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Nanotechnology in Sudan:

Possibilities and Challenges

Omer Nur
ITN-Campus Norrköping,
Linköping University
* Linköping University-Sweden
* History of Nanotechnology
* Nanotechnology Driving force
* Effects at nanoscale
* Approachs to nanomaterials
* Conventional methods for nanomaterials
* Emerging methods for nanomaterials
Outline AUGUST 3, 2018 3

* Important characterization techniques

* Examples from previous research
* Examples from recent research
* Nanotechnology in Sudan:
Possibilities and Challenges
* Summary
AUGUST 3, 2018 4

Linköping University- Sweden

* Founded in 1975
* 4 Campuses in 3 cities.
* 27000 Students.
* 4000 employees.
* Technology oriented Univeristy

* Only 4 Faculties
(Technology, Health, Education, and Humaniterian)
AUGUST 3, 2018 5

Linköping University
Campus Norrköping
Department of Science and Technology
Advanced Computer Graphics
Communication and Transport Systems
(Physics and Electronics).
* Physical Electronics and Nanotechnology.
* Research from materials to devices.
AUGUST 3, 2018 6

Linköping University
Campus Norrköping (20 years old)
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 7

Modern concept of nanotechnology

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History of Nanotechnology
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 9

The road already traveled: Nanoscale miniaturization

Feynman proposed shrinking computing devices toward their physical
limits where “wires should be 10 or 100 atoms in diameter”.
Samsung this month announced large-scale production of devices built
with 30 nanometer technology, which is to say,
with wires at Feynman’s 100-atom scale.

• In 1959 a ’’computer’’ would fill a large room.

History of Nanotechnology
AUGUST 3, 2018 10

The term: ’’nanotechnology’’

‘’nano’’ is originally derived from the Greek
word ‘’nânos’’ meaning a dwarf, the term

The term ’’nanotechnology’’ was

introduced by Japanese scientist Norio
Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University
In 1975.
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 11

• In reality, man made nanomateials are

much older than 1959 !
• Also there is documented research on
’’nanotechnology’’ published in Russian
long before 1959 !
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 12

The mysterious Roman goblet cup 1600 years old with

changing color when light is shined on it.
In 1990 the reason was discovered.

The Roman goblet cub which is indeed an "out-of-place artifact"

(OOPArt) has led scientists to consider the Roman as the pioneers of
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 13

Was the Roman cup the oldest nano-material

based object discovered ?
The answer is: No !
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 14

In 1991, different morphological nanostructures, e.g. spirals,

coils, shafts etc., dating back to about 300 000 years, have been
found near the banks of Russia’s Kozhim, Narada, and
Balbanyu rivers.
* Investigations have proved that these
tiny objects are too old to have originated
from modern manufacturing.
* Further it was also proved that these relatively
thousands years old tiny nanostructures are of
technological origin.

• These findings suggests that advanced

culture with high technological capabilities
might have existed during the ancient
Pleistocene era.
• Or these nano-objects are left from visitors
from the outer space !
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 15

Nevertheless, is the search of the existence

of nanomaterials dates back to 300 000
years back with the findings of many
OOPArts? The answer is definitely no !
History of Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 16

Nano-objects existed as life existed or even

before life existed on Earth.

Viruses, bacteria and other biological and chemical

entities are all nano-objects arranged in complex 3-
dimensional arrangements through ‘’self-assembly’’.
This implies that nature has been assembling
nanostructures from times immemorial.
Nanotechnology driving force AUGUST 3, 2018 17

The demonstration of the bipolar junction transistor followed by the

appearance of the first planar integrated circuit in 1961.
Nanotechnology Driving force AUGUST 3, 2018 18

Forskare vid ett franskt labb var en hårsmån från att komma först med
transistorn 1948. Helt ovetande om arbetet vid amerikanska Bell labs hade
de tyska fysikerna Herbert Mataré och Heinrich Welker – som då arbetade i
Paris – utvecklat en halvledarförstärkare som de kallade ”transistronen”.
Nanotechnology Driving force AUGUST 3, 2018 19

The development of integrated circuits with increasing number of transistors and

the order of size of the active part of the transistor.
Effects at nanoscale AUGUST 3, 2018 20

Nanomaterials definition: at least one dimension

Is in the range between 1-100 nm.

The Russian nesting doll is an illustration of

isomorphic scaling. The smallest doll as the
largest surface area to volume ratio.
Effects at nanoscale AUGUST 3, 2018 21
Effects at nanoscale AUGUST 3, 2018 22

Schematic illustration of the increase of the band gap of a semiconductor as the size of the
nanoparticle is decreases. As can be seen nano-sized objects possess band gap properties
different from both bulk and atoms.
Effects at nanoscale AUGUST 3, 2018 23
Different approaches to Nanotechnology AUGUST 3, 2018 24

• To obtain nano-materials there are two main


• Top-down approach. Bottom-up approach

The other way around is
also nanotechnology !
Physical Electronics and Nanotechnology
Department of Science and Technology
(ITN), Campus Norrköping,
Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden

Thank you for your attention

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