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11, NOVEMBER 2017

Modeling of Phase-Change Memory: Nucleation,

Growth, and Amorphization Dynamics During
Set and Reset: Part I—Effective
Media Approximation
Zachary Woods and Ali Gokirmak, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract — We have constructed a framework that

enables finite-element modeling of nucleation, growth, and
amorphization processes in phase-change memory devices
using a single rate equation that tracks evolution of local
crystal density at each mesh point. The rate equation,
current continuity equation, and Fourier heat transfer equa-
tion are solved simultaneously to perform electro-thermal
simulations that capture the device dynamics during set
and reset operations. The functionality of this framework is
demonstrated through simulation of various set and reset
operations and consecutive set/reset cycles of a mushroom
cell using temperature and crystallinity dependent parame-
ters for Ge2 Sb2 Te5 .
Index Terms — Amorphization, finite-element simulations, Fig. 1. (a) Simulated 2-D rotational geometry with thermal profile during
nucleation and growth, phase-change memory (PCM), set the melting stage of a reset pulse. Voltage is applied to the top TiN
and reset. contact and the bottom TiN contact (diameter = 10 nm) is grounded
through a 10-kΩ load resistor. Illustration of (b) domain-based crystal
I. I NTRODUCTION model with high mesh density at the boundaries, (c) mesh-based model
with a binary switch between crystalline (yellow) and amorphous (blue),

T HE drive to scale conventional CMOS devices down

to <10 nm has led to a technology which enables
fabrication of new devices that complement CMOS, such as
and (d) CD model with a range of CD values. (Multimedia available at

phase-change memory (PCM) [1]–[3]. PCM is a high density, are very significant [10], [11]. PCM design tools have to
high speed, and nonvolatile memory that utilizes a class of simultaneously capture rapidly changing material behaviors
materials–chalcogenides, with Ge2 Sb2 Te5 (GST) being the and local metastable electrical [12], thermal [13], [14], and
most common—that can be rapidly and reversibly switched electro-thermal properties [15].
between a highly resistive amorphous (reset) state and a con- Thus far compact models [13], [16]–[19] and finite-element
ductive crystalline (set) state [4]–[6]. Phase-change material approaches [8], [20]–[26] have been proposed to simulate
is crystallized (set) by heating above the glass transition the operation of PCM devices. Compact models can be con-
temperature and amorphized by melting followed by rapid structed for given pulse and load conditions [27], [28] for
solidification (reset) [7], [8] [Fig. 1(a)]. Unlike conventional a certain device architecture based on parameters extracted
electronic devices, the material in the active region changes from experiments. These models can be integrated with circuit
dynamically between amorphous, crystalline, and liquid [9] design tools for memory array and module design.
phases as the local temperature cycles from ∼300 to ∼1000 K Finite-element models are necessary for detailed analysis of
in nanoseconds during device operation. Thermal gradients individual PCM cells to evaluate the contributions of the mate-
can exceed 50 K/nm [10] and thermoelectric contributions rials, geometry, load and pulse conditions, short- and long-term
impact of thermal cycling, and process conditions.
Manuscript received June 29, 2017; revised August 21, 2017; accepted Typically, simplified crystallization models, such as Johnson–
August 22, 2017. Date of publication September 8, 2017; date of current
version October 20, 2017. This research was supported by National Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov (JMAK) models [16], [17],
Science Foundation under Grant ECCS CAREER 1150960. The review [19], [26], [29]–[32], are used for electro-thermal device
of this paper was arranged by Editor C. M. Compagnoni. (Corresponding operation, or more sophisticated growth models [29] are
author: Zachary Woods.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer used for process simulation that are not integrated with
Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 USA (e-mail: electro-thermal models.; JMAK models over simplify the crystallization kinetics and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at do not model the stochastic nucleation process or the effects
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2017.2745506 of multiple crystal grains. The JMAK models rely on the

0018-9383 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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assumptions that nucleation is random, uniform, and time TABLE I

independent [19]. During the operation of PCM devices, large A SSOCIATED C ONSTANTS W ITH U NITS
local temperature gradients result in spatially variable nucle-
ation probabilities. Ignoring these local effects can greatly
alter device operation due to local current density and heating
Dedicated crystallization models, relying on classical nucle-
ation and growth theory, only examine uniformly heated
have to be dynamically altered to capture growth. A mesh-
rectangular geometries [21], [26]. These models generally are
based approach using a crystallinity variable is more efficient.
computationally intensive and are not integrated with heat
This can be implemented using a uniform mesh spacing of
transfer and current continuity physics for device simulations.
∼1 nm and a binary variable to indicate crystalline state to cap-
Unified models to date [20] do not combine field-dependent
ture the stochastic nature of nucleation [Fig. 1(c)] [22] or an
electrical conductivity, which is necessary to simulate set [8],
effective media approximation can be used within each mesh
thermoelectric effects [10], [11], which are significant due to
element to allow variations in mesh size [Fig. 1(d)]. The
high temperatures and thermal gradients, with crystallization–
latter approach, which we have chosen for this paper, also
amorphization dynamics [20].
allows for 2-D rotationally symmetric simulations. To fully
Here, we describe a computationally efficient empirical
capture the nucleation, growth, and amorphization processes
finite-element model based on classical nucleation and growth
during electro-thermal simulation (1) and (2) and allow
dynamics using an effective media approach (Part I) and using
nonuniform meshing, we have constructed a single rate equa-
discrete nucleation and grain growth tracking grain orienta-
tion (3) tracking local crystal density (CD) [Fig. 1(d)], where
tions and grain boundaries (Part II) integrated with electro-
CD = 0 and 1 limits correspond to fully amorphous and fully
thermal models using temperature and electric field-dependent
crystalline volumes
materials properties [8], [10], [27]. Our models can simulate
crystallization of GST in any structure in 2-D or 3-D under dCD
= Nuc(T, CD) + Grow(T, CD) + Amorph(T, CD)
arbitrary heating conditions where a thermal gradient and/or a dt
transient may be present. Simulations performed in COMSOL (3)
multiphysics model crystallization–amorphization dynamics
where Nuc(T, CD), Grow(T, CD), and Amorph(T, CD) model
alongside Joule heating, heat transport, and thermoelectric
crystallization contributions from nucleation, growth, and
effects to comprehensively model the device behavior. This
amorphization, respectively.
approach allows for the modeling of dynamic crystallization
Nucleation is modeled by
during a set or reset operation, allowing for updates of the
electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the material Nuc(T, CD) = N(T )(1 − CD)e CD+0.3 rnd(r, z, t) (4)
as it changes phase. −(T −α1 )2
The changes in the temperature and its impact on the N(T ) = e α2 (5)
material properties can be captured in electro-thermal sim-
where r and z in (4) are spatial variables of the cylindrical
ulations that solve the current continuity (1) and heat
coordinates of a rotationally symmetric geometry [Fig. 1(a)],
transfer (2) expressions self-consistently using temperature
and αn are the constants listed in Table I. The Nuc(T, CD)
dependent material properties [8], [10], [22], [27]
term (4) is used to initiate a change in local CD, modeling
J = −∇ · σ (T )∇V − ∇ · (σ (T )S∇T ) = 0 (1) nucleation. N(T ) (ns−1 ) in (5) is a calibration term and has
dT J2 constant α1 and α2 selected to match the published nucleation
dG C P (T ) − ∇ · (κ(T )∇T ) = − JT · ∇ S (2) rate of GST [17] assuming nuclei of 1 nm3 . Nucleation
dt σ (T )
is scaled with (1-CD), remaining amorphous fraction, and
where J is the current density, σ is the electrical conductivity, by an exponential term to model reduced nucleation rate in
V is the electric potential, S is the Seebeck coefficient, dG is close proximity to other nuclei (for CD > 0.3). The random
the mass density, C p is the heat capacity, T is the temper- function, rnd(r, z, t), is distributed continuously and uniformly
ature, t is the time, and κ is the thermal conductivity. The between 0 and 1. This function is updated at every timestep
thermoelectric effects are handled through the Seebeck current and is used to capture the stochastic nature of nucleation.
term in (1) and the Thomson heat term in (2) [10]. A field- Growth is modeled by
dependent electrical conductivity component for the phase-
change material is used to capture the dielectric breakdown Grow(T, CD) = G InMesh (T, CD) + G InterMesh (T, CD)
for set operation [8] and SPICE models are used to capture (6)
the impact of the access devices [28]. G InMesh (T, CD) = α3 v G (T )F1 (CD) (7)
F1 (CD) = + 1 FStability (8)
FStability = α4 e−(CD−0.5) + α5
Finite-element modeling of the mixed phase materials using (9)
isolated domains [Fig. 1(b)] [23] is computationally intensive  
CD−0.5 −1
as the interfaces need to be heavily meshed and the domains G InterMesh (T, CD) = α6 v G (T ) 1 + e 0.1 ∇ 2 CD. (10)

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Fig. 2. Nucleation, growth, and amorphization rates for CD = 0.5.

The Grow(T, CD) term (6) is composed of an in-mesh growth

component (7) and (8) responsible for increasing CD within
individual mesh points (volume) and an intermesh compo-
nent (9) to model the expansion of grains. The published
growth rate [17] v G (T ) is calibrated via α3 in (7) such that Fig. 3. Empirical (a) ρ(T, CD) and (b) S(T, CD) (solid lines) for GST
complete crystallization of a large volume is possible in 100 ns based on our experimental results (points) and the expected values
at Tmelt . ρ(300K, CD) is displayed in the inset.
and appropriate growth velocities are observed in simulation.
v G (T ) data is also modified such that no growth occurs
above Tmelt . F1 term of G InMesh (8) is included to enable
growth only after nucleation, while an exponential with α4 and
α5 provide stability at CD = 0, 1 (9). Intermesh growth (10)
is setup to allow growth at the amorphous side of the crystal–
amorphous boundaries with a maximum growth velocity
of 1 nm/ns [17] by selecting α6 . The exponential term in (10)
is present to prevent a nonphysical negative value of G Intermesh
in locations of high CD where a negative value of ∇ 2 CD
is present. Amorphization is turned on at Tmelt (873 K) by
the exponential term in (11) which acts as a step function,
stabilizing at CD = 0 within 4 ns (Fig. 2).
Amorphization is modeled by

Amorph(T, CD) = CD T −873
−1 (11)
1 + e 0.5
Fig. 4. Simulated I–V curves of a slow voltage sweep of a mushroom cell
and has units of ns−1 . starting in the reset state (8 MΩ), with arrows indicating time evolution.


where L is the Lorenz number (2.44 · 10−8 W · K−2 ) [10],
The local material properties all depend on CD and T , κph−a is 0.27 W·m−1 ·K−1 and κph-fcc is 0.4 W·m−1 · K−1 [34].
and are based on measured values. It is assumed that fully C p is modeled as a constant (202 J/kg · K) [10], [35] with a
crystallized face centered cubic GST (fcc-GST, CD = 1) has peak at the melting (Tmelt ) [10] to account for the latent heat
a constant resistivity value of ρ = 2.07 · 10−3  · cm for of fusion (126 k J/kg)[11] and the mass density, dG , of GST
T < Tmelt . Resistivity for 0 < CD < 0.3 remains very close to is 6.2 g ·cm3 [36]. Peltier heat at the GST-metal interfaces and
the amorphous value until percolation paths form (Fig. 3) [23]. the thermal boundary resistances are modeled as in [10].
ρ (T, CD) and S(T, CD) functions were constructed with
simultaneously measured [15] ρ–T and S–T curves from a
series of anneals, and ρliquid = 2.1 · 10−4  · cm [9], Sliquid =
2 · 10−5 V/K at Tmelt [10], [33]. The field dependence of To simulate the commonly known “snapback” scenario, seen
electrical conductivity is modeled as in [8] to enable modeling in slow experiments [37], the mushroom cell geometry from
of the set operation: σ (T, CD, E) = σT (T, CD) + α7 eα8 |E| . Fig. 1(a) is reset using a 50 ns 2.5 V pulse followed by a
Thermal conductivity is modeled as the sum of electronic 2-μs voltage sweep from 0 to 2.8 V and back to 0 V (a trian-
and phonon (κph ) components. κph is a weighted average of gular pulse). The I –V characteristics (Fig. 4) first follow the
amorphous (κph-a ) and crystalline (κph-fcc ) values high-resistance amorphous behavior until a threshold voltage,
when the “snapback” takes place, the cell resistance drops due
κ(T, CD) = Lσ T + κph (T, CD) (12) to electric breakdown resulting in a voltage drop across the
κph (T, CD) = κph-a · (1 − CD) + κph-fcc · CD (13) cell. Further increase in the applied voltage heats the device

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Fig. 6. Simulated consecutive set (open symbols)/reset (solid symbols)

results for a mushroom cell Vreset = 2 V (green), Vreset = 2.25 V (blue)
and Vreset = 2.5 V (red). All set pulses are 1.2 V with 300 ns duration.
Both simulations start in the set state with Rinitial = 4 kΩ (black). The
read operations are performed after cell returns to ambient temperature.

It has been experimentally demonstrated that the reset

is achieved by melting or bringing the cell close to Tmelt
and set operation can be achieved by either annealing at
a lower temperature or by melting and recrystallizing with
a tapered pulse [38]. Our simulation setup can reproduce
these reset/read/set cycles for both options for the set oper-
ation as demonstrated through the V –t, I –t characteristics
[Fig. 5(a) and (b)] and the pulsed I –V constructed using
these results [Fig. 5(c) and (d)]. The two set operations
use a distinctly different mechanism that are advantageous
for different geometries, length scales, and materials: the
nucleation and growth approach, using a long duration low-
amplitude pulse, can set the cell with much less energy with a
crystalline volume growing up from the heater/GST interface
[Fig. 5(a) and (e)–(g). However, the amorphous volume has
to be relatively large to initiate nucleation in the hearth
of the amorphous plug in a reasonable time scale and it
is more suitable for nucleation-dominated materials such as
Fig. 5. (a) Applied voltage and (b) current versus time for a full reset– GST. The growth-from-melt approach using melting pulses
read–set cycle for two different set cases and the calculated energy
of each operation. (c) Simulated I–V characteristics for reset and set
with tapered ramp-down requires significantly more energy
operations and (d) tapered set pulse with a long fall time (300 ns), and peak current but is more consistent for small amorphous
resulting in melting and crystallization. Arrows indicate the time evolution. plug volumes as the crystal front grows from the top of the
Time evolution of crystallization (100 ns/frame) during (e)–(g) set by
a low-amplitude long-duration pulse, Rinitial /Rfinal = 1 MΩ/6 kΩ and
amorphous dome to the bottom and does not rely on nucleation
(h)–(j) set by growth-from-melt, Rinitial /Rfinal = 8 MΩ/8.7 kΩ. White [Fig. 5(a) and (h)–(j)]. Hence, the cell geometry and scaling,
contours indicate solid–liquid interface and arrows indicate direction and the set approach to be used has to be included in the design
of crystal growth. Heater diameter =10 nm. (Multimedia available at
considerations depending on the target applications [39].
As this framework handles the changes in the phase-change
materials in real time, the set and the reset simulations do not
have to be divided into two separate studies to change the
further, crystallizing the amorphous region as in Fig. 5(e)–(g), material states. Hence, it is possible to simulate consecutive
and eventually melting the active area at peak voltage. Slowly set/reset operations (cycling) of any device geometry by apply-
ramping the voltage down again allows for recrystallization ing repeated set and reset pulses and construct the simulated
as in Fig. 5(h)–(j), and the current follows the low-resistance resistance window (Rreset /Rset ) for various amplitudes (Fig. 6)
crystalline behavior. and waveforms similar to the experiments [40], [41].

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of Seebeck coefficient and resistivity of GST, and F. Dirisaglik

for his characterization of metastable amorphous GST.

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