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* ekaratieu nern

uslieh i s i c h iM
CttunRol i l k kreduuct

Coatina w k paettiun) uiUR ar.

lae type ewk

SaltA EMereumq addlo
Lacteia & meuld Meciea std im is g

Audiioalien ( addiiou o{tarter


aHwR t r e a t e t ueR is n d e o m Uue wilh e
CO r p , gons tl lbtalo.
M R in eatad te tiue qLineol tenkeratur
paat uatiou ane tieu coeltd,


bHcidleationAdditie ok Siarler Cuttne

atr cuttuw addeol t o the cecind
Lactic aaid lbactua tuomg te LacdeNR uue
wulk ido t e lacc ocid,
LOciic aoid holhA Le coaqulale t e phelein
n t

CCooulatiomItio a comserien a iqid iuto eud.

liqid CoagualuG Selicl
R et'ia adoleo

R2ut ceaguloadr tha ulk beARim Corkin ate nelidd curos

Cceaaud phel)
Corein in u mai preteim im Oane

d inng he crdA arl Cat inte nall piacea ie kalean

rmaimg wAy
e a by prodct eceus pioduckism,
A retaiu ericuisl
Conquulalieur ApE dindk

Cellaql cheeR

eSaltig Salt o rddesl er owb

+Ripeing Nost cu uditaO i c e l ecem

callle kuai g

B e Tositive.

R h n g o d d taki placA unu cotkolNJ EsnG l

Rupa Moy t a k e n u k te y a o oapivoking eu

tat deuatchad.

grackaaing omd Meroqe uoliy pruparudl

cle o packaged ond teud &j -9'c.

Locteloellusecleria is w to ruprn Caeoldar cl eem

o p i e u t Ucteua is wae Le upe SusincLenk.

io o o d elid ctand.
l R o paAtaind at Ps °Ce 30 wutea

t i k nekids sto phe yut

k i a coeied te lo? F(4c) to i g u y t

Le t a tdeal q e temp per tua ndeuder Cuila

uaut is peduerd by tue codelld Reuutotio cmilk y2

pacis C c i i a , Lactolacillus bulgaricus o c
Lactetoccus temoplius ( sueapLateecs Leneplik
l a c t e e is ekmtnied to lactic acid amo it iate ce utuc
Cawre tu Chakacturistic Cid to Retn.
Seaiecoccus ueuspulus lings u pH of e i t k oLs
ta 5:5suue u Lactolacilus udgaicw
te Lactic acid.
B a e i c owuso ulaeuc uak deus milk
e t a s inde paplida ese ppioles t i n a l e tw ghedh

oeic ond Caxenn dienida , u u t i A k a qst

imuands or L lgaritas
ilk is wld atLo& F(Y2) d i e pHY 5t
rRacsd. a l l e tue c t i o n lo peeem te Ren
a e t qel aud tle chakacleristic loueu e gaad
tok 6-8 ws.

et Pa e d i papaid.


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