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Grade - 4 (Grade – 3 Completed Students)



S No Subject Topic
1 English Punctuations
2 Math Number sense
3 Science Plant Life
The Earth and its
4 Social Science neighbours
5 Hindi विलोमशब्द
6 All Subjects Home work
Grade– 4

1. The first word in a sentence begins with a capital letter.
Example – My father is a doctor.
2. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
Example – I was playing with Ravi.
3. We always write the word I in capital.
Example – It was raining when I left for work this morning.
4. We use a full stop ( . ) at the end of a sentence.
Example – I am ten years old.
5. We use an exclamatory mark ( ! ) after an interjection or at the end of a sentence
that expresses a sudden feeling such as surprise, fear, shock, pain or extreme
Example – It is a great day!
6. We use a question mark ( ? ) at the end of a sentence which asks something.
Example – What is your name?
7. a. We use a comma ( , ) when we want to express a pause in our writing.
Example – In my opinion, the batsman is out.
b. We also use comma to separate words or groups of words in a long sentence
in order to make the meaning of the sentence clear to the reader. It is also
used to address someone directly.
Example – I went to the market and bought some fruits, vegetables, flowers,
chocolates and eggs.
8. We use an apostrophe ( ‘ ) to show possession.
a. We use an apostrophe + s with singular nouns.
Example – tail of a dog …. a dog’s tail
b. When an proper noun ends in – s, add an apostrophe + s.
Example – friend of Suhas … Suhas’s friend
c. When a plural noun ends in – s, add an apostrophe after – s.
Example – the bags of the boys …. boys’ bags
d. When a plural noun does not end in – s, add an apostrophe + s.
Example – men’s car, children’s park
e. We also use an apostrophe to show that letters or numbers have been omitted
in contractions.
Example – I am …. I’m, cannot …. can’t
Grade– 4


• Even & Odd Numbers:

Even Numbers - Numbers that make perfect pairs of 2 are called even numbers. In
even numbers the digit in one’s place will be 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8
Eg. 1236, 3598, 5200, 7332, 9184

Odd Numbers - Numbers that cannot be put into pairs are called odd numbers. In
odd numbers the digit in one’s place will be 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9
Eg. 1237, 3593, 5201, 7335, 9187

• Rounding off large numbers:

i. Rounding off to the nearest 10:
If the digit in the ones place is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (i.e., <5) then replace the ones place by
If the digit in the ones place is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (i.e., >5 or =5) then replace the ones
digit by ‘0’ and add 1 to the tens place.
Eg. Rounding off 71 to the nearest 10 is 70 Rounding off 89 to the nearest 10 is 90

ii. Rounding off to the nearest 100:

If the digit in the tens place 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (i.e., <5) then replace the ones and tens
place by ‘0’
If the digit in the tens place is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (i.e., >5 or =5) then replace the ones and
tens place by ‘0’ and add 1 to the hundreds place.
Eg. Rounding off 720 to the nearest 100 is 700 Rounding off 890 to the nearest 100
is 900

iii. Rounding off to the nearest 1000:

If the digit in the hundred place is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4(i.e., <5) then replace the ones, tens
and hundred place by ‘0’.
If the digit in the hundred place is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9(i.e., >5 or =5) then replace the ones,
tens and hundred places by ‘0’ and add 1 to the thousands place.
Eg. Rounding off 7320 to the nearest 1000 is 7000 Rounding off 1790 to the nearest
1000 is 2000
Grade– 4

SCIENCE – Plant Life

Grade– 4
Grade– 4

SOCIAL SCIENCE– The Earth and its neighbours

Our Earth belongs to the solar system.

Besides Earth, there are seven planets in the solar system.
All these planets are Earth’s neighbours. The Solar System consists of sun and all
other object that travels around sun.
These objects include planets, asteroids (pieces of rocks), natural satellites,
meteoroids, comets, dwarf planets, dust and gases.
The sun is the center of our solar system.
Our solar system is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The eight planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune.
We live on the planet Earth. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Venus is the
hottest planet. Mars is also known as the Red planet. Jupiter is the largest planet.
Saturn is surrounded by bright rings. Uranus is the third largest of the eight planets.
Neptune is the eighth and the coldest planet from the Sun.
Grade– 4


विलोमशब्द िहशब्दहै विसकाअर्थ विएहुएशब्दकेएकिमउल्टाहोताहै ।

िै से: ' कोमल - कठोर', ' एक - अनेक' ।

कुछ विलोम शब्दोों के उिाहरण नीचे विए हैं –

शब्द विलोम

पतला मोटा

नीचा ऊंचा

पुराना नया

दिन रात

वीर कायर

छोटा बडा

उिय अस्त

सुख िु ख

बच्चा बूढा

अंिर बाहर

सच झूठ

Web link:

Grade– 4


Q.1. विम्नवलखित शब्दोों के विलोम शब्द वलखिए।

1. सुख x ____________________

2. बाहर x ____________________

3. रात x ____________________

4. पतला x ____________________

Q.2. सहीपर (√) औरगलतपर (X) वलखिए।

1. िीर का विलोम शब्द है – वमत्र | [ ]

2. लाभ का विलोम शब्द है – हावन | [ ]

3. उिय का विलोम शब्द है – अस्त | [ ]

4. पतला का विलोम शब्द है – मोटा | [ ]

5. वमत्र का विलोम शब्द है – लाभ | [ ]

Grade– 4
Home Work

I Use an appropriate punctuation mark ( . ? ! ) in each of the following


II Add commas to the sentences as needed.

1. Let’s buy bananas apples and oranges for our picnic.

2. Ladies I was hoping you would all donate money to the campaign.

3. The team is doing well but I think they are going to lose.

4. Yes I agree with everything you are saying.

Grade– 4

III Rewrite the phrases using apostrophes.

1. The car that belongs to dad

dad’s car _____________________

2. The dog that belongs to Julie


3. The glasses that belong to mom


4. The table that belongs to Mrs. Smith


5. The coat that belongs to Will

Grade– 4


I Identify the following numbers as even or odd based on the digit in their

ones place.

Numeral Even Number/Odd Number







Grade– 4

II Rounding of numbers to their nearest 10/100/1000

Grade– 4

Grade– 4

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. The _______________ is the centre of the solar system.
2. The Sun is not a _______________.
3. The Earth is the _______________ planet from the Sun.
4. Planets revolve around the _______________.
5. The _______________ is the Earth’s natural satellite.

II Answer the following in one word:

6. Which planet is closest to the sun? _____________________
7. Which planet is called the ‘Red planet’? _____________________
8. Which planet is farthest from the sun? _____________________
9. Which planet supports life? _____________________
10. Which planet is the largest planet? _____________________

III Identify the planets as per their distance from the sun and name them:
Grade– 4
Grade– 4

Q1. विलोम शब्दोों का सही वमलाि करें ।

1. असली a. अनर्थ
2. अच्छा b. स्फूवतथ
3. अर्थ c. आिर
4. आिान d. बुरा
5. आलस्य e. प्रिान
6. अनािर f. नकली

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