Disaster Management Cie-2 201900326

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Q. 1 Explain Biological Disaster with suitable examples.

Ans: A natural catastrophe having unfortunate consequences is called a disaster. Biological

disasters are natural scenarios involving disease, disability, or death on a large scale among
humans, animals, and plants due to micro-organisms like bacteria, or viruses, or toxins

Biological disasters may be in the form of:

Epidemic affecting a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population,

community, or region at the same time, examples being Cholera, Plague; or,

Pandemic is an epidemic that spreads across a large region, that is, a continent, or even
worldwide of existing, emerging or reemerging diseases and pestilences, example being
Influenza H1N1 (Swine Flu), Covid-19, Ebola & Spanish Flue.

Q.2 What is Technological Disaster? Explain radiological, industrial, and nuclear disaster with

Ans: A technological disaster is an event caused by a malfunction of a technological structure

and/or some human error in controlling or handling the technology. Technological disasters can
be considered a man-made disaster meaning there is an “identifiable cause” characteristic. Due
to this characteristic, impact on communities can often be more detrimental. The effects of a
disaster on families and individuals may be long lasting and can endure for years. However,
symptoms may appear gradually, and impacts may not be seen immediately.

A radiological emergency may be defined as any situation which gives rise to an abnormal or
unexpected radiation hazard. This definition covers anything from a minor laboratory spill
involving a few megabecquerels of radioactive solution up to a major reactor accident in which
many thousands of terabecquerels of fission products may be released. Basically, an
emergency can arise because of:

1.A loss of shielding, resulting in high radiation levels.

2.A loss of containment, resulting in a release of activity.
3.An uncontrolled criticality, which is, effectively, the rapid generation of a large radioactive
source and high levels of radiation.
Industrial disasters, which are disasters caused by industrial companies, either by
accident, negligence or incompetence. They are a form of industrial accident where great
damage, injury or loss of life are caused. The Union Carbide gas tragedy is an example of
industrial disaster.

An accident taking place in any nuclear facility of the nuclear fuel cycle including

the nuclear reactor, or in a facility using radioactive sources, leading to a large-scale release of
radioactivity in the environment is called a nuclear disaster. Ex: The April 1986 disaster at the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Q. 3 Explain Manmade disaster in respect to building collapse, rural and urban fire, road and rail

Ans: Building collapse refers to the failure of the structure or the component. The failure of a
building depends on the materials, designs, methods of construction, environmental conditions,
and building use. Generally, building collapse occurs due to following reasons:

Man-made reasons:

1. Soil with less bearing capacity.

2. Proper Foundation not provided.
3. Reinforcement corroded.
4. Errors in structural design.
5. Inferior quality of cement and integrands is used.
6. Less amount of reinforcement provided.
7. Use after the expiry of life of buildings.
8. Maintenance not done properly.

Wildfire and urban fires describe an uncontrolled burning fire, usually in wild lands, which can
cause damage to forestry, agriculture, infrastructure and buildings.
Natural causes-
Many forest fires start from natural causes such as lightning which set trees on fire. ...
Man-made causes- 
Fire is caused when a source of fire like naked flame, cigarette or bidi, electric spark or any
source of ignition comes into contact with inflammable material.
A transport accident is any accident (or incident) that occurs during any type of transportation,
including accidents occurring during road transport, rail transport, marine transport and air
transport. It can refer to:
 a road traffic accident (including vehicle collision, pedestrian- bicycle collisions, pedestrian-
pedestrian collisions etc.)
 a marine accident (sailing ship accident, including man overboard.)
 railroad accidents (including train wreck)
 an aviation accident and incident

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