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Arcenas, Mary Patricia Avery M.

Midterm Assignment 1
AR 543-ARCH52S1 - Evaluation of Architectural Design
1. Choose one building each for your chosen two architectural periods and compare their architectural elements.
Egyptian Architecture, Greek Architecture, Byzantine Architecture, Early Christian Architecture, Romanesque
Architecture, Gothic Architecture.
Greek and Roman Architecture Comparison.

Image Content: The Parthenon in 1978 (Wikipedia) Image Content: The Pantheon in 2018 (

Features Architectural Period: Greek: Parthenon

Columns Parthenon is the most famous example for the Doric order. It is surrounded with columns
(peripteral) that is in octastyle (double row of columns at the ends) in the inner side and
seventeen on the sides. The columns are in Doric order where its capitals are simple, shafts
are fluted and there are no bases.
Moulding Echinus molding was used and is located below the abacus of the Doric capital; it is considered
as the principal style of Grecian Doric style. It is a round moulding that is known for its atypical
elastic curve.
Roofing An overlapping marble tiles was used as roofing system of the Parthenon; it has diminutive
parabolic curve that is in upward position that means to shed the rainwater and aims to
reinforce the structure in confronting earthquakes. The tiles are called Imbrices and
Façade The façade of the Parthenon is composed of eight columns and seventeen on the sides giving a
ratio of 9:4. The metopes of the Parthenon has 92 metopes located at the east (14), north (32),
south (32) and west (14) side of the structure that depicts mythical battles. The Parthenon has an
Ionic Frieze which has a continuous sculptural relief composed of triglyphs and metopes. There are
2 pediments in the Parthenon located at the ends, it has statues of natural movements and there
are around 50 pieces.
Construction Pantelic marble was the main building material of the Parthenon. The foundation of the
Materials structure was made out of limestone and the columns are made from the marbles.
Construction The Parthenon has a post and lintel construction where horizontal elements are supported by
Methods sturdy vertical elements that is used to hold up a roof which is common with Greek temples. The
blocks were hand carved and hewn on site with meticulous precision, a necessity when building
without mortar. Since the Athenians were an extraordinary maritime control, scholars believe that
they skillfully used a structure of pulleys, ropes and wooden cranes to haul and lift the marble
Features Architectural Period: Roman: Pantheon
Columns Pantheon is the known for its Roman Corinthian order. Although this
order came from the Greeks, it was not used by them often and was
seen mostly in Roman buildings. The Pantheon It is surrounded with
columns, eight in front and two sets of four behind that is composed
of granite. The columns are in Corinthian order where its capitals are
distinctive carved capital, shafts are smooth and there are moulded
Moulding Dentil molding was used it is located in the bedmould of the cornice; it is
considered as a small block of repeating ornament that significance is the
end of a rafter. It is used to enhance the theme of the Pantheon with
rectangular squares within the bed-mold of a cornice.
Roofing The roofing system of the Parthenon has different sections too, in its
portico it has a gabled roof that is being supported by a colonnade on
its sides while its Rotunda is a dome that is made of a cylinder and is
mounted by a hemisphere with a circular opening at the top called
oculus that serves as a source of light into the dome.
Façade The façade of the Pantheon has a portico or pronaos that is typical for
Greek temples. The Pantheon has 3 sections, portico, dome rotunda and
a rectangular area that acts as a connector. It has 16 columns with 8 of
them are supporting the triangular pediment. The porch is connected to the
rotunda with a rectangular transitional block.
Construction Materials Bricks and concrete were the main building material of the Pantheon.
The foundation of the structure was made out of concrete, walls are
made out of bricks, the roof is concrete but is mixed with tuff and
pumice stone and the columns are made from the Granite.
Construction Methods The Pantheon has a construction method of Roman concrete
(creation caementicium) method where Water powered cement that are
made of lime mortar that is then blended with volcanic fiery remains that
later then will be sandwiched between even layers of bricks each 1.2
meters and external facings of bricks (creation latericium).

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