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Annotated Bibliography Graphic Organizer

Name: Stephanie Mendoza

Dental, Delta. “What's Ahead for Dentistry in 2022 and beyond?”

FYI, 28 Dec. 2021,
Source #____ 2022/.

(MLA or APA)

This source explains that with the arrival of Covid-19, the dental
industry has been going through a rough time, especially when there
Annotation: are not enough workers or patients to fill up their schedules. For
some dental offices, growing their staffing crew has been a
(Describe ALL
challenge. Furthermore, during the pandemic, teledentistry, which is
info. that might
using technology to communicate to others about dental care, is
be important for
supposed to keep growing throughout the year 2022, and beyond,
your paper.
some might say. Also, teledentistry can be used if someone needs a
Explain to the
consultation for braces, Invisalign, etc. In addition, as technology
reader and/or
keeps increasing over time, there is a new technology that will
summarize what
continue to reshape the Dental Industry over the years to come. For
might be found in
example, in dental labs with the access of having a 3D printer in
this source)
hand, making crowns and bridges for patients has helped many
dental practices. Unfortunately for those who do not have a 3D
printer, they have to do a crown or bridge manually which is very
difficult, and time-consuming. Thankfully, with the help of using a
3D printer, dentists have time to see their patients, and not run
behind schedule. Last but not least this source discusses how
“Dentistry will get greener”. There are many ways dental practices
can minimize wasting too much plastic, for example, chair covers,
patient bibs, etc. As many patients choose to go to an
environmentally conscious practice, there are changes every dental
practice could do to benefit the environment.
1. “A poll from the American Dental Association found that 35.8%
of owner dentists are currently recruiting dental assistants, 28.8% are
Potential Quotes: seeking dental hygienists, 26.5% are looking to hire administrative
staff and 13.1% are in search of associate dentists. More than 85%
(Are there any
of these dentists said that hiring for a position like dental hygienist
significant quotes
was much more challenging than before the pandemic.”
you can use or
paraphrase from 2. “Nonetheless, according to DocASAP’s annual State of Patient
this source?) Access and Engagement survey, 40% of people would switch health
care providers based on availability for both telehealth and in-person
visits. Teledentistry is having a moment, and it’s likely to last into
2022 and beyond.”

3. “As this technology is set to become an integral part of many

healthcare practices, it’s also becoming more and more incorporated
into dental labs. With a 3D printer doing the hard work, dental labs
can eliminate the bottleneck of manual modeling and quicker
creation of crowns and bridges.”

4. “The industry continues to respond to providers’ and patients’

concerns about the environment, with new high-tech innovations
often allowing for waste reduction. In 2022 and beyond, we predict
that more dental practices will seek ways to reduce pollution and to
serve the wellness lifestyle that more patients are choosing.”

This article is published by Delta Dental. In addition, this article is

credible because it is a Dentist blog from Delta Dental that was
Assessment: recently published on December 6th, 2021. It is a network that lets
people know dentistry news, and any question one might have over
(Analyze and
anything dentistry-related could be answered through a blog they
explain why this
post to educate everyone around them. Also, this is a credible source
source is credible)
because it is backed up with evidence/ percentages about what is
mentioned on this website page.
I will use this article to discuss the topic that the arrival of Covid-
19 has affected the Dental Industry in ways no one saw coming, and
Reflection: with the new year occurring a few weeks ago, people working in this
career field are left questioning themselves about what is next to
(How will you
come. Even though Covid-19 has been going around for three years
potentially use
now, I want to specifically discuss how my place of internship
(Georgia Smile Team) has adapted to Covid-19 for the year 2022.
Furthermore, the spread of Covid has affected the Dental Industry in
ways no one predicted, but I want to ask my mentors how it has
affected them individually, and the Georgia Smile Team as a whole.
To make sure everyone stays safe and healthy during the pandemic,
the Georgia Smile Team has to be able to adapt to the challenges
they face and make rules around the office that everyone including
their patients has to adapt to and follow them.

The spread of Covid-19 has left many people without a job, and for
others not having a decent amount of workers makes their work not
being able to be open to the public. For example, in my mentorship,
if Dr. Dunford (DMD) or Dr. Choe (DDS) are unable to come to
work due to Covid-19-related issues, their assistants are also left
without being able to work. In other words, no dentist equals no
assistants. Although it is a different situation for dental hygienists,
they’re still capable of working, but patients who need an exam from
their dentist will have to wait until their next visit. This isn’t the case
for some dental offices because even though they could have dental
hygiene workers if their patients decide to not show up or cancel
their appointments that day, they could close the office during that

Nothing is for certain, especially when it comes to our patients.

During the pandemic, you are never sure who could be exposed to
Covid, or who may have it, but they do not know that they have it. In
other words, to make sure everyone is staying safe this year, the
Georgia Smile Team has decided to make a procedure/rule that
everyone (workers and patients) will adapt to this year.

Part 2 - Summary (to be done next week)

● How does the book or article fit into your potential research? What does it add to your paper or ideas?
● Was the source helpful to you? Does the source relate to your potential topic?
● How and where can you use this source in your potential research project?
● Make as many notes as you can so that you can come back to the source much later in the process
without having to reread the document in its entirety.

Answer all the bullet points in a well-written paragraph or two below:

This article fits into my potential research because it discussed how Covid-19 affected the dental
industry and provides examples demonstrating issues dental practices either had to or are facing today. In
addition, this source was very helpful to me, and it relates to my research topic as well. I will use this source in
my potential research because the article gave me new ideas such as including my mentorship experiences with
what if there are not a lot of workers that could come in, or if one specific person is missing, who could it
affect? The same concept can go with, what if there are not enough patients to come in, what do we do? Do we
try to fill up our schedules by calling other painters who could try to come in? What happens if the dental
hygienists have patients but the doctor's side does not? All the questions I am asking myself, I am planning on
asking my mentors as well in an interview with them hopefully. Also, a lot of dental workers already have a
steady position in many different offices, so when a practice tries to look for more staff members it could be
very challenging. The idea of having more than enough staff members can be very beneficial especially during
the pandemic when you have no clue who could be out one day, or who could be next. Although during this
year everyone is trying to stay safe and healthy, the possibility of someone in a dental practice getting exposed
to or having Covid-19 is still possible. Another thing, as technology keeps growing throughout the years, in the
future new technology found will continue to reshape the dental industry. A few examples of this can be
teledentistry because it is used for consultations with patients who would like to stay in the presence of their
own home instead of coming into the office. These consults could be used if a patient would like information
about braces, Invisalign, etc., along with if they are thinking about getting either getting something done in the
future. The next example is the 3-D printers that were invented with the use of technology that has increasingly
helped dental labs with the use of creating a crown, bridges, etc. Instead of these creations taking a while, they
will not require a lot of work now with the help of the 3-D printer. Even though dentists no longer have to do
these things manually, they still have to make sure every crown, bridge, etc. comes out great for their patients.
In my mentorship when Dr. Dunford is doing a crown on a patient, during the time the 3-D printer is being used
in the process, he has time to go help the dental hygienists with exams. With that being said, whether a practice
has a 3-D printer or not, no one will ever know how long an appointment can take or if a patient needs multiple
crowns, bridges, etc. Making sure every patient gets the right treatments, and cleaning is very important and is
very noticeable to the patients also. Lastly, the use of plastic can be found in many healthcare facilities and
every other business. One thing dentistry practices could strive for in the years to come is to reduce the amount
of plastic being used, and what changes around the office itself could benefit the environment.

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