
application users.

The Enterprise classification represents the top structure in the organization that supports partitioning requirements
for Oracle Fusion applications. Each employee you define exists within the context of an enterprise. If a person is
associated with two enterprises, that person must have two person records.

Since there is no concept of legislation at the enterprise level, no US-specific attributes are stored at this level. All
US-specific attributes are stored in subordinate structures, such as the legal entity.

This document does not describe enterprise setup, as this structure is defined at a higher level than HR and is used
across multiple Oracle Fusion product lines.

Implementation Projects
Setup tasks for organization structures must be defined in an implementation project. To create an implementation
1. Sign in to the Oracle Fusion application using a role that has the profile of a super-user and privileges to
create all organizational structures.


2. Select Setup and Maintenance from the Navigator.
3. On the Implementation Projects tab, click Create.
4. On the Create Implementation Project page, provide a name and start date for your project.
5. Click Next.
6. Select Workforce Deployment.
7. For Payroll implementations, further select Payroll.
8. This parent project contains all the tasks needed to set up HCM organizational structures.
9. Click Save and Open Project.

Product Extension Parameter

Use the Manage Features by Country or Territory task to select the correct product for each of your legislations and
ensure that the appropriate features work correctly in your implementation. Refer to the “Selecting Country
Extensions: Critical Choices” application help topic in the Help Portal for information on how these settings impact
the functions of payroll related features.

Valid values for the selected extension parameter are:

» Human Resources or None (this is the default)

» Payroll
» Payroll Interface

Product Extension Management

To view and set the product extension:

1. Search for and start the Manage Features by Country or Territory task.
2. Ensure the Selected Extension value is correct for the United States legislation.
3. Make any necessary changes, and click Save.
4. Click Done.

Address Validation
For SaaS customers, address validation is included for all product extensions. For the Payroll and Payroll Interface
products, address validation is enforced automatically. You must run the Load Geographies process for all product
extensions using address validation. Run this process frequently, as geographies can be added at any time.

For On-Premise and On-Demand customers, address validation is included with the Payroll product only. For other
products, customers must acquire a Vertex license separately in order to get the functionality. If you are an On-
Premise or On-Demand customer with an HR-only product extension, and you want the same address restrictions
as provided by the Payroll product (one home address per employee), switch your product extension to Payroll

If the product setting is set to one of the payroll values, an Employee Withholding Certificate tax card is automatically
created for an employee when their payroll relationship is created. An association to a tax reporting unit (TRU) is
also created automatically for the payroll product settings if the TRU was specified at time of hire.

After any upgrade, the Product Extension parameter is set to null, and the Implementation Team must reset it before
you can perform any transactional actions, such as running payroll, new hires, setting up elements, and so on.

Oracle strongly recommends you enable address validation for the HR product extension. Doing so makes it much
easier to transition to the Payroll or Payroll Interface products.


NOTE: If address validation has not been enabled then care must be taken when switching product
extensions, as any address that was previously defined may be missing required values, such as county and
tax district. There is also the possibility of invalid address combinations, such as mismatched city and ZIP
Code combinations.

An employee must have a valid address in order for them to receive their tax card and to ensure the accuracy of
their tax calculations. You must revalidate the address data prior to using any payroll features if you have:

» Switched the product setting from “Human Resources or None” to “Payroll”

» Not turned on and address validation was not turned on previously
Refer to the following document on Oracle Support for additional information:
Fusion Payroll: Types of License In Fusion Payroll (Doc ID 1611941.1)

Address Style Settings

Refer to the “Changing Address Style and Address Validation Settings: Critical Choices” online help topic in the Help

Geocodes are used for:

» Address validation
» Regional taxation
» Geography-based business processes
The US geography information is provided by Vertex or another third-party source.

Loading Geographies
This process is necessary to maintain geography data changes from Vertex in the Oracle Fusion HCM application.
This task is required for both HR-only (if using address validation) and Payroll implementations. Vertex publishes
monthly updated files that contain geography data changes (ORAMAST.txt file). For SaaS customers, Oracle
Product Services installs the files. Saas customers automatically receive a notification when the file is installed, and
they can click on the link in the notification to get the latest Vertex tax guide. The On-Demand team installs the files
for the customers when they are requested to do so by their customers. On-Premise customers install the file

Once the files are installed, all customers (including SaaS) must run the processes to update their geography data.
You must run this process as part of the initial setup for the implementation project as well as upon a monthly basis.

To load US geographies:
1. Select Load Geographies for US in the implementation project checklist.
2. Enter the necessary details in the Parameters section.
3. Click Submit.

Verifying Geographies
To verify predefined geographies:

1. Select Manage Geographies in the implementation project checklist.

2. On the Manage Geographies page, select US and click Search. The predefined entry for United States
3. Click on the “Hierarchy Defined” checkmark on the United States line, or select Manage Geography Hierarchy
from the Actions menu. This displays the primary and alternate names for all US geographies. See section


“Configuring Geographies to Display a Two Character State” below if you want to only display the two letter
state abbreviation.
Select a state’s link to view its primary and alternate names and codes. When you load the state geographies,
they include both the 2-character state abbreviations and the full state names.
4. Click Done to return to your search results.
5. Select the green checkmark for each type of geography data you want to verify.
» Address Cleansing Defined
This feature is not used by HCM. Refer to “Defining Address Cleansing: Explained” in the Help Portal.

» Structure Defined
» Hierarchy Defined
» Validation Defined
6. If a locale is missing (such as a city or county), you can resolve this by:
» If no local taxes are associated with the missing locale, you can create a new entry in the geography table.
» If there is a local tax associated for the missing locale, you must ensure that you have the correct geocode
from Vertex, otherwise you must wait for a Vertex update to populate the missing locale. See “Manually
Adding a Geography” steps below.

Configuring State Display Properties

Follow these steps to display a two character state name in place of the full state name.

1. Select Manage Geographies in the implementation project checklist.

2. On the Manage Geographies page, select US and click Search. The predefined entry for United States
3. Click on the “Hierarchy Defined” checkmark on the United States line, or select Manage Geography Hierarchy
from the Actions menu.
4. Select a state’s link to view its primary and alternate names and codes. Ensure the proper name is marked as
primary by selecting Set Primary.
When you load the state geographies, they include both the 2-character state abbreviations and the full state

5. If you do not want to see the full state name in the State list of values, and no existing address data has been
created using the full state name, delete the row with the full state name from the Primary and Alternate Names
6. Click Save and Close.
7. Click Save and Close.

Configuring City Display Properties

Follow these steps to display a different city name than what is delivered:
1. Select Manage Geographies in the implementation project checklist.
2. On the Manage Geographies page, select US and click Search. The predefined entry for United States
3. Click on the “Hierarchy Defined” checkmark on the United States line, or select Manage Geography Hierarchy
from the actions menu.
4. Expand the appropriate State and County fields to display the city to change.
5. Select the city, and select Edit from the Actions menu.
6. In the Primary and Alternative Names section, select Add from the Actions menu.
7. Enter the new city name. Leave the Data Provider field as “User entered”.


8. Select the Set Primary icon.
9. If the city resides in multiple counties, you must change the city name in each.
10. Click Save and Close.
11. Click Save and Close.
The name you define displays in all appropriate areas, including addresses, tax balances, and reports.

Running the Load Geography Information and Load Payroll Tax Information Processes
Once Oracle Products Services Team has installed the files, all customers (including SaaS) must run the following
processes to update their geography data and tax data:

» Load Geography Information

» Load Payroll Tax Information

Load Payroll Tax Information

The Load Payroll Tax Information for US process is necessary to maintain tax data changes from Vertex in the
Oracle Fusion HCM application. Vertex publishes monthly updates that contain tax data changes (QFPT.dat file).
For SaaS customers, Oracle Product Services installs the files. The On-Demand team installs the files for the
customers when they are requested to do so by their customers. On-Premise customers install the file themselves.

Once the files are installed, all customers (including SaaS) must run the Load Payroll Tax Information for US
process to update their tax data.

IMPORTANT: You must run this process as part of the initial setup for the implementation project. You must
also run it on a monthly basis in order to receive the latest changes affecting taxation and address validation

You have two options for running this task:

» From FSM, select Define Payroll > Define Earning and Deduction Definitions
» From the Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area
When running this task, populate the parameters as follows:

Field Name Notes

Data Location Specify the location name for the file to be used only if it is different from the default location, as
defined in the ESS configuration file. This configuration file contains the location of the Vertex
ISAM libraries.

Allow Upload of Older Version Specify whether to allow an older version of the data file to be uploaded. Default setting is No.

Geographic Category Run for Federal and State each month. City, County and School District may be run less
frequently than monthly and may take more time to run. If running it monthly, schedule it to run
after hours.

Defining Address Style Format Mapping for United States

HR-only and Payroll implementations must update the Geography Mapping fields for the following formats:

» United States Postal Address Format

» United States Tax Address Format
NOTE: Do not use “No Style”.
HR-only implementations with no address validation must select the United States Postal Address Format. All other
implementations must use the United States Tax Address Format.


To set your geography validation:

1. Select Workforce Deployment > Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management >
Define Geographies for Human Capital Management > Manage Geographies.
2. In the Geography Mapping and Validation section, select or deselect the Enable List of Values checkbox as
appropriate for each geography type.
NOTE: Do not change the Tax Validation and Geography Validation predefined settings. Oracle Fusion
HCM applications do not use this functionality.
3. Click Save and Close.

Viewing Geocodes for a Geography

A geocode is a 9-digit code used to identify the legal jurisdiction. The first two digits represent the state, the next
three digits represent the county, and the last four represent the city. Leading zeroes are not included. This data is
created as part of the Load Geographies process. To view the geocode for a particular geography, follow these

1. Start the Manage Geographies task in FSM.

2. Perform a search with United States as the country name.
3. Select United States in the search results.
4. Select Manage Geography Hierarchy from the Actions menu.
5. Double-click the appropriate geography name to see the tax geography code.

Manually Adding a Geography

In the rare cases where a geography is missing, you can manually add it. However, before doing so, run the Load
Geography for US process to ensure it hasn’t already been addressed by a Vertex update.

The following example shows how to add the city of Waelder in Bastrop county, Texas to your geography
information. You can use similar steps to add other geographies, such as a county or ZIP Code.

1. Start the Manage Geographies task in FSM.

2. Perform a search with United States as the country name.
3. Highlight the United States line in the search results.
4. Select Manage Geography Hierarchy from the Actions menu.
5. Expand the Texas state node to view the list of counties.
6. Expand the Bastrop county node to view the list of cities.
7. Verify that Waelder is not included in the list.
8. Select the Bastrop county row in the hierarchy, and click Create. The Create City page displays.
9. In the Primary and Alternative Names section, click Add, or enter the data on the blank line.
10. Specify values for the following fields:

Field Name Notes

Name Enter Waelder as the city name.

Data Provider Leave the default setting.

Language Leave the default setting.

11. Click Save.

12. In the Primary and Alternative Codes section, click Add or enter the data on the blank line.
13. Specify values for the following fields:


Field Name Notes

Code Enter geocode 44-21-6195.

NOTE: The geocode you provide must be unique within the county
and state.

Code Type Select “Tax geography code”.

Data Provider Leave the default setting.

Language Leave the default setting.

14. In the Primary and Alternative Codes section, click Add.

15. Specify values for the following fields:

Field Name Notes

Code Enter Waelder.

Code Type Select Primary City.

Data Provider Leave the default setting.

Language Leave the default setting.

16. Click Save and Close.

17. Select the Waelder city row in the hierarchy, and click Create. The Create Postal Code page displays.
18. In the Primary and Alternative Names section, click Add, or enter the data on the blank line.
19. Specify values for the following fields:

Field Name Notes

Name 78959

Data Provider Leave the default setting.

Language Leave the default setting.

20. Click Save.

21. In the Primary and Alternative Codes section, click Add or enter the data on the blank line.
22. Specify values for the following fields:

Field Name Notes

Code 78959

Code Type Select “FIPS Code”.

Data Provider Leave the default setting.

Language Leave the default setting.

23. If needed, continue adding more ZIP Codes.

24. Save and close when complete.

Changing the Address Field Display and Display Sequence

To simplify data entry for addresses, you can:

» Control what address fields are visible.

» Change the field sequence so users enter the ZIP Code before the city, state, and county. This enables the
application to derive subordinate values, such as city and state, based on the ZIP Code.


Adding or Removing Address Fields

To set what address fields are visible:

1. Sign in as a Setup user, and navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

2. Enter Define Address Configuration in the Search field, and select Define Address Configuration.
3. Select the Manage Address Formats task.
4. Perform a search with United States as the country name.
5. Select United States in the search results.
6. Select the proper address format to modify in the search results, and click Edit.
7. Depending on if you are adding or removing from the display, do the following:
» If adding fields, click Action, then Add. Specify the following:

Field Name Description

Line Sequence of where you want to display the field.

Position Position on the line for that field.

Prompt Name of the field.

Address Element Type of field.

Also mark whether the field is required, and whether it displays in upper case

» If deleting fields:
a. Select the line you want to remove.
b. Click Action and then Delete.
8. Click Preview Layout to review your changes.
NOTE: If you are a Payroll or Payroll Interface customer, or a HR-only customer using address validation, you
may need to enable the Tax District field for display. The Tax District field identifies townships and other
special taxing districts and is listed under the Address Element field as “Additional address attribute 4” When
you enter the ZIP Code for an address, and Vertex populates the city, state, and county (or you select them),
you can select the appropriate Tax District from the list of values. For example: Rosewood, OH, 43070 would
belong to the Adams Township.

Changing the Display Sequence

To change the display sequence:

1. Sign in as a Setup user, and navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

2. Enter Define Address Configuration in the Search field, and select Define Address Configuration.
3. Select the Manage Address Formats task.
4. Perform a search with United States as the country name.
5. Select United States in the search results.
6. Select the proper address format to modify in the search results, and click Edit.
7. Starting at the bottom with the country field, update the line number to be one greater than the current line
For example: Assign Country to line 8, County to line 7, and so on.
8. Click Save after each line number update.
9. Update each line up to ZIP Code. Retain ZIP Code on line 4.


10. Change the position to 1, and click Save.
11. Click Preview Layout to review your changes.

Enterprise Structures
You can now begin the process of defining enterprise structures. All setup tasks are located in the implementation
project task list under Workforce Deployment > Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital
Management > Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management:

Legal Addresses
A legal address is the address of record for an entity. For example, the legal address of a legal authority is used in
communications with that authority. No legal addresses are predefined for the US. You must create legal
addresses for all organizational units of the enterprise.

To define legal addresses:

1. Select Manage Legal Addresses in the implementation project task list.

2. On the Manage Legal Addresses page, click Create.
3. Define your addresses as needed.
4. Click Save and Close.

Legislative Data Groups

An LDG defines the payroll and related data partition context for a user, allowing customers to partition their payroll

To define an LDG:

1. Select Manage Legislative Data Groups in the implementation project task list.
2. On the Manage Legislative Data Groups page, click Create.
3. On the Create Legislative Data Group page, provide the required information and click Submit.

All legal entities must be registered against a jurisdiction that is governed by a legal authority. A jurisdiction is a
combination of the legislative category (labor law, transaction tax law, income tax laws, and so on) and the physical
territory (such as group of countries, country, state, county, and parish) to which legal rules are grounded. A tax
jurisdiction is a geographic area where a tax is levied by a specific tax authority. Jurisdictions must be set up before
creating registrations because a jurisdiction is required in the registration process. The identifying jurisdiction is
usually the first jurisdiction that the legal entity must register with, in order to be recognized in its territory. The
registration to the identifying jurisdiction of the legal entity territory is called the identifying registration. The
jurisdiction can also capture the registration code or the name of the registration number. The registration code can
then be used as the prompt for the registration number given the context of the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction has a
start date and end date to show when the jurisdiction is effective and when you can register against the jurisdiction.

The Create Legal Jurisdiction page contains the following regions:

» General Information: Displays the legislative category and allows the user to select the territory, enter the
name, the start and end date (if any end date), and to specify whether the jurisdiction is identifying or not.
» Registration Code Assignment: For a given jurisdiction, includes fields that allow the user to select a specific
registration code to display when creating legal entities and legal reporting units (LRUs).
» Legal Functions: Includes fields that allow the user to relate specific legal functions for a given jurisdiction,
such as payment, reporting, and so on. This is optional.


The US localization provides the following predefined legal jurisdictions, which are a combination of the territory and
legislative category:

Jurisdiction Legislative Category Territory Description

United States FEDERAL_TAX United States Used for federal income tax, federal
Federal Tax unemployment tax, Social Security, and Medicare.

<Territory> Income Tax State Used for all states with an income tax. One legal
Income Tax jurisdiction for each state with an income tax is

<Territory> Unemployment Insurance Tax State Used for all states with an unemployment
Unemployment insurance tax. One legal jurisdiction for each
Insurance state with an unemployment tax is created.

<Territory> Disability Insurance Tax State Used for all states with a disability insurance tax.
Disability One legal jurisdiction for each state with a
Insurance disability tax is created.

Viewing Jurisdictions
To view these predefined jurisdictions:
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
2. Select Go to Task for the Manage Legal Jurisdictions task in the implementation project task list.
3. On the Manage Legal Jurisdictions page, select United States in the Territory field, and click Search.
4. Select the name of the jurisdiction in the Search Results to display the Edit Legal Jurisdictions page.
NOTE: The US localization does not provide any predefined jurisdictions for local taxes. You must first create the
local jurisdiction and then create the local tax registration, using the local tax legislative category and local
jurisdiction. Local tax registrations are not currently used for any tax filing reports or processes. However, you can
chose to create them if desired.
When you create new local jurisdictions, there may be cases where the territory name appears multiple times in the
list of values. To help identify the correct entry, use the Advanced button and select Add Fields. Use the first
Name field to enter the country (United States), and use the second Name field to enter the state code (such as CA,
AL, or GA), and use the third Name field to enter the county name. Entries into these fields help narrow the list of

Creating Jurisdictions for Local Taxes

You may need to create a local tax jurisdiction if you are withholding for specific local taxes, such as cities and
counties. You must create this jurisdiction before you can create a registration for that local. To create local tax

1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

2. Select Go to Task for the Manage Legal Jurisdictions task in the implementation project task list.
3. Click Create.
4. On the Create Legal Jurisdiction page, enter a name.
5. Select a territory, such as United States.
6. Select the Local Tax legislative category.
7. Select No in Identifying.
8. Select Legal Entity Registration Number in the Legal Entity Registration Code field.
9. Select Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number in the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Code field.
10. Click Save and Close.


Legal Entities
A legal entity is an entity unequivocally identified and given rights and responsibilities under commercial law, through
registration with the territory’s appropriate authority. Legal entities have the responsibility to account for themselves
(through balance sheets, income statements, specified reports, and so on) to company regulators, taxation
authorities, and owners according to rules specified in the relevant legislation.

Legal Employers and Payroll Statutory Units

Oracle Fusion HCM recognizes different types of legal entities:

» A legal employer is a legal entity that employs workers.

» A payroll statutory unit (PSU) is a legal entity that is responsible for paying workers, including the payment of
payroll tax and social insurance. A PSU can pay and report on payroll tax and social insurance on behalf of one
or many legal entities, depending on the structure of your enterprise.
PSUs provide a way to group legal employers so that certain statutory calculations, such as court orders and some
taxes, can be performed at a higher level. A legal employer can belong to only one PSU, and the PSU represents
the highest level of aggregation for a person. No balances are aggregated across PSUs.

When defining a legal entity, you must consider the context in which it is to be used:

» If it is to be used in an HCM context, designate it as a legal employer. In an HCM implementation, it is

mandatory to define legal employers.
» If it is to be used in a payroll context, designate it as a PSU.
» You can define a legal entity that is both a legal employer and a PSU.
» If multiple legal employers need to be grouped together for tax reporting purposes, you can associate them all
with a single PSU. If legal employers do not report together, they must be segregated by PSU.
No legal entities are predefined for the US. You must create all legal entities that apply to the enterprise you are
setting up.

Recognizing Balances Across Multiple TRUs

You must configure your organization to recognize balances across multiple TRUs if:

» There are federal limits that must be observed across TRUs, such as Social Security wage limits
» You have employees that work in multiple TRUs and you regularly have to use person-level balances
To configure your organization to recognize balances across multiple TRUs, you must:
1. Identify each company as a separate TRU.
2. Assign each TRU within the same PSU.
A payroll relationship is the association between a person and a PSU. It represents the highest level of balance
aggregation. Employees working in multiple TRUs under the same PSU would have one payroll relationship.
Person-level balances that span multiple TRUs can be accessed by the payroll processes. However, when an
employee is in multiple PSUs, they have multiple payroll relationships. The person level balances won’t span
across the different PSU payroll relationships.
NOTE: If you must have multiple PSUs and still need to access person-level balances across these PSUs, you
can import previous PSU balances to the new PSU. For further information, see Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management for United States: Balance Adjustments (1600728.1) on My Oracle Support.

Legal Reporting Units and Tax Reporting Units

An LRU is the lowest level component of a legal structure that requires registrations. It is used to group workers for
the purpose of tax reporting or to represent a part of your enterprise with a specific statutory or tax reporting


If an LRU is to be used for tax reporting purposes, then it must be configured as a TRU. When you create an LRU
that belongs to a legal employer (that is not also a PSU), you must select a parent PSU. In this way, TRUs are
indirectly associated with a legal employer by association with a PSU.

TRUs are especially relevant for the US because the TRU captures the employer’s:

» US federal employer identification number (FEIN)

» State employer identification number (EIN)
» Registration details
This captures the FEIN, not the TRU itself.

» Statutory registered name

If there are multiple TRUs under one PSU, the amounts calculated towards maximum wage and tax limits are
recognized across all TRUs within that PSU.

Organization Structure Models Supported by the US Localization

The sections that follow describe how to define a set of organizational units that comprise the organization structure
required to manage HR processes for the US. Each enterprise can combine these organizational units in a different
way in order to set up the organizational model that best fits their business needs. Before you begin creating
organizational units, it is helpful to understand the organization structure models supported by the US localization.

The figure below illustrates the four configurations supported by Oracle Fusion HCM for the US:


» Enterprise 1: One PSU with one legal employer and one TRU
» Enterprise 2: One PSU with one legal employer and multiple TRUs
» Enterprise 3: One PSU with multiple legal employers and multiple TRUs, where each legal employer is
associated with a single TRU
» Enterprise 4: One PSU with multiple legal employers, where different employers are associated with different
NOTE: An enterprise can have multiple PSUs belonging to the same or different LDGs. It is possible for a legal
entity to be both a PSU and a legal employer.

Creating Legal Entities

Before you define any legal entities, you must have already defined any associated legal addresses through the
Manage Legal Addresses task.

To define legal entities:

1. Select Manage Legal Entities in the implementation project task list.

2. Click Create to display the Create Legal Entity page.
3. If you are identifying this legal entity as a PSU:


» If you have not yet defined your US LDG, the application automatically creates the LDG for you and
associates it with the PSU.
» If you have already defined a US LDG, you must manually associate it with the PSU. Refer to identifying
the LDG below for instructions.
4. If you do not designate this legal entity as a PSU, you can assign an existing PSU to it by selecting one from
the Payroll Statutory Unit field.
5. Provide any other required information.
6. Click Save and Close.

Identifying the LDG

To view the LDG associated with a PSU:

1. Select the implementation project.

2. Select Manage Legal Entity HCM Information.
3. Search for the PSU or legal entity.
4. Select the PSU tab. By default, general information for the PSU is displayed, including the LDG. If it has not
automatically been associated, you can click on the drop-down to find the appropriate LDG to associate.

Additional Information for Legal Employers and PSUs

Additional information about legal employers and PSUs are required for:

» New Hire Reporting
» Payroll processing
NOTE: Electronic year-end and quarterly filings processes are not yet available in Oracle Fusion HCM. You
must perform these filings through the US Third-Party Tax Filing interfaces. See Oracle Fusion HRMS (US):
Payroll Third-Party Tax Filing Interface white paper on MOS for necessary setups for the Tax Filing Interface.

To enter the additional HCM information:

1. Select Manage Legal Entity HCM Information in the implementation project task list.
2. In the Select Scope window, choose Select and Add in the Legal Entity LOV.
3. Click Apply and Go to Task.
4. Search for and select the legal entity you just created, and then click Save and Close.
5. If the entity is a legal employer, complete the fields on the Legal Employer tab.
Click edit to correct or update the details.
6. Click the Federal link.
7. In the EEO Reporting Rules section, specify the following values:

Field Name Notes

Affiliated with Enterprise of 100 Employees or More Select Yes to indicate whether your entire company employs more than
100 or more employees.
Select No if your entire company employs fewer than 100 employees.

Company Number Enter the unique company identifier assigned by the EEOC.

More than 100 employees in pay period Select Yes to indicate whether your company employs more than 100
employees in a pay period.
Select No if your company employs fewer than 100 employees.


Government Contractor Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the employer is a government

8. In the New Hire Reporting Rules section, associate a default TRU to a legal employer by selecting one in the
TRU for the New Hire Report field.
The HR reports use the employer FEIN, registered name, contact details, and other registration details of the
TRU associated to the legal employer.

NOTE: The TRU you specify here requires additional EEO and VETS reporting information. Use the Manage
Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task to set these values for the TRU in the EEO and VETS Reporting
Rules region. Refer to the HCM Information section for instructions.

9. In the VETS Reporting Rules section, specify the following values:

Field Name Notes

Reporting Name Enter the hiring location name.

Parent Company Enter the parent company headquarters.

Type of Reporting Organization Select Prime Contract, Subcontractor, or Both.

Company Number Enter the unique company identifier.

10. In the EEO and VETS Reporting Information section, specify the following values:

Field Name Notes

Employment Category Each of the employees to be included in report must have an employment
category. Select the employment categories to be included in the report.
NOTE: This field is not used for EEO-1 reporting.

Establishment Employer Type Select Multiple if you are a multi-establishment employer.

Select Single if you are a single establishment employer.

11. In the United States Reporting Entity Data section, identify each legal employer as either a parent or child.
The EEO-1 and VETS-4212 report processes use these fields to group legal employers for reporting. You can
group legal employers if you want the child legal employer head count to be included in the parent legal
employer’s report.

Field Name Notes

Parent Legal Employer Select Yes if legal employer is a parent legal employer.
Select No if you want the headcount to be included in the parent legal
employer’s report.
NOTE: Although the default value displays as Yes, the application
does not automatically uptake this value. To ensure proper reporting
results, you must reselect Yes (if applicable) through the Edit >
Correction mode.

Proxy Legal Employer Select a parent legal employer if you have selected No in the Parent
Legal Employer field.

12. In the EEO and VETS Assignment Category section, select the assignment categories you want excluded from
the EEO-1 report.
If you set this value for a parent legal employer, its child legal employers automatically inherit the value as well.

13. If the legal entity is also a PSU, select the Payroll Statutory Unit tab.
14. Enter the Fiscal Year Start.


15. Click the Federal link, and enter any additional information to support electronic year-end filings for the US.
Data entered here applies to all LRUs attached to the PSU.
16. Click the appropriate link to enter additional information to support electronic year-end and quarterly filings for
those regions.
Data entered here applies to all LRUs attached to the PSU.

Legal Entity Calculation Cards

Additional information about federal and regional tax rules is required for Oracle HCM processes. Data entered here
applies to all LRUs attached to the PSU.

NOTE: This task was titled Manage Legal Entity Deduction Records prior to Release 8.

Creating the Calculation Card

To create the calculation card:

1. Select the Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards task.

2. On the Payroll Statutory Unit page, click Create:
3. On the Create Calculation Card page, provide the effective date and select Calculation Rules for Tax Reporting
and Payroll Statutory Unit.
4. Click Continue.

Creating Federal Tax Rules

To enter federal income tax (FIT) calculation rules for the card:

1. When creating or editing the card, select the appropriate row under Calculation Components.
2. Enter the appropriate data in the Calculation Component Details section. The FIT-specific rules include:

Rule Description

Supplemental Tax Calculation Method For flat or aggregate rates on supplemental earnings.

Tax Withholding Rules For determining which states are applicable for resident taxation.

Should taxes be calculated based on period to date For determining if taxation should be considered based on the Run, or
amount based on the Period to date.

3. Repeat to add calculation rules for Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment tax (FUTA). This
includes self-adjustment method rules that determine how the payroll process adjusts for rate or wage base
4. Click Save.
For further information, see the Configuring Calculation Cards for the US: Explained topic in the Help Portal.

Creating Regional Tax Rules

To create regional calculation rules for the card:

1. When creating or editing the card, click the Regional link in the Calculation Card Overview section.
2. Under the Actions menu, select Create.
3. Select the appropriate state, and click OK.
4. Select State Unemployment in the Calculation Components table.
5. In the Calculation Component Details tab of the State Income Tax: Details section, click Add Row.
6. Select State Unemployment Organization Information, and click OK.
7. Select the self-adjustment method:


Adjustment Method Description

Bypass collection Exempt from wage accumulation and taxes. Identifies the employer as exempt from

No self-adjust Payroll process does not perform any adjustments based on changes to tax rates. The
employer is responsible for ensuring the correct withholding values for their employees.

Quarterly self-adjust Performs adjustments for rate changes on a quarterly basis. Available for state taxes

Self-adjust Performs adjustments for rate changes during the first available payroll run. Bases the
withholding calculations on year-to-date earnings, rather than earnings within a
particular period. This method provided the most accurate calculation.

Self-adjust at maximum Once an employee reaches their yearly maximum wage limit, the payroll process
performs any adjustments during the first available payroll run.

8. To define state unemployment (SUI) employer experience rates for your PSU, select the Enterable Calculation
Values on Calculation Cards tab and click Create.
9. The rate you enter is applied to all TRUs. To define different rates for different TRUs, enter the experience rate
on the calculation card at the LRU-level. See the Calculation Cards section for detailed steps.
10. Repeat these steps to enter the self-adjustment method for state disability.
11. To define courtesy tax withholding rules refer to the “Oracle Fusion HRMS US: Courtesy Tax Implementation”
guide MOS Doc ID: 2138998.1. Note: This configuration can also be done at the LRU level.

Legal Reporting Units

All LRUs must be designated as TRUs. Set the following at the LRU level:

» Regional tax rules

» State unemployment insurance (SUI) rates
» State disability insurance (SDI) rates
The first time you create a legal entity as a PSU, the application automatically creates an associated LRU, which
you must then identify as a TRU. When you assign an existing PSU to a legal employer, the default LRU inherits
the legal entity’s name.

To create an LRU:

1. Select Define Legal Reporting Units for Human Capital Management in the task list.
2. Select Manage Legal Reporting Unit in the implementation project task list.
3. On the Scope Selection window, select Create New and click Apply and Go to Task.
NOTE: An LRU with the same name as the previously created legal entity is created by default.

Your LRU is automatically designated as the main LRU for the legal entity.

4. To create a second LRU for this legal entity, enter the required information on the Create Legal Reporting Unit
5. Click Save and Close.

Contact Details
HCM employer contact details are captured at the LRU level and are required for:

» New Hire Reporting


The HR Reporting processes pick contact details for reporting from the TRU associated to a legal employer.
To capture LRU contact details:

1. From the implementation project, expand Workforce Deployment > Define Common Applications Configuration
for Human Capital Management > Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management > Define Legal
Entities for Human Capital Management > Define Legal Reporting Units for Human Capital Management >
Manage Legal Reporting Unit.
2. Select the legal entity name under Selected Scope.
3. On the Select Scope page, select the Search Legal Reporting Units option and click Apply and Go to Task.
4. Highlight the LRU from the list, and click Contact.
5. On the Manage Contacts page, click Create Contact.
6. Enter the following information:

Field Name Description

Role Select the employee role.

First Name First name of the employer contact.

Last Name Last name of the employer contact.

Job Title Code Job title code of the employer contact.

From Date Date the employee became the contact.

7. Click OK.
8. Define the contact points:
a. In the Contact Information region, select the Contact Points tab.
b. Click Create.
c. Specify the following fields:

Field Name Description

Contact Point Type Select Phone.

Area Code Specify the contact person’s area code.

Phone Specify the contact person’s phone number.

Extension Specify the contact person’s phone extension.

From Date Specify the date from which this phone number is valid.

d. Click OK.
e. Click Create.
f. Specify the following fields:

Field Name Description

Contact Point Type Select E-mail.

Purpose Select Work.

E-Mail Format Select the contact person’s email format.

E-Mail Specify the contact person’s email address.

From Date Specify the date from which this e-mail address is valid.

g. Click OK.


9. Define the contact roles:
a. Select the Contact Roles tab.
b. Click Add Row.
c. Click the Legal Role column and select a role.
NOTE: HR report processes use the contact details for a person with HR representative role. Payroll
report processes use the Payroll Tax representative or Payroll representative roles.

10. Click Save and Close.

LRUs are connected to legal authorities through LRU registrations. When you create a legal entity, a registration is
automatically created for the selected identifying jurisdiction. You must create a registration for the United States
Federal Tax jurisdiction to enter the Employer FEIN. If the LRU interacts with other legal authorities, you must
create additional registrations as appropriate.

NOTE: Employer FEIN, registered name, and state EIN details are captured using the Manage Legal
Reporting Unit Registrations task.

If the United States Federal Tax registration is not present, some payroll processes will not function properly (such
as Archive Periodic Payroll Results).

This content is used for EEO, VETS, New hire, and payroll reporting.

To define a legal reporting unit registration:

1. Select the parent legal entity and then the LRU, as described in previous tasks.
2. Select Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registrations in the task list.
The Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registrations page displays a list of registrations for this legal reporting unit.
3. Verify there is a record for United States Federal Tax.
4. If no United States Federal Tax record exists, click Create to add a registration.
5. Enter the required information.
When you select a jurisdiction, the Territory field is populated automatically.
The Issuing Legal Authority field displays a list of all legal authorities associated with the selected jurisdiction.
See previous section on Jurisdictions for further information. The Registered Address field displays a list of all
predefined legal addresses.
6. Click Save and Close.
NOTE: To ensure your payroll reports, such as employee W-2s and Multiple Worksite report, are populated with
correct and complete information, you must perform configuration actions for your federal and state registrations at
the LRU level. Ensure the following fields are populated for each TRU:

Jurisdiction Field Name Description

United States Federal Tax EIN or TIN Employer’s federal EIN.

<State> Income Tax Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number Employer’s state EIN.

<State> Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number Employer’s state unemployment account number.
Unemployment Insurance


HCM Information
Additional information about LRUs is required for Oracle HCM processes. Fields are available to support electronic
year-end and quarterly filings. Entry in these fields for the LRU overrides any values you may have entered for the

NOTE: Electronic year-end and quarterly filings are not currently supported in Oracle Fusion HCM. These
filings must be performed through the US Third-Party Tax Filing interfaces. Refer to the Oracle Fusion HRMS
(US): Payroll Third-Party Tax Filing Interface white paper on MOS for necessary setups for the Tax Filing

This content is used for EEO, VETS, and new hire reporting, payroll processing, and the Payroll Third-Party Tax
Filing Interface.

To specify the required HCM information for TRUs:

1. Select the parent legal entity and then the LRU, as described in previous tasks.
2. Start the Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task from the implementation project task list.
3. On the Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information page, select the Tax Reporting Unit and Reporting
Establishment check boxes based on the following:

Selected Extension Tax Reporting Unit Reporting Establishment

Payroll Required Optional

Nonpayroll Required If you have multiple LRUs, selection is required for each.
If you have a single LRU, selection is optional, but you must
associate the TRU to a legal employer at the legal entity level. Use
the “TRU for the New Hire Report” field in the Manage Legal Entity
HCM Information task.

You must identify the LRU as a TRU in order to pay employees and as a TRU and reporting establishment for
nonpayroll customers in order for the EEO-1 statutory report process to pick employees for reporting.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the Tax Reporting Unit tab.
Do not enter any data in the Tax Reporting Unit Type or Associated Legal Employer areas.

6. Click the Federal link.

Use this page to specify information required for year-end and quarterly filings, as well as various reports and
processes for the US.

Entry in these fields overrides any values entered for the PSU.

NOTE: The list of states appears on left the side. If there are no data capture fields needed for that state at the
PSU or TRU level, the state does not appear in the list. The majority of fields are captured at the TRU level. If
there are fields at TRU level and NOT at the PSU level, you will still see the state in the list for the PSU.

7. In the Third Party Interfaces section, enter the following value:

Field Name Notes

Client Identifier Used by the Third-Party Tax Filing Interface and Third-Party Involuntary
Payment Interface. Refer to the Oracle Fusion HRMS (US): Payroll Third-
Party Tax Filing Interface white paper on MOS for necessary setups for
the Tax Filing Interfaces.


Branch Identifier Used by the Third-Party Involuntary Payment Interface. Refer to the
Oracle Fusion HRMS (US): Third-Party Involuntary Payments Interface
(Doc ID 2043941.1) white paper on MOS for necessary setups for the
Involuntary Payment Interfaces.

8. For the TRU you identified as the default for New Hire reporting, specify the following in the EEO and VETS
Reporting Rules section:

Field Name Notes

Employment Category Each of the employees to be included in report must have an employment
category. Select the employment categories to be included in the report.
NOTE: This field is not used for EEO reporting.

Establishment Employer Type Select Multiple if you are a multi-establishment employer.

Select Single if you are a single establishment employer.

Headquarters Establishment Select your headquarters location from the LOV.

NOTE: The application ignores values set for any other TRU.

9. In the EEO Reporting Information section, enter the following values:

Field Name Notes

Affiliated with Enterprise of 100 Employees or More Select Yes to indicate that your entire company employs 100 or more
Select No if your entire company employs fewer than 100 employees.

Company Number Enter the unique company identifier assigned by the EEOC.

Company Employs More than 100 Employees Select Yes to indicate that your company employs more than 100
Select No if your company employs fewer than 100 employees.

Government Contractor Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not you are a government

10. In the VETS Reporting Rules section, enter the following values:

Field Name Notes

Parent Company Specify your parent company headquarters.

Type of Reporting Organization Select Prime Contract, Subcontractor, or Both.

Company Number Enter your unique company identifier.

11. Click Submit.

12. Click the appropriate regional link to enter additional information to support year-end and quarterly filings for the
Entry in these fields override any values entered for the PSU.

NOTE: The Federal W-2 Reporting Rules Overrides and State Quarterly Wage Listing Rules Overrides are for
future use.

Reporting Establishments
A reporting establishment is an organization used for HR statutory reporting.


For non-payroll implementations, if you have multiple LRUs, each must be a reporting establishment. If you have a
single LRU, selection is optional, but you must associate the TRU to a legal employer at the legal entity level. Use
the “TRU for the New Hire Report” field in the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task.

For payroll implementations, selection is optional.

You can identify a TRU as a reporting establishment during LRU definition, as described in the previous section.

To identify an existing TRU as a reporting establishment:

1. Sign in to the Oracle Fusion HCM application using an Application Implementation Consultant role that has
privileges to create and modify all organizational structures.
2. Select Setup and Maintenance from the Navigator.
3. Select Manage Reporting Establishments in the implementation project task list.
4. Click Create.
5. On the Create Reporting Establishment page, indicate if you want to select an existing TRU to define as a
reporting establishment or create a new one.
6. In the Reporting Establishment Description section, provide the required information.
7. Click Next to provide additional details, and then review and submit it.

Calculation Cards
To properly calculate tax withholding, the Oracle Fusion HCM payroll processes require additional information about
federal and regional tax rules, such as:

» Self-adjustment methods
» SUI Employer rates
» PA residence tax information for non-PA work locations
Entering this data for the LRU overrides any data entered at the PSU level.

Refer to the Legal Entity Calculation Cards section for steps to create the card and enter the federal tax rules.

State Unemployment Insurance Rate

In order to calculate the employer’s state unemployment liability, you must define the SUI rate.

Specifying the SUI Rate

To enter a SUI rate:

1. Search for and start the Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task.
2. Enter the Effective As-of Date.
3. Select Regional.
4. Under the Actions menu, select Create.
5. Select the appropriate state, and click OK.
6. Select State Unemployment in the Calculation Components table.
7. Select the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
8. Click Add.
9. Select State Unemployment Employer Experience Rate from the Name menu.
10. Click on the tab at the bottom of the page labeled ‘Enter Calculation Value on the Calculation Cards’ and then
click on Add. Enter the SUI rate for this LRU in the Rate field.
When you enter a SUI rate for a selected state, the SDI and state income tax (SIT) component details for that
state must also be provided.


11. In the Calculation Components table, select State Disability.
12. In the Calculation Component Details section, click Add.
13. Select State Disability Organization Information from the LOV, and click OK.
NOTE: Specify the self-adjust method here.

14. Click Save.

15. Repeat steps 11 through 14 to set the self-adjust method for state unemployment.
16. For states that have taxes in conjunction with state unemployment or state disability, you must increase your
SUI ER or SDI ER rates appropriately. Carefully examine your rate notifications to determine if the state has
included these special taxes in the overall rate notification. For example, the following special taxes are cases
where this kind of SUI rate adjustment would be required:
» Massachusetts SUI Workforce Training Fund = SUI ER Rate
» Nevada SUI Career Enhancement Program = SUI ER Rate
» Nevada SUI Bond Obligation Assessment = SUI ER Rate
Updating the SUI Rate

To update a state’s SUI rate once it already exists:

1. Search for and start the Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task.
2. Select the Calculation Rules for Tax Reporting and Payroll Statutory Unit Calculation Card.
3. Enter the Effective As-of Date for the new rate.
4. Select the state under the Regional Component Group.
5. Select the State Unemployment Calculation Component.
6. Select the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab in the State Unemployment: Details section.
7. Select the State Unemployment Employer Experience Rate.
8. Click Actions>Edit>Update.
9. Enter the new rate.
10. Click OK.
11. Click Save and Close.

Withholding PA Resident Tax for Non-PA Work Locations

To withhold local taxes for Pennsylvania residents who work outside of Pennsylvania, you must configure your PSU
or TRU setups as follows:
1. Start the Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task from your implementation project.
Use the Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards task to perform this at the PSU level.

Settings you make at the TRU level override those at the PSU level.
2. Enter the Effective As-of Date.
3. Select Regional.
4. Under the Actions menu, select Create.
5. Select PA, and click OK.
6. Select the State Income Tax calculation component.
7. In the State Income Tax: Details section, select the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
8. Click Create.
9. Select Calculate PA Resident Tax for Non-PA Work Location.
10. Enter Y as the value.


11. Click Save and Close.

Business Units
Oracle Fusion HCM for the US uses the business unit classification to group sets of data. When you associate a
business unit with a default set, the default set is inherited by every entity connected to the business unit.

No US-specific data is required or captured at this level. However, a worker must be assigned a business unit
during the hire process, so you must create business units for the enterprise.

US Territory Configuration
The configuration to support the processing and paying of employees working and/or living in the territory of Puerto
Rico and Guam is largely the same as with state configurations, with differences in the following areas:

» Legal addresses
» Legal reporting units
» Tax reporting units
» Employee Withholding Certificate for Guam
» Deduction Elements for Puerto Rico

Legal Addresses
Users must identify United States as the country when configuring the territorial legal addresses through the
Manage Legal Address task.

Legal Reporting Units

Users must select United States as the territory when defining the legal reporting units in FSM. This is needed in
order to enter the FEIN using United States Federal Tax jurisdiction.

NOTE: The jurisdictions required for the state-level registrations are available for Puerto Rico and Guam.

You must also create separate legal reporting units for Puerto Rican and Guam workers. Do not assign US, Puerto
Rican, and Guam workers to the same TRUs. Each must be in their own TRU.

Tax Reporting Units

To identify that the TRU belongs to a territory, an EFF at the federal level must be populated to designate what
territory it is associated to. The field is located under the Federal rules for Organization Information EFF. Start the
Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task, and click Federal. The segment is Territory Rules and the field
is Territory Identifier.

NOTE: Leave this field blank for TRUs not associated with US territories.

Employee Withholding Certificate for Guam

Guam tax calculations are based on the federal withholding tables. To ensure proper withholding based on the
employee’s W-4 form elections, you must update the tax cards for your Guam employees:
1. From the Payroll Calculations work area, search for the employee.
2. Start the Manage Calculation Cards task, and select their Employee Withholding Certificate.
3. Select the Federal tax component.
4. Enter any W-4 employee tax withholding updates, such as changes to marital status, number of allowances,
and so on.
The tax withholdings for Guam will show on reports and interfaces with a code of GUSIT.


Deduction Elements for Puerto Rico
You must identify the deduction elements you are using to feed specific Puerto Rico W2 balances.

To ensure you are reporting complete data to your third-party tax filing provider, you must establish feeds for any
balance required for year-end reporting, such as W-2PR boxes 12, 15, and 23.

You must:

1. Use the Manage Balance Definitions task to establish balance feeds for all W-2PR balances applicable to your
business. Every W-2PR box has one or more balances that must be fed.
Form W-2PR box balances that begin with "W2" are not automatically fed. You must create the feeds using the
appropriate user-defined elements you have defined.

For a complete list of W-2PR boxes and the associated balances you must feed, see the Form W-2PR Box
Information topic in the Help Portal.

2. You must identify your user-defined deductions as belonging to Puerto Rico. This involves the configuration of
the following balances and the results elements that feed them:
» W2 Territory 401k
» W2 Territory Charitable Contributions
» W2 Territory Government Employee Savings Plan
» W2 Territory Government Retirement Fund
To do this:

a. Use the Manage Elements task to edit the results elements of the user-defined deductions that feed these
b. In the Element Summary page, create an input value with the following values:

Field Value

Name State
NOTE: You must define State, County and City with display
sequences of 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Displayed Selected

Allow User Entry Selected

Create a Database Item Selected

Unit of Measure Integer

Display Sequence 1

c. In the Default Entry Values and Validation region, set the Reference field to State.
d. In the Default Value region, set the following:

Field Value

Default PR

Apply Default at Run Time No

e. Click Save.
f. Use the Manage Fast Formula task to modify the element's formula, such as "401k_Calculator_Formula"
for Puerto Rico 401 (k).
g. Insert the following lines at the beginning of the formula:


mesg='Calculation complete.'

This ensures the element output is correctly configured for Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico Young Entrepreneurs Act

For all employees meeting the age criteria, the payroll process automatically applies the Puerto Rico Young
Entrepreneurs Act. It accumulates the exempt wages in the PR Youth Exempt Wages balance. Once the limit is
reached, the payroll process begins accumulations and deductions for the state income tax balances.

Workforce Structures
Workforce structure setup should be performed once you have completed organization structure setup. Workforce
structures are used to:

» Define additional partitioning of the workers within the organization, including divisions, departments, locations
and reporting establishments
» Assign roles to workers within the organization, including grades, jobs, and positions
» Set up actions and reasons that apply to the work relationship cycle of workers
No workforce structures are predefined for the US. The Implementation Team is responsible for defining all the
workforce structures that apply to the enterprise for which the setup is being done. Some workforce structures may
not apply to every enterprise.

Managing Workforce Structures

Maintenance of workforce structures can be performed through FSM.

Use this work area to manage:

» Positions
» Jobs
» Grades
» Departments
» Locations

Locations identify:

» Where business is conducted, including the physical location of a workforce structure

» Workers’ physical work locations
» Other areas of interest to the business
To create or manage locations:

1. Select Manage Locations in the implementation project task list.

2. Click Create.
3. Under Basic Details, define the effective start date.
4. When editing the location record, use the Correct option to make the changes effective to the start of the
existing record. Otherwise use the Update option.
5. Define the other required fields in the Basic Details and Location Information sections.


6. Define the required fields in the Main Address section.
7. In the United States Multiple Worksite Reporting Information section, define the following information:

Field Name Notes

Trade Name Name of the client establishment at this location. If this location is to be
included in MWR reporting, this field is required.

Worksite Description Meaningful, unique description of the client establishment, such as store
number or plant name. If this location is to be included in MWR reporting,
this field is required.

Unit Number Five-digit number used in conjunction with the SUI account number to
uniquely identify a location at its address. This field is informational only.

Comment Code 1, 2, 3 These fields are informational only.

Comment Additional information on any recent changes in your company that may
have impacted employment, wages, and locations, such as changes in
business activities, acquisitions, mergers, and sales. Refer to the BLS
website for more information.

8. In the United States Reporting Information section, define the following EEO and VETS information:

Field Name Notes

D-U-N-S Number Enter the 9-digit business identifier assigned by Dun and Bradstreet.

NAICS Number Enter the 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
code. This number is used by federal statistical agencies in classifying
business establishment.

9. In the United States Veteran Reporting Information section, define the following VETS information:

Field Name Notes

Reporting Name Enter the location reporting name.

Hiring Location Number Enter the hiring location number.

Maximum Number of Employees Specify the greatest number of employees currently hired during the 12-
month period covered by this report.

Minimum Number of Employees Specify the fewest number of employees currently hired during the 12-
month reporting period.

NOTE: The Run VETS-4212 Establishment Electronic Report process uses the values you specify in the
Maximum and Minimum Number of Employees fields for employee counts. If you leave these fields blank, the
process derives the employee counts based on the reporting period start and end dates.

10. In the United States EEO-1 Reporting Information section, define the following EEO-1 information:

Field Name Notes

Reporting Name Enter the location reporting name.

Unit Number Enter the unit number applicable to the establishment or location.

Reported Last Year Select Yes or No.

11. In the United States Unemployment Reporting Information section, define the following information:

Field Name Notes


Employer Unit Number Enter a 3, 4, or 5-digit number, depending on the state. Currently this is
required for New Mexico, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Iowa, and Michigan.

12. For locations in Pennsylvania, in the Pennsylvania Work Location PSD Information section, specify the Political
Sub Division code (PSD) for the work location. This value defaults in the Work PSD Code field on the
Residency Certificate of every employee assigned to that location.
13. Do not specify a value in the Non-Resident EIT Rate for Pennsylvania Work Location field. This field is not used
for tax calculation.
14. In the United States EEO and Veteran Reporting Information section, identify the HR Reporting locations.
A location is identified as a reporting location when the HR Reporting Location field is set to Yes.

For Example, an employer may have multiple physical locations that are in close proximity to each other and
are therefore reported under a single HR Reporting Location. To represent this, use the following configuration:

Field Name Value

HR Reporting Location No

HR Reporting Proxy Select reporting location

15. Click Submit.

NOTE: When you change a location’s address, the HR Sync process does not apply that change to any employees
already assigned to the location. You must make the applicable updates to the employees’ records manually.

A department is a division of a business enterprise dealing with a particular area or activity to which you can assign

No data is required or captured at this level for the US, but Implementation Teams can create a department
structure for an enterprise in the organizational structure setup phase of the project.

To create departments:

1. Select Manage Departments in the implementation project task list.

2. Click Create.
3. Define the information required for this department.
4. Click Next to provide additional department details.
5. Click Next.
6. Review your data, and click Submit.

A grade defines the relative rank, level, or status of a worker. It is one of the key building blocks used for managing

To create grades:
1. Select Manage Grades in the implementation project task list.
2. Click Create.
3. Define the information required for this grade.
4. Click Next to define the order of progression between grades.
5. Click Next to define grade rates.
Grade rates can be used to define pay values for grades in an LDG (country).


6. Add a rate that was previously defined or create a new rate.
7. Click Next.
8. Review your data, and click Submit.

To create jobs:
1. Select Manage Job in the implementation project task list.
2. Click Create.
3. Define the information required for this job.
4. Click Next to enter job details.
This information is used in HR reporting and payroll processing.

5. Specify the following information in the United States Job Information section:

Field Name Notes

FLSA Status Select a code to indicate whether this job is exempt or nonexempt
according to the Fair Labor Standards Act Status.

EEO-1 Category To report valid job codes for EEO-1 and VETS reporting, select an EEO-
1 category to which this job belongs.

Job Group Used to store jobs of a similar type together in one group. To further
classify the job categories, select the job group to which this job belongs.

6. Click Submit.

Banking Setup
An HR-only customer may want to add payee banking information even if payroll is not being processed by Oracle
Fusion HCM Global Payroll. For example, banking setup may be required for reporting purposes or because the
data may be passed to other products, such as an expenses module.

To accommodate this scenario, the set up of banks and branches must be done before entering bank accounts and
payment methods for the payee. Additionally you must perform some payroll set up for HR-only implementations.
For further information, see “Payroll Configuration” below.

No banks or branches are predefined for the US. Banks and branches must be defined during implementation. You
can do this manually by entering the banks and branches in the application, or it can be done in a mass upload

Configuring Employee Options for Bank Details

Employees can enter their bank details using the Manage Personal Payment Methods task through their employee
self-service. Use the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option to define what settings are available to

To define the fields the employees can use to configure their bank details:
1. Start the Manage Cash Management Profile Options task.
2. Search for the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option.
3. In the search results, select the profile option.
4. In the Profile Values region, select the Site profile level.


5. Set the profile value:

Profile Value Description

Yes Employees select their banks and branches from a predefined list.
You must have previously defined this list through either the Create Bank
and Create Bank Branch tasks or the mass upload process (see next

No Employees can set their bank and branch details through free text fields.

6. Click Save and Close.

Defining Banks
To define banks:

1. Sign in to the application with a role that has cash manager privileges, such as CASH_MANAGER.
2. Select Manage Banks in the implementation project task list.
3. Click Create.
4. On the Create Bank page, provide the necessary information.
5. Click Save and Close.

Defining Bank Branches

To define branches for the banks you created:

1. Select Manage Bank Branches in the implementation project task list.

2. Click Create.
3. On the Create Bank Branch page, provide the necessary information.
4. Click Save and Close.

Defining Bank Accounts

Once banks and branches are set up, you must define the bank accounts that are needed for the organization.
Normally, Implementation Teams set up bank accounts that are used at an organizational level, such as the source
bank accounts for payments, rather than bank accounts at the individual payee level.

No bank accounts are predefined for the US.

To define bank accounts:

1. Select Manage Bank Accounts in the implementation project task list.
2. Click Create.
3. On the Create Bank Branch page, provide the required information.
4. If you want to use this bank account for processing payments related to payroll, select the Payroll option in the
Account Use field.
5. Click Save and Close.

Defining Organization Payment Methods

After setting up the banks, bank branches, and bank accounts, you must define the payment methods used within
the organization. Organization payment methods (OPMs) link the personal payment methods (PPMs) with the
payment sources without a need to store as many details about the payment method on the person record.


When you create a payroll, you must define the valid OPMs for that payroll. All employees included in the payroll
run will use the selected OPMs, unless specifically overridden.

To define OPMs:
1. Select Manage Organization Payment Methods in Payment Distribution work area.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the LDG associated with this payment method.
4. On the Create Organization Payment Method page, enter the required information:

Field Name Description

Name Enter the name of this OPM.

Payment Type Select the payment type for this OPM.

You must create a separate OPM for domestic and international
Use the Direct Deposit payment type for domestic direct deposits and the
International Transfer payment type for international payments.
Two EFT templates are available:
 PPD for US Payments
 IAT for international payments
NOTE: Prior to Release 12, the Direct Deposit payment type is called

Currency Select US Dollar.

Prenotification required Prenotification is the process of submitting a 0 USD transaction in order to

verify an electronic transfer’s routing numbers and account number
information. Use this field to indicate whether a prenotification process is
required for direct deposit payment types.

5. If you have selected Direct Deposit or International Transfer as the payment type, in the Electronic Funds
Transfer File Information section, enter the appropriate values:

Field Label EFT Name Comments

Balancing Entries Balanced Electronic File Determines whether the system generates a balanced or
unbalanced electronic payments file. An unbalanced
electronic payments file does not have an offsetting debit
record and therefore allows cases where the total debits of the
file are not equal to the total credits. Some banks require
unbalanced files.

Bank Reference Immediate Destination Identification Identifies the immediate destination bank routing and transit

Bank Name Immediate Destination Name Name of the Financial Institution.

Company Reference Type Immediate Origin Identification Type Optional.

Company Reference Immediate Origin Identification Numeric code assigned to the employer by an external
authority, such as their IRS tax ID or D-U-N-S number.

Company Name Immediate Originator Name Identifies the company name of the originator.

Payment sources associate bank accounts and other sources of funds with the OPMs. Each organization
payment method in use must have at least one valid payment source.

6. In the Payment Sources Section, click Create.

7. On the Create Payment Source page, enter a Name and select a Bank Account Name.


The system uses the payment information set at the payment source level for Direct Deposit employee direct

8. Enter required information, and click Submit.

Configuring Prenotes
Prenotes are Automated Clearing House (ACH) prenotifications. They are 0 USD ACH entries that you send at
least 10 banking days prior to the first live payroll credit sent. Under NACHA operating rules (also known as ACH
rules), the prenote validates the routing number and account number of the receiving bank or credit union.

Specify the following prenotification rules on OPMs of the Direct Deposit payment type:

Field Name Description

Prenotification Required Designates whether the prenotification process is required for employees.

Prenotification Amount Default value for this field is 0.

Prenotification Days Number of days required for a prenotification wait period. The employee is paid
by check until the waiting period is completed. For example, if the prenote wait
period is 10 days and running a weekly payroll, depending on the timing
employees might receive two paychecks before direct deposit starts.

If a prenote is required for the OPM, the system sends a prenote entry with 0 USD in the direct deposit file (PPD) for
all new hires. For an employee’s checking account, the prenotification transaction contains the transaction code of
23 in the entry detail record. For the employee’s saving account, the prenotification transaction contains the
transaction code of 33.

NOTE: Prior to Release 13, prenotifications are available for new hires only. You cannot issue prenotes for
changes made to accounts for existing employees. For Release 13, you can create prenotes for existing
employees by assigning them a personal payment method with new banking information.

Payroll Configuration
Consolidation groups and payroll definitions are normally concepts related to payroll, but if an HR-only customer
needs to assign banking details for their employees, then these objects must be set up.

Consolidation Groups
Oracle Fusion HCM for the US uses consolidation groups within the organization to enable grouping of different
payrolls for reporting purposes. No consolidation groups are predefined for the US. If you are creating payroll
definitions for the implementation, you must define at least one consolidation group. Payroll definitions must be
assigned to a consolidation group.

To set up consolidation groups:

1. Sign in to the application with a role that has implementation privileges, such as APPL_IMP_CONSULTANT.
2. Select Manage Consolidation Groups in the implementation project task list.
3. On the Manage Consolidation Groups page, click Add Row.
4. Enter a name, and select a US LDG.
The Description is optional but useful to provide.

5. Click Save.


Payroll Definitions
Payroll definitions contain calendar and offset information that determine when payments are calculated and costed.
Using payroll definitions, you can specify payment frequency, processing schedule, and other parameters for a
particular payroll. Payroll period types, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or semi-monthly, determine the interval at which
you pay employees.

A payroll definition is associated with only one payroll period type, and implementers must set up at least one payroll
definition for each payroll period type the employer wants to use to pay employees.

When you create a payroll definition, the complete payroll schedule is automatically generated, based on:

» Selected payroll period type

» Any offsets and calendar adjustments
» Number of years
Once you have created a payroll definition, use the Manage Payroll Relationships page to assign employees to it.

NOTE: Before creating a payroll definition, you must have defined the LDG and at least one consolidation

No payroll definitions are predefined for the US.

To set up payroll definitions:

1. Select Manage Payroll Definitions in the implementation project task list.

2. Click Create.
3. Select the LDG for this payroll definition, and click Continue.
4. On the Create Payroll page, enter the required information.
5. Select a consolidation group.
6. Select the Premium Calculation rate for overtime calculation.
7. Select a time definition.
8. This is used to define the starting date and length of the overtime period used in the calculation of overtime.
9. Click Add Row in the Valid Payment Methods section, and add one or more OPMs that are valid for this
10. You can select any OPM defined for the LDG that is linked to this payroll definition.
11. The default payment method is check.
12. Click Next.
13. Provide the required information on the Payroll Offsets page.
14. Review the information on the Payroll Calendar page.
15. Provide the suspense and default accounts on the Costing of Payroll page.
16. Review summary information on the Payroll Review page.
17. Click Submit.
NOTE: The US does not use the following fields in the Calculation Defaults section:

» Use Information Hours From

» Threshold Basis


Elements and Element Templates
You create elements through predefined element templates, which provide you with an intuitive user interface and
help you manage the creation of different types of elements and their associated objects. The element definition
process gets a set of rules from the template and processes the predefined template structure to create appropriate

A set of element templates is predefined for the US. Access these templates through the Manage Elements task.

To create a regular earnings element for basic salary:

1. Select Manage Elements in the Setup and Maintenance or Payroll Calculations work area.
2. On the Manage Elements page, click Create.
3. On the Create Element window, select an LDG, a primary element classification, and if necessary, a secondary
4. Beginning in Release 13 (Update 17C), specify the category for eligible primary and secondary classification
combinations. Select Time Card to identify your element as being available for time cards.
NOTE: Primary classifications have a priority range. When you define an element, you can override the
default processing priority with another number from the range. This is useful if you need to establish the order
in which the element processes with respect to other elements in the primary classification range.

Select the appropriate secondary classification. This secondary classification is used when updating or
creating wage basis rules or wage attachment rules.

5. Click Continue.
6. Complete the fields on the Basic Information page.
NOTE: When creating an overtime earnings element, do not use the name “Overtime” for any element
name or reporting name. "Overtime” is a reserved term, and including it in user-defined elements interferes
with balance initializations.
The questions and default answers are based on settings for the predefined classifications for the US. Your
answers drive the definition of the element you are creating.

The following table describes the default behaviors for federal taxation using default settings:

Earnings Payment Types Regular Payroll Run Taxation Supplemental Payroll Run Taxation

Standard Annualized N/A

Supplemental: Process and pay with other earnings Annualized / Aggregation Tiered Flat Rate

Supplemental: Process separately but pay with other Tiered Flat Rate Tiered Flat Rate

Supplemental: Process separately and pay separately Tiered Flat Rate Tiered Flat Rate

Standard and Supplemental: Process and pay with Annualized / Aggregation Tiered Flat Rate
other earnings (n/a for Standard Earnings)

Standard and Supplemental: Process separately but Annualized (Standard Earnings) + Tiered Flat Rate
pay with other earnings Tiered Flat Rate (Supplemental (n/a for Standard Earnings)
Earnings) Combined

Standard and Supplemental: Process separately and Annualized (Standard Earnings) + Tiered Flat Rate
pay separately Tiered Flat Rate (Supplemental (n/a for Standard Earnings)
Earnings) for two separate pays


The state taxation varies by state. In cases where the regular payroll run processes a Supplemental earnings,

a. Attempts to use the aggregation calculation method.

b. If aggregation is not one of the acceptable calculation methods for the state:

» If the state is Georgia, it uses the tiered flat rate tax method.
» If the state is Ohio, it uses the aggregation tax method.
» For all other states, it uses the Vertex default method.
For additional information, see the Vertex Calculation Guide.

7. Click Next.
8. For Periodicity Conversion Rule, use the following chart:

Rate Conversion Rule Description Example

Standard Rate Annualized Calculates the annual rate using the input To convert a weekly amount to a semimonthly
periodicity, and converts the amount to an output periodicity, the formula:
periodicity and rate. 1. Multiplies the weekly amount by 52.
Uses default values to calculate the annual rate, 2. Divides the result by 24.
such as 2080 hours or 260 working days.

Standard Rate Daily Calculates the daily rate using the input To convert an annual amount to daily periodicity,
periodicity, and converts the amount to an output the formula:
periodicity and rate. 1. Divides the annual amount by 365.
Uses a default value to calculate the daily rate, 2. Multiplies the result by the number of days
such as 260 working days a year. in the payroll period.

Standard Working Hours Uses the employee’s standard working hours to Employee works 40 hours a week with a monthly
Rate Annualized convert the monetary value and their working salary of 1000 USD:
hours to an annual value before calculating the ((1000*12)/(40.00*52) = 5.77 an hour

Assignment Working Hours Uses the employee’s working hours to convert Employee works 40 hours a week, with a 37.5
Rate Annualized the monetary value and their working hours to an standard working hours a week, and a monthly
annual value before calculating the rate. salary of 1000 USD:
((1000*12)/(37.50*52) = 6.15 an hour

Periodic Work Schedule Rate Uses the employee’s work schedule for the Employee has a monthly salary of 1000 USD and
Annualized payroll period for daily and hourly conversions. is assigned a monthly payroll. The formula
checks the work schedule details for the month.
For a daily conversion:
1000 a month/20 days in the month = 50
NOTE: For compensation calculations where
the employee is not assigned a payroll, the
rate is calculated using the weekly rate
calculation. The amount is converted to an
annual figure and divided by the number of
days or hours in that week based on the work

9. Complete the rest of the questionnaire.

10. Click Next.
11. Verify the information, and click Submit to create the new element.
The Element Summary page provides additional information, such as input values, processing rules, and


12. Use the Element Overview panel to navigate through the summary page options.
13. Set element eligibility by selecting Actions > Create Element Eligibility in the Element Overview panel.
Refer to Element Eligibility section for more information.
14. Select an input value in the left panel, and provide additional information such as default values, validation
formulas, and required flag.
15. Click Submit and Done.
16. Repeat this process to create a set of elements to support your business needs.

Indirect Elements
During the creation of your elements, depending on the options you selected, the element template may
automatically create related indirect elements. These are also referred to as shadow elements. Indirect elements

» Results elements
» Retroactive elements

Results Elements
The element template may create results elements when you define elements of the following primary

» Standard Earnings
» Supplemental Earnings
» Imputed Earnings
» Nonpayroll Payment
» Pretax Deductions
» Employee Tax Deductions
» Employer Liabilities
» Involuntary Deductions
» Voluntary Deductions
Results elements use the following naming convention: <User Element> Results.

These indirect elements are nonrecurring.

The payroll calculation feeds values to these elements taking into consideration frequency rules and formulas such
as skip formulas, proration formulas, and so on.

Retroactive Elements
Retroactive elements are automatically created when you select Yes to the question: Is this element subject to
retroactive changes? The element template creates these elements nonrecurring with the same attribution of the
base element with a couple of exceptions. If you selected Process Separately or Pay Separately, the template
creates input values on the retroactive element; however, the input value default is set to N on the retroactive
element. You can override this value at the element level, element entry level, or element eligibility level if desired.

Retroactive elements use the following naming convention: <User Element> Retro.

The element template may create retroactive elements for the following primary classifications:

» Standard Earnings
» Supplemental Earnings


» Imputed Earnings
» Nonpayroll Payment
» Pretax Deductions (excluding deferred compensation)
» Employer Liabilities (excluding deferred compensation)
» Voluntary Deduction

Element Eligibility
Element eligibility is the method of determining which employees are eligible for an element. If you want an element
to be available for an employee, you must setup eligibility.

During element definition, when you select Create Element Eligibility in the Element Overview panel, the following
tabs are available in the General Information area:

Tab Description

General Information In this area you define the criteria of employees that are eligible for this element:
 If you want to have all employees eligible for this element, add the eligibility
record with no criteria.
 If you want only certain employees to be eligible for this element, add the
eligibility record with your specific criteria.
The different available criteria in this area are:
 Legal Employer
 Department
 Job
 Grade
 Employment Category
 Location
 Position
 Payroll

Input Values Input values can be:

 The same default value for each set of eligibility criteria
 Changed to different default values for each set of eligibility criteria you
If the default values are the same, you do not need to enter anything in this area.

Costing Costing is the financial accounting of your payroll costs. It breaks down the costs
of a payroll into customer-defined units (such as a location, division, or project).
Costing of payments is a separate post-payments process. For customers not
using Oracle Fusion General Ledger, you can disable the Transfer to Subledger
Accounting task by copying the US Simplified Flow and creating your own flow
and removing the task.
Refer to the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources Implementing Payroll
Costing document and online help for assistance with defining your costing
structure. Refer to “Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Setup of Information Elements
for Payroll Relationship Level Costing” (Doc ID 2172879.1) on the Oracle Support
website for assistance on creating cost allocation on element eligibility using
attributes other than Payroll Statutory Unit and Relationship Type.
Costing values can be different values for different eligibilities as well.
If transferring your payroll data to General Ledger, you should setup costing for
the Results and Retro elements.


Base, Results, and Retroactive Elements
You must define element eligibility for the following elements. Set up costing for them as well if required.

As a guideline, when the element template creates a base, results and retro element, you must:

» Set up element eligibility records for the base, results, and retroactive elements.
The base, results, and retroactive element eligibility records can serve different purposes. For example, you
might create two records for the base element to limit who is eligible, and one open record for the results, if you
cost the element results for your eligible employees the same way.

» Specify costing information for the results and retroactive element eligibility records.
NOTE: In order to capture costing information for your retroactive payments, you must either:

» Set up costing for your retroactive elements through element eligibility.

» Determine at which hierarchy level you must configure costing in order to capture costing information for your
retroactive payments. For further information, see Global Human Resources Costing Guide (1918574.1) on My
Oracle Support.

Elements Generated from

Primary Classification Secondary Classification Input Value

Standard Earnings All secondary classifications <User Element> Results Earnings Calculated
<User Element> Retro Results NOTE: If you also need to
cost hours, you must cost the
appropriate hours input value
in the Results element.

Supplemental Earnings All secondary classifications <User Element> Results Earnings Calculated
<User Element> Retro Results

Imputed Earnings All secondary classifications <User Element> Results Earnings Calculated
<User Element> Retro Results

Nonpayroll Payment All secondary classifications <User Element> Results Earnings Calculated
<User Element> Retro Results

Pretax Deductions Deferred Compensation 401k <User Element> Results Deduction Calculated

Pretax Deductions Deferred Compensation 401k <User Element> Results Catchup Deduction Calculated
Catch Up

Pretax Deductions All other secondary <User Element> Results Pay Value
classifications <User Element> Retro

Employee Tax Deductions All secondary classifications <Predefined Element> Tax Calculated
(See the Predefined Employee
and Employer Tax Elements
section below for additional

Employer Liabilities N/A <User Element> Employer Match Employer Match Calculated
(specific to Deferred Results
Compensation) (automatically generates when
you answer YES to the employer
match question on the element

Employer Liabilities All secondary classifications <User Element> Results Pay Value


<User Element> Retro

Involuntary Deductions All secondary classifications <User Element> Results DeductionsCalculated

Involuntary Deductions All secondary classification – <User Element> Organization FeeCalculated

Fees Fee Results
<User Element> Person Fee
<User Element> Processing Fee

Voluntary Deduction All secondary classifications <User Element> Results Pay Value
except Roth Deferred <User Element> Retro

Voluntary Deduction Roth Deferred Compensation <User Element> Results Deduction Calculated
<User Element> Retro

Multiple Eligibility Records for an Element

You can define more than one eligibility record for each element, but there cannot be any overlap between them.
Doing so is useful when you want only certain groups of employees to be available for an element, but not all

Eligibility Definition Worked Example

The following example illustrates the different ways you can use eligibility definition to configure your element

In this case, you are defining an “on-call hours” element:

1. Complete the element template, and navigate to the Element Summary page.
2. To make this element available to only your employees with a job title of Security Specialist or Security
Manager, you set up two eligibility records on the General Information tab:
» One indicating this element is available for employees with a job title of Security Specialist
» Another indicating this element is available for employees with a job title of Security Manager
3. To assign different rate calculations to your Security Specialists and Security Managers:
a. Select the Input Values tab for each of the eligibility records you defined.
b. For the Security Specialist eligibility record, you want to pay double their regular rate. Insert a default
multiple of 2.
c. For the Security Manager eligibility record, you want to pay triple their regular rate. Insert a default multiple
of 3.
4. To cost each “on-call hours” payment differently for each eligibility record:
a. Select the Costing tab for each of the eligibility records you defined:
b. For each employee type, specify the appropriate General ledger account number segment.

Predefined Employee and Employer Tax Elements

You must define eligibility and cost the following predefined employee and employer tax elements:

Tax Element Name Input Value Notes

US Taxation N/A You must define eligibility for this predefined element
as an open link.
Do not cost this element.


Family Leave Insurance Employee Tax FLI Tax Calculated Family Leave Insurance (FLI) applies to certain
states only. This element is the preferred method to
cost FLI taxes, although you can cost the State
Disability Insurance Employee Tax element instead
(listed below). Do not cost both elements.

Federal Income Tax Tax Calculated

Federal Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Federal Unemployment Tax Tax Calculated

Head Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Medicare Employee Tax Tax Calculated

Medicare Employee Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Medicare Employer Tax Tax Calculated

Residence City Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Residence City Tax Tax Calculated

Residence County Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Residence County Mental Health Tax Tax Calculated

Residence County Tax Tax Calculated

Residence School District Tax Tax Calculated

Residence School Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Residence State Income Tax Tax Calculated

Residence State Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Social Security Employee Tax Tax Calculated

Social Security Employee Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Social Security Employer Tax Tax Calculated

State Disability Insurance Employee Tax Tax Calculated, FLI Tax FLI applies to certain states only. The Family Leave
Calculated Insurance Employee Tax element is the preferred
method to cost FLI taxes (listed previously), although
you can cost this element instead. Do not cost both

State Disability Insurance Employee Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

State Disability Insurance Employer Tax Tax Calculated

State Unemployment Insurance Employee Tax Tax Calculated

State Unemployment Insurance Employee Tax Not Tax Calculated


State Unemployment Insurance Employer Tax Tax Calculated

Work City Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Work City Tax Tax Calculated

Work County Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Work County Mental Health Tax Tax Calculated


Work County School District Tax Tax Calculated

Work County Tax Tax Calculated

Work Head Tax Tax Calculated

Work School Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Work State Income Tax Tax Calculated

Work State Income Tax Not Taken Tax Calculated

Secondary Element Classifications

Secondary classifications are subsets of the primary classifications. Use them to manage wage basis rules for
deductions and taxes. There could be cases where you need to create a new secondary classification to suit your
business needs.

To create a new secondary classification:

1. Start the Manage Element Classifications task in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Enter the appropriate LDG, and click Search.
3. Select the appropriate primary classification in the search results.
4. Select Actions > Edit.
5. In the Secondary Classifications section, select Actions > Create.
6. Enter the new name and start date.
7. Click OK.
8. Create any new wage basis rules as needed. See Creating Wage Basis Rules for details.

Domestic Partner Secondary Classifications

The Imputed Earnings primary classification includes two secondary classifications related to domestic partners:

» Domestic Partner Dependent: For nontaxable benefits

» Domestic Partner Nondependent: For taxable benefits
When defining elements of these types, you must select the secondary classification that best meets your

Salary Basis
Best practice for Payroll Implementation projects is to setup salary basis and payrolls before hiring employees. A
salary basis allows employers to:

» Establish the period of time for which an employee’s salary is quoted

» Link a payroll element to a salary basis
To set up the salary basis:
1. Sign in to the application with a role that has compensation administrator privileges, such as
2. Navigate to the Compensation work area.
3. Select Manage Salary Basis.
4. Click Create.
5. On the Create Salary Basis page, select the element to use for the salary basis and provide the required


6. Click Save and Close.

Gross-up Earnings
The following is an illustration on how to configure the system to process a bonus gross-up element:
1. Define the gross-up earning element using the following information:

Field Name Value

Primary Classification Supplemental Earning

Secondary Classification Bonus

Employment Level Assignment Level

Recurring or Nonrecurring Nonrecurring

Process the element only once in each payroll period? Yes

Can person have more than one entry in period? Yes

Process and pay separate or with other earnings? Process separately and pay separately

Tax across multiple pay periods No

Prorate across all periods earned and consider for FLSA No

Calculation Rule Flat amount

Default periodicity Periodically

Periodicity conversion rule Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized

Work Units reported None

Subject to Retro No

Calculate gross amount from specified net amount Yes

Include in earnings calculation of FLSA No

Include in hours calculation FLSA No

2. To create element eligibility links, click Element Eligibility in the Element Overview section and then select
Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.
3. Click Submit and then Done.
4. To ensure the FIT deduction is calculated at 39.6 percent (the highest tax bracket), override the Supplemental
Rate percentage on the employee’s Manage Payroll Calculation Information page for the federal employee
withholding certificate.
5. To define the element entries for the gross-up element:
a. Navigate to the Manage Element Entries task.
b. Search for the person.
c. Click Create.
d. Enter the appropriate effective date, and select the gross-up earnings element name.
e. Enter the net value to be used for the grossup calculation in the Net field.
f. Enter 0.01 in the To Within field. This is the default.
g. Click Submit and Done.
6. Calculate quick pay, using the Supplemental run type. Deselect any elements on element entry that you don’t
want processed.


Refer to “QuickPay: How It Is Processed” in the Help Portal for instructions on how to run a quick pay operation.

7. Click Next, and enter parameter details.

8. Click Next and then Submit.
9. Click Go to Task.
10. Navigate to the View Person Process Results task to see the gross-to-net calculation results.

Overtime Earnings
Oracle Fusion HCM for the US determines if an employee is eligible for overtime according to the FLSA status
(exempt or non-exempt) of the job that is assigned to the employee. Employers define a job as nonexempt in the
FLSA Status field found in the United States Job Information region (refer to the job work structures previously
defined in this document).

Refer to the Oracle Support Document 1600746.1 - Oracle Fusion HRMS (US): US Overtime Setup white paper for
necessary steps for the overtime set up.

NOTE: When creating an overtime earnings element you should not use the name “Overtime” for any element
name or reporting name. "Overtime” is a reserved term, and including it in user-defined elements will interfere
with balance initializations.

Involuntary Deductions
Refer to the Oracle Support Document 1597039.1 - Oracle Fusion HRMS (US): Payroll Involuntary Deductions white
paper for full details on involuntary deductions.

For Release 12, refer to the Oracle Support Document 2238172.1 - Oracle Fusion HRMS (US): Electronic Income
Withholding Orders Processing Guide for full details on e-IWO (Electronic Income Withholding Orders).

Deferred Compensation
Deferred compensation plans allow you to save for retirement on a pretax or after-tax basis. Employees elect to
participate in a plan whereby they can choose one or more deductions from wages on a pretax or after-tax basis. In
most cases, the pretax deferred wages are not subject to federal income tax or state income tax withholding at the
time of deferral. However, they are included as wages subject to Social Security, Medicare, and Federal
Unemployment taxes.

Supported Deferred Compensation Plans

Oracle currently supports the following deferred compensation plans:

» 401 (k)
» 401 (k) Catch-up
» Roth 401 (k)
» Roth 401 (k) Catch-up
Employer match is also available for these plans.

Contribution Limits
There are maximum contribution limits issued by the federal government. Oracle configures and maintains the
following values in Calculation Value Definitions:
» Deferred Compensation 401k Annual Limit
» Deferred Compensation 401k Catch Up Annual Limit
» Elective Deferral Limit


» Eligible Compensation Annual Limit

Balance and Feed

The percentage deduction deferred compensation calculations use the Deferred Compensation 401K Eligible
Earnings balance. You must feed this balance for your eligible earnings indirect element.

For the proper calculation of involuntary deductions disposable income, use the Manage Balance Definitions task to
feed any 401 (k) catch-up indirect elements to the Other Pretax balance definition.

Time Card Elements

Beginning in Release 13 you can easily define an element to be available for timecards without extra setup steps
required in prior releases.

Creating Time Card Elements

To create an element that is available for use in timecards, navigate to the Payroll Calculation Work area:
1. Select Manage Elements.
2. Click Create.
3. Select your US legislative data group.
4. Select your primary and secondary classification. The following classifications are available for timecards:

Primary Secondary

Imputed Earnings All

Nonpayroll Payment All

Standard Earnings All

Supplemental Earnings All

5. Select the Time Card category.

6. Click Continue.
7. Enter your element name, reporting name, and effective date.
8. Select your durations.
9. Select your standard processing rule.
10. Click Next.
11. Select your calculation rules.
12. Select your FLSA rules.
13. Click Next and then Submit.
14. Once you have completed defining this element, set up eligibility for it and any results elements the template
15. To use this element for tagging purposes, run the Generate Data Dictionary Time Attributes process from the
Setup and Maintenance work area.
You must have Oracle Fusion Time and Labor privileges to run this process.

The element is now automatically available for use. You do not have to run the Create Time Card Calculation
Components process or compile any fast formulas.

For further information, see the Oracle Help Center Global Human Resources “Implementing Time and Labor” and
“Using Time and Labor” online documents.


Setting Up Tagging in Oracle Fusion Time and Labor
If you allocate time entry hours to different work jurisdictions, you must set up your timecard layout to allow for these

1. Log in as a user with Oracle Fusion Time and Labor privileges.

2. Search for and start the Manage Time Entry Layout Components task from the Setup and Maintenance work
Defining Time Entry Tagging Layout

In the Search region of the Manage Time Entry Layout Components task, do the following:
1. Click Create.
2. Select Single attribute time card field, and click OK.
3. Specify the following in the General Properties section:

Field Value

Name Provide a meaningful name of your timecard layout

Description Provide a meaningful description

4. In the Time Attribute and Data Source section, specify the following:

Field Value

Time Attribute Payroll Time Type

Filtered Data Source for Time Entry List of Payroll Time Types for User

Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks List of Payroll Time Types for Administrator

5. Click Add Filters.

6. In the Filters window, specify the following:

Field Value

First Filter Variable pAssignmentId

First Filter Input Attribute Assignment

Second Filter Variable pEffectiveDate

Second Filter Input Attribute Start Time

7. Click OK.
8. In the Default Values and Display Properties sections, specify the following:

Field Value

Population Method for New Entry No default value

Display Type Smart choice list

Display Name Provide a meaningful name for your time attribute

Required on the Time Card Yes

9. Click Next.


Defining Time Entry Tagging Components

On the Create Time Card Field: Dependent Field Definition page of the Manage Time Entry Layout Components
task, you define tagging fields at the following levels:

» State
» County
» City
Perform the following:
1. To define your State tagging field, click Create.
2. Specify the following on the Create Dependent Time Card Field window:

Field Value

Name Provide a meaningful name for your first tagging field, such as: State

Dependent Time Attribute ORA_HRX_US_EARN_STATE

Availability For all independent time attribute values

NOTE: Selecting this returns a warning message. Click Yes to dismiss.

3. Click OK.
4. Specify the following on the Dependent Time Card Field Properties page:

Field Value

Filtered Data Source for Time Entry List of values for payroll US state field for Geocode

Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks List of values for payroll US state field for Geocode

Population Method for New Entry No default value

Display Type Smart choice list

Display Name Provide a meaningful name, such as: State

Enable override on layouts Select

Required on the Time Card No

5. Click Save
6. To define your County tagging field, click Create.
7. Specify the following on the Create Dependent Time Card Field window:

Field Value

Name Provide a meaningful name for your second tagging field, such as:

Dependent Time Attribute ORA_HRX_US_EARN_COUNTY

Availability For all independent time attribute values

NOTE: Selecting this returns a warning message. Click Yes to dismiss.

8. Click OK.
9. Specify the following on the Dependent Time Card Field Properties page:

Field Value


Filtered Data Source for Time Entry List of values for payroll US county field for Geocode

Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks List of values for payroll US county field for Geocode

Population Method for New Entry No default value

Display Type Smart choice list

Display Name Provide a meaningful name, such as: County

Enable override on layouts Select

Required on the Time Card No

10. Click Add Filters.

11. In the Filters window, specify the following:

Field Value

First Filter Variable pCodeLevel1

Filter Input Attribute ORA_HRX_US_EARN_STATE

12. Click OK.

13. Click Save.
14. To define your City tagging field, click Create.
15. Specify the following on the Create Dependent Time Card Field window:

Field Value

Name Provide a meaningful name for your second tagging field, such as: City

Dependent Time Attribute ORA_HRX_US_EARN_CITY

Availability For all independent time attribute values

NOTE: Selecting this returns a warning message. Click Yes to dismiss.

16. Click OK.

17. Specify the following on the Dependent Time Card Field Properties page:
Field Value

Filtered Data Source for Time Entry List of values for payroll US city field for Geocode

Unfiltered Data Source for Setup Tasks List of values for payroll US city field for Geocode

Population Method for New Entry No default value

Display Type Smart choice list

Display Name Provide a meaningful name, such as: City

Enable override on layouts Select

Required on the Time Card No

18. Click Add Filters.

19. In the Filters window, specify the following:

Field Value

First Filter Variable pCodeLevel1

First Filter Input Attribute ORA_HRX_US_EARN_STATE


Second Filter Variable pCodeLevel2

Second Filter Input Attribute ORA_HRX_US_EARN_COUNTY

20. Click OK.

21. Click Save and then Next.
22. Click Save and Close.
Changing Time Layout Sets

Once you have defined your tagging components, you must change your time layout sets to use the new
1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and start the Manage Time Layout Sets task.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Time Consumer section, select the Payroll check box.
4. Click Generate Layout Set.
5. Enter a meaningful name for your layout set, such as: ABC_Company_Timecard_Layout.
6. On the Time Entry Layout line, select Configure Layout.
7. Click Edit Layout.
8. In the Time Card Fields section, replace Payroll Time Type with the time card layout fields you created.
For further information, see Defining Time Entry Tagging Layout above.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Add.
11. Add the 3 fields you created for State, County, and City.
Click ADD for each.

12. Click Save and Close.

13. Click Yes and then OK.
14. Click Save and Close.
The task copies this configuration to the other layouts listed on the Layout Sets page.
15. Click Save and Close.
Defining Worker Profiles

Once you have configured your timecard layout to enable tagging, you must create a worker profile and assign it to
all employees that will be using the Tagging feature:
1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and start the Manage Worker Time Entry Profiles task.
2. Click Create.
3. Enter a meaningful name for your profile, such as: ABC_Company_Tagging_Time_Entry_Profile.
4. Enter an appropriate effective start date.
5. For the Layout Set drop down, select the layout you created previously.
6. Click OK.
7. On the Worker View and Manager View tabs, select all of the items that you want to enable for each.
8. Click Next until you reach the Review page.
9. Click Save and Close and then OK.
10. Click Troubleshoot.
11. For each employee requiring the Tagging feature:


a. Search for and select an employee.
b. Click Assign Profile to Person.
c. Search for and select your profile.
d. Specify the effective date as the From Date.
e. Click OK.
12. Click Save and Close and then OK.
Viewing the Time Cards Calculation Card

When an employee tags time worked in another jurisdiction on their timecard, the Load Time Card Batches process
transfers this data into their Time Cards calculation card. The payroll process uses this information when calculating

To view an employee’s Time Cards calculation card:

1. From the Payroll Calculations work area, select Search Person.

2. Query for your employee.
3. Click Actions, and select Manage Calculation Cards.
4. Select Time Cards.
5. Change the effective date to a date that has been tagged.
6. In the Calculation Component area, select the element the employee used to tag the earning.
7. In the Work Hours: Details section, click on the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
The information here includes the hours, and the jurisdiction details.

Wage Basis Rules

Oracle Fusion HCM for the US provides the wage basis rules at the federal and state levels for use in the taxation of
earnings. This includes rules for primary classifications of supplemental earnings, imputed earnings, and pretax
deductions along with the corresponding secondary classifications. It does not provide wage basis rules for local

For information on wage basis rules as they relate to involuntary deductions, see Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management for United States: Payroll Involuntary Deductions (1597039.1) on My Oracle Support.

Viewing Wage Basis Rules

Use the Manage Component Group Rules task from the Payroll Calculation work area to view the wage basis rules:
1. Navigate in the tree structure to Federal > Wage Basis Rules > No References.
2. View the wage basis rules for Imputed Earnings, Pretax Deductions, and Supplemental Earnings as they relate
to each federal-level tax.
For Earnings, a check mark indicates the earning is subject to that tax.

NOTE: The Not Withholdable Federal Tax column indicates the earning is subject to federal tax but no tax is

For Pretax Deductions, a check mark indicates that the deduction is subject to taxation and does not reduce
subject wages. If no check mark is present, then the deduction is not subject to taxation and does reduce
subject wages.
3. Navigate in the tree structure to Regional > Wage Basis Rules > State.


4. View the wage basis rules for Imputed Earnings, Pretax Deductions, and Supplemental Earnings as they relate
to each state-level tax.
5. Due to the large volume of data, filter the data to view a particular state. Use the field in Search region to filter
the data.

Creating Wage Basis Rules

There are no seeded wage basis rules at the local level (city, county, or school). While most local wage basis rules
follow their state wage basis rules, there are a few states where the local wage basis rules differ. You must create
the local wage basis rules in these cases.

For example, at the Ohio city level, Deferred Compensation 401k and Deferred Compensation 401k Catch Up are
subject to tax. At the Kentucky local level, all Pretax Section 125 secondary classifications are taxable (Dental Care
125, Dependent Care 125, Flexible Spending Account, Health Care 125, Health Savings Account, Health Savings
Account Catch Up, and Vision Care 125).

Use the Manage Component Group Rules task from the Payroll Calculation work area to create a local wage basis

For example, to create a new city tax rule for Ohio:

1. In the tree structure, select the Regional node.

To define wage basis rules at the federal level taxes, select the Federal node.

2. Select Related deductions > City Tax > Wage Basis Rules.
3. Select Actions > Create.
The Create Wage Basis Rule UI appears.

4. Enter the following information:

Field Name Requirement Mapping

Effective Start Date Required Use either the implementation date or the earliest date a pay period

State Optional Full state name or 2-character state abbreviation.

NOTE: How you configure your state name settings determines
how the values appear in this field. For further information, see
the “Configuring State Display Properties” section.

County Mandatory Appropriate county from the LOV.

NOTE: Although the UI does not denote this field as required,
this information is necessary for creating local tax rules.

City Mandatory Appropriate city from the LOV.

NOTE: Although the UI does not denote this field as required,
this information is necessary for creating local tax rules.

Primary Classification Mandatory This configuration most commonly uses the following:
 Imputed Earnings
 Pretax Deductions
 Supplemental Earnings

Select all secondary Mandatory If you select Yes for Subject to Wage Basis Rule below, you must
classifications select No here.

Secondary Classification Mandatory If you select No for Subject to Wage Basis Rule below, you must


select an appropriate secondary classification.

Subject to Wage Basis Rule Mandatory If you select Yes here, you must select No for Select all secondary

5. Click Submit.
You may need to query by state to see the data you just created. If so, enter a value in field directly above
State for the state entered in previous step. This filters the data in the UI for that state. If a blank field is not
available for entry above State, select the filter icon.

These rules are stamped with the LDG and are not overwritten by Oracle Fusion HCM for the US.

6. Select the row to update.

You must repeat the following steps for each combination of primary classification and secondary classification
for each state, county, or city that needs updating.

7. In the Actions drop down list, choose Edit > Correct.

The Correct Wage Basis Rule for Secondary Classification window appears.

8. Select the Subject to wage basis rule box.

For Ohio, 401 (k) does not reduce subject wages at the local level and is considered taxable.

9. Click Submit.
The Wage Basis Rules UI returns the row corrected with a check in the Use in Wage Basis column.

10. Create a wage basis rule for Deferred Compensation 401k Catch Up.
You must complete this change for every state, county, city combination for the locales the employer is in for

11. If county taxes are impacted, you must apply the same entries for the state and county combinations for each
appropriate primary classification and secondary classification.
12. Complete a review of all secondary classifications impacted to determine which entries require corrections.
For example, when working with pretax deductions, determine what Section 125 secondary classifications are
impacted for a particular state-county-city or state-county combination. There could be a difference between
the treatment of HSAs, FSAs, Dental, Vision, Healthcare, and Dependent Care. One or more may need
corrections where others may not.

Editing Wage Basis Rules

You may want to change the seeded wage basis rules. For example, the seeded rule for Group Term Life (GTL) for
the applicable federal and some state components defaults to a “Not withholdable” rule. You may want to change
this to “Withholdable”.

To edit the predefined wage basis rules:

1. Start the Manage Component Group Rules task, and query your LDG.
2. Select the Federal or Regional component (depending on what you are trying to update).
3. Expand the Federal or Regional folder at the top, and then expand the Related Deductions folder.
4. Expand the Not withholdable folder, and then select the Wage Basis Rules folder.
5. Select Create from the Actions menu.
6. Enter an effective date.
7. If you are updating the State component, select your appropriate state.
8. Select a primary classification and secondary classification.


9. Mark the Subject to wage basis rule as No, and click Submit. This cancels the seeded rule.
10. Navigate to the Federal Tax or State Tax folder under the Related Deductions folder.
11. Select the Wage Basis Rules folder.
12. Select Create from the Actions menu.
13. Enter an effective date.
14. If you are updating the State component, select your appropriate state.
15. Select a primary classification and secondary classification.
16. Mark the Subject to wage basis rule option as Yes, and click Submit. This creates the new rule.

Document Delivery Preferences

You typically define delivery preferences for documents that are delivered periodically from employers to workers,
such as payslips or year-end tax statements. You can select default delivery methods for a document type (online
and paper), and specify other delivery related preferences. Set these preferences using the Manage Document
Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Person-Level Overrides
You can enable persons to override the delivery preferences for their documents through their Portrait Gallery. The
elections they choose override delivery preferences specified elsewhere for the document type.

Document Delivery Preference Configuration

To set the delivery preferences for any of the HCM documents (such as payslip, W_2, and W_2C):

1. Start the Manage Document Types task.

2. Select the Category Payroll, and click Search.
3. Click Payslip.
4. Under Document Delivery Defaults, select the Delivery Method(s).
5. Repeat these steps if you want to override the enterprise level for W_2 and W_2c.
NOTE: The third-party quarterly tax filing process references the enterprise level only if an employee-level
override does not exist for W_2. It does not reference the work structure overrides.

Process Configuration Group

Process configuration groups ensure that the documents you are producing are published to the correct area in the
Document of Records.

Process Configuration Group for Payslips

When running the Generate Payslips process to generate payslips, you must specify a process configuration group
in the Process Configuration Group field. The process configuration group you select must have the following
parameter set to Y: “XML Data Source For document of records delivery options performance purposes, determines
if XML is derived from the database. Default: Y." This ensures the process properly publishes the payslip to the
Document of Records.


Process Configuration Group for Forms W-2, W-2c, and 1095-C
To post forms W-2, W-2c, and 1095-C to the DOR, you must configure a different process configuration group that
has the XML Data Source parameter set to N. This process configuration group must be specified when running the
W-2 and W-2c employee report in final mode or the 1095-C employee report.

To define the process configuration group:

1. Start the Manage Payroll Process Configuration task.
2. On the Manage Payroll Process Configuration page, click Create under Configuration Groups.
3. On the Create Configuration Group page, provide a name and click Save and Close.
4. Select the configuration group you just created.
5. Under Configuration Group Details, set the value to N for “XML Data Source For document of records delivery
options performance purposes, determines if XML is derived from the database. Default: Y."
6. Click Save and Close.

Employee Management
Once the organizational and workforce structures have been defined by the Implementation Team, the user is ready
to manage their workers’ data in the application. To perform tasks related to person and employee management,
you would typically sign in to the application using a role connected to a user, such a Human Resource Specialist,
rather than to a member of the Implementation Team.

NOTE: You can load employee data through file-based loaders instead of direct entry in the application. Refer
to the following documents for additional details:

» Document 1595283.1 (Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management File-Based Loader for Release 7 and 8
for more details on the File Based Loader)
» Document 2030268.1 (Oracle Fusion Payroll Batch Loader User Guide for Release 9)

Configuring Disabilities
Before you can assign disabilities to employees, you must define the specific disability types and statuses required
for your organization’s business needs.

NOTE: When using the Manage Person task, you select these values through the Type and Requested
Accommodation Status fields in the Legislative Information region on the Disabilities tab.

Use the Manage Common Lookups task to set the valid entries for the following lookups:

Lookup Field


HRX_US_ADA_STATUSES Requested Accommodation Status

Refer to the “Person Lookups: Explained” topic on the Help Portal for a list of other person disability lookups
available from Global Human Resources.

Hiring a Worker
The new hire process is the first task in the workforce lifecycle.


NOTE: Before you can hire an employee, you must have already defined all available business units, jobs,
grades, departments, locations, overtime periods, and other payroll values must have been previously defined.
The business unit you select determines which job, grades, and department you can select.

To hire an employee:

1. Select New Person under Workforce Management in the Navigator.

2. In the task list on the left, select Hire an Employee.
The supported person types for the US are:

» Employee
» Contingent Worker
» Nonworker
» Pending Worker
3. On the Identification page, provide the following information in the Basic Details section:

Field Name Description

Hire Date Date of the employee’s hire.

Hire Action Select Hire.

Hire Reason Valid action reasons defined for the hire action.

Legal Employer Displays a list of all legal employers for the US.

4. Provide the following information in the Personal Details section:

Field Name Description

Last Name / First Name Name format is determined by the formats predefined for the US.

Date of Birth Not mandatory for HR implementations, but it is mandatory for US payroll

5. Use the National Identifiers table to enter the Social Security number.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Person Information page, in the Home Address section, provide an address that conforms to the
predefined US address format.
All employees attached to a payroll must have a home address throughout their period of employment. You
cannot delete or end-date the home address of a person who has been assigned to a payroll. When you enter
a new address for an employee, the task automatically end-dates the old address record for you.

If you enter the ZIP Code first, the city, state, and county fields are automatically populated.

To add another address to your employee’s record, such as a mailing address, do so after completing the hiring
process. On the Manage Person page, select the plus sign next to Addresses. This allows you to add
additional Mailing Address and Resident Tax Address types.

NOTE: You cannot add multiple addresses for a given address type on a given effective date.
8. Specify any of the following optional information:
» Phone and E-Mail
» Marital Status, Ethnicity, and Veteran fields in the Legislative Information section
NOTE: The Ethnicity and Veteran fields are required for EEO and VETS reporting.


» Citizenship and Visa Information
» Emergency Contacts
9. Click Next.
10. On the Employment Information page, provide the necessary work relationship, payroll relationship,
assignment, job, manager, payroll, and salary details.
NOTE: Use the Payroll Details section to associate a TRU and payroll with the employee. If you opt not to, this
employee would not automatically receive an Employee Withholding Certificate, and you would have to create it
manually. See Manual Tax Card Creation for more instructions.

11. For nonpayroll implementations, attach your employees to a reporting establishment.

If you do not, when you run the EEO-1 report process, it associates the employee to the TRU identified in the
“TRU for the New Hire Report” field. This field is located in the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task.

Assigning the employee to a reporting establishment is not required for payroll implementations.

12. Click Submit.

Once a TRU is attached to an employee, the W-4 Federal Tax Card is generated. The association to the TRU
is also generated. Additionally, the US taxation element is automatically added to the employee’s element
entry once the association to the TRU is done. This tax card is not created for HR-only customers.

Verifying Employee New Hire Status in Work Relationship Details

When hiring or rehiring employees, the New Hire Status field indicates whether they are to be included or excluded
from new hire reporting. Find this field in the Work Relationship Details of the Employment Information page.

Field Name Description

New Hire Status Identifies the employee’s employment Status as pertains to the New Hire report:

Include in the New Hire report Employee is to be included in the next run of
the New Hire report.

Already reported Employee has already been included in a

previous run of the New Hire report. The
New Hire report process automatically sets
all included employees to this status upon
completion in final mode.

Excluded from the New Hire report Employee is not included in the report.

Maintaining Person and Employment Information

Once the new hire process is complete, the person is recorded in the system. Users can modify the person and
employment information as needed.

Maintaining Person Information

To maintain an employee’s person information:

1. Select Person Management under Workforce Management in the Navigator.

2. Search for and select the person record.
This starts the Manage Person task.
3. Use the Manage Person tabs to view the complete set of person information.


4. Select either Edit > Correct or Edit > Update to modify the information in any section.
Use Correct to reflect that the change is being made to resolve an error.

Use Update to reflect that the change is being made as a result of a change in the employee’s data.

5. Click Submit when finished.

Maintaining Employment Information

To maintain an employee’s employment information:

1. Select Person Management under Workforce Management in the Navigator.

2. Search for and select the person record.
This starts the Manage Person task.

3. Select Manage Employment.

4. Select either Edit > Correct or Edit > Update to modify the information in any section.
Use Correct to reflect that the change is being made to resolve an error.

Use Update to reflect that the change is being made as a result of a change in the employee’s data.

5. Click Submit.

Adding a Second Assignment

To add an additional assignment to an employee’s employment information:

1. Follow steps 1 through 3 under Maintaining Employment Information above.

2. Select Edit > Update.
3. Enter an Effective Start Date (or accept the default).
4. Select Add Assignment.
5. Click OK.
6. Enter employment information.
7. Click Next.
8. Enter compensation details.
9. Click Next.
10. Add or delete roles as needed.
11. Click Next.
12. Review the information and click Submit.
13. Click Yes.
You can view and access the new assignment from the Employment Tree. The last assignment added is the one
first displayed in the Manage Employment UI when it is initially accessed. The other assignments may be accessed
using this tree hierarchy.

Employee Security: Roles, Duties and Privileges

Employers can configure their own security and employment roles within Fusion HCM.

Configuring Security Roles and Duties

Configure security roles as needed for specific employees. One duty role to consider assigning is the Payroll
Person Level Administration Duty. This duty role manages individual and group level payroll administration,
including managing costing, payment methods, deductions, element entries, and batch data load.


Refer to the MOS document (Document 1556500.1 - Fusion HCM Security Role Mappings) for additional

Employee Roles Within Portrait Access

Employers configuring employee roles must ensure they add the View US End of Year Tax Form privilege. This
privilege is attached to the US Employee Portrait Gallery duty role, which grants employees access to the View End-
of-Year Tax Form task.

Smart Navigation
Beginning with Release 11, Smart Navigation is being introduced, which provides quick navigation to all person
related tasks based on the user’s security permissions. All access to “My Portrait” is being replaced with “Person
Spotlight” in Release 13.

Employee Management of Document Print Preferences in My Portrait

Employees can update their own document print preferences in Portrait using the Document Delivery action:

1. Select the Personal Information icon at the top of the page.

2. Scroll down to the Document Delivery Preferences section, and select the edit (pencil) icon for the item you
wish to update.
3. Edit choices as needed.

Employee Self-Service Features

Employee self-service allows your employees to update their personal information. In some cases, there is more
than one way to update the information.

For an employee to have access to self-service, you must grant them an “Employee” role.

Employee Self-Service Navigation

To access their self-service, have your employees perform the following:

1. Upon log in, click About Me.

2. Select one of the following:
» My Portrait for release 12
The top of the page displays labeled task icons, as well as Action links on the left panel. Employees use
My Portrait only to update their tax withholding information. They can perform all other tasks using the
Personal Information icon.

» Personal Information for release 12 and 13

The left side of page displays a panel with task icons. The user can hover over each icon to display the
icon name. On the right side of page is a Related Links option.

Viewing and Updating Personal Information

Employees can use the Personal Information work area to set their:

» Contact information
» Biographical information
» Contacts
» Documents


» Disabilities
To configure this information:
1. From the Personal Information work area, select My Details.
2. Click Edit. You are taken to a page where the employee can select from the following tasks:

Task Description

Contact Information Add or update your phone, email or other contact information.
You can also add or update your address information.

Biographical Information Update your name, ethnicity, veteran status and marital

Contacts Add or update your personal contact information, such as a

spouse or child.

Documents Add information for your driver’s license, passports, visas,

and so on.

Disability Voluntarily self-identify for disabilities.

Viewing and Updating Tax Withholding

For an employee to view and update their federal and regional tax card information, they can perform one of the

For release 12:

1. Select About Me.

2. Select My Portrait.
3. On the left panel, select All Actions.
4. Select Manage Tax Withholding. This allows you to view and update your Federal and Regional tax card
For release 13:

1. Select Personal Information.

2. Select Employment Details.
3. Click Actions.
4. Select Payroll.
5. Select Manage Tax Withholding.

Viewing and Updating Personal Payment Methods

Employees have two ways to update their personal payment methods:

For release 13:

1. Select Personal Information.

2. Select Employment Details.
3. Click Actions.
4. Select Payroll.
5. Select Manage Personal Payment Methods.
For release 12 and 13:


1. Select Personal Information.
2. Select Payroll.
3. Manage or add payment method details as required.

Viewing Payslips and Other Year-End Documents

Employees have three ways to view their payslips and other year-end documents:

For release 13:

1. Select Personal Information,

2. Select Employment Details.
3. Click Actions.
4. Select Payroll.
5. View the payslips or end-of-year tax forms as required.
For release 12 and 13:

1. Select Personal Information.

2. Select My Documents.
3. View the online documents as required, such as payslip, W-2, and 1095-C.
For release 12 and 13:

1. Select Personal Information.

2. Select Payroll.
3. Select and view the payslips as required.

Managing Document Delivery Preferences

Employees have two ways to manage their document delivery preferences:

For release 13:

1. Select Personal Information.

2. Select Employment Details.
3. Click Actions.
4. Select Personal and Employment.
5. Manage the document delivery preferences as required.
For release 12 and 13:
1. Select Personal Information.
2. Select Related Links.
3. Update document delivery preferences as required.

Employee Self-Service Smart Navigation

For release 13, Smart Navigation gives employees a quicker way to navigate to some of the items described in this

1. Select Personal Information.

2. Select the “i" icon next to the employee’s initials in the top left corner.
3. Select Actions. The left panel shows the Categories to select from, and the right panel shows the tasks you
can select.


Payroll Processing
There are several factors that make up the payroll processing.

Taxation Within Oracle Fusion HCM Payroll

Vertex provides all the statutory compliance for the Oracle Fusion HCM Global Payroll engine, but it is important for
you to understand how the payroll process handles US taxation.

Managing the Employee Withholding Certificate

The Employee Withholding Certificate is the default tax card. For most employees, it is created automatically during
the New Hire process. The Employee Withholding Certificate provides information used in taxation. Items such as
filing status, number of allowances, and exemptions from taxes are specified on the card. If no values are entered,
during tax calculations, a default value of Single for filing status and zero allowances will be used.

NOTE: For states that levy school district income taxes, you must manually populate the school district on the
employee withholding certificate. Depending on the state, you enter the school district under either the city or
county node. For resident addresses in a township, you must populate the tax district field on the address
before you can populate the proper school district on the tax card.

Setting Up Automatic Tax Card Creation

To ensure that new workers get an Employee Withholding Certificate:

1. Use the Manage Features by Country or Territory task to set the SELECTED_EXTENSION parameter to either
PAYROLL or PAYROLL_INTERFACE, as appropriate to your implementation.
2. Confirm that element eligibility has been created for the US Taxation element. This element is automatically
added to employee’s element entry when the association to the Tax Reporting Unit is completed.

Manual Tax Card Creation

There are cases where an employee would not have their tax card automatically created, such as if they were
loaded through the File Based Loader utility.

For these employees, to create an Employee Withholding Certificate:

1. Navigate to the Payroll Calculations work area.
2. Start the Manage Calculation Cards task.
3. Search for and select the person record.
4. Click Create.
5. Enter an appropriate Effective-As-of-Date, and select Employee Withholding Certificate for Name.
6. Enter employee information as appropriate at the Federal level.
7. Click Save.
8. Select the Regional link under the Component Groups tree.
9. Enter employee information as appropriate for the Regional level.
10. Click Save.
11. Select the Associations link under the Component Groups tree.
12. Under Associations, click Create.
13. Select the Tax Reporting Unit, and click OK.
14. Click Save. This creates the US Taxation Component and is displayed in the Calculation Component column
after saving.


15. Under Association Details, click Create.
16. Select the Employment Terms or Assignment Number and the Calculation Component created in prior steps,
and click OK.
17. Click Save.
18. Upon tax card association creation, the following fields are auto-populated with default values on the federal-
level employee withholding certificate and should be verified:
» State for Unemployment Calculation
» State for Disability Calculation
» Primary Work Address

Changing the TRU for an Assignment

To change the TRU for a preexisting assignment on the Employee Withholding Certificate:
1. Navigate to the Payroll Calculations work area.
2. Select Manage Calculation Cards.
3. Search for and select the person record.
4. Click Employee Withholding Certificate.
5. Click Associations under the Component Groups tree.
6. Select the Tax Reporting Unit under Associations for which the assignment currently exists.
If the association for the TRU for the new assignment does not already exist, create it now.

7. Select the assignment number to change under Association Details.

8. Click Edit>Update.
9. Select the Calculation Component for the new TRU.
10. Click Save and Close.
This end dates the record for the assignment associated with the previous TRU and creates a new record for
the new TRU.

Wage Accumulation
On the Employee Withholding Certificate, each tax component group (Federal and Regional) has a Withholding
Exemption section. To exempt an employee from tax withholding or wage accumulation, mark the following as Yes:

Field Name Result

Exempt from (component) Income Tax Does not withhold this tax but does accumulate wages for the component.

Exempt from Wage Accumulation Does not withhold tax, and does not accumulate wages for the component.

If you mark both as exempt, the payroll process ignores the Exempt from Wage Accumulation setting.

Manage Tax Withholding in My Portrait

Employees can update their own withholding information in Portrait using the Manage Tax Withholding action:

1. Select Manage Tax Withholding action in the left panel under Actions.
This displays the Employee Withholding Certificate page.

2. Click Edit. This is available for both the federal and state level.
When you access the federal employee withholding certificate, the system displays the federal W-4 editable
PDF form. For those states that do follow federal, the state name is stamped on the editable federal PDF form
and the filing status defaults from the federal component. For those states that do not follow federal, the


specific state’s editable PDF form displays. The employee can perform their updates on these forms for both
federal and state withholding. When the form is submitted, the data is saved to the system. See the
Calculation, Withholding, and Maintenance of Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax section of this guide for
information on accessing the PA Residency Certificate in My Portrait.

NOTE: You must ensure your browser is set to use the Adobe Acrobat plugin as its default PDF file viewer. Refer
to the Mozilla Support or Microsoft Community websites for instructions on how to configure Firefox or Internet
Explorer. Do not use Google Chrome for this activity, as it is not compatible with the Adobe PDF file viewer.

Manage Tax Withholding using Smart Navigation

Starting from Release 12, the My Portrait page will not be available for employees to update their withholding
information. Employees can update their withholding information in Smart Navigation using the Manage Tax
Withholding action:
1. Click the About Me > Personal Information menu item.
2. Click More information icon under My Details.
3. Click Payroll
4. Click Manage Tax Withholding
This displays Employee Withholding Certificate page.

Refer to Manage Tax Withholding in My Portrait section for instructions to edit or add state withholding information.

Tax Calculation
Oracle Fusion HCM Global Payroll automatically calculates your taxes when you perform a payroll run. The
following describes the rules it uses when doing so.

Payroll Processing
When you perform a payroll run, the payroll process:

1. Determines the resident and work tax addresses based on the following hierarchy:

Address Type Priority

Location address 4

Location override address 3

Assignment-level location override 2

Work at home flag = Yes 1 (overrides assignment, location override, and location)

Higher priorities override the lower ones.

The process derives the resident tax address from the home address, and the work tax address is derived from
the work location or, if the work-at-home flag is enabled, it uses the home address.
2. Determines the related withholding status and any additional information from the tax calculation card.
3. Passes this information to Vertex for calculation.

Other Considerations
Your tax calculations are also impacted by the following:

» Resident and work location tax addresses are derived by the following:
» Tagged earnings


Used when a unit of paid time is to be taxed in a different jurisdiction, such as when entering 8 hours of
time working in a different location than where the person normally works. When tagged as such, the
payroll process taxes the calculated pay for those units of time at the designated jurisdiction. If the
employee does not have any withholding elections for the tagged jurisdiction, then the process
automatically calculates the tax at the highest withholding status or allowance elections.

» Earnings distribution card

» Resident and work default tax address hierarchy
Taxation is derived based on where the person is located as of the last day of the pay period. For
example, if you make a mid-pay period change, the taxation would still be based on the location as of the
end of the pay period.

» Wage basis rules determine the taxable income

Refer to Wage Basis Rules for additional information.

» Payroll run type

Run Type Description

Supplemental All earnings are taxed at the supplemental rate.

Regular If the supplemental earnings element run type is set to process separately or pay separately,
these elements tax at the supplemental rate, otherwise they tax at the W-4 rate.

» Organization calculation cards capture:

» SUI and SDI rates
» Self-adjustment settings
» Overrides to standard rates
» Employee withholding certificate (tax card) captures an employee’s filing status and exemptions at the federal,
state, county, city, school district, and tax district levels
Also captures the SUI and SDI state and any employee-level overrides.

» When using the percentage method tax calculation, Vertex automatically rounds the withholding to the nearest
whole dollar for the following states:
» Colorado
» Idaho
» Maine
» Missouri
» Montana
» North Carolina
» Oklahoma
» West Virginia

Supplemental Taxation Overrides

California taxes the withholding rates on bonus and stock option payments at a different supplemental withholding
rate than other supplemental earnings. You can specify alternate tax methods for these kinds of earnings, either for
new Supplemental Earning elements or existing ones.


Before you can create or modify Supplemental Earning elements, you must deploy the “Element Information EFF”
extensible flexfield:

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

2. Select the All Tasks tab.
3. Search for the Manage Extensible Flexfields task.
4. Click Go to Task.
5. Search for the "pay%element%" Flexfield Code.
6. Select the search result, and click Deploy Flexfield.
7. Click Done.
NOTE: You can override the supplemental tax method only for supplemental earnings configured as “Process
separately, but pay with other earning”. California is the only state available for selection.

Supplemental Earnings Elements

To set the alternate rate on a Supplemental Earnings element:

1. Navigate to the Payroll Calculation work area.

2. Select the Manage Elements task.
3. Search for the supplemental earnings element (ensure your query returns the shadow elements as well).
4. Select the <element name> Calculator shadow element.
5. Select Edit>Correct.
6. Scroll down to the Element Information EFF: Element Information region.
7. Select California for State and Alternate flat rate for Supplemental Tax Method.
8. Click Submit.

FUTA Calculations
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll supports the calculation of Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) deductions. In
support of FUTA calculations, consider the following:

» FUTA Standard Value Definitions Overrides

» FUTA Rate Override
» FUTA Credit Reduction Rate Overrides
» FUTA Tax Balance Adjustments Process

FUTA Standard Value Definitions Overrides

Standard value definitions for FUTA tax and FUTA wage limit are predefined. To view these definitions and override
the values at the LDG level:

1. Navigate to the Payroll Calculation work area.

2. Select Manage Calculation Value Definitions.
3. Search for Federal Unemployment Tax.
4. Select the link for either the rate or wage limit.
5. In the Calculation Values section, add a new effective dated row and enter the new information.

FUTA Rate Override

To override the standard FUTA rates at the PSU or TRU level:


1. To enter an override at the PSU level, navigate to Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards.
To enter an override at the TRU level, navigate to Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards.

2. Select Calculation Rules for Tax Reporting and Payroll Statutory Unit.
3. Enter the appropriate effective as-of-date.
4. Click Federal Unemployment Calculation Component.
5. Select the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
6. Select Create.
7. From the Name dropdown, select Federal Unemployment Employer Rate.
8. Enter the rate. Enter the rate as a decimal. For example, 1 percent would be entered as 0.01.
NOTE: To override the FUTA credit reduction rate, see the next section.

FUTA Credit Reduction Rate Overrides

FUTA credit reductions rates are predefined for each of the states that require a credit reduction and are updated
annually during end-of-year legislative updates. If a state continues to have an outstanding loan through November,
an additional 0.3 percent credit reduction may apply, along with the potential for an additional benefit cost rate add-
on tax. In certain circumstances, you may need to override these rates. To override the rate:

1. Navigate to the Payroll Calculations work area.

2. Select Manage Calculation Value Definitions.
3. Advance Search for Name that contains Credit Reduction in your LDG (make sure to search with the effective
date that you want to update the rate).
4. Click <state name> Federal Unemployment Tax Credit Reduction Rate.
5. Click Actions > Add Row.
6. Enter the From Value, To Value, and, Rate.
7. Click Submit and Done.

FUTA Tax Balance Adjustments Process

You can configure FUTA taxes to self-adjust on the organization calculation card. However, FUTA credit reduction
rates are received in Nov/Dec timeframe and apply to the current year taxes. The payroll process does not self-
adjust if employees have been since terminated.

For any employee whose FUTA tax needs adjusting due to a rate change, use the Run US Tax Balance Adjustment
process to perform the tax adjustment.

1. From the Payroll Checklist work area, run the Run US Tax Balance Adjustment process.
This process creates a balance adjustment batch. The batch uses the same name as the flow you used when
you ran the process.

NOTE: The balance adjustment transaction uses the effective date you enter here. This effective date is used
by the tax filing extracts to determine inclusion on the tax files.

2. Download the batch to the Payroll Batch Loader (PBL). There is no separate audit report.
3. Verify the batch through PBL.
4. Run the Transfer Batch Process.
5. Run the Adjust Multiple Balances process.

Calculation, Withholding, and Maintenance of Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax

As part of the payroll calculation process, Vertex compares the Resident Income Tax Rate (city+school) and Non-
Resident Income Tax Rate (city) and uses the higher tax rate for calculating local taxes. In cases where the total


rate is the same, the payroll process withholds the resident tax. The following information outlines how to configure
your application to support the PA Local Earned Income Tax.

Configuring the Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax

To configure Oracle Fusion HCM for the US to support the Pennsylvania local earned income tax calculation:
1. You must first ensure that you have run the Load Payroll Tax Information for US process. This process allows
the political subdivision (PSD) codes to become available for use during tax calculations. Refer to the Load
Payroll Tax Information section for instructions.
NOTE: Pennsylvania PSD codes, school districts, and townships are stored in a data table that is not
accessible through the Manage Geographies task. You can load this data only through the Load Payroll Tax
Information for US process. You cannot otherwise change the values.
2. If you haven’t done so already, use the Manage Locations task to define the PSD code each Pennsylvania
work location. Refer to Locations in the Workforce Structures section for instructions.
3. If needed, configure the withholding of Pennsylvania local taxes for employees that work out-of-state. Refer to
Calculating PA Resident Tax for Non-PA Locations in the Legal Reporting Units section for instructions.
4. Update the PSD codes on individual employees’ Residency Certificates as needed.
For newly hired Pennsylvania employees, the employee tax card inherits both the work and resident PSD
codes from their work location and home address. The resident PSD code may not be accurate. This is
because Pennsylvania addresses often have varying taxation districts. To ensure proper taxation:

a. Obtain the correct PSD code and school district for the employee’s resident address from the PA Municipal
Statistics website.
b. Correct these entries on the employee’s tax card.
Additionally, there are some other situations where you must manually update the PSD codes on the
employee’s Residency Certificate:

» The employee's work location is outside of Pennsylvania, the employee resides in Pennsylvania, and the
employee has transitioned to work-at-home status. In this case, you must set the work PSD to the
resident PSD code.
» The employee's work location has changed from a state other than Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania, and the
employee resides in Pennsylvania. In this case, you must set the work PSD code.
» The employee changes from one work Pennsylvania location to a different work Pennsylvania location. In
this case, you must correct the work PSD code.
NOTE: Any time you make a location change to a Pennsylvania employee, whether it is their home
address or work location, you must confirm that the PA Residency Certificate has the proper resident and
work PSD codes and school districts. The HR Sync process does not update the resident PSD code for
existing employees when there is a change in their PA residential address.

To update the codes:

a. Start the Manage Calculation Cards task from the Payroll Calculations work area.
b. Search for and select the person record.
c. Click Employee Withholding Certificate.
d. Select PA under the Component Groups tree and Regional link.
e. Open the Action menu, and select Correct or Update.
f. Update the following values as needed:
» Resident PSD Code
» Work PSD Code


» Resident School District
» Work School District
g. Do not enter any values for the Resident Income Tax Rate and Non-Resident Income Tax Rate fields.
h. Click Save and Close.
NOTE: The payroll process automatically determines the PSD code by:
1. Checking the employee’s residency certificate.
2. If not found there, it attempts to determine the code based on the employee’s home address, including the tax
district. This is for the Resident PSD Codes only.
3. If it is unable to derive the PSD code, or if you have specified an invalid code on the residency certificate, the
payroll calculation stops for that employee. The payroll process logs an error in the payroll results.

Pennsylvania Residency Certificate in the Person Gallery

The Pennsylvania Residency Certificate form is available from the Person Gallery. This feature enables employees
to view and update their own information. The form defaults the employee and employer information such as name,
address, SSN, and employer FEIN.

To navigate to the form:

1. Click My Portrait.
2. Click Manage Tax Withholding.
3. Select the Pennsylvania row, and click Edit.
The form opens for the employee to update their Resident and Work PSD codes.

4. Once updated, scroll to the bottom of the form, and click I Agree.
5. Click Done.

Pennsylvania and Maryland Reciprocity

There is a reciprocity agreement for local taxation between Pennsylvania and Maryland specific to the following 11
Pennsylvania tax collection districts (TCDs):

Name TCD Code

Adams 01

Centre 14

Franklin 28

Fulton 29

Huntingdon 31

Juniata 34

Lancaster 36

Mifflin 44

Perry 50

Somerset 56

York 67

NOTE: A few locals within these jurisdictions are exempt from this reciprocity agreement. For further
information on which localities follow or don’t follow the reciprocal agreement, see the Vertex Calculation guide.


The reciprocity addresses two key scenarios:

» Employees working in Maryland and living in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania residents are typically liable for withholding at the rate in effect for the Maryland county in which
they are employed, unless they live in one of the 11 TCDs listed above. The payroll calculation does not
withhold Maryland state and county taxes for employees who live in one of these 11 TCDs as long as:

» You have configured your PSU or TRU to withhold Pennsylvania local taxes for employees working out-of-
state (see the Withholding PA Resident Tax for Non-PA Work Locations section above).
» You have the correct setup on the employee’s withholding certificate, in the Residency Certificate section
of the tax card (see Configuring the Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax section above).
» You have marked the Maryland state with the Nonresident flag of Yes in the Maryland Regional tax card.
» Employees living in Maryland and working in Pennsylvania
Maryland residents are not required to pay Pennsylvania local taxes if they work in any of the 11 TCDs listed
above. The payroll process does not withhold Pennsylvania local taxes where appropriate, as long as:

» You have the home PSD code entered as 880000 on the employee tax card in the Pennsylvania
Residency Certificate section.
» You have the correct work PSD code that pertains to one of the 11 TCDs entered on the employee tax
card in the Pennsylvania Residency Certificate section.
» You have marked the Pennsylvania state with the Nonresident flag of Yes in the Pennsylvania Regional
tax card.
If they do not work in these TCDs, they are subject to Pennsylvania nonresident local taxation rates.

Withholding for Philadelphia

The payroll process automatically withholds Philadelphia local tax for employees living and/or working in
Philadelphia. For employees living in Philadelphia, it withholds the resident rate. For employees working in
Philadelphia but not living there, it withholds the nonresident rate if it is higher than their resident tax rate. No school
district information is required.

For Philadelphia employees who receive tips, there are two additional balances:

» City Uncollected Tax Tip Wages Nonresident

» City Uncollected Tax Tip Wages Resident
These balances report wages from which no city tax was withheld. You must perform balance adjustments on these
balances in order to populate the data for the tax extracts.

Tagging and Effective Dating for Pennsylvania Local Taxes

There is no ability to tag earnings for different Pennsylvania PSD codes.

The payroll process looks at the Pay Period End date to determine the PSD codes and proper taxation.

Balance Adjustments for Pennsylvania Local Taxes

If balance adjustments are required for taxes that are subject to Pennsylvania Act 32 reporting, you must perform
each adjustment individually for each type of balance (city, school, and local).

For further information, see the following white papers on My Oracle Support:

» Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for United States: Balance Adjustments (1600728.1)
» Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for United States: Balance Initialization (1912298.1)


Setting Up Employee Earning Distribution Overrides
The Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides card is used to derive the percentage of earnings to be distributed
over different jurisdictions. The card is created using the Manage Calculation Card task. This card must be created
for each work relationship the employee is in.

To capture the percentage of earnings distribution that applies to the state, county, and city for the employee:
1. Select Manage Calculation Cards in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Search for and select the employee.
3. Under Search Results, click Create.
4. Select Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides, and click Continue.
5. To distribute employee earnings to a different state (for example, 50 percent to Alabama):
a. In the Calculation Card Overview panel, click Regional.
b. Select Actions>Create.
c. Select the state.
d. Click Save.
e. In the Calculation Component Details section, select either Edit>Correct or Edit>Update to modify the
f. Enter the percentage.
g. Click Save.
6. To distribute employee earnings to a different county (for example, 50 percent to Jefferson county):
a. In the Calculation Card Overview panel, select the state component under Regional.
b. Select Actions>Create.
c. Select the county.
d. Click Save.
7. To distribute employee earnings to a different city (for example, 50 percent to the city of Birmingham):
a. In the Calculation Card Overview panel, select the county component under Regional.
b. Select Actions>Create.
c. Select the city.
d. Click Save.
8. Click Save and Close.

Reciprocal Agreements and Setting the Employee Nonresident Status

Some states have reciprocal agreements where the employee may claim nonresident status. This allows the
employee to have their resident state tax withheld in lieu of their work state tax. In order to accomplish this, you
must set the Nonresident field on the tax card to Yes. Otherwise, Vertex cannot correctly calculate the reciprocity.
For specific reciprocity tax calculations, refer to the Vertex tax guide.

To set the Nonresident field on the tax card:

1. Select Manage Calculation Cards in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Search for and select the employee.
3. Select the Employee Withholding Certificate Calculation Card, and click Search (this assumes there is already
an existing Employee Withholding Certificate).
4. Click the Regional Component Group.
If more than one state exists under the Regional group, select the appropriate state.


5. Under State Tax Information, select Yes for Nonresident.
6. Click Save and Close.

SUI Limits and Changes to State

If an employee has a change in their work state within the same TRU, the system automatically handles the state
specific SUI limits. Once those limits are reached, the state unemployment employee/employer deductions are
stopped. The SUI limit is adjusted automatically for the new state for SUI wages paid in another state. This means
that SUI wage base overrides are not necessary in Oracle Fusion HCM.

NOTE: If the SUI rate changes mid-year, you must turn off the self-adjust to keep the integrity of the calculation
prior to the rate change. You configure self-adjustment settings on the organization calculation card.

Overriding the Employee’s California Wage Plan Code

The California Wage Plan Code is captured at the PSU and TRU levels. To override the state’s Wage Plan Code for
the employee:

1. Select Manage Calculation Cards in the Payroll Calculation work area.

2. Search for and select the employee.
3. Select the Reporting Information Calculation Card, and click Search.
4. Click CA under the Regional Component Group.
This assumes there is already an existing CA state Component Group. If not, select Regional and click Create
to create the California state Component Group.
5. Under Calculation Component Details, click Add Row to add the California Reporting Information Calculation
Component Details.
6. Click OK.
7. Select the appropriate Wage Plan Code.
8. Click Save and Close.

New York Paid Family Leave Taxation

The New York Paid Family Leave tax is effective 1/1/18. However, you can start withholding as early as 7/1/17.
While Vertex supports withholding of the tax beginning in July 2017, Oracle Fusion HCM does not begin support
until 1/1/18.

To begin withholding earlier:

1. Create a Voluntary Deductions element.
2. Modify the voluntary deduction fast formula to use the SDI taxable wages with a tax rate of 0.126 percent,
subject to a weekly wage limit of 1305.92 USD (for a 1.65 USD weekly tax limit).
3. Enter the deduction on the affected employees, and run your payroll.
4. For each pay period, run a deduction report. Run the “Run Deduction Report” process in the Payroll
Calculations > Submit a Process or Report work area to generate this report.
5. Submit a payment request to your Accounts Payable department.
Once Oracle Fusion HCM implements this tax on 1/1/18, you must end date the Voluntary Deductions for your
affected employees.

To begin withholding 1/1/18 or later:

1. Ensure you have end-dated your customized deductions for 2017.


2. Start either the Manage Legal Entity Calculation Cards or Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task.
3. On the NY State Disability Calculation Component, select the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation
Card tab.
4. Add the Exempt From Family Leave Insurance component.
5. Enter a value of N. This ensures the tax is withheld for your New York employees.

Terminating a Worker
When a person’s employment period ends, the work relationship must be terminated.
To terminate a work relationship:

1. Select Manage Work Relationship in the Person Management work area.

2. On the Manage Work Relationship page, select Terminate from the Actions menu.
3. On the Terminate Work Relationship page, enter the details of the termination, including the termination reason.
4. Click Submit.

Assigning Salary Information to an Employee

Once you have completed the setup for salary basis, you can assign salary information to an employee:

1. Sign in to the application with a role that has compensation manager privileges, such as CMP_ADMIN_ALL.
2. Navigate to the Compensation work area.
3. Select Manage Salary, and then search for and select the employee.
4. On the Manage Salary page, enter a salary basis and salary amount in the Salary Details section.
5. Click Continue.
6. Review your changes, and click Submit.
When you save this record, an element entry with the specified start and end dates is automatically generated.
You can view the entry on the Manage Elements page.

Adding Payment Information to an Employee

To add payment information for an employee, you must assign a payroll definition to the employee.

Assigning a Payroll to the Employee

After the hire process, if a payroll needs to be assigned or changed, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to the application with a role that has payroll privileges, such as PAY_MGR_ALL.
2. Select the Manage Payroll Relationships task in the Payroll Calculations or Payment Distribution work area.
3. Search for and select the employee.
4. In the Payroll Details section of the Manage Person Details page, add the payroll.
5. Click Save and then Done.

Transferring an Employee to a New Payroll

To assign an employee to a new payroll:
1. Start the Manage Payroll Relationships task in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Search for and select the employee.
3. Enter the appropriate Effective As-of Date.
4. Select the appropriate assignment under the Payroll Employment Tree.
5. Select Actions > Transfer Payroll under Payroll Details.
6. Enter the new payroll, and click Save.


7. Select the old payroll under Payroll Details, and review the element duration dates.
8. Edit the Final Close date to the last check date you will pay the employee out of the old payroll, and click Save.
Refer to the Assigning and Transferring Payrolls topic in the Help Portal for a demonstration and the Transferring a
Person's Payroll from Weekly to Semimonthly topic for an example.

Assigning Payment Methods to the Employee

Before adding payment methods to an employee, you must configure the banks and branches in the system and
assign a payroll definition to the employee. By default, all employees inherit the payroll definition’s OPM. If you
want to override this for a specific employee, you need to create a PPM and select an alternate OPM.

NOTE: Before you can define PPMs, you must use the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option to
determine how employees enter their bank details. See the Banking Setup section for information on setting
this profile option.

To assign PPMs:

1. Select the Manage Personal Payment Methods task in the Payroll Distribution work area.
2. Search for and select the employee.
3. On the Manage Personal Payment Method page, click Create.
4. On the Create Personal Payment Method page, select the Organization Payment Method for this employee.
5. If the payment type is Direct Deposit, you must add a bank account and provide banking details.
NOTE: When you pick an existing branch name, the Oracle Fusion Financials for the Americas plug-in
populates the Routing Transit Number and it becomes read-only. If you are creating a new branch, the Routing
Transit Number is an editable field. You must enter a branch Routing Transit Number for a new branch.

6. Add multiple payment methods as needed.

7. Use the Payment Amount Type and Percentage fields to manage distribution across different payment
8. Click Save and then Done.
For IAT payments, use Batch Loader to add country-specific bank account details for an employee. Country code is
added in the Create External Bank Account Task Action in the Batch Loader.

Payroll Processes
The following items describe useful information for various payroll processes within Oracle Fusion HCM.

US Simplified Payroll Cycle

Use the US Simplified Payroll Cycle flow to run payroll and ancillary processes for your organization.

NOTE: When running the report processes, you can elect to generate them in Microsoft Excel format. For
further information, see the Generating Payroll Reports in Microsoft Excel Format: Procedure topic in the Help

This flow contains the necessary tasks to complete the following steps:

1. Calculation of retroactive items

2. Calculation of payroll
3. Generate the Gross-to-Net Report
4. Calculate prepayments


5. Archive periodic payroll results
6. Generate the Payroll Register
7. Make EFT payments
8. Generate check payments
9. Generate payslips
10. Generate the Payment Register Report
11. Transfer payroll costing information to Subledger Accounting
NOTE: The Generate Check Payments task uses the last check number of the previous run plus one as the
default Start Check Number parameter. If you run multiple payroll runs at the same time, they may use the
same default check number. To prevent this from happening:

1. Configure your own Simplified Payroll Cycle flow.

2. Remove the Generate Check Payments task.
3. After each payroll cycle is complete, run this task manually, selecting the correct value for the Start Check
Number parameter.

Use QuickPay to perform a payroll run for a single person without waiting for the normal payroll cycle cut-offs. This
is typically done when certain person-specific events occur, such as new hire, termination, special payments, or a
localized problem with a payroll run that requires reprocessing. The QuickPay flow calculates payroll run results and
prepayments and then allows you to make an external payment to the individual.

Settings that Affect Processing

You specify parameters when you submit the QuickPay flow and then provide additional settings as tasks in the
QuickPay flow are executed:

» QuickPay flow parameters

» Process date of the QuickPay run
» Payroll relationship for the person whose payroll you are processing
» QuickPay calculation settings
» Payroll
» Date paid
» Payroll period for the QuickPay
» Date earned
This is the date the payroll run uses to determine which element entries to process. This is typically the
last day of the payroll period being processed. The default date earned is derived from the payroll
calendar period.

» Run type
Select the type of payroll run, such as regular or supplemental. The run type determines which payroll
calculations to perform, which elements to process, and how to pay the results.

» Element entries
You can exclude element entries that you do not want processed (for example, an employee may not want
to have voluntary deductions taken from a special bonus check). By default, QuickPay processes all
element entries for all terms and assignments associated with the specified payroll relationship, based on
the run type and other settings you provide.


How QuickPay Is Processed
The following figure shows the sequence of tasks in a QuickPay flow:

The QuickPay flow is summarized here:

1. The Calculate QuickPay task calculates payroll run results for the person, based on the settings provided.
2. You verify the run results on the View Person Process Results page and mark the verification task as complete.
3. The Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task calculates payment distribution.
The calculation uses the default payment method and payment source, unless you select to override these
settings in the Prepayments section.
4. You verify the prepayment results in the Prepayment Results section of the View Person Process Results page,
and then mark the verification task as complete.
5. If payment is being made by an internal payment process, such as Make EFT Payments or Generate Check
Payments, you can skip to the end of the flow and then run the payment process now or after processing
multiple QuickPays for the same payment method. Select the Skip Flow action for the Make External Payment
task to skip the rest of the tasks in the flow and mark the flow as complete. When you are ready, run the
payment process, which will pick up unpaid payments from this QuickPay and any others that match the
parameters you provide when you submit the process. If the payment is being made externally, you select the
Make Payment action on the Make External Payments page and record information about the external
payment, such as the check number and reason for generating the payment manually. The application marks
the record as Paid so that it will not be included in the normal payment process.
6. You verify the payment results and mark the task as complete.

Submit the QuickPay Flow

To perform a QuickPay operation:
1. In the Payroll Calculation work area under Person, start the Calculate QuickPay task.


You can also select the Submit a Payroll Flow and then select the QuickPay flow pattern.

2. On the Flow Pattern page, select an LDG and click Next.

3. On the Enter Parameters page, complete the following fields and then click Next:

Field Name Notes

Payroll Flow Enter a flow name.

Process Date Specify the current date.

Payroll Relationship Search for the payroll relationship for the person.

Reason Defaults to Corrective Action.

4. On the Enter Flow Interaction page, click Next.

5. Review the information and click Next.
6. Click OK and View Checklist.

Calculate and Verify Run Results

To calculate and verify the run results:
1. On the Payroll Flow checklist page, click Go to Task for the Calculate QuickPay task.
2. On the Calculate QuickPay page, select Regular in the Run Type field and verify the remaining information in
the Details section.
The Element Entries section refreshes to display all element entries that will be processed in the QuickPay run,
based on the settings defined in the Details section and rules defined for the element entries themselves.

3. Exclude any element entries from being processed by deselecting them.

4. Click Submit Process.
5. Click Go to Task for the Verify Payroll Results task.
6. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.
7. Verify the SOE.
8. Click Done to return to the checklist.

Processing International ACH Transfers

Use the Make EFT Payment process to generate the IAT electronic payment file.

To generate an IAT EFT payment to an employee:

1. Create International Organization Payment Method.

Refer to the Organization Payment Methods section for steps to create the OPM and to enter the EFT details.

2. Attach the OPM to a payroll.

Refer to the Payroll Definitions section for steps to add the OPM to a payroll.
3. Add primary mailing foreign address for employee.
4. Create IAT Personal Payment Method for the employee.
Use Batch Loader to add a personal payment method and country-specific bank account details for an
5. Run the ‘Make EFT Payments’ process for an organization payment method with a payment type of
International Transfer, ensure that you select the International EFT report category.


Employee Payslip
Occasionally it is necessary for the payroll administrator to view the employee’s payslip and not the SOE, which is
more for deep dive trouble shooting. There are three methods for viewing the payslip:

» View Payslip link in Person Management Work Area

» Documents tab in Manage Person UI
» Manage Document Records UI

Person Management Work Area

To view the employee payslip from the Person Management work area:

1. Click Navigator > Person Management.

2. Search for and select the person record.
This starts the Manage Person task.

3. Select View Payslip.

4. Enter any search criteria.
5. Click Search.
6. Click the URL under the View Payslip column for the desired payment date.
7. Click Open.

Manage Person
To access the payslip from the Documents tab in the Manage Person UI:

1. Click Navigator > Person Management.

2. Search for and select the person record.
This starts the Manage Person task.

3. Click the Documents tab.

4. Click the URL under the Attachments column for the desired payment date.
5. Click Open.

Manage Document Records

To access the payslip from the Manage Document Records UI:
1. Click Navigator > Document Records.
2. Select Payslip from the Type drop down list.
3. Search for and select the person name.
4. Click Search.
5. Click the URL under the Attachments column for the desired payment date.
6. Click Open.

Pretax Deduction Refunds

Occasionally a pretax deduction may be taken from an employee’s pay that was in error. If the element was created
by a conversion row based on Oracle Fusion HCM Benefits, you cannot remove the element entry.

There are two options based on whether payroll has been run or not:

» If payroll has not been processed, you can back out or open the conversion life event and deselect the plan that
resulted in the incorrect deduction (for example, FSA plan).


» If you have processed the payroll, perform the refund during the next payroll run. This method automatically
withholds all appropriate taxes.
If this is not possible:

1. Use QuickPay to perform a partial refund of the amount, such as 80 to 90 percent. Use a Nonpayroll
Payment element to perform the refund. In this way, the employee receives their refund immediately.

NOTE: Taxes are not correctly withheld for this refund, which is why you only want to give them
approximately 80 to 90 percent. See the next steps on how to resolve this.

2. For the next pay cycle, use the appropriate element type to perform a full refund of the amount. This
ensures the correct taxation.

3. Define a Voluntary Deductions element to deduct the partial amount you refunded in the first step.

4. Process the payroll.

Tax Troubleshooting
Before contacting Oracle Support for any of these issues, please check the following:

Problem Solution

Errors during payroll calculation Confirm that a TRU is properly associated to the employee’s withholding
certificate. Refer to the Managing the Employee Withholding Certificate section
for more information.

Error during payroll calculation that a geography code is Edit the federal tax card component on the Employee Withholding Certificate.
missing or primary work address is missing Ensure the SUI state, SDI state, and primary work addresses are populated
correctly. These fields are defaulted once the tax card association is created.
NOTE: If the work location is missing for the employee’s assignment, these
fields would not be defaulted when the tax card association is created, and you
would need to define them.

Errors during payroll calculation related to the Use the Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task to confirm that the
US_TAX_SDI formula SDI and SIT component details have been created for the LRU. No overrides are
necessary. Only the component detail needs to be created.

Periodic Archiver does not archive any US balances Check that the United States Federal Tax registration exists for the TRU.

Payroll run produces inaccurate tax calculations Check the following:

1. Verify that the employee’s resident and work addresses are in US format,
and confirm any overrides.
 For work addresses, the following hierarchy is used:
o Home Worker: Manage Employment > Job Details > Working at
Home. If Yes, follow the Resident address hierarchy (below).
o Assignment location override: Work Tax Address set in the
Manage Employment task.
o Location override address set in the Manage Locations task.
o Location Address set in the Manage Locations task.
 For Resident addresses, the following hierarchy is used:
o Address Type of “US Resident Tax Address”.
o Address with Type of “Home”.
2. Verify the following for the affected employee:
 They have an Employee Withholding Certificate.
 It is associated with a TRU.


 Their filing status and number of exemptions are correct.
3. Confirm that the appropriate state or local taxes have been applied, based
on the employee’s resident and work address. Confirm the calculation
against the rates and rules provided in the Vertex Calculation Guide.
4. Verify your federal and state wage basis rules:
 Navigate to Manage Deduction Group Rules > Wage Basis Rules.
 Select Federal or State.
 Compare your wage basis rules against the State Withholding Tax
Summary in the Vertex Calculation Guide.

New Hire Reporting

New hire reporting is the process of reporting newly hired and rehired employees to a state agency.

Some of the following steps require the use of a task or tasks. These tasks must be accessed through an
implementation project in order to set the scope. Use an existing implementation project with the Workforce
Deployment task list included or create a new one.

Set Up Steps
To configure Oracle Fusion HCM for the US to run the New Hire report:

1. Ensure that a default TRU is associated to a legal employer.

2. Refer to the Additional Information for Legal Employers and PSUs section for the new hire reporting rules.
3. Enter employer contact details for a TRU.
4. Refer to the Contact Details section on how to capture contact details for a TRU.
5. Verify the FEIN is set up for United States federal tax.
6. Refer to the Registrations section for information on creating registrations.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Verify the employees’ New Hire Status.

Baselining Employee Status After Implementation

If you ran the New Hire report immediately after migrating from a legacy system, the New Hire Status parameter
would be blank for all employees and all employees would be reported.

To set the New Hire Status parameter for all legacy employees:
1. Start the process as described in the next section.
2. When setting the process’s parameters, set the End Date field for the date when you last generated this report
with the legacy system. This sets the New Hire Status parameter for the employees reported to that date.
3. Discard the output report.
4. Proceed with your standard new hire reporting schedule.

Generating the New Hire Report

Run the New Hire State Electronic Report to produce information on all your newly-hired and rehired employees.

To run the New Hire State Report:

1. Select Navigator > Data Exchange > HCM Extracts > Submit Extracts.


NOTE: Use the following navigation in Release 7: Navigator > Data Exchange > Processes > Submit an HCM

2. Select a value from the Legislative Data Group LOV.

3. Select the Run New Hire State Report flow pattern in the Process or Report section.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter the following parameters:

Parameter Requirement Notes

Payroll Flow Mandatory Enter a unique name.

Multistate Employer Mandatory Select Yes if you are a multistate employer and want to report all
employees to a single state agency.

Legal Employer Optional Select a legal employer to report all employees attached to it.

Start Date Optional

Enter a start date if you want to establish a date range for reporting
your new hires and rehires. Otherwise, all unreported hiring
changes are reported as of the mandatory end date.
End Date Mandatory
If a start date is entered, this represents the end of the reporting
date range.
If a start date is not entered, the report process captures all new
hires and rehires as of this date.
Reporting State Mandatory
State to which you are submitting this report. The report is
formatted according to this state’s requirements.
Reporting Mode Mandatory
Choose one of the following:

 Draft: Verifies the data prior to submission.

 Final: Produces the final output file for submission. When

you use this mode, the New Hire Status of all reported
employees is updated to “Already reported”.

New Hire Contact Optional

Overrides the contact information in the report. The LOV is get
populated with list of contact persons with HR Representative role.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Next in the Enter Flow Interaction task.
8. Select “As soon as possible” in the Schedule task.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Submit.
11. Click OK and View Checklist in the Confirmation window.

Viewing the Output

You can find the output files in the navigation path given below:

1. Click Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics.

2. Expand Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Workforce Management > Person Management > US
> New Hire.
3. Click New Hire Electronic Report.
4. Click History.
5. Remove value in Owner field in Filters Section.


6. Click Search.
The report process generates two files with different Report Job Names (Number):

» NewHireStateETextReport: Electronic submission file

» NewHireStateAuditReport: New Hire State Audit report
The date and time represents when you ran the process.

7. Select the link under Report Job Name for the values appropriate for the date and time you ran the process.
8. Open the audit report file in a spreadsheet, and verify your newly-hired and rehired employees’ information.
9. Double-click the output name link under the Output & Delivery section.
10. Open or Save the file.

VETS-4212 Employment Report

Oracle Fusion HCM for the United States supports the generation of the VETS-4212 Federal Contractor Veterans’

Some of the following steps require the use tasks. These tasks must be accessed through an implementation
project in order to set the scope. Use an existing implementation project with the Workforce Deployment task list
included or create a new one.

Set Up Steps
To configure Oracle Fusion HCM for the United States to run the VETS-4212 report:

1. Define VETS-specific information in the Location UI. A valid US Zip Code is required for proper reporting.
Refer to the Locations section for VETS-specific information to capture.

NOTE: The Run VETS-4212 Establishment Electronic Report process uses the values you specify in the
Maximum and Minimum Number of Employees fields in the Location UI for employee counts. If you leave
these fields blank, the process derives the employee counts based on the reporting period start and end dates.

2. Associate each job with an EEO-1 category.

Refer to the Jobs section for instructions on assigning EEO-1 categories to a job.

3. Enter VETS reporting information for your legal employer.

Refer to the Additional Information for Legal Employers and PSUs section for additional information.

4. Enter VETS reporting information for your TRU.

Refer to the HCM Information section for additional information.

5. Verify FEIN is set up for United States federal tax.

Refer to the Registrations section for information on creating registrations.

6. Assign the appropriate veterans data to employees.

When hiring a new employee, you record their veteran data on the Hire an Employee: Person Information page,
in the Legislative Information region.

7. Select from either the Veteran Self-Identification Status drop-down or the individual categories using the
checkboxes. If both the self-identification status and individual veteran categories are selected, then the report


process counts the employee twice in the protected veteran category. Assign the appropriate job to
8. When hiring a new employee, you record their job on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information page, in
the Job region.

Running the Report

To run the VETS-4212 report:

1. Select Navigator > Data Exchange > HCM Extracts > Submit Extracts.
2. Select a value from the Legislative Data Group LOV.
3. Select the Run VETS-4212 Establishment Electronic Report flow pattern in the Process or Report section.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter the following parameters:

Parameter Requirement Notes

Payroll Flow Mandatory Enter a unique name.

Legal Employer Mandatory Select a parent legal employer to report all employees attached to it
and child legal employers, if any.

Establishment Employer Type Mandatory Select Multiple if you have multiple establishments. Otherwise,
select Single.

Start Date Mandatory Specify the starting point of the reporting date range.
The default is 12 months prior to the end date. This is also the

End Date Mandatory Represents the end of the reporting date range. Can be any date
between 01 July and 30 September of the current year.

Name of Certifying Official Optional Default is the HR representative name defined on the TRU’s
contact information.

Phone Number Optional Default is the HR representative phone number defined on the
TRU’s contact information.

E-Mail of Certifying Official Optional Default is the HR representative E-mail address defined on the
TRU’s contact information.

6. Click Next.
7. In the Enter Flow Interaction task, click Next.
8. In the Schedule task, select “As soon as possible”.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Submit.
11. In the confirmation window, click OK and View Checklist.
This process generates an electronic file, an audit report, and an exception report.

Viewing the Output

To view the output files:

1. Click Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics.

2. Expand Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Workforce Management > Person Management > US
3. Click VETS-4212 Electronic Report.


4. Click History.
5. Clear the value in the Owner field in the Filters section.
6. Click Search.
The report process generates three output files with different Report Job Names (Number):

» VETS4212_eTextReport
» VETS4212_AuditReport
» VETS4212_ExceptionReport
The date and time represents when you ran the process.

7. Select the Report Job Name link.

8. Review the exception report.
If there are any issues reported on this report, the electronic file may be blank.
9. Select the output name link under the Output & Delivery section.

EEO-1 Report
The Employer Information Report EEO-1, otherwise known as the EEO-1 Report, is required to be filed with the U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's EEO-1 Joint Reporting Committee.

Some of the following steps require the use of a task or tasks. These tasks must be accessed through an
implementation project in order to set the scope. Use an existing implementation project with the Workforce
Deployment task list included or create a new one.

Set Up Steps
To configure Oracle Fusion HCM for the United States to run the EEO-1 report:

1. Define EEO-1 specific information in the location UI. A valid US Zip Code is required for proper reporting.
Refer to the Locations section for descriptions of the EEO-1 specific information that must be captured.

2. Each of your jobs must be associated with an EEO-1 category.

Refer to the Jobs section for instructions on how to assign an EEO-1 category to a job.
3. Enter EEO-1 reporting information for your legal employer.
Refer to the Additional Information for Legal Employers and PSUs section for additional information.
4. Enter EEO-1 reporting information for your TRU.
Refer to the HCM Information section for additional information.

5. Verify FEIN is set up for United States federal tax.

6. Refer to the Registrations section for information on creating registrations.
7. Assign the appropriate ethnicity data to employees.
When hiring a new employee, you record their ethnicity data on the Hire an Employee: Person Information
task, in the Legislative Information region.

8. Assign the appropriate job to employees.

When hiring a new employee, you record their job on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information task, in
the Job region.


For nonpayroll implementations, if you do not attach your employees to a reporting establishment, the EEO-1
report process associates the employee to the TRU identified in the “TRU for the New Hire Report” field. This
field is located in the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task.

Assigning the employee to a reporting establishment is not required for payroll implementations.

9. Assign the appropriate Assignment Category to employees.

When hiring a new employee, you record their assignment category on the Hire an Employee: Employment
information task, in the Job Details region.
10. For Work-at-Home employees, the EEO-1 report uses the work location set at the assignment level. In order
for this type of employee to be picked up on the EEO-1 report, you must populate the location field with one of
the following on the employee’s assignment:
» Location where they were hired
» Headquarters location
» Manager’s location

Running the Report

To run the EEO-1 report:

1. Select Navigator > Data Exchange > HCM Extracts > Submit Extracts.
2. Select value from the Legislative Data Group LOV.
3. Select the Run EEO1 Report flow pattern in the Process or Report section.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter the following parameters:

Parameter Requirement Notes

Payroll Flow Mandatory Enter a unique name.

Legal Employer Mandatory Select a parent legal employer to report all employees attached to it and any
child legal employers.

Establishment Employer Type Mandatory Select Multiple if you have multiple establishments. Otherwise, select

Payroll Period Start Date Mandatory Select any payroll period start date occurring during the third quarter of the
current survey year (July, August. or September).

Payroll Period End Date Mandatory Select any payroll period end date occurring during the third quarter of the
current survey year (July, August, or September).

Title of Certifying Official Optional Use to override the contact information. The default is the HR
Representative title specified on the TRU contact information.

Name of Certifying Official Optional Use to override the contact information. The default is the HR
Representative name as specified on the TRU contact information.

Phone Number Optional Use to override the contact information. The default is the HR
Representative phone number as specified on the TRU contact information.

E-mail of Certifying Official Optional Use to override the contact information. The default is the HR
Representative E-Mail address as specified on the TRU contact information.

6. Click Next.
7. Click Next in the Enter Flow Interaction task.
8. Select “As soon as possible” in Schedule task.


9. Click Next.
10. Click Submit.
11. Click OK and View Checklist in Confirmation window.
The report process generates an electronic file, an audit report, and an exception report.

Viewing the Output

To view the output files:

1. Click Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics.

2. Expand Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Workforce Management > Person Management > US
> EEO.
3. Select EEO-1 Electronic Report.
4. Click History.
5. Clear the value in the Owner field in the Filters section.
6. Click Search.
The report process generates three output files with different Report Job Names (Number).

» EEO1ETextReport
» EEO1AuditReport
» EEO1ExceptionReport
The date and time represents when you ran the process.

7. Select the link under Report Job Name for the values appropriate for the date and time you ran the process.
8. Select the output name link under the Output & Delivery section.
9. Open or Save the file.
NOTE: The output file (eText) generated is based on the EEO-1 data file specifications. You must modify the
file name as per the EEOC guidelines and then upload it to the EEO website.

Multiple Worksite Reporting

The Multiple Worksite Report (MWR) collects information on a business establishment's employment and wages,
distributed by industry, location, and state. You file this report with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) Collection Center. They use the report data to ensure an equitable distribution of federal
funds through grant programs that use county economic indicators as a basis for allocations.

An employer must submit this information to the EDI Center if they meet all of the following criteria:

» Reports their employees under one SUI account number

» Is engaged in multiple economic activities, is operating under more than one worksite, or both
» Has a total of 10 or more workers employed across all worksites
If an organization has an office at only one location within a state, it is not considered a multiple worksite, and this
report is not necessary.

Some of the following steps require the use of a task or tasks. You access these tasks through an implementation
project in order to set the scope. Use an existing implementation project with the Workforce Deployment task list
included or create a new one.


All Quarter-to-Date Archive processes must be run and completed before starting this process.

Set Up Steps
To configure Oracle Fusion HCM for the United States to run the MWR report:

1. Use the Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registrations task to set the following fields for all TRUs:

Jurisdiction Field Name Description

United States Federal Tax Registration Number Employer's FEIN.

<state> Unemployment Registration Number Employer's SUI account number.


NOTE: You must run this report for the Puerto Rican TRUs separately from your US TRUs.

2. Use the United States Multiple Worksite Reporting region of the Manage Location task to set the following fields
for each location:

Field Name Description

Trade Name Name of the client establishment at this location.

Worksite Description Meaningful, unique description of the client establishment, such as store number or plant

Unit Number Five-digit number used in conjunction with the SUI account number to uniquely identify a
location at its address. This field is informational only.

Comment Additional information on any recent changes in your company that may have impacted
employment, wages, and locations, such as changes in business activities, acquisitions,
mergers, and sales. Refer to the BLS website for more information.

Include for Reporting Select Yes if this location is eligible for MWR reporting. When the report is run, all
employees assigned to this location are included in the report. Select No to exclude this
location from the report.

3. For employees designated as work-at-home:

a. Mark employees properly on their Reporting Information Card for inclusion on the MWR.
b. Use the Manage Calculation Cards task to select the location that represents the employees’ state as the
Eligible Reporting Location on their Employee Withholding Certificate.
You must have at least one location per state available for assignment to work-at-home employees. If you
do not specify a location, the report process assigns the employees to location 999999 on the report. The
exception report output includes a warning message, indicating the reporting location state and resident
tax state mismatch.

Running the Report

To run the MWR report:

1. Select Payroll > Regulatory and Tax Reporting>Submit a Process or Report

2. Select the Legislative Data Group LOV.
3. Select the Run Multiple Worksite Electronic Report, and click Next.
4. Enter the following parameters:

Parameter Requirement Notes

Payroll Flow Mandatory Enter a unique name.


Year Mandatory Enter a 4-digit reporting year.

Quarter Mandatory Select the reporting quarter: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Payroll Statutory Unit Mandatory Select your PSU.

Tax Reporting Unit Optional Select the TRU associated with your FEIN. If no TRU is selected,
all TRUs are reported for the PSU.
If the employer is operating under multiple FEINs, leave this field
blank while specifying a value for the PSU.
You must run this report for Puerto Rican TRUs separately from
your US TRUs.

Type of Employer Mandatory Select the type of employer:

 Regular Employer
 Payroll Provider Firm

Client Contact Phone Number Optional Overrides the contact person's phone number defined for the legal
entity. Used only if the type of employer is identified as a payroll
provider firm.

Client Contact Name Optional Overrides the contact person's name set for the legal employer.
Used only if the type of employer is identified as a payroll provider

Process Configuration Group Optional Use to override the contact information. The default is the HR
representative’s ermail address as specified on the TRU contact

5. Click Next.
6. Click Next in the Enter Flow Interaction task.
7. Select “As soon as possible” in Schedule task.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Submit.
10. Click OK and View Checklist in Confirmation window.
The report process generates an electronic file, an audit report, and an exception report.

Report Description

Electronic output file This process supports the electronic EDI submission method developed by the BLS. This file
groups locations according to their SUI account numbers under their FEIN, and their
employment data is compiled into a single ASCII fixed field text file.
You are responsible for properly naming, encrypting, and transmitting the output file to the BLS
data collection center in Chicago, where it is then routed to the respective state agencies. This
can be done by FTP, SFTP, or secure web transfer. Refer to the BLS website for further
This file is sorted by:
 State
 SUI account number
NOTE: The output file (eText) generated is based on the MWR data file specifications.
You must transmit the output file to the EDI Center

Audit file Provides totals by FEIN, SUI account number, and worksite description code. It sorts the grand
totals by FEIN and SUI account number. You can review this file to verify that these totals
match the totals returned by your diagnostic reports, such as the Employee Active Balance
Report, Gross-to-Net Report, or your Third-Party Quarterly Tax Extract.

Exception report Includes data mismatches, missing archived data, missing locations, and other errors detected
by the process.


There are multiple scenarios where data errors would require the reprocessing of the MWR. Many of these are
logged as events in the MWR exception report.

In the event of such data errors:

1. Roll back the Run Multiple Worksite Electronic Report process.

2. Roll back the Quarter-to-Date Archive process.
3. Resolve your data errors, as described.
4. Run the Quarter-to-Date Archive process, and ensure all processes have completed.
5. Resubmit the Run Multiple Worksite Electronic Report process.
6. Transmit the output file to the EDI Center.
The following are examples of data errors that would require the rerun of the MWR process:

Problem Solution

Location Was Incorrectly Excluded from Report One or more locations are marked as No for the Include for Reporting field
despite having active employees assigned to them.
All active employees must be assigned to a location that is included in the report.
During the data error resolution step, you must do one of the following:
 Reassign the active employees to an eligible location.
 Change the locations' reporting status from excluded to included:
1. Navigate to the Manage Locations task.
2. In the United States Multiple Worksite Reporting region on the
Manage Location page, change the Include for Reporting field to

Included Location Was Marked as Inactive One or more inactive locations were included in the report. When the MWR
process was run, all employees attached to these locations were listed in the
exception report.
During the data error resolution step, you must do one of the following for each
affected location:
 Reactivate the location.
 Move all employees to an active location, and remove the inactive location
from the report:
1. Navigate to the Manage Locations task.
2. In the United States Multiple Worksite Reporting region on the
Manage Location page, change the Include for Reporting field to No.

Employee Wages Were Changed After the Report Was This can occur as a result of a late payroll run, balance adjustment, and so on. In
Run this case, no data errors exist; however, the MWR and Quarter-to-Date processes
must be rolled back and rerun in order to update the employee's payroll data.

Report Was Run Before All Quarter-to-Date Archive The Run Multiple Worksite Electronic Report process was started before all
Processes Were Complete Quarter-to-Date Archive processes have completed. As a result, the archive
provided the report with incomplete data.
No data correction is required. Roll back the processes and resubmit them, in the
proper order, ensuring they complete processing.

Work-at-Home Employees not Appearing in Report One or more employees designated as work-at-home are reported in the MWR in
location 999999 or they are included in locations outside their state of residence.
The MWR organizes workers designated as work-at-home in the same state as
their residence tax state. This ensures they are reported in the same state as
their state unemployment insurance state. To ensure work-at-home employees


are properly reported:
For each work-at-home employee, check the following:
 Employees are properly marked for inclusion in this run of the MWR.
 Location representing each of the employees' states exists, and you have
selected those locations as the Reporting Location for Work-at-Home
Employees on the employees' Reporting Information cards.
One location per state is used for all designated work-at-home employees.

Appendix A: Vertex
Vertex installation is a mandatory step for US Payroll and US Payroll Interface clients. Oracle Fusion HCM payroll
processing does not work without Vertex data.

Vertex provides:

» Address Validation: These updates come from Vertex in the monthly ORAMAST.txt (Geography file). The
Load Geographies for US process performs these updates. See the Geographies section for more details.
» Payroll Tax Calculation Rules/Tax Data: These updates come from Vertex in the monthly QFPT.dat (Tax file).
The Load Payroll Tax Information for US process performs these updates. See the Load Payroll Tax
Information for US section for more details.
» Update notifications: When the updates are released by Vertex, those registered with Vertex at the customer
site receive an email notification. For SaaS customers, the Oracle Product Services team receives the
notification and logs a bug to install the files.

Product Extensions
Saas customers do not need to acquire a Vertex license. This is included as part of the Saas service offering. On-
Premise and On-Demand customers must acquire a Vertex license and pay the associated fees.

Address Validation
For SaaS customers, address validation is included with the HR, Payroll, and Payroll Interface product extensions.
It is automatically enforced for the Payroll or Payroll Interface products.

For On-Premise and On-Demand customers, address validation is included with the Payroll product extension only.
For On-Premise and On-Demand customers with HR or Payroll Interface products, customers must acquire a Vertex
license separately in order to get the address validation functionality. For On-Premise or On-Demand customers
with an HR only product extension who want the same address restrictions as provided by the Payroll product (one
home address per employee), they can switch their product extension to Payroll Interface.

Vertex Tax Calculation Reference Material

Non-SaaS customers have on-line access to the latest Vertex Tax documentation using My Vertex.

SaaS users can access their Cloud Notifications website and download the Vertex user’s guide from this site. When
you receive the notification that the Vertex updates are being applied to your environment, there is a “Here” link at
the bottom of the page. (You may want to bookmark this page.) To see the Vertex documents available for
download, click this link and go to the Documentation tab. Oracle keeps the current month’s update and the new
update on this page. There is one document for the US and one for Canada.

NOTE: Although you may get a notification before the 18th of the month, the Vertex guides are not available
until the 18th.


In order to access this download, your Oracle Cloud Administrator must have added you to the Cloud Notification
site with at least Document Viewer privileges. You may download documents if you have Account Administrator or
Document Viewer roles. If your access is Account Viewer, you will not have access to the files. If you are not sure
who the account administrator is for your company, please contact Oracle Support.

NOTE: The Vertex user guides are proprietary to Vertex, and as such, Oracle can only distribute on a need-to-
know basis. Share these documents only with people in your company that have a need to know, such as the
Payroll Department.


Problem Solution

Invalid Address Data Is the combination you are trying to enter valid? Confirm it on If
valid, contact Oracle Support.
In any case where entering an address is required, it is good practice to enter the
ZIP Code first. In this way, the application is able to automatically populate other
fields based on the Vertex data.

Customer does not have a US Payroll product extension Switch the product extension to HR-only, and run the Load Geographies for US
and does not want address validation task again. If they have never run the process, they do not need to run it. Setting
the product extension to HR-only should be sufficient.

Payroll Tax Calculation Refer to the Tax Troubleshooting section.

You may be asked to provide additional details from the payroll run. Refer to
“How to Enable Logging for Oracle Fusion Global Payroll” (Doc ID 1536245.1) on
the Oracle Support website.
Make note of logging parameter value “V,” as this is used to log information
related to the Vertex tax calculations. This setting also produces an XML file.
Oracle Support can assist with retrieval if the file is requested by Oracle

Error during Vertex file load (does not apply to SaaS If the database contains corrupt information, you will receive an error.
customers) Do not copy over an existing database.
NOTE: When installing a new data file, remove the existing ISAM database
and install the new database in an empty directory.
Do not load an older version of the file.

Support and Reference

Contact Oracle Support with any issues not resolved using the troubleshooting tips.

For instructions on how to maintain your Vertex ISAM database after installation, refer to “Updating the Vertex Data
File for US Tax Information: Worked Examples” in the Help Portal.

For additional information, refer to “Oracle Fusion HCM and Payroll (US/CA) Vertex Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ)” (Doc ID 1613196.1) on the Oracle Support website.

Appendix B: User Interface Configuration

Customers may rebrand Oracle-delivered user interfaces and configure them to fit their corporate needs.

Configuring User Interfaces

In Release 8 and beyond of Oracle Sales Cloud and Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management (Oracle Cloud
HCM), a business system analyst who has been granted administrative privileges can select and apply one of six


user interface themes or configure these themes to include a unique company logo and watermark. The business
system analyst can also change the style and shape of buttons and menus by selecting from several predefined
options and can add unique company news and announcements to the announcement portion of the home page.

Configurations like these can be made within the Settings functional area of the FUSE Simplified UI.

Changing UI Color
Changing the UI color may also be a good way for customers to distinguish between a production environment and
a test environment.

To change the color of the UI:

1. Click Settings.
2. In the Theme dropdown, select the desired color scheme.
3. Click Apply.

Configuring Oracle Fusion HCM Application UIs Using Page Composer

Various configurations to the user interface are presented in this playlist hosted by Oracle Fusion HCM Applications
Developer Relations. Please see the link below to access the short individual videos.

YouTube Video Playlist Related to Configuring Cloud HCM Applications UIs Using Page Composer:

Appendix C: Configuring the Predefined Payslip Template

The predefined payslip template:

» Produces both the online and printed payslips, based on the extract delivery option you set
» Provides requirements as established by certain states
For example, California requires that retroactive payments show the period earned. The predefined payslip
template is predefined to display this data.

As with any other predefined report templates, you can configure the payslip template to meet your organization’s

NOTE: The payslip.xml file contains comprehensive employee payroll information. You must ensure that any
contract you have with a third-party supplier granting them access to this file also contains a requirement to
keep your employees’ information confidential.

Configuring the Template

To configure the predefined payslip template:

1. Log into the Oracle Fusion Business Intelligence (BI) Server and copy the preconfigured USOnline_Payslip
template, located under the path:
/Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US
2. Open the preconfigured USOnlinePayslip template, and save it under a new name.
3. Make the required changes.
4. Open the Custom folder.
5. Select +Add New Layout.
6. Under Upload or Generate Layout, select Upload.


7. In the Upload Template File page, enter or select the following:

Field Name Value

Layout Name Free form field

NOTE: The value you specify here will be required when you set up and override the predefined

Template File Select the template you just modified

Type RTF Template

Locale English

8. Click Upload.

Configuring the Delivery Options for the Online Payslip

Once you have configured the template, you must replace the preconfigured payslip template.

1. Navigate to Workforce Management->Data Exchange.

2. Select Manage Extract Definitions.
3. Specify “Payslip” as the Name.
4. Select a US LDG.
5. Click Search.
6. Under Search Results, click Payslip.
7. In the Edit Extract Definition page, click the Extract Delivery Options folder.
If you don’t see the folder structure on the left, click Switch Layout.

8. Under Extract Delivery Options, click Add.

9. Add or select the following fields for the online payslip:

Field Name Value

Start Date 01-01-0001

Delivery Option Name Free form text

Output Type PDF

Report This is the path of the report on the BI server. It must include the “xdo” extension. For example:
/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US/USOnlinePayslip.xdo.
NOTE: This value is the file path location and not the actual name. Because there is a global
payslip and a US payslip, you must ensure you are updating the US payslip.

Template Name Free form text

Output Name Free form text

Report Layout or Template Name of the template on the BI server


Delivery Type Documents of Record


Overriding Delivery Mode US Online Payslip

10. In the Additional Details section, populate the following parameters with the corresponding values:

Field Name Value






Information Category US_PAYSLIP












Document Name PAYSLIP



Key Select this value from the pick list in the Attribute column, as it must reference the correct object. To
find this value, perform a search with the following criteria:

Field Value
Parent Data Group Global Archive Payroll Calc Breakdown
Attribute Calculation Breakdown Identifier
Record Global CBID Information

Locale En_US





System Document Type PAYSLIP

11. Click Save.

This completes the online payslip delivery option configuration.

Configuring the Delivery Options for the Printed Payslip

Once you have configured the delivery option for the online payslip, you must do the same for the printed payslip.
1. In the Additional Details: Payslip section, select the name of the new Printed Payslip file created.
2. Under Extract Delivery Options, click Add.
3. Add or select the following fields for the printed payslip:


Field Name Value

Start Date 01-01-0001

Delivery Option Name Free form text

Output Type PDF

Report This is the path of the report on the BI server. It must include the “xdo” extension. Both the online
payslip and printed share the same template file. For example: /Human Capital
Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US/USOnlinePayslip.xdo.
NOTE: This value is the file path location and not the actual name. Because there is a global
payslip and a US payslip, you must ensure you are updating the US payslip.

Output Name Free form text

Report Layout Name of the template on the BI server

Delivery Type Printer


Overriding Delivery Mode US Printed Payslip

4. In the Additional Details section, populate the following parameters with the corresponding values:

Field Name Value

Key Select this value from the picklist in the Attribute column, as it must reference the correct object. To
find this value, perform a search with the following criteria:

Field Value
Parent Data Group Global Archive Payroll Calc Breakdown
Attribute Calculation Breakdown Identifier
Record Global CBID Information

Locale en_US

System Document Type PAYSLIP

5. Click Save.
6. In the Additional Details: Payslip section, select the name of the new Online Printed Payslip file created.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Click Submit.
When you run the Generate Payslip process, it replaces the predefined template with the new one.

BI Server Information
Refer to the screen capture below for the BI server location for the preconfigured online payslip.


NOTE: There is more than one location for the Online Payslip. Ensure you are modifying the USOnlinePayslip.
When you modify the template, ensure you upload and select “English” as the language and not “English(United

If you are having trouble generating your payslips, check the following:

1. From the Generate Payslips flow, check to make sure your employees were processed.
2. Check the scheduled process to see if the BI jobs ran.
3. In the BI Publisher process history, check which XDO was called (delivered or configured).
4. Drill down into the requests to see if it generated PDFs for each employee.
5. Check to see if there was a separate Document Records process that ran.

Appendix D: Configuring the Check Template for the MICR Codes

As each bank uses a different MICR code on their checks, you must configure the routing and bank account
numbers to ensure the Generate Check Payment process prints each of them correctly. The following table
illustrates the possible differences between Oracle Fusion HCM’s default template and a bank’s:

Routing Number Account Number Check Number

Oracle Fusion HCM

Check Number Routing Number Account Number


XYZ Bank

To configure how the MICR line appears on printed checks, you must modify the predefined check template.

The following is the preferred method for configuring the predefined check template. Alternatively you could define a
new delivery option to reference your own check template.

1. Log into the BI Server.

2. Copy the preconfigured US Check Writer Report template.
Find this template at:
/Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/Cheque Report.xdo

3. Save the template into the Custom folder using the same directory structure as the seeded template:
/Custom/ Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution

Keep the same .xdo and template name as the predefined version.

4. Open the copied template in Microsoft Word.

5. Use the Word tools to ensure the MICR line meets the requirements of your bank. Elements you may need to
» Font size
» Order of the MICR line fields
» Adding any necessary leading zeros to the check number, routing number, and account number
6. Use Microsoft Word’s symbol library to insert or update any special characters. This symbol varies by bank.
The predefined template uses the following concatenation schema for the routing number:
<?concat(' ',SOURCE_BANK/BRANCH_NUMBER,' ')?>

It uses the following for the account number:


This concatenation of the special characters enables it to show in the check writer report output.
7. If you need to insert or update the special characters in the MICR line:
a. Copy and paste the appropriate BI Publisher property for the appropriate field into a new blank Microsoft
Word document.
b. Place your cursor in the appropriate place.
c. Open the symbol library.
d. Select the MICR font. You may need to install this font.
e. Insert the symbol you need into the copied BIP property.
f. Copy and paste the BIP property from the new Word document into the modified check writer template.
NOTE: These symbols may appear differently when you paste it into the BIP property.
g. Other things to consider:
» You may need to add or remove lines to control the positioning.
» You may need to adjust the left margin alignment.
8. Save your changes.
When you run the “Generate Check Payments” process the BI Publisher first looks for the template in the
Custom folder. If it does not find it there, it uses the predefined template location.


Appendix E: Adding a Signature File to the Check Template
Once you have designed your own signature image and saved it as a .gif file, there are two methods for including it
on the check template. See Appendix D for recommended steps for modifying the check template.

» Method 1:
1. Open the copied check template in the Custom folder using Microsoft Word.
2. Paste the signature .gif on the authorized signature line in the template.
3. Save your changes.
» Method 2:
This solution involves updating the signature.gif in a sub-template.
1. Create a new sub-template for the signature .gif file.
2. Change the Check template to call the new sub-template.
3. Save the check template.
NOTE: For further information on creating sub-templates, see Report Designer’s Guide for BI Publisher in
the Oracle Help Center.

Appendix F: Setting up a Regular Earnings Element to Reduce Regular

To create an element under Standard Earnings (primary) > Regular (secondary) that reduces regular:

1. Create your earnings using Standard Earnings primary classification and Regular secondary classification.
2. Change the processing priority of this element to 2100.
3. Complete the element definition, and submit.
4. In the Manage Balance Definitions task:
» For the Reduce Regular Earnings balance, create a new balance feed using your base element name.
Select the Pay Value input value with the Add option.
» For the Reduce Regular Hours balance, create a new balance feed using your base element name. Select
the Hours Worked input value with the Add option.
Ensure you have properly set the effective as-of date.


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Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the US: Implementation and Use Guide
January 2018
Authors: Mary Nell Mclaurine, Kim Linden, Mohan Parimi
Contributing Authors: John Lawson

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