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Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies & Research

Answer Sheet

(Note: Write all the details carefully below)

Program Name:  BBA(IT)                        Batch: 21-24

Program Code: 030122 Semester: 1

Course Name: BMBP Course Code:


Seat No: 412546



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Q1) Create a business model canvas for a kids’ bicycle business. You should use Oster-
walder’s model.

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Q2)Take a case of a business which you can take up in future. Create a
budget proposal
plan for the same.

Company’s Name- Coffee Culture

Date- 27th January, 2021.

1) Project Description:
Our company’s main aim is to provide authentic ground coffee to our cus-
tomers. They can get the coffee at our cafes in their respective cities or they can
order online from our app.

2) Period of Performance:
The budget set forth in this budget proposal covers the period of performance
for the project or [6] months of efforts.

3) Cost Elements
The following are necessary cost elements of the project:
Direct labor

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Workers- The people who would be preparing coffees for the customer
and will cater them in our café’s.
Technician- The skilled labour who would look after the machinery used

to prepare authentic ground coffee and other technical equipments.

Supervisors or Managers- The skilled staff who would look after the staff
and take care of the activities happening at the centre. He will also look af-
ter the staff requirements and their wages or salaries.

ii.Miscellaneous Expenses:
Travel/Convenience – Expenses related to travel such as maintenance of the
motor cycle with which our staff will deliver food to our customers, Delivery
charges etc.
Field Surveys- Printing surveys to circulate to our customers to find out their
prespective and taking suggestions for improvments.
Technical/IT staff- People who are experts at handling technical issues related
to our websites and its regular maintenance.

4) Cost Summary

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Total 317500

This budget is developed by Ishika Srivastava with the inputs from

Coffee Culture’s Legal team. By my signature below I thereby certify
that the budget proposal reflects my best estimates of the true neces-
sary cost of the project.
Coffee Culture
27th January, 2021.

Q3)Write short notes on the following (Any THREE)

d) Internal growth strategies for a business

Internal growth strategies: These are the ones in which a company intends to ex-
pand without the help of outsiders. Some of the strategies are as below:

Product Development:

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As the name suggests strategies related to developing and innovating new prod-
ucts for the market. It's done to provide customers more value for their money,
or to develop and introduce new goods to complement a company's present line
of products. Example: Laptops, tablets, cars etc

It means upgrading machines and equipments with new and better technology.
This strategies is adopted by many companies so that they can achieve better
quality and the overall cost of production gets reduced. By reducing production
cost the profits of the company gets higher as they can produce more goods in
less time and sell more.

Market penetration:

It is a growth strategy in which a company aims to increase the volume of cur-

rent product sales by penetrating into existing markets using technologies such
as Aggressive advertising and other methods of sales promotion.

Market development:

This strategy aims at improving the area of the sales of existing product in dif-
ferent geographical area. This is usually done by entering into markets abroad
other than domestic. For example, Domino’s, they first started in USA and then
slowly, they captured the foreign markets as well by pushing their products with
help of brand name and other techniques like modifying their product to suit
market needs.

A: Nominal and Minor Partner:
Nominal Partner:
Nominal partners are the ones who do not hold a major share of interest in the
partnership. In other words, it can be said that he is only lending his name to the
partnership deal. In these types of partnership business, a partner is neither li-
able to contribute capital to the firm, nor is he entitled to share profits. How-

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ever, nominal partners are still answerable to third parties for any act done by
the other business partners.

Minor Partner:
A person who is under the age of 18 is regarded as a minor. Generally, a minor
cannot be appointed as a partner. But with the consent of all the partners, a mi-
nor may be admitted for sharing profits of the firm. Such a partner, if admitted,
is called a minor partner. When a minor partner turns 18, he is given a span of
six months to decide whether he wishes to continue as a partner of that firm or
to withdraw. In both cases, he will have to declare so through a public notice.

c) Marketing Tools for a business

1. Public Relations/Earned Media

It's impossible to overestimate the benefit of having a reliable third party sing
your praises. Not only will you get credibility from press stories and earned me-
dia, but you'll also gain access to a larger audience by utilising their existing au-
diences. Influencers and bloggers fall into this group, and they can promote
your business to their followers, giving you an endorsement with potentially
massive reach. Stunts can also be a fun (and low-cost) approach to obtain media
attention or the attention of your target audience.

2. Content Promotion

By grabbing their interest and gaining trust, creating content that is relevant and
appealing to your target audience can help you generate new leads. It can also
help you raise your close ratio by helping you create your brand, address client
inquiries, and provide reasons for prospects to choose you. You should exhibit
your expertise, distinction, and brand values in articles, infographics, eBooks,
and even films to attract potential consumers and assist those who are currently
considering you in making that purchase decision. Great content is frequently
featured and backlinked, so putting it on your website can help you boost your
domain authority.

Promotional Partnerships

If you combine your efforts to build your brands, partnering with another firm
or organisation that has a similar target audience can help you expand your
reach and marketing capabilities. Starting with complimentary products and ser-
vices is a good place to start. You can create win-win situations for both part-

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ners by sharing email lists, swapping blogs, bundling offerings, or even co-
branding campaigns, advertisements, or sponsorships.

Use of Social Media

Having your own social channels allows you to not only control your message
and freely post updates, but also to establish a community around your brand,
company, and product. Social media may be a terrific location to produce user-
generated content, receive feedback, and even address customer service issues
because it is a free channel to use. Many people use social media to determine
whether or not they can trust a brand or organisation, as well as to read user re-
views, thus keeping a presence can really increase conversion rates.

Marketing Through Referrals

One of the quickest, easiest, and most cost-effective ways to expand is to capi-
talise on the goodwill of existing clients. Encourage your consumers to tell oth-
ers about your products or services by reminding them to share their experi-
ences and rewarding them for bringing in new customers. You'll almost cer-
tainly acquire well qualified leads at a lower overall cost of acquisition than if
you had to go out and source them yourself.

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