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05/04/2022, 19:21 Major-3 (CT-3)

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MCQ, MSQ & Short Answer Type Questions

What are the features of a File System? * 1 point


Hierarchical Organization

Retrieval of files

Easy search & access of files

TORA is________ protocol. * 1 point


highly adaptive



In a distributed Database reduction of redundancy is obtained by______. * 1 point

Data fragmentation

Data Sharing

Data Replication

None 1/5
05/04/2022, 19:21 Major-3 (CT-3)

What are the issues which arises in data management of the mobile 1 point
databases. *

Data distribution and replication

Recovery and fault tolerance

Mobile Database Design & security

Data Redundancy

In No replication scheme, the database is available at all the locations to 1 point

ease the user in the communication network. *



The key feature that separates optimistic replication algorithms from their 1 point
pessimistic counterparts is______. *

Your answer

What are the three main phases of TORA? * 1 point

1.Route creation: Route creation from source t

Biggest advantages of TORA is that it can operate smoothly in a highly 1 point

dynamic mobile environment. *


False 2/5
05/04/2022, 19:21 Major-3 (CT-3)

Main function of Temporally ordered routing algorithm(TORA) is _______. * 1 point

Efficiency, finding routes

Establishing, maintaining, and erasing routes

Finding location, Relocating

Finding routes


TORA does not supports multiple routes to transmit data packet between 1 point
source and destination nodes of mobile ad hoc network. *



Objective of TORA is? * 1 point

The main objective of TORA is to limit messag

Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of 1 point

the following *

Data Replication

Horizontal Partitioning

Vertical Partitioning

None of the above

TORA is invented by * 1 point

Vincent Park and M. Scott Corson 3/5
05/04/2022, 19:21 Major-3 (CT-3)

TORA contains a _____________metric. * 1 point


Data Replication Benefits are * 1 point

Reduction in Network Load

Increased Storage Requirements

Quicker Response

Database coupling

TORA is based on which routing algorithm? * 1 point

Link Reversal Algorithm

Data replication in mobile computing is a popular fault tolerance technique 1 point

for________. *

distributed databases

What are the types of Data Replication? * 1 point

Synchronous Replication

Asynchronous Replication

Full Replication

No Replication 4/5
05/04/2022, 19:21 Major-3 (CT-3)

Concurrency control is easy to achieve in full replication. * 1 point



Replication schemes are * 1 point

Full replication scheme

Synchronous replication scheme

No replication scheme

Partial replication schemes

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