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1 Zakreśl właściwą formę czasownika w każdym zdaniu.

1 I missed / had missed a lot of lessons last year because of my health problems.
2 I found / had found a part time job and after a year of work I paid all my university fees.
3 I didn't make / hadn't made a Master's degree in economics before I started working.
4 You helped me with the research and I handed / had handed in my Polish assignement on time.
5 I did really well in the last test because I revised / had revised for it.
6 I was really tired and I didn't pay / hadn't paid attention in class.

2 Uzupełnij pytania. Następnie odpowiedz na nie pełnymi zdaniami.

1 Would you like to go back to k ? Why? / Why not?
2 Are you going to send your children to a s or private school? Why? / Why not?
3 What do you have a talent for and what subjects do you d w in?
4 Do you t n in class or copy them from friends? Why? / Why not?
5 Have you ever f a test?
6 Which a subject would you like to study in the future? Why? / Why not?

3 Uzupełnij poniższymi wyrazami wyrażenia opisujące czynności wykonywane przez nauczycieli i uczniów.

pairs take ask revise exams lessons do

use study uniforms give (×2) marks


_ homework _ tests _ questions
_a coursebook _ homework
_ for a test get _ plan _
wear _ work in _ _ marks
_ in class pass / fail _

4 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1 Does your school organise (jakieś zawody sportowe)?
2 In our school teachers use (nowoczesnych metod nauczania).
3 During the break I often (szukam informacji w internecie).
4 (W szkołach średnich uczniowie zazwyczaj) learn two
foreign languages.
5 I (często powtarzam materiał do testu) with my friend.

5 Przekształć poniższe zdania, używając czasowników modalnych may/might/could, can't, must.

1 I'm sure he doesn't ride a bike on special tracks, they're expensive.
2 I'm sure this shirt will look well with your school uniform.
3 It's easy to get a good mark when you are eager to answer teachers' questions.
4 It is possible that giving presentations is stressful for some students.
5 I'm sure there is an e-book for our history classes.

6 Wyszukaj i skreśl jeden zbędny wyraz w każdym zdaniu.

1 He could her take her to the cinema, don’t you think?
2 I don't think it's the best option, do you not?
3 You may to listen to music on my MP3 player if yours is broken.
4 It is necessary to help our friends when they are out off sick.
5 She could be teaching a foreign languages.

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