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1. If R is a relatioo fran a finite set A havi.n; m 1 0. a relatioo R is tle set. ti or naOJia.L rutt:ers IE
el.E!T'Blts to a finite set B havinJ n elerents, tie, <Eflre:I as (x, y) E R if arrl ml.y if x' - 4xy + 3y =0
the nurbe.r of relati.cns fran A to B is- for all x, y e N. 1te :relati01 R is-
(! I 2"' (2) 2"'-1 (3) 2rm (4) m' (1) Asfled"'
2. InthesetA• (l , 2, 3, 4, SJ, arelatimRisdafira:l (21 S;mretric
byR• { (x, y) I x, yEAan:ix<y). ThenRis- (3) 'lm-lsiti"'
(1) Asfled"' (21 s,mretric {41 hl e:piva!era, relatim
(3) Tra--siti'-<! (41 11:re of these 11 . A• (2, 3, 4, 5) arrl let R • ({2, 2) , (3, 3),
3. For real numbers x and y, we wr ite {4, 41, (5, Sl, 12, 3), C3. 2l, 0. Sl, (5, 3))1:eaa,Jatim
XR ye> X - y+ 42 is an 1.rtat.iooal ruYi:er. Then .in A. 1hen R is-
the reLatim R is- (l) Asfled,ean:l mnsiti"'
(l)Asfled\e (2)s;mretric (2) arrl s,mre<:rlc

.. (3) 'lmsi.t:i\e (41 ncre of these

J.etX= {l, 2, 3, 4) anclY= (1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. rhich
of the follo,,,irq is relaticns fron X to Y- 12.
(31 l'eflexhe arrl antis;mn,tric
(4) rae of tlESe
If A= 12, 3) arrl B = ( 1, 2), tie, A • 8 is e:pal to-
(11 R, • ((x, y) I y •2 +x, xeX, yeY) (1) ( (2, 11, (2, 2), (3, 11, (3, 2))
(21 P,•((l, 11, (2, 1) , (3, 3), (4, 31, (5, Si) (2) ( (1, 2) , (1, 31, (2, 2), (2, 3))
(3) R,•((l, l), (1, 3), (3,5), (3,7), (5,7)) (3) C(2, 11, (3, 2) I
(41 '\•(Cl, 31, (2, Si, (2, 4), (7, 9)) (4) I Cl, 2), (2, 3) J
5. I.e<;inapla-e. 13 . let R be a relatioo CM:C t:-.e set N • N and it is
Let a relation R be defined by «R P=cx .1.p, defined by (a, bl R (c, cl) =>a+d • b +c. ThenR
Cl, jleL. ThenRis- ;,.
(l)Asfled.1.e (2 ) s,mretric (11 i..fled.\.e cnly
(3) 'lmsi.t:i\e (4) ncre of these (2) S)ffl!etric ooly
6. let Rte a relatim claflre::I in tte set of nal n.nt:=; (3) "lm"Biti\.e cnly
by a Rb=, l + ab > 0. Then R is- (4) M e:piva!era, relatioo
(l) El:pi\0lere rel.atim (2) 'lmsi.ti"' 14 . N denote the set of all ratural rurbers arrl R
(31 S}mretric (4) Anti-s;mretric ts tha 01 N x N CEfire:ibf (a, b) R (c, d) if
7. Which one o f the following relations on R is ad (b+c) -t:c(a+d) , tlEnRis-
e:pi'-"1m:e relaticn-- (1) S)m!etric cnly
(1) xR,ye> lx l • )y ) (21 xR,ye>x~y
(2) - " ' cnly
(3) xR,Ye>x I y (3) 'lm-lsitl\.e cnly
8. Two points P and Q in a plane are re lated if (4) M e:piva!era, relatioo
OP : CO, ...tere o is a fixed nus relatiCl'l 15 . IfA• (1, 2, 3}, B• {1, 4, 6, 9) arrlRisa relatim
;,. fran A to B dafined by 'x is greater than y' . 'Ihen
(1) IEflexi"" b.Jt s;mretrlc i:arge of R is-
(21 ~cb.Jtrottransitiw (1) (1, 4, 6, 9) (2) (4, 6, 9)
(3) M e:piva!eo, relatioo (3) (l} (4) rr::re of these
(4) rae of these 16 . let Lte the sec of all lire, in t h e ~
9. lrerelatla!RrefinedinA• (l, 2, 3) l>yaR b if T,,Q lines t,an:l t,are said tobe relate:!!>;
),I - ti I s 5. > of the followirg is falre- th:! relat..icn R if / 1is p:ll'al.l.e:.. to l2 • Th:n th!
(l) R-{ (l, l) , (2,2), (3, 3), (2,1) , (1,2), (2,3), (3,2) Ris-
(21 R"' •R (2 ) S)lmetric
(3) tarain of R • {l, 2 , 3) (4) Eq.lival.<n::e
(4) Range of R= {5)
17. A and Bare tw::> sets having 3 and 4 elerrents 24. P= ( Ix, y) I ><+-J= 1, x , yeR} lren Pis-
re~tivel y arrl. having 2 elarents in camon. 01 reflfOci.w 121 S)fflletric
'Ite rurter of :relaticns whid"I. can be <:efined fron (3) mrsi..ti\e 141 anti-s;mretric
A toB is- 25 . Let X be a fanily of sets an::i R be a relatia, en X
(1) 2' (2) 210 - 1 tef:ire:l by 'A is disjoint fron B ' . 'Ital R is-
(3) 2u-1 (4) rxre o f tlESe
(1) - " " 121 S)fflletric
18. for n, m e N, n lm rreans that n is a factor of m, (3} anti-s;mretric
tre relatim I is- 26 . In order that a relatioo R dafined in a ncn--erpty
(1) refl.exi\AS ard s,mretric
RA is a1e:µi.\WffiE relat::im, it is s.ffic:iat trat.R
(2) transitive arrl s;mretric
m isi:efledve
{3) refle<l:ve, tra'\Sithe arrl s;,metric
(2) is s;,metric
(4) reflexive, t..c 1nSiti-..eardn::itS}mfE'tric
(3) ist::IaEiti.\e
19. Let R = { (x, y) : x, y EA, x + y ==c 5) where
(41 ~ all tre ab:ll.e thJ:ee prq:erties
A= 11, 2, 3, 4, 5} tren
27 . If R be a relation ' <' fran A"' (l , 2, 3, 41 t o
(1), ~ a d r t t transi.ti-.e
B= {1, 3, 5 ) i.e. (a, b) eRiff a< b, t:h:n RX1 is-
(2) R is an\clero? relati<n
011(1, 31, (1, 5), 12, 31, 12, 5), (3, 5), (4, 51 }
{3) R is mflexi...e, ~ rut rtt tr.n.iti..e
<21 I (3, 11, 15, ll, 13, 21, 15, 21, 15, 31, (5, 4}}
(4) R is rot reflex:i.s.e, rot S}lllTettic b.rt transiti-.E
(3) 113, 3), (3, 5}, 15, 3), (5, 5)}
20. Let R be a relation on a set A such t hat R = K 1
(41 113, 3), (3, 41, 14, 51}
28 . If R is an 8'.lW,valerce relatioo in a set A, tta1 R"1
(1) J,-
(21 - ""
(3) aa-si.ti.e 11) refl.exi""bJtrot~ic
(4) n:reof~
(2) S'y(IIT'etricb.x.rrt transiti.\e
21. Let x, y e I an::! stJHX)Se that a relaticn Ron I is (3) an e:pival.Er'r:e relatim. by x Ry if arrl ooly if x.S ytle'l (4) rxre of tl'ese
(1) Risf8,rt.ial~ ra.1atia, 29 . Let RarrlS t:e n,,oeq.rivalence relaticos in a set
(2) R is an e:pi\filen:E relatirn A. 'D'len-

{3) R is reflexi"...e and s.,rrnetric {l ) RU$ is aneq:.rivalen::e '.:'.elation in A

{4) R is eymetric arrl tl:ansiti..e {2) RnS i s an eq.rivalen:::e ::elation in A

2 2. Let R be a relatiai frcrn a set A to a set B, tta,- {3) R - S is an eq.rival.e"re relatim in A
( 11 R - AuB (2) R - A r>B {4) OCO:!Oft:fe9?
(3) R ~A >e B (4) R i;;;B >e A 30 . Let A • {p, q, I") . Which of the followia:, is an
2 3. Givei tre relatioo R - - { (l, 2), {2, 3) ) a i tre set relati.01 in A?
A ==c {l, 2, 3}, the min.inum nunt:ier of ordered Oi",• {p,g, (CJ,<), (p,r), p,pl)
pairs WU.di WBl a:Ha:::l to Rm"lke it an e:pi.valffKE (2) B,- l<r, g <r, Fi, (r, rl, (qcj)
lElaamis- OIR,- l(p,pl, (qcj, <r,rl, p,cj)
(1) 5 (3) 7 (4) 8 {4) n:n:! of

1. I.etR- 111, 3), 14, 21, 12, 41, 12, 3), 13, l))tea 5. R be the set of real mrrbers.
Stateamit-1 :
rel.eaticri en th:! set A - {1, 2, 3, 4} . 1re relatirn
A - { (x, y) e R R : y - xis an integer} is an

Ri9- eq.iival ence relation on R.

ill rnrsirne 121 oot s,mrettic Stata.nt- 2:
(3) _ , , ,
B = {(x, y) e RI( R : x"" ay for s:::rre rati.aal rurt::er
14) • fi.n:tim
a} is an eq,..rivalence rel.atioo rn R.
2. let R = ( 13, 3), 16, 6), 19, 9), 112, 12) , 16, 12), <l> Staterent-1 is trle, suterent-2 is false .
{3, 9) , (3, 12), (3, 6) ) be relation on the set (2) Statarent- 1 is false, statarent-2 i s ~
A= (3, 6, 9, 12). 'Ihe relatioo is- (3) Statarent - 1 is true, Statenent-2 is true;
Staterrent- 2 is a correct explanation for
11) rflexi"' arc! transiti"' mly Statarent-1
(41 Staterrent-1 is true, Staterent-2 is true;
(2) - " ' mly
Statarent-2 is not a a:rrect explanation for
(3) an ecµilvalan, relaticn
Statarent- 1.
{4) reflexi\E ard s,mtetrlc mly 6. Q:ns:i.d:r ili! fo1..1.oo.rg relaticn R rn th:! set of real
3. let wCEX:lte tte w:irds in tlE ~lish dictionary. SCJ.lare matirces of orc:Er 3,
R={ (A, B) I A=P-1 BP for sare invertible rratrix P} .
Wire th?, relaticn Rby; R= ( {x, y) eW I( WI the
Statemant - l:
words x ard y h3ve at least ere letter in o::mn:n).
R is an Eq.rivalen:e relation .
'lhen R is- Statemant - 2:
(1) reflexi,_,e, s;metrican:l.rot uansiti,.,e For any two invertible 3 ~ 3 mirtices r-i - _.,d N,
(MN) - 1 = WlM- 1
(2) refled.\E, ~arlt::IEnsitiw
(1) Statarmt- 1 is fals?, st.atarent- 2 is true.
(3) reflexive, mt eymetric arrl traffiti\-e (2) Staterent- 1 is true , statement- 2 is
(4) n::t. reflexive, symetric an:I. tta"'ISiti-...e true; Statement-2 is cor rect
explanation for statarent- 1.
4. Ccnsider the follo,,irq relat.ioos : -
(3) Statment-1 is true, statement- 2 is
R • { (x, y} I x, y are real rnnbers and x - wy for true; Statement- 2 is not a correct
sare rational mffl::er w} ; eq::,lanat.ia'l for stateTent-1.
(4) StataTHlt-1 i.s t::ri.E, stal:erEnt-2 is false.
m p
s - {(-;;-·q) Im, n, parrlq are i n ~ s s.x:h that

n, q~ 0 andqn - pn}.
0) R is an e:pivalence relatioo but S is not an
eq.Jivalerre relatim
0 Neither R oor Sis an equivalence relatioo
O sis an eq;ivaleoce relatioo bJt R is not an
eq.Jivalerre relatim
f) R arrl s both are equivalence relations

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