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Preparation of chlorine gas by Deacon process

Alloys Compositions Uses
Brass cu (70%) + Zn (3000) In making utensils

Bronze cu (90%) + Sn (10%) In making coins, bell and utensils

German silver cu + Zn + Ni In making utensils

(60% + 20% + 20%)

Rolled gold cu (90%) + Al (10%) In making cheap ornaments

Gun metal In making gun, barrels, gears & bearings

Delta metal In making blades of aeroplane

(60% 2%)

Munz metal cu (60%) + Zn (40%) In making coins

Dutch metal cu (80%) + Zn (20%) In making artificial ornaments

Monel metal cu (70%) + Ni (30%) For base containing container

Rose metal + Sn For making automatic fuse
(50% 28% 22%)
Solder Pb (50%) + For soldering

Magnalium Al (95%) + Mg (5%) For frame of aeroplane

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