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orate SET Ce Ca your free time? Be Coe Reta nd = Flick through the module and find... See Cree ee Coa oud Cenertu) Porc MORE ERO Ray pe In this module you aT learn to express possibility uu Peery talk about different places Cereus ores ene nC nace ered ney Sue uu Ce Icy Ce Poe eee ed Ce nd 7 Listening & Reading A Discuss. + Do you like playing video games? Why / Why not? B. What do you think the pictures are_ Tonia There you go. Sorry it’s a bit late. trying to show? Listen and find out. alex’ .wihetatiast | Tonia A birthday present. Go on, open it. You may need scissors, Alex You really didn't need to buy me anything. Tonia So, what do you think? Alex Ermm...t’s a game console. But | already have one. Tonia Not like this one. Come on, open it. It's brillant. My cousin Frank has one and he plays all day Alex sit the one with the wireless controller? Tonia That's right, here it is. Let me show you. Let's say you're playing a tennis game. You have to swing the controller to hit the ball, like this. Or for bowling, you have to move your arm like this to throw the ball, just like in real bowling. Alex But you don't throw the controller, do you? Tonia No, it might break. Anyway, it has a wrist strap to stop you from dropping it " Alex What about football? How do you pass the ball or shoot? Tonia I'm not sure, but | know you can use the controller like a normal game controller. Alex Sounds like fun. What games do | have? Tonia Well it comes with lots of sports games. Tennis, baseball, boxing, golf...What shall we start with? Alex Do you need to ask? Tonia Of course, gol, your favourite. Alex So, you swing the controller like th Tonia You're a fast learner. Alex I'm going to thrash you! Tonia I'm quite good at this golf game actually. So, | could beat you. Alex Let's see! to hit the ball, C.Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Why does Tonia apologise to Alex? 2. Why is Alex not very happy with his present in the beginnit 3. Who is Frank? 4, How do you ‘throw’ a bowling ball with the game console? 5. What stops a player from dropping the controller? ‘6. Why do they choose to play golf? 7. Who feels confident about winning the game? ee) El WORDS/COLLOCATIONS RELATED TO SPORTS play go do | Label the pictures withthe wordsin the box. volleyball | | [I skiin | | hit score throw eae | R- Z. pe zi oniforateam | ad agame Bh as & Gd =e = = swimming fe = a) aul team sports [ aerobics 4 Practice Look at the pictures and say what will possibly happen. Oe iene Da ase Read the examples below. What do the words in bold express? Choose a, bor c. + You may need scissors. + No, it might break. + So, I could beat you. a. Something that can possibly happen. b. Something that can’t possibly happen. ¢. Something that will certainly happen. NOTE We use may not /might not to express lack of Possibility in the present or future. Go to Grammar Reference 5 Speaking ‘Talkin pairs. Do you prefer playing sports on a game console or playing real sports? Use the vocabulary given uminn owt + how mich theos you keep + the place “nein Bi ct exciting monotonous stayfit tiring active expensive convenient freshair faci socialise Ipreter real sports because they're more exciting and they. + how popular i Popular it is Lagree/disagree. [believe playing sports on a game console i + when you can do it Have you ever been to Mexico on holiday? If not, would you like to go? + Does the idea of an extreme sports holiday appeal to you, or would you rather spend your holiday relaxing on the beach? B. Read the text quickly and choose the best title a, bor orcad Ugg 8p You wil arrive in Ensenada and from there you'l travel by boat to Guadalupe Island, one of the best places in the world to see great white sharks. You'l spend the ist two nights of your rip on the boat and you will have the opportunity to eat some traditional Mexican food. In the aftermoon, you'll watch a diving safety video. If there's time, your guides might take you to see the famous Guadalupe tur seals, Umit) There are five shark cages on the boat and they will be open for diving at 6am, so if you wake up arly, youll be able to swim withthe sharks before breakfast! You will spend most of the day diving with sharks, Buti you change your mind, you can sit and watch all the acon on a 42" TV in the main salon through a special underwater shark cam You wil arve in Cancun early in the moming. After checking ino the hotel, you wl spend the resto the day taking pat in some exciting exreme sports, Activities ‘on offer include bungee jumping and windsurfing You also be abe to go parasailing isnot oo wind. Bey sevces ee Ugg 8p. During your second day in Cancun youl get the chanoe 10 go sightseeing. You can see fascinating Mayan ruins at the El Rey archaeological sie. Aso f you vst the Interactive Aquarium, youll have the opportunity to ‘swim with dolphins and touch sea urchins and stingrays. f you want to see more sights, ask your hotel o recommenda tour guide. ga bp You wil rive in Acapulco. Wen you check into the hoe, a coach wil take you to the Papagayo River There area rumber of sports acties on ofr there, including kayaking and rock climbing, Alterativly, you can ride down the river ina speedboat ym ty T's the last day of your tp, so yout have to get Qa Up eat forthe goody gathering. wl ake pace in the breakfast area. There wil be music, and all Participants wil receive photos ofthe trip. You must check out of the hotel by midday. you book yourtaxito the airport in advance, youll get a 10% discount. Tor end oe . Read again and complete the postcard. Hi, Lizzy! e I'm having a great time in Mexico. Right now I'm in (1) . ‘and I'm going to visit the Interactive Aquariu ‘and swim with (2) _— te angen Cojo bolo Iwate 299 porecaing too but tewas to0 (4) Peete etataae es ote w=) Unfortunately, | got ecared and didn't go- Tomorrow I'm going to (6) __— to the Papagayo River and | might do some —————— | aleo want to visit uing later. They should be interesting, _. They will fake us water sports like 2 See you in a few days, Natalie D.Find words/phrases in the text that mean the following: 1. available (ay 3): 2. a building where people can go and see water creatures (ay 4) 3. say that someone or something is good or suitable (ay 4) 4. arrive and go through the necessary procedure before staying at a hotel (ay 5) 5. a comfortable bus used for long journeys (Day 5) 6. people taking part in an activity (Day 6) E, Discuss. + Which of the activities in the text would you like to try? Why? A Vocabulary COMPOUND NOUNS WOTE ‘A compound noun is @ combination of two nouns which function as one word. The first noun defines the second one (eg, bus stop = a stop for buses). A.Lookat the text on the previous age and find compound nouns. B, Match the nouns on the left with the nouns on the right to form ‘compound nouns. tourist 2.adventure _b. station c. shopping 4. railway e.rank 6.souvenir _f.attraction Grammar eee eon tor maples sad Ganglion ur 7s A 1 Ifyou sake up cary, vou ba alle bo maria fe sharks before breakfast! + tre thon assigns ee nen ead famous Gusdatupe fur bool i wa ho Fonanar enlist, angen recotiend tour guide tes re — < Hesston imperative ete. eee Read the examples and answer the question that follows, + Kate: Il go skiing if it snows. + Ryan: Ill go skiing when it snows. 1. Do the sentences refer to the present/future or past? 2. Is Kate sure that it will snow? 3. Who will definitely go skiing? 4. Which sentence expresses a condition? Go to Grammar Reference 4 Practice Circle the correct words and complete the boxes with if or when. 1. Alice So, Linda, what are you doing next weekend? Linda I'm going to the beach with Ann. the weather is / will be good, we go / may go swimming Why don't you come with us? Alice Sure! you decide / will decide what time you are leaving, give/ will give me a call, OK? 2. Jill Is Ted going to swim with the sharks tomorrow? Carl I don't know. He does /"Ido it he doesn’t get / won't get too scared. We know /'ll know tomorrow. morning he sees / will see the sharks. vill it’s not too much trouble, please take / can take a picture of him. 5 Intonation Listen and repeat. Notice the intonation and rhythm. 1. Ifyou wake up early, you'll be able to swim with the sharks. 2. Ifwe bring a map, we won't get lost 3. If you get home early, we can go shopping tonight. 4, If they don't have tickets, they wor't be able to get in. 5. If you want to buy souvenirs, go to the town centre. 6 Speaking Go to Pair work activities. i, Vocabulary WORDS RELATED TO PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT Which words are related to each place of entertainment? «x Complete the table by ticking the correct boxes. EAS Peer Cie ERC CC acetate Ce eS theme park |theatre =| = =s 2 Listenng © ‘oes, Cauca + Are there many places of entertainment in your Ca eT town/city? . i Read the following dialogues and match the What's the most popular with people your age? fpbtrek fi boul with’ B. Listen to four people talking about places of A: ike going to the cinema. entertainment. Which place is each of them talking about? Match the names with the places. B:So do |. /1 do too. A:Icantt sing. B: Neither can ./I can't either. C: Well, Ican. a. It is used to agree with an affirmative sentence, b. Itis used to agree with a negative sentence. «. Itis used to disagree. coe ot ev er ean ia SIN ea ap ‘Talk in groups of three. Look at the places below and. 1 bony smi scesiotspceane ——[-)_iktwoupatie garner a 2. Danny enjoys the variety of activities on offer, [>] 9Flsagree using soor nether 3. Roger doesn't like queues. L) [imuseum — theme park bowing aly 4 Rogerhastogotherebecauseitshisiob. [-] | cinema’ theatre café resturant 5. Emily hates preparing before going to this place. |_| 6. Emily thinks that it isn’t always safe there. Hove going to cafés because. Sodol./Idotoo. Idon'tbecause... OL 7. Rita goes because of another person. fj 8. Rita likes going there late. - APARAGRAPH EXPRESSING PREFERENCE A. Discuss, + What is your favourite place of entertainment? + Why do you like going there? B.Read the paragraph below and answer the questions. 1. Which words/phrases show that the writer likes this place? 2. What do the highlighted words refer to? a.we: b. there: them: 4. them: eit: My favourite place of entertainmen ‘enjoy going out a lot but there’s one place | prefer going to mor that’s the drama club. | find that it’s an interesting place as it ‘Members the chance to spend time with friends, have fun and also le Something new. We all meet up there to rehearse twice a week, but Nobody takes it too seriously. The club offers a nice, relaxing atmosph Every year, we put on two performances and everyone gets excited abo them. We all work together for months to create the scenery and the Costumes. Last year we performed A Midsummer Night's Dream’ ‘Was a big success. The audience couldn't stop applauding! Some of ther even came back to see it a second time. It’s great fun being part of a irama club and | wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world! C.Rewrite the sentences below without repeating the same words, whenever you can. WRITING TASK D. Write a paragraph about your favourite place of entertainment. Your paragraph should be between 80-100 words. 1. My ister and | love going to the mall. My sister and | go to the mall every weekend. The mall is usually crowded, but my sister and | always have a good time when we go to the mall. o TIP When writing a paragraph expressing - preference: + explain your ideas by giving examples. + use phrases lke:/ think.» prefer, Iike/OVe.» ee I really enjoy... 'm fond of.., ma big fan of Vm interested in... find. fantastic, ete. 2. Brian is really interested in acting. Acting relaxes Brian. There are lots of theatres in Brian's neighbourhood and Brian goes to one of the theatres once a month. + usea variety of adjectives (interesting, exciting, etc.) to describe how you feel. + try not to repeat the same words all the time. Instead, use subject personal pronouns (he, she, it), object personal pronouns (him, her, It.d, possessive adjectives (his, her, its..) and, adverbs (here, there). ww ff Reading © " HG for the Harlem Globetrotters or Bfor Both. Read again and write CS for the Cirque du Solell, Which show is great family entertainment? A. Lookat the pictures and the titles of the texts and 3 ", guess whether the statements below are true or false. Which show features music? 1. The Harlem Globetrotters feature a sporting event Which show has been running the longest? Which show has a discount for families? yawn 2. You can see lots of animals at the Cirque du Solell. Which advertisement is for a one-time-only show? 3. The Cirque du Soleil performs a story about the sun. 6. Which show has been a huge success 4, The Harlem Globetrotters only play in the USA. around the woree 7. Which show has storyline? B. Read the texts and check your answers in activity A. Cees Soe tte Morven, cara 198, the Crave dl So enc or ‘ue of he Sit) has posed eer 20 map sows unhnae a ne ge cases The cov as oon etting mins of ee rhe world with ts Oral ma of tate acrobats, theatre and ve muse renee ate: an adventure abot aboy cad Jamie. ale Ives ina town where wntr has ave bat ina any enon, he dctes to iscver whet hes caused ths. Jamie comes aross tee oer cormparions and togemne they tavel oan IBM olace inthe Noth, Win, to bing back tre snow. re arming winter tal egret enteranment or he whole family wih amazing acrobats and Th show wil un for 40 weeks thls winter at Maduon Square Garden, Now York Ci era ar of youll ters show s ofeat entertainment or Young nd old The wold amous basketball teary amr eo oe their audiences with their sporting skills ann Porting skills and entertain with their amusing huonTieHarem Giodetroters have been Ion people nit counties rave eee They have beer fiona erere ata wonderful music. [oe eee ey touring the world since 1972 and over 110 ipplauding and cheering them on ever since. fast. So, check them out! They won't let you down, Tickets are on saleat worwackets for i ottersicom. Ticket hotline on 0061 110 210 778 944, Z D. Lookat the highlighted words in the texts and match them with their meanings a-g. There are two extra meanings which you will not need to use, 1 original —_a. performance 2. live b. story 3. Imaginary _c. successful 4. tale d. the place where tennis and basketball are played 5. court . not real {. new, not the same as anything else 4g. not recorded, done when people are watching E,Discuss, + Which of the shows would you like to see? Why? + Have you been to any other kind of show? What was it like? + Is there any show that you would like to go and see? % Vocabulary PHRASAL VERBS Match the phrasal verbs 1-7 from the texts with their meanings ag. 1. come across. disappoint 2. bring back _. return from somewhere with something agen . connect to a computer system cheer oi d. shout to someone in a race or 5 sell out competition to encourage him/her cchecrout , & havenottickets lft f. find by chance 7. letdown 4g. look at something that seem Oa eee ec Read the example and answer the questions. Then complete the rules about the formation and use of the Present Perfect Progressive. The Harlem Globetrotters have been touring the world since 1972. + When did the Harlem Globetrotters start touring? +o they st Pre tour? Sie or has + + verb + the Present Perfect Progressive for actions or situations that started in the and continue up to the Present Perfect Progressive vs Present Perfect Simple Read the sentences below. Which tenses are used? Which sentence emphasises the result and which the duration of the action? + The Cirque du Soleil has performed here three times this week. + The Cirque du Soleil has been performing here for the last three months. Go to Grammar Reference 4 Practice | Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive of the i verbs in brackets. \ A: Can | take your order? B: Hello, Stevel | didn’t know you were waiter here. ‘A: Well, Lam. B: | come here all the time and 1a E (never / see) you here before, A: i'm new here. (2) (work) here for a week now. B: So, (3) you (give up) trying to be anartist? A: No, but I need the extra money. So, 1) (try) different Part-time jobs since last year. B: Sounds interesting. My boss © (look for) someone to work asa part-time secretary for quite some time now, So if this place doesn't work out for you, let me know. ‘A: Thanks. So, what would you like? © you _ (try) the vegetable soup? B: Of course, 1(7) (come) here for years. | know the ‘menu very well A: Great, 5 Speaking Works soups Mnkotashow Ormateoneup. cata say about it and advertise it to your classmates. Use the questions below: + How long has it been running? + How long has it been touring? + Which places has it toured so far? + What age group is the show for? + Whats it about? + How have audiences responded? + Where can you get tickets? + How much are they? Lights Vocabulary | Complete the table below by writing the words in the box under the correct heading. beter film critic nn people adjectives ate crime drama thriller cast | hitarious hilarious (unvrealistic = t biography romantic comedy 0 aw | action-packed Violent | | arin arial Speaking ne ae nv sae STEEN ae ore boxes in the table below. Then discuss your answers i insmall groups. terrible i ending Ithink the special effects in the film... were amazing. Camera, “tin? Listening ® A-Discuss + Whois your favourite actorfactress? + Can you name three of his/her best films? B,Lookat the three posters below which show three films Leonardo DiCaprio has starred in. Try to answer the questions. Then listen to a film critic talking and check your answers. Which film won 5 Oscars? . Which film didn't win any Oscars? What type of film is The Aviator? 1. Which film isn't directed by Martin Scorsese? ee 3. The radio presenter thinks 4 Writing Aria nevibw B. Below isa film review which appeared ina college magazine. Read the review and answer the questions. + Did the writer like the film? + What tense does the writer use to describe the plot? lol tela Keira Film Review ty joanna stone Quantum of Solace is an action film which was directed by Marc Forster. It is the 22 Bond film. and Daniel Craig stars as James Bond for the second time. The villain of the film, Dominic Green. is played by Mathieu Amalricand the Bond. siti, Camille, is the beautiful Olga Kurylenko. The film Is set in different cities around the world. Bond puts his life in danger trying to find the people responsible for the death of the woman he loved. Vesper Lynd. He finds out that Dominic Green, a member of the Quantum organisation is behind Vesper’s murder. As he tries to catch Green, he meets Camille Montes Who helps him take his revenge. Overall found the film very exciting. The action. Packed scenes and great special effects kept me Interested throughout the whole film. I definitely Fecommend it, especially to action-lovers. 4, DiCaprio won .an Oscar for The Aviator ba Golden Globe for The Aviator. 5, Howard Hughes was, ‘a. an aircraft designer and an actor. b.a pilot and a director. TP when listening, don't assume that ‘an answer is correct just because the speakers mention a word that is inthe tivity, Listen carefully before you answer. . What is the topic of each paragraph? Read the review again and match. Ist para: Introduction _ writer's opinion general information about the film 2nd para: Main Part 3rd para: Conclusion setting and plot D. Read the sentences and decide which paragraph you would find them in. Write [for Introduction, M for Main Part or C for Conclusion. 1. The film was directed by Peter Jackson The leading actor tries to save the world. . This film is a romantic comedy. Its suitable for both children and adults, Iwas very disappointed by the film. oP AWN Nicole Kidman stars in this film. WRITING TASK E. Write a review of a film you've recently seen. Your review should be between 100-120 words. TIPS sc is When writing a film review: - + choose a film you know well and make a plan ‘of what you are going to write. + give some general information about the fim (eg. director, leading actors, music, special effects). + only mention a general outline of the plot. Don't include too many details and don’t reveal the ending. Remember to use the Present Simple when describing the plot. + express your opinion of the film and say _ ‘whether yourecommenditornot. STi Se RET For expressions/phrases, see Writing section >> Vocabulary A. Circle the correct words. 1, Thomas passed / shot the ball to Paul. 2. We caught / booked a room in a very nice hotel. 3. The plot / scene of the film is very interesting. | certainly recommend it. 4. There was a very long queue / cast outside the post office. 5, The children saw sharks and dolphins at the ruins / aquarium. 6. There is a taxi station / rank opposite the park. 7. That film is hilarious / violent. | don't want my kids to watch it, 8. Golf is an exciting indoor / outdoor sport. 9. When the performance was over, everyone applauded / entertained with excitement. 10. The tickets were sold / checked out in three days! B. Complete with the words in the box. 1. We love going to theme They're lots of fun. 2. There are many tourist in Spain. 3. Ask John to help you. He won't ___you down. 4, Let's go to the new bowling on Darley Street. 5. | was looking through my things when | came an old CD. 6. The special inthis film are very realistic. 7. Luckily, had the to travel for a year when | finished school. 8. We had to every day a month before the performance. Grammar €.Circle the correct words. 1. Our team lose / will lose if we don't play well tomorrow. 2. If we hurry, we don’t miss / won't miss the film. 3. Jack and | may join / will join a drama club, but we haven't decided for sure yet. 4. If/ When you check into the hotel, give me a call so can come and pick you up. 5. Ifyou're hungry, have / will have some of my sandwich. 6. Kelly couldn't / might not come with us this evening if she feels il 7. If we wait / will wait a litle longer, they might let us go backstage. 8. We won't go rock climbing if / when it rains. We'll stay at home. D. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive of the words in brackets. LA: (you / ever / be) parasailing Tom? B: Of course. It's my hobby. | (do) it for the past ten years actually. It's great fun, Al (never / try) parasailing. 2. My sister Diane (always / want) to be an actress. Two years ago she joined a local drama club and since then they (put on) many plays, three a year | think. They (rehearse) for anew play for months now. Diane on the scenery with some of the other actors. She (not tell) me the name of the play yet. She wants it to be a surprise. But she says her role Is one of the most interesting she __(ever / play). Communication E. Complete the dialogues. 1. A: | can’t go bungee jumping. I'm afraid of heights. Si ee C: Well, | Jove a little adventure in my life. 2, AcIfind going to an internet café every day boring BI {also / work) too. G can spend hours there. 3. A:Sally didn't like the special effects. Bil didn't Asl thought they were amazing! 4, A:I've never been kayaking. B: Do you want to go? ‘A: I don't know. I'm a bit scared, B: Well, but I think we'll enjoy it. pe eee eee ea: 2 en F comleedabevewitihesminenae gg Therearetwoeatasentncaswnichyoudonat —

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