Cerveny Brass Instruments - Catalogue - 2021 - Cmyk-Min

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So a Traditional Besbbdeyol ert Ler ntraert el seeT ROTARY VALVE History 3 Bb Trumpets 4 Bb Bass Trumpets 4 Bb Flugelhorns Eb Alto Horns 6 Bb, F, Bb/A Single French Horns. 7 8b/= Ful Double French Horns 8 Bb Tenor Horas 10 Bb,CBaritones—— Bb Tenor, F Bass Trombones 17 Fcimbasso a FTubas 19 Eb Tubas 2 cCTubas_ 28 rr F, EEb, BBb Helcons 32 PISTON VALVE Bb/A Piccalo Trumpet 2 Bb, Trumpets Bb Comets Bb Flugelhorn_—_—————— 33 Eb Tenor/Ato Horn 36 Bb Eupnoniums 3 Bb, Bb/F Trombones 35 Bb Tuva cc Tuba 36 BBb Tubas 37 Basic Specification 38 Mouthpieces 38 History 1842 The Cerveny wind instrument factory was foundes in 1842 in Hradec Krslové, an industrial town located 100 km east of Prague, Czech Republi. its founder Vaclav Frantidek Cerveny (1819-1896) was an ingenious Czech wind instrument designer, whose importance can only be compared with Adolphe Sax {the designer ofthe saxophone). Only twa years after the factory was established, Cerveny (at the age of 25) completed his first invention. The name of this instrument was the Cornon. The famous composer Richard Wagner became acquainted with the instrument in Dresden anc hac the design incorporated into the Wagner tuba, In 1845 Cerveng constructed the BB and CC contrabass large bore tubas which have often been copied. Among his additional patented instruments were Phanikon (1848), Baroxyton (1849), Tritonikon (1856), Alto Horn (1858), Alto, Tenor and Bass army valve trombones (1873) anc Ftuba (1873), I 1882-84 V. F, Cerveny designed the imperial Bar: tone, imperial Euphonium and imperial Bass. These instruments feature an extra large bore and bell and are still being manufactured today. It was Cerveny, who considerably improved the system af rotary valves for brass instruments in 1851 and again in 1873, This system has been copied numerous times since then and is stil being utlized tocay. From the beginning, V.F. Cerveny understood the importance of the world market. In 1853 he exhibited his instruments in New Yarkuhile atthe same time his brather was opening the New York branch office. Another branch office was founded in Kievat later date. Cerveny took partin many world ang industrial exhibitions, eg. Munich (1854) Paris (1855, 1867, 1878, 1888), London (1862), Vienna (1873), Philadelphia (1876), Barcelona (1888) and Chicago (1893) Carmel en Sirt kes Cerveny instruments consistently receive the highest honors. For example, the international Jury of the World's columbian exposition in Chicago in 1893 awarded Cerveny the highest prize and stated in the accompanying diploma: “Cerveny wind instruments deserve an award: for superior tone quality, being rich, resonant and of excelent carrying power. For perfection of finish and superirty af workmanship.” In 2948 Cerveny factory became a part ofthe State Enterprise, AMAT! Kraslice, one of the woes largest brass and woodwind manufacturers, In 1973 it was moved ta the new premises at Hracec Krsové lose to the orignal feation Gonos em KSD Since 1992 Cerveny factory has been back in private hands as 2 part of AMATI-Denak, Ltd, The production range is concentrated on the large bore rotary valve instruments, the very best of the heritage of V.F. Gerveny. Today's production methods area blend of modern technology and the world's finest Craftsmanship based on generations of experience. a Bb Trumpets ROTARY VALVE > Trumpet 3 valves Material: Yellow brass Bore: 11,1 mm (0437") Bell 135 mm (53) eight: £60 mm (18.1%) eight 3200 g (2,6 Ibs) Nickel iver mouthpipe {R) nickel siver bell rim ie slide trigger Mouthpiece 11.76 Lacquered Bb Trumpet Baber Matera: Red brass Bore: 11,1 mm (0437") Be 135 mm (53) Height: 460 mm (8.1) ‘Weight 200 g (2.6 Ibs) Nickel sver mouthpipe {R) nick siver bell rim Bb Bass Trumpets eon apr Moutnpiece 11 7¢ ROTARY VALVE Lacquered =e Bb Bass Trumpet 3 vanes Material: Yelow brass Bore: 13,7 mm (0,450") Belk 380 mm 7,5") Height: 460 mm (18,1 Weight 1800 9 (3,5 1s) Nickel siver mouthppe 3a sis trigger Mouthpiece: 14 21¢-5 Lacquered (CTR 790 ~ es brass fish Bb Bass Trumpet Bales Matera: Yellow brass Bore: 13,2 mm (0,512") Bell 220 mm (8,7) Height: 600 mm 23.6%) Weight 2300 g (5.1 Ios), Nickel siver mouthpipe 3rd slice trigger Mouthpiece ALA 31¢-€ Lacquerea (CTR 79223 - re braze finish (CTR 5924 - with 4 otery valves, without eigger Bb Flugehorn Bvaes Material: Yelow brass Bore: 11,1 mm (0,37) Bel: 165 mm 71 Height. 420 mm 017.3) Weight 1200 g (26 tes) Nickel siver mouthpipe |) nickel siver bell sim Mouthpiece: 121 1/2 Lacquered 8b Flugelnorn 3yahes Materia: Yelow brass Bore 11,1 mm (0/37) Bel 160 mm (63°) Height 0 mm 07.39 Weight 1200 9 (2,6 Ios), Nickel siver mouthpipe 3rd side togger |) nickel siver bell rim Moutnpiee:121 1/2 Lacquered Bb Flugelhorns ROTARY VALVE VIC ESINOLE, Bb Flugelnorn 3 vahes Material Red brass Bore: 1,1 mm (0437) Bel: 160 mm (53) Height 40 mm 1173") Weight 1200 g (2.5 fos), Nickel siver mouthpipe 3rd slide trigger {®) nickel siver bell rim Mouthpiece:121 1/2 Lacquered Excellent Mistrinanka Bb Flugelnorn 3 vahes Material: Yelow orass Bore: 11,1 mm (0437) Bel: 135 mm 5,39 Height 40 mm (173°) Weight 2100 g {24 fo) Nickel silver mouthpipe 3rd slide trigger Mouthpiece 1211/2 Lacquered (CFH 703 ~ res brass fish (CFH SO3R - yellow braze fish ith nickel slver bel rin Eb Alto Horns ROTARY VALVE Eb Ao Horm valves Matera: Yellow brass Bore: 12,7 mm (0.460%) Belk 220 mm (8,7) Height: $80 mm (23,2) Weight: 1740 g (3,8 bs), Nickel aver mouthpipe Mouthoiece: 316 5-€ Lacquered Ep AltoHomn vanes Material: Yelow brass Bore: 1,7 mm (04060%) Bel: 308 mm (22) Height: 480 mm (28,9) Weight 1800 51,9 Ibs) Nickel silver mouthpipe Mouthpiece 16 5-€ Lacquered Bb Single French Horn valves Matera: Yellow brass Bore: 12,8 mm (0.485%) Bell 310 mm 22,2" Height:-440 mm 7,3") Weight: 1800 9 (3,3 1b) Red brass moulhpipe ‘Theee-imensional adjustable finges lever Mouthoiece:13 8: Lacquered Bb Single French Horns ROTARY VALVE VS Coovenuyy ESINOLE, Bb Single French Hom 2vaher Material: Red brass Bore: 13,8 mm (0.465%) Bel: 310 mm 12.2%) Height 40 mm 7,3") Weight 21800 5 (3,9 Ibs) Res brass mouthpipe Threedimensional adjustable finger lever Mouthpiece 13 84 Lacquered F, Bb/A Single French Horns ROTARY VALVE BO/A Single French Horn aval Bb/F Full Double French Horns 'b/F Full Double French Hom valves Material: Red brass Bore: 13,7 mm (0,661") Belk 308 mm (12 Height-420 mm (16.5% Weight: 2600 9 {5,7 Ibs) ae Nickel iver mouthpipe Theeesimensional adjustable finger lever Engraved valve caps and evers Mouthpiece: 13 8+. Lacqueres ‘CHR 781 - one piece bell ‘CHR 781DP - with nickel sitver screw bell co ey me rs YS '/F Full Double French Horn valves Material: Yellow brass Bore: 12,7 mm (0461) Belk 305 mm (22) Height:420 mm (16,5) Weight 2600 9 (57 Ine), Nickel siver mouthpipe Threedimensional adjustable finger lever Engraved valve caps and levers Mouthpiece 13 8+. Lacquered ‘CHR 681D- with screw bel ROTARY VALVE Bb Tenor Horns ROTARY VALVE Bb Tenor Horn Bvatves aterial Yellow brass Bore: 13,2 mm (0,520" Belk 240 mm 8.45") Height: 820 mm (314) Weight: 3500 9 (7,7 tos), Nickel sver mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 14 128 Lacqueree Bb Tenor Horn valves Material: Yelow brass Bore: 13,2 mm (0,520°) Bel: 240 mm (9.5%) Height: 800 mm (31,4) Weight: 3800 9 (8,3 1bs) Red brass mouthpipe Clockwork spring action with adjustable lever spring resistence Mouthpiece 14 12£ Lacquered Bb Tenor Horn valves Matera: Red brass Bore: 13,2 mm (0,520") Belk 240 mm 845") Height 800 mm (31/ Weight: 3500 5 (7,7 Ibs) Nickel siver mouthppe (Ri) rekelsiver bell rm Mouthpiece: 16 12C-E Lacquered loa haan, Hand engraved bell rim Red brass mouthpipe 1 side tigger Engraved key levers Engraved screw adjustable bottom caps Bb Tenor Horns ROTARY VALVE SEE, gulest’ Hand engraving on bell Tuning slide plastic sign SiS Deluxe Line Bb Tenor Horn valves Material: Red brass Bore: 13,2 mm (0,520") Belk 240 mm 8.45") Height: 800 mm 3,4") Weight 3500 9 (7,7 Ins) Decorating - engraving on the bell and rim [Engraved nickel iver valve cape and machine spatulas ‘stslidezrgger (nickel siver belt rim (G) rea brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 14 12CF Lacquered (CTH 721-4TS - Premium, main tuning sie trigger, engraving on ‘he bel rim, valve caps and machine spatula, sver plated ‘ith lacquered bell interior Bb Baritones ROTARY VALVE Bb Baritone valves Naterial Yellow brass Bore: 15,2 mm (0,598°) Belk 260 mn 0. Height: 820 mm 14") Weight: 2480 9 (7,5 bs) Nickel sver mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 04 6 1/2AL-E Lacqueree Bb Baritone valves Material: Red brass Bore: 15,2 mm (0,598") Bel: 260 mm 0, Height: 800 mm (31,4 Weight 34809 (7,6 os), Nickel siver mouthpipe {R) nickel siver bell im Mouthpiece: 04 6 /28L-€ Lacquered Bb Baritones ROTARY VALVE Deluxe Line Premium Bb Baritone Bb Baritone valees valves Material: Red brass Material: Red brase Bore: 15,2 mm {0,588") Bore: 15,2 mm (0.588%) Belk 250 mm (102") Bell 260 mmf Height: 09 mm 2,4") Height: 800 me (3 Weight 3480 9 7,6 Ios) Weight 3550 9 17,81) ‘stale ergger Red brass mouthpipe Decorating ~ engraving on the Main tuning slide trigger bet and rim Decorating - engraving on the Engraved nickel silver valve caps bell and rim and machine spatulas Engraved nickel iver valve cape (R) ickel silver bell rim and machine spatulas (G) rea brass mouthpine [R) nickel silver belt rm Mouthpiece: 04 6 1/2ALE (5) Siver plated with lacquered Lacquered bell Mouthpiece: 04 6 2/28L€ Bb, C Baritones ROTARY VALVE Bb Baritone ‘valves Material: Yellow brass Bore: 25,2 mm (0,598") Belt 260 mm 10.2") Height: 809 mm 1") Weight: 3480 9 (7,6 tbs) Red brass mautpipe Clockwork spring action with adjustable ever spring resistance Mouthpiece: 04 61/2A1-E Lacquered Bb Baritone. 4 vale, upright model Material: Yew orass Bore: dual 15,2 mm/16,2 mm (0,598"/(0,538") Bel: 300 mm 1,8") Height: 810 mm (3,8°) Weight: 4000 9 (8,8 fs) Nickel sliver mouthpipe Mouthpiece 04 6 1/2816 Lacquered (CEP 523-51 Bb Baritone with S rotary vales (43), bore 16,2 ‘me (0,638, bel 300 mm 11,84, upright model (CEP 733-4R ~ red brass finish vt nickel sver bel rim CEP 534-4 -C Baritone with 4 rotary valves, bore: dual 15, mem/6 mm (0581"}/0,630", bel 280 mm C2", upright mocel Bb Baritone: valves Material: Yellow brass Bore: dual 15,2 mm/26,2 mm (0598"/10,638") Belk 280 mm (11) Height: 800 mm 3") Weight 3480 9 7,6 Ios) Nickel iver moutpi Mouthpiece 04 6 2/20L€ Lacquered (CEP 736-4R ~ res brass fish sith nick siver bel rim Bb Baritones ROTARY VALVE Bb Baritone: valves Material: Red brass Bore: dual 15,2 mm/26,2mm (0,598"/(0,638" Bel: 300 mm {11,8") Height: 800 mm (33,0) Weight 3480 9 7.6 fos), Nickel siver mouthpipe (R) nickel sitver bell rim Mouthpiece: 04 5 1/2A-E Lacquered Bb Baritones ROTARY VALVE Bb Baritone Kaiser ‘valves Material: Yellow brass Bore: 16,2 mm (0,638") Bell 300 mm (238°) Height: 800 mm 31, eight 3480 9 (7,6 1b) Nickel siver mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 24 26-6 Lacquered CEP 744-4R - Bb Barone Kaiser, Bb Baritone red brass fish wth nikal ser Be Baritone BELLFRONT ‘valves fen ‘valves, upright model Materia Red brass Water Yellow brass Bore 15,2 mm (0588" Sore: dual 15,2 mm/162.mm Bell 260 mm 0.2 (0588770838 Height: 800 mm (224% Bel: 300 mm (3, wegnt 348097. ios) Height 810 mm (3207 Red brass mouthppe Weight £000 5 (6.8 Is) (Fick ser bel rin Nike sve mouthaipe Mouthpece 04 62/201 Mouthpiece 04 61/24.E lacquered Lacquered a6 Bb Tenor, F Bass Trombones ROTARY VALVE 8b Tenor Teombone ‘vas Materia: Yelow brass Bore 124 mm (980° Bell 240 mm (95°) Height 1100 mm (43,39) weight 2400 g (3s) Nickel iver mouthppe Mouthpiece 161168 Lacquered CVTS71-3 - with 3 cotary valves F Bats Trombone “Cimbass0 style” F Bass Trombone Sales valves Material: Yellow brass Material: Yelow brass Bore: 15,2 mm (0.588%) Bell 260 mm (10, Height: 1300mm Height 110mm ft) Weight 3600 9 (7,8 tos) Weight 3000 9 (6,5 fs) Nickel silver mauthpipe Nickel silver mauthpipe Moutnpece: 08 25+. Mouthpiece: 04 12/26-L Lacquered Lacquered F Cimbasso ROTARY VALVE F cimbasso Svahes Material Yellow brass Bore: 18,2 mm (0717 Belt 280 mm (1%) Height-1260 mm 5,6") Weight: 6600 g (14,5 Ibs) Nickel ser mouthppe Sth and 2nd slde triggers Sth slide lowers by 21/4 tones Long adjustable peg Mouthpiece: 98 400-C83, Lacqueres F Tubas ROTARY VALVE dunior FTube aft size FTuba 1/2 sie Avales valves Matera: Yellow orass Material Yellow brass Bore: 18,2 mm (0,717) Bore: 16,2 mm (0,538) Bel: 380 mm (15%) Belk 400 mm 15,7") Height: 880 mm 4,6% Height: 800 mm G14") Weight 7200 g {15,8 bs) Weight: 7200 g (15,8 ts) Nickel siver mouthpipe (G) rea brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 08 254. Mouthpiece: 08 254. Lacquered Lacquered co F Tubas ROTARY VALVE coe ix sed 383 pia mn ernione) = saan ened Regn 0 weg cog oese ind Ma ete Sener at ctmear- binant sre then eaazim ney atone Tins Comp 20 Brin FrTube ft size S vals (5:0) {Compact model Material: Red brace Bore: dual 18,2 mm/19,2 mm (o7179/10,756") Bel: 400 mm 15,7") Height: 820 mm (32.29 Weight 7400 g (15,3 1bs) 2nd sige rigger Red brass mouthpipe {R) nickel ser bel rim Mouthpiece: 08 25. Lacquered (CFB 753-5R — Aria 3F Tuba 4/t size, 6 rotary wales ue2), bore: dual 18,2 mm/15,21mm (0,715%/0,755"), Compact model without trigger Hacmonia 3 F Tuba 4/t size valves (soa) Material: Yellow brass Bore: dual 28,2 mm/29,2 mm (o,r.74/t0,756% Bell 400 mm (15,7) Height: $30 mm 36,5") Weight 7400 g (16,3 bs) 2nd side vigger (8) nickel siver bell rin {G) red brass mouthpipe Moutapece: 08 25-1 Lacquered (CFB 6514 -F Tuba 4/4 sie, 4 rotary valves, bore: 18,2mm (07179, belt 400 mm 5,7 oe F Tubas ROTARY VALVE é Concoraia FTuba 4/4 size 6 valies (42) aterial Yellow brass with red braze bell Bore: 3,2 mm (0,756") Bell 400 mm (15,7, Height: 830 mm (36.6%) Weight: 8800 g (19,4 16s) (G) ed brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 08 25-. Lacgueree EEb Tubas ROTARY VALVE Eb Tuba 4/t sive valves Materiat Yellow brass Bore: 38,2 mm 0,737") Bell 400 mm (15.7 Height: 830 mm (36,67 Weight: 7000 9 15,4 Ios} Nickel sver mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 18 2uAWL Lacqueres 2 Eb Tuba 4/4 sie Bales Material: Yellow brass Bore: 18,2 mm (0,717 Bel: 200 mm 157") Height: 1020mm 0,2") Weight 7200 g {15,8 ibs) Nickel siver mouthpipe Mouthpiece 08 254. Lacquered CCB 883-51Z, Opera CC Tuba 3/4 size 5 valves (510) Compact model Material Yellow brass finish with rec brass bell Bore: 20,2 mm (0.795%) Belk £00 mm (15,7), Height: 810 mm (318°) eight: 9200 9 (20,2 Is} Red brass moutnpipe 2nd side tigger 2exchangable sides forthe Sth valve (3/4 tone and 11/4 tone length Mouthpiece: 18 24a, Lacqueree CC Tubas ROTARY VALVE Pioay {CC Tuba 4/At sine valves Compact model Material: Yelow orass Bore: 21,2 mm (834°) Bel: 420 mm 16,5") Height: 840 mm (33>) Weight 8580 g 18, 1b) Nickel silver mauthpipe (R) nickel ster bel rim Mouthpiece: 18 24AWeL Lacquered CCB 6O3-5R —vith 5 valves CC Tubas ROTARY VALVE ‘Symphonia I CC Tuba 4/4 size 5 valves (5:0) Materia: Yellow brass Bore: dual 20,2 mm/21,2 mm (0.795/0,835") Bel 50 mm 07, Height 920 mm (36,2) Weight $800 9 (21,5 Is) Nickel sliver mouthpipe 2na side trigger 2 excnangable sides forthe Sth ‘valve (3/4 tone and 11/4 tone length) (3) nikal sver bell im Mouthpiece: 18 26AW+L Lacquered CC Kaiser Tubs 6/4 se S valves (50) Material: Yellow orass Bore: 22,2 mm (0,835°) Bel: 500 my 9,6") Height: 1020 mm (0.2") Weight $800 g 215 fs) Nickel silver mouthpipe 2nd slide rigger 2exchangable sides forthe Sth vale (3/4 tone and 11/4 tone length) [Ri nickel siver belt rim Mouthpiece" 18 20AW1 Lacquered Bb Tuba 1/4 size valves Material: Yellow brass Bore: 16,2 mm [0,538°) Belk 400 mm 15,7") Height: 800 mm G4") Weight: 7000 9 (15,4) (Gh rea brass mouthpine Mouthpiece: 08 254. Lacquered BBb Tubas ROTARY VALVE on & BBD Tuba 3/4 sine ‘vates Compact model Materia Red brass Bore: 202 mm 0.795" Bel 400 mm 05.79 Heignt-860 mm 23,8% weight 8600 918,91) Nett sver mouthpipe €) ick sver bell im Mouthpiece 18 24AW- Lacquered (8683-4 yetow bass without kel iver bel rim BBb Tubas ROTARY VALVE opera BBD Tuba 3/4 size S vals (st) Compact model Material: yellow brass with red brass bell Bore: 20,2 mm (0,795") Bel: 400 mm (15,7 Height: 860 mm (33.8% Weight 9200 g 20,21bs) 2nd side trigger fed brass mouthpipe 2 excnangable sides forthe Sth vale 8/4 tone and 11/4 tone lengehd Moutnpiece:18 24a Lacquered (CBB 883-5125 valves but (540) 2 Pigay Bb Tuba Z/6l size valves Compact model Material: Yellow orass Bore: 23,2 mm (0,835°) Bel: £20 mm 16,5") Height: 850 mm (33,8) Weight $000 g 19,8 16s) 2nd side trigger Nickel siver mouthpipe Mouthpiece 18 26AWeL Lacquered (CBB 603-4R - with nickel ser bel rin BBb Tuba 4/4 size valves Materiat Yellow brass Bore: 20,2 mm (0.795%) Belk 400 mm Height: 980 mm 8,5") Weight: 9300 g (20,5 Ibs) Nickel aver mouthppe Mouthpiece: 18 24AWL Lacqueres BBb Tubas ROTARY VALVE BB Tuba 4/4 sine valves Material: Red brass Bore: 20,2 mm (0,795") Nickel iver mouthpipe [Ri nickel ser bell rm Mouthpiece: 18 20AW4 Lacquered (CBB 781-4 without nickel siver bell rim BBb Tubas ROTARY VALVE Jubilant BBb Tuba 4/t size S valves tie Material Yellow b 2na slide tigger Nickel sver mowthpipe Mouthpiece: 18 24AWAL Lacqueres (CBB 682-5R with nickel ser (CBB 6824 —with 4 vanes ppt ae Mares Fil, tubst of Cech Army Central Band 28 Symphonia 3 BB Tuba 4/4 size Svalves (oe Material: Yelow orass Bore: 22,2 mm (0,835°) Bel: 50 mm 17,7) Height 870 mm (38°) Weight $800 9 (21.8 ts} Nickel siver mouthpipe 2nd slide tigger 2exchangable sides forthe Sth ‘ale (3/4 tone and 11/4 tone leogth) Mouthpiece: 18 26AWeL Lacquered CBB 684-4G Bohemia Bb Tuba U/é Lsze valves Material: Yellow brass 2nd sie trigger Bore: 23,2 mm (0,835") Belk 220 mm (15,5) Height: 825 mm (36,9 Weight: 8300 g (18,2 Ios) (G) rea brass mouthpine Mouthpiece: 18 2AM Lacquered ae BBb Tubas ROTARY VALVE CBB 691-4R BB Kalser Tuba 5/4 s2e Matera: Yelow brass Bore: 21,2 mm (0,835°) Bel: $00 mm 18,7") Heght-1070 mm 62." Weight: 11000 g 24,2 tbs), Nickel silver mouthpipe [Ri nickel ser bell rm Mouthpiece 18 24AWc1 Lacquered BBb Tubas ROTARY VALVE Bb Kaiser Tuba 6/4 size valves Compact model ateriat Yellow brass with red brass bell Bore: 21,2 mm (0.835% Belk 500 mm (9,7) Height: 950mm (374°) Weight: 10000 g (22 Ios), Nickel silver mouthppe (Picket siver bell rim Mouthpiece: 18 2uAWL Lacquered 30 BBb Kalser Tuba 6/t size Svales Material: Yellow brass Bore: 23,2 mm (0,835°) Bel: 500 mm (197%) Heignt-1100mm (3,3) Weight: 311200 g 2,6 tbs) Nickel siver mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 18 26AWeL Lacquered F, EEb, BBb Helicons ROTARY VALVE ESINOIE, F Haticon 8B Helicon devalves fvales atria Yellow bass Matera: Yelow brass nr") Bore 202mm (0717 5) Bell 500 mm 09; 3" Heignt-1150 mm (5,29) Wwegnt 7200 9 15,8 bs) Weight 8100 9 (28,5 bs) Yelow brass mouthoine Yelow brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 08 254 Mouthpiece: 18 248 Lacquered Lacquered CHL611-4 ~ Eb Helicon, 4 valves, bore 182mm (717%, bell 450mm 077") Bb/A Piccolo Trumpet PISTON VALVE Bb/A Piccolo Trumpet valves Materia: Yelow brass Bore: 10,5 mm O17) Bel: 100 mm (3 Height: 350 mm 3,79, Weight $70. 2.1 Ibs) Nickel sliver mouthpipe 3rd value rigger “ah vale fied pike hook Mouthpiece: 11 7E¥ (8) siver plates Bb, C Trumpets PISTON VALVE Bb Trumpet Materia: Yelow brass Bore: 11,7 mm (0,460°) Bell 125 mm 8°) Height: $50 mm (21,69 weight 1100 g (24 Ibs) Yellow brass moutnpipe st sie thu sade 3rd slide ed finger ring Moutnpiece: 11.70 {S)~ silver plates aD Trumpet Bvalves Material: Yelow brass Bore: 11,7 mm (0,060°) Bel: 125 mm 449") Height: $50 mm (21,6 Weight 1060 9 (23 fos) Yellow brass moutnpipe site thump sede 3d slide fixed finger ring Mouthpiece 11.7C {5)~siver plates Bb Cornets PISTON VALVE Emperor ab comet Bvahes Water Res brass Bore 11,7 mm (0461) Bell 225 mm 9") Height: 340 mm (13,3) weight 1009 (22s) Red bass mosthoipe ast and 3rd se tigger Mouthpiece: 20 7¢ Lacquered Emperor Premium Bb Cornet 3 valves Material Rea brass Bore: 11,7 mm (0.481") Bett 325 mm 8") Height: 340 mm (133%) light: 1200 9 (24 Tes), Red brass mouthoipe 3a slidewigger Mouthpiece: 10 7¢ Silver plated with gold plates bellinterior \VFC-CRBIZSRS - made of ed brass and silver plated Bb Flugelhorn PISTON VALVE 2b Flugelnorn B valves Material Rea brass Bore: 14,1 mm (0.437%) Bell 160 mm (63) Height: 480 mm (18,57) eight 1200 g (2,6 Is) Nickel siver mouthpipe 3rd slide tigger Mouthpiece: 1212/2 (5) ser plated Eb Tenor/Alto Horn PISTON VALVE wy Cevens} UT SE wot i Baa Material: Yellow orass Bore: 13,7 mm (0462) Bel 208 mm 8,1} Height: $30 mm (20.8% Weight 1800 5 3,9 Ins) Bb Euphoniums Yalu rer ono Main tuning slide trigger PISTON VALVE Nowa 1658 Emperor 135 Euphonium Professional compensating model 4 valves Be) Materl: Yellow brass Bore: dual 4,7 mm/26,5 mm (0,580"/(0,5507) Bell 305 mm (22%) Height 670 mm 26,3") Weight 4300 (9,5 Tos), Yellow brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece 04 61/204, Laequres gE Emperor Premium 880 Euphonium Professional compensating model 4 valies 42) Materal: Yellow brass with red brass bell Bore: dual 34,7 mm/16,5 mm (0,580"/(0,5507) Belt 305 mm (22%) Height: 670 mm 26,3 Weight £300 g (9,5 fos) Yellow brass moutnpipe Main tuning slide trigger Mouthpiece: 04 6 1/28L-L Siver plated with ed brass bell vith gold plated bell interior Bb, Bb/F Trombones VI¢ewaup LE SINOVE, Bb Slide Trombone Materia: Yellow brass Bore: 12,7 mm (0,500") Belk. 205 mm (8%) Height:1700 mm (65,9") Weight 1400 g 3.1 Ibs) Mouthpiece: 14 11¢-5 Lacquered Bb/F Slide Trombone Material: Red brass Bore: dual 12,7 mm/3.4 mm (os00°y0,528") Belk 215 mm (84°) Height:1700 mm {66,94 Weight 1700 g (3,7 tos) ‘Open wrap attachment Mouthpiece: 14 61/2415 Lacqueres Bb/F Side Trombone Matera: Yellow brass Bore: 13,8 mm (0.543% Belk 215 mm (8. Heght-1200 mm 67,2 Weight: 1900 gt. Ibs) Wide open F Attachment Mouthpiece 04 6 3/2ALL Lacquered Bb/F Stde Trombone Material: Red brass Bore: 13,8 mm (0.543%) Belt 215 mm (8") Height:1200 mm 7.29 Weight 1900 gt. Ibs) Wide open F Attachment Hagmann Valve Mouthpiece 04 6 3/2AL4. Lacquered EEb Tuba, CC Tuba PISTON VALVE Emperor CC Tuba 4/4 size ED Tuba 5/t size SS valves (piston + 1 rotary valve Profesional compensating model action) ‘valves +1) Matera: Yelow brass Bore: 18,5 mm {0,728") Bel: 650 mm 017,74) Height 935 mm (35.8% Weight $050 9 (20,3 Ins) Yellow brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 18 24AWeS Lacquered Material Yellow brass Bore: dual 17,5 mm/18,5 mm (os8s7/(0,728", Belk 485 mm f°) Height: 800 mm 85,4" Weight: 8100 g {17,8 ls} Red brass mouthpipe Mouthpiece: 18 24AWS Silverplate BBb Tubas PISTON VALVE Be Height: 1030 mm 0,5 " Weight: $300 g (20,5 Is) Re pipe Basic Specification ROTARY VALVE te ~ Tran large V.F Cerveny Increases the bel protection g ; Bel proies sein response agaist unwanted idl US Covey nd sound projection Bel ims ents and ves the tuba a assy SINE, ‘re enfareed with tempered rook brass etre Nel sie bel im ‘optional toa Thehighestqualtysheetorass 2S wallns ras and nal ser tubing are used. Tradtional VF. Cerveny ct patterns tbody and bel contribute to fertct intonation an fal arm Suns Than to hyarauic Bending athe conal parts are ‘dental and al manufcuree {ubneacleve the highest Sanda Mouthpipe and mouthpiece The mouthpipe design cra factor in acoustic qually of tba. All Cerveny tubs tmouthpipes are bent by hand. The mouthppe ofeach Cerveny model has been designed to gve ptimum rests: magnient Cerveny sound and balanced performance across the entre Fange ach ibs supped ‘tha sher plated mouthpiece. Marking of mouthpieces follow tink http rctcervenycafen/companyfdownload Miniba vave linkage system provides ultimate smooth and quet operation as well as extended durabilly, [Adjustable thumb ring Ieenables every tuba player to achieve 3 comfortable postion the right hang. Finger vers and spring Ratan valve mechanism mechanism lary valves and casings are Ergonomically designed finger | precision machined on modern levers contribute to 3 playing {ENC equipment and mand lapped comfort Apical spring fora smooth and noiseless mechanism ensures years of action. Allmade of nickel siver trouble free function and very tw reach smoother and more easy to cepa. reliable action “Tuning and valve sides — Lacquered Nickel iver inner and outer ALinstruments are Lacquereded slices are easy to operate, even for easy maintenance and perfect, during performance. appearance, High qualty two-component burned-out aequered is ures 600 series 700 series 800 series S Silverplate fish Instruments are made of yellow Instruments are made of red Instruments are made of spec brass wth nickel ser inner and ‘bas tuba is more mellow and yellow bras wth a ler content ter sides and trimming warm. They come with nickel ‘of copper with rick serine Siverine’ and outer sles, ani ute slides and timing ‘rimming and meuthpipe 1842 38 Serie Heavy weight Heavy weight Serie Heavy weight Serie Heavy weight Serie Standard Serie Standard Serie Heavy weight Serie Heavy weight Heavy weight Heavy weight Standard Heavy weight Standard Standard Heavy weight Serie Heavy weight Heavy weight Standard Model 117¢ 117 Mode! 107¢ Model 1213/2 Model BEL Model 99 400-c83 Model 1656 ‘Trumpet Mouthpieces Cup diameter 162mm 638" 158mm 622" Depth of cup medium shallow extremely shallow Cornet Mouthpieces Cup diameter 162mm 638" Depth of cup medium shallow Flugelhorn Mouthpi Cup diameter 669" Depth of cup 17mm deep French Horns Mouthpieces Cup diameter 17,25mm 675" Depth of cup medium deep Cimbasso Mouthpiece Cup diameter 326mm 1283" Depth of cup very deep Alto Horns Mouthpieces Cup diameter 192mm 756" Depth of cup medium deep Mouthpieces Rim diameter Shank diameter 104mm 409" 97mm 382" 19mm 469" 97mm 382" Rim diameter Shank diameter 10,8mm 425" 87mm 343" Rim diameter Shank diameter 10,3mm 406" 96mm 378" Rim diameter Shank diameter 77mm 303" | 7,6mm | 299" Rim diameter Shank diameter 164mm 646" 133mm S24" Rim diameter Shank diameter 10,9mm 429" 10,2mm 402" Trombone, Tenor Horn, Baritone and Bass Trumpet Mouthpieces Model wus W1Ice W1ICE 04 6 1/2AL-E 1436-€ 0411/26 04 6 2/2AL-L 1461/2ALS Model 18 24AW-S. 18 26AW-L. 08 25-1 Cup diameter 247mm 972" 267mm 972" Depth of cup medium shallow medium shallow 245mm 965" medium shallow 2Amm 1 medium deep 263mm 1.035" deep 26,9mm 1059" deep 254mm 1" medium deep 254mm 1" medium deep Tuba, Helicon Mouthpieces Cup diameter Depth of cup 342mm 1228" deep 32mm 1.228" deep 30,6mm 1205" medium deep 39 Rim diameter Shank diameter 2BBmm 543" 107mm 422" 28mm 563" 17mm 461" 29mm S67" 17mm 461" lamm S51" 17mm 461" 27mm 500" 17mm 461" 25mm 482" 12,6mm 496" lumm S51" 12,6 mm 496" lamm S51" 12,6mm_— 496" Rim diameter Shank diameter 179mm 705" 132mm 520" 179mm 705" 13,7mm_ 539" 154mm 606" 13,7mm_—_539" G F Ke a Cre Omer ee enc Cee eee See Ce ee

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