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Hist orically, an orphanage is a resident ial inst it ut ion, or group home, devot ed t o t he care of
orphans and ot her children who were separat ed from t heir biological families. Examples of what
would cause a child t o be placed in orphanages are when t he parent s were deceased, t he
biological family was abusive t o t he child, t here was subst ance abuse or ment al illness in t he
biological home t hat was det riment al t o t he child, or t he parent s had t o leave t o work elsewhere
and were unable or unwilling t o t ake t he child. The role of legal responsibilit y for t he support of
children whose parent (s) have died or are ot herwise unable t o provide care differs int ernat ionally.

Plaque where once stood the ruota ("the wheel"), the place to abandon children at the side of the Chiesa della Pietà, the
church of an orphanage in Venice. The plaque cites on a Papal bull by Paul III dated 12 November 1548, threatens
"excommunication and maledictions" for all those who – having the means to rear a child – choose to abandon him/her
instead. Such ex-communication may not be canceled until the culprit refunds all freights incurred to raise the baby.
Former Jewish orphanage in Berlin-Pankow

Sofianlehto Orphanage from 1930 in Helsinki, Finland

St. Nicholas Orphanage in Novosibirsk, Russia

The use of government -run orphanages has been phased out in t he Unit ed St at es, Canada, t he
Unit ed Kingdom, and in t he European Union member-st at es during t he lat t er half of t he 20t h
cent ury but cont inue t o operat e in many ot her regions int ernat ionally. While t he t erm "orphanage"
is no longer t ypically used in t he Unit ed St at es, nearly every US st at e cont inues t o operat e
resident ial group homes for children in need of a safe place t o live and in which t o be support ed
in t heir educat ional and life-skills pursuit s. Homes like t he Milt on Hershey School[1] in
Pennsylvania, Mooseheart [2] in Illinois and t he Crossnore School and Children's Home [3] in Nort h
Carolina cont inue t o provide care and support for children in need. While a place like t he Milt on
Hershey School houses nearly 2,000 children, each child lives in a small group-home environment
wit h "house parent s"[4] who oft en live many years in t hat home. Children who grow up in t hese
resident ial homes have higher rat es of high school and college graduat ion t han t hose who spend
equivalent numbers of years in t he US Fost er Care syst em, wherein only 44 t o 66 percent of
children graduat e from high school.[5][6]

Research from t he Bucharest Early Int ervent ion Project (BEIP) is oft en cit ed as demonst rat ing
t hat resident ial inst it ut ions negat ively impact t he wellbeing of children. The BEIP select ed
orphanages in Bucharest , Romania t hat raised abandoned children in socially and emot ionally
deprived environment s in order t o st udy t he changes in development of infant s and children
aft er t hey had been placed wit h specially t rained fost er families in t he local communit y.[7] This
powerful st udy demonst rat ed how t he loving at t ent ion t ypically provided t o children by t heir
parent s or caregivers is pivot al for opt imal human development , specifically of t he brain;
adequat e nut rit ion is not enough.[8] Furt her research of children who were adopt ed from
inst it ut ions in East ern European count ries t o t he US demonst rat ed t hat for every 3.5 mont hs
t hat an infant spent in t he inst it ut ion, t hey lagged behind t heir peers in growt h by 1 mont h.[9]
Furt her, a met a-analysis of research on t he IQs of children in orphanages found lower IQs among
t he children in many inst it ut ions, but t his result was not found in t he low-income count ry
set t ing.[10]

Worldwide, resident ial inst it ut ions like orphanages can oft en be det riment al t o t he psychological
development of affect ed children. In count ries where orphanages are no longer in use, t he long-
t erm care of unwarded children by t he st at e has been t ransit ioned t o a domest ic environment ,
wit h an emphasis on replicat ing a family home. Many of t hese count ries, such as t he Unit ed
St at es, ut ilize a syst em of monet ary st ipends paid t o fost er parent s t o incent ivize and subsidize
t he care of st at e wards in privat e homes. A dist inct ion must be made bet ween fost er care and
adopt ion, as adopt ion would remove t he child from t he care of t he st at e and t ransfer t he legal
responsibilit y for t hat child's care t o t he adopt ive parent complet ely and irrevocably, whereas, in
t he case of fost er care, t he child would remain a ward of t he st at e wit h t he fost er parent act ing
only as a caregiver.

Most children who live in orphanages are not orphans; four out of five children in orphanages have
at least one living parent and most having some ext ended family.[11] Developing count ries and
t heir government s rely on kinship care t o aid in t he orphan crisis because it is cheaper t o
financially help ext ended families in t aking in an orphaned child t han it is t o inst it ut ionalize
t hem.[12] Addit ionally, developing nat ions are lacking in child welfare and t heir well-being because
of a lack of resources. Research t hat is being collect ed in t he developing world shows t hat
t hese count ries focus purely on survival indicat ors inst ead of a combinat ion of t heir survival and
ot her posit ive indicat ors like a developed nat ion would do.[13] This speaks t o t he way t hat many
developed count ries t reat an orphan crisis, as t he only focus is t o obt ain a way t o ensure t heir
survival. In t he developed nat ions orphans can expect t o find not only a home but also t hese
count ries will t ry and ensure a secure fut ure as well. Furt hermore, orphans in developing nat ions
are seen as a problem t hat needs t o be solved, t his also makes t hem vulnerable t o exploit at ion
or neglect . In Pakist an, alt ernat ive care for orphans oft en falls on t o ext ended families and
Pakist an societ y as t he government feels put s t he burden of caring for orphans on t hem.
Alt hough it is very common for Pakist an cit izens t o t ake in orphans because of t heir cult ure and
religion, only orphans whose parent s have died are t aken in. This neglect s a populat ion of children
who need alt ernat ive care, eit her due t o abuse, or parent s who are unable t o care for t heir child
because of povert y, ment al, or physical issues.[14]

A few large int ernat ional charit ies cont inue t o fund orphanages, but most are st ill commonly
founded by smaller charit ies and religious groups.[15] Especially in developing count ries,
orphanages may prey on vulnerable families at risk of breakdown and act ively recruit children t o
ensure cont inued funding. Orphanages in developing count ries are rarely run by t he st at e.[15][16]
However, not all orphanages t hat are st at e-run are less corrupt ed; t he Romanian orphanages, like
t hose in Bucharest , were founded due t o t he soaring populat ion numbers cat alyzed by dict at or
Nicolae Ceaușescu, who banned abort ion and birt h cont rol and incent ivized procreat ion in order
t o increase t he Romanian workforce.[17]

Today's resident ial inst it ut ions for children, also described as congregat e care, include group
homes, resident ial child care communit ies, children's homes, refuges, rehabilit at ion cent ers, night
shelt ers, and yout h t reat ment cent ers.

Caring for orphans, by Dutch artist Jan de Bray, 1663

The Romans formed t heir first orphanages around 400 AD. Jewish law prescribed care for t he
widow and t he orphan, and At henian law support ed all orphans of t hose killed in milit ary service
unt il t he age of eight een. Plat o (Laws, 927) says: "Orphans should be placed under t he care of
public guardians. Men should have a fear of t he loneliness of orphans and of t he souls of t heir
depart ed parent s. A man should love t he unfort unat e orphan of whom he is guardian as if he were
his own child. He should be as careful and as diligent in t he management of t he orphan's propert y
as of his own or even more careful st ill."[18] The care of orphans was referred t o bishops and,
during t he Middle Ages, t o monast eries. As soon as t hey were old enough, children were oft en
given as apprent ices t o households t o ensure t heir support and t o learn an occupat ion.

In medieval Europe, care for orphans t ended t o reside wit h t he Church. The Elizabet han Poor
Laws were enact ed at t he t ime of t he Reformat ion and placed public responsibilit y on individual
parishes t o care for t he indigent poor.

Foundling Hospitals
The Foundling Hospital. The building has been demolished.

The growt h of sent iment al philant hropy in t he 18t h cent ury led t o t he est ablishment of t he first
charit able inst it ut ions t hat would cat er t o orphans.
The Foundling Hospit al was founded in 1741
by t he philant hropic sea capt ain Thomas Coram in London, England, as a children's home for t he
"educat ion and maint enance of exposed and desert ed young children." The first children were
admit t ed int o a t emporary house locat ed in Hat t on Garden. At first , no quest ions were asked
about child or parent , but a dist inguishing t oken was put on each child by t he parent .[19]

On recept ion, children were sent t o wet nurses in t he count ryside, where t hey st ayed unt il t hey
were about four or five years old. At sixt een, girls were generally apprent iced as servant s for four
years; at fourt een, boys were apprent iced int o a variet y of occupat ions, t ypically for seven years.
There was a small benevolent fund for adult s.

In 1756, t he House of Commons resolved t hat all children offered should be received, t hat local
receiving places should be appoint ed all over t he count ry, and t hat t he funds should be publicly
guarant eed. A basket was accordingly hung out side t he hospit al; t he maximum age for admission
was raised from t wo mont hs t o t welve, and a flood of children poured in from count ry
workhouses. Parliament soon came t o t he conclusion t hat t he indiscriminat e admission should be
discont inued. The hospit al adopt ed a syst em of receiving children only wit h considerable sums.
This pract ice was finally st opped in 1801, and it hencefort h became a fundament al rule t hat no
money was t o be received.[20]

19th century
A group of orphans at Crumpsall Workhouse in the 19th century

By t he early ninet eent h cent ury, t he problem of abandoned children in urban areas, especially
London, began t o reach alarming proport ions. The workhouse syst em, inst it ut ed in 1834, alt hough
oft en brut al, was an at t empt at t he t ime t o house orphans as well as ot her vulnerable people in
societ y who could not support t hemselves in exchange for work.
Condit ions, especially for t he
women and children, were so bad as t o cause an out cry among t he social reform-minded middle-
class; some of Charles Dickens' most famous novels, including Oliver Twist, highlight ed t he plight
of t he vulnerable and t he oft en abusive condit ions t hat were prevalent in t he London

Clamour for change led t o t he birt h of t he orphanage movement . In England, t he movement really
t ook off in t he mid-19t h cent ury alt hough orphanages such as t he Orphan Working Home in 1758
and t he Brist ol Asylum for Poor Orphan Girls in 1795, had been set up earlier. Privat e orphanages
were founded by privat e benefact ors; t hese oft en received royal pat ronage and government
oversight .[21]Ragged schools, founded by John Pounds and t he Lord Shaft esbury were also set
up t o provide pauper children wit h basic educat ion.

Orphanages were also set up in t he Unit ed St at es from t he early 19t h cent ury; for example, in
1806, t he first privat e orphanage in New York (t he Orphan Asylum Societ y, now Graham Windham)
was co-founded by Elizabet h Schuyler Hamilt on, widow of Alexander Hamilt on, one of t he
Founding Fat hers of t he Unit ed St at es.[22] Under t he influence of Charles Loring Brace, fost er
care became a popular alt ernat ive from t he mid-19t h cent ury.[23] Lat er, t he Social Securit y Act
of 1935 improved condit ions by aut horizing Aid t o Families wit h Dependent Children as a form of
social securit y.
Thomas John Barnardo, the founder of the Barnardos Home for orphaned children.

A very influent ial philant hropist of t he era was Thomas John Barnardo, t he founder of t he charit y
Barnardos. Becoming aware of t he great numbers of homeless and dest it ut e children adrift in t he
cit ies of England and encouraged by t he 7t h Earl of Shaft esbury and t he 1st Earl Cairns, he
opened t he first of t he "Dr. Barnardo’s Homes" in 1870. By his deat h in 1905, he had est ablished
112 dist rict homes, which searched for and received waifs and st rays, t o feed, clot he and
educat e t hem.[24] The syst em under which t he inst it ut ion was carried on is broad as follows: t he
infant s and younger girls and boys were chiefly "boarded out " in rural dist rict s; girls above
fourt een years of age were sent t o t he indust rial t raining homes, t o be t aught useful domest ic
occupat ions; boys above sevent een years of age were first t est ed in labor homes and t hen
placed in employment at home, sent t o sea, or emigrat ed; boys of bet ween t hirt een and
sevent een years of age were t rained for t he various t rades for which t hey might be ment ally or
physically fit t ed.[24]


Evidence from a variet y of st udies support s t he vit al import ance of at t achment securit y and
lat er development of children. Deinst it ut ionalizat ion of orphanages and children's homes program
in t he Unit ed St at es began in t he 1950s, aft er a series of scandals involving t he coercion of birt h
parent s and abuse of orphans (not ably at Georgia Tann's Tennessee Children's Home Societ y). In
Romania, a decree was est ablished t hat aggressively promot ed populat ion growt h, banning
cont racept ion and abort ions for women wit h fewer t han four children, despit e t he wret ched
povert y of most families. Aft er Ceausescu was overt hrown, he left a societ y unable and unwilling
t o t ake care of it s children. Researchers conduct ed a st udy t o see what t he implicat ions of t his
early childhood neglect were on development . Typically reared Romanian children showed high
rat es of secure at t achment . Whereas t he inst it ut ionally raised children showed huge rat es of
disorganized at t achment .[25] Many count ries accept ed t he need t o de-inst it ut ionalize t he care
of vulnerable children—t hat is, close down orphanages in favor of fost er care and accelerat ed
adopt ion.

Fost er care operat es by t aking in children from t heir homes due t o t he lack of care or abuse of
t heir parent s, where orphanages t ake in children wit h no parent s or children whose parent s have
dropped t hem off for a bet t er life, t ypically due t o income. Major charit ies are increasingly
focusing t heir effort s on t he re-int egrat ion of orphans in order t o keep t hem wit h t heir parent s or
ext ended family and communit ies. Orphanages are no longer common in t he European
Communit y, and Romania, in part icular, has st ruggled great ly t o reduce t he visibilit y of it s
children's inst it ut ions t o meet condit ions of it s ent ry int o t he European Union.

Some have st at ed it is import ant t o underst and t he reasons for child abandonment , then set up
t arget ed alt ernat ive services t o support vulnerable families at risk of separat ion[26] such as
mot her and baby unit s and day care cent res.[27]

Comparison to alternatives

Orphanages, especially larger ones, have had some well publicised examples of poor care.[28][29]
In large inst it ut ions children, but part icularly babies, may not receive enough eye cont act ,
physical cont act , and st imulat ion t o promot e proper physical, social or cognit ive
development .[30][31] In t he worst cases, orphanages can be dangerous and unregulat ed places
where children are subject t o abuse and neglect .[28][32][33]

One significant st udy, which disput es t his, was carried out by Duke Universit y. Their researchers
concluded t hat inst it ut ional care in America in t he 20t h cent ury produced t he same healt h,
emot ional, int ellect ual, ment al, and physical out comes as care by relat ives, and bet t er t han care
in t he homes of st rangers.[34] One explanat ion for t his is t he prevalence of permanent temporary
foster care. This is t he name for a long st ring of short st ays wit h different fost er care families.[34]
Permanent t emporary fost er care is highly disrupt ive t o t he child and prevent s t he child from
developing a sense of securit y or belonging. Placement in t he home of a relat ive maint ains and
usually improves t he child's connect ion t o family members.[34][35]
Anot her alt ernat ive is group homes which are used for short -t erm placement s. They may be
resident ial t reat ment cent ers, and t hey frequent ly specialize in a part icular populat ion wit h
psychiat ric or behavioral problems, e.g., a group home for children and t eens wit h aut ism, eat ing
disorders, or subst ance abuse problems or child soldiers undergoing decommissioning.


Most of t he children living in inst it ut ions around t he world have a surviving parent or close
relat ive, and t he most commonly ent ered orphanages because of povert y.[36] It is speculat ed
t hat flush wit h money, orphanages are increasing and push for children t o join even t hough
demographic dat a show t hat even t he poorest ext ended families usually t ake in children whose
parent s have died.[36] Expert s and child advocat es maint ain t hat orphanages are expensive and
oft en harm children's development by separat ing t hem from t heir families and t hat it would be
more effect ive and cheaper t o aid close relat ives who want t o t ake in t he orphans.[36]

Children living in orphanages for prolonged periods get behind in development goals, and have
worse ment al healt h. Orphanage children are not included in st at ist ics making it easy t o t raffic
t hem or abuse t hem in ot her ways. There are campaigns t o include orphanage children and st reet
children in progress st at ist ics.[37]


Visit ors t o developing count ries can be t aken in by orphanage scams, which can include
orphanages set up as a front t o get foreigners t o pay school fees of orphanage direct ors'
ext ended families.[38] Alt ernat ively t he children whose upkeep is being funded by foreigners may
be sent t o work, not t o school, t he exact opposit e of what t he donor is expect ing.[39] The worst
even sell children.[40][41][42] In Cambodia, from 2005 t o 2017, t he number of orphanages increased
by 75%, wit h many of t hese orphanages rent ing children from poor families for $25/mont h.
Families are promised t hat t heir children can get free educat ion and food here, but what really
happens is t hat t hey are used as props t o garner donat ions.[43] Some are also bought from t heir
parent s for very lit t le and passed on t o west erners who pay a large fee t o adopt t hem.[44] This
also happens in China.[45] In Nepal, orphanages can be used as a way t o remove a child from t heir
parent s before placing t hem for adopt ion overseas, which is equally lucrat ive t o t he owners who
receive a number of official and unofficial payment s and "donat ions".[46][47] In ot her count ries,
such as Indonesia, orphanages are run as businesses, which will at t ract donat ions and make t he
owners rich; oft en t he condit ions orphans are kept in will deliberat ely be poor t o at t ract more
donat ions.[48]



The orphanages and inst it ut ions remaining in Europe t end t o be in East ern Europe and are
generally st at e-funded.


There are approximat ely 10 small orphanages in Albania; each one having only 12-40 children
residing t here.[49]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

SOS Children's Villages giving support t o 240 orphaned children.[50]


The Bulgarian government has shown int erest in st rengt hening children's right s.

In 2010, Bulgaria adopt ed a nat ional st rat egic plan for t he period 2010–2025 t o improve t he
living st andards of t he count ry's children. Bulgaria is working hard t o get all inst it ut ions closed
wit hin t he next few years and find alt ernat ive ways t o t ake care of t he children.

"Support is sporadically given t o poor families and work during dayt ime; correspondingly, different
kinds of day cent ers have st art ed up, t hough t he qualit y of care in t hese cent ers is poorly
measured and difficult t o monit or. A smaller number of children have also been able t o be
relocat ed int o fost er families".[51][52]

There are 7000[52] children living in Bulgarian orphanages wrongly classified as orphaned. Only 10
percent of t hese are orphans, wit h t he rest of t he children placed in orphanages for t emporary
periods when t he family is in crisis.[53]


As of 2009, t here are 35 orphanages.[54][55]


A comprehensive nat ional st rat egy for st rengt hening t he right s of children was adopt ed by
Parliament in 2007 and will run unt il 2032.

Child flow t o orphanages has been st opped and children are now prot ect ed by social services.
Violat ion of children's right s leads t o lit igat ion.[56]


In Lit huania t here are 105 inst it ut ions. 41 percent of t he inst it ut ions each have more t han 60
Lit huania has t he highest number of orphaned children in Nort hern Europe.[57][58]


Children's right s enjoy relat ively st rong prot ect ion in Poland. Orphaned children are now
prot ect ed by social services.

Social Workers' opport unit ies have increased by est ablishing more fost er homes and aggressive
family members can now be forced away from home, inst ead of replacing t he child/children.[59]


More t han 8800 children are being raised in st at e inst it ut ions, but only t hree percent of t hem are


The Romanian child welfare syst em is in t he process of being revised and has reduced t he flow
of infant s int o orphanages.[61]

According t o Baroness Emma Nicholson, in some count ies Romania now has "a complet ely new,
world class, st at e of t he art , child healt h development policy." Dickensian orphanages remain in
Romania,[62] but Romania seeks t o replace inst it ut ions by family care services, as children in need
will be prot ect ed by social services.[63] As of 2018, t here were 17,718 children in old-st yle
resident ial cent ers,[64] a significant decrease from about 100,000 in 1990.[65]


There are many st at e orphanages "where several t housand children are kept and which are st ill
part of an out dat ed child care syst em". The condit ions for t hem are bad because t he
government does not pay enough at t ent ion in improving t he living st andards for disabled children
in Serbia's orphanages and medical inst it ut ions.[66]


The commit t ee made recommendat ions, such as proposals for t he adopt ion of a new "nat ional
14" act ion plan for children for at least t he next five years, and t he creat ion of an independent
inst it ut ion for t he prot ect ion of child right s.[67]


One of t he first orphanages in Sweden was t he Stora Barnhuset (1633-1922) in St ockholm,[68]

which remained t he biggest orphanage in Sweden for cent uries. In 1785, however, a reform by
Gust av III of Sweden st ipulat ed t hat orphans should first and foremost always be placed in
fost er homes when t hat was possible.

In Sweden, t here are 5,000 children in t he care of t he st at e. None of t hem are current ly living in
an orphanage, because t here is a social service law which requires t hat t he children reside in a
family home.

United Kingdom

During t he Vict orian era, child abandonment was rampant , and orphanages were set up t o reduce
infant mort alit y. Such places were oft en so full of children t hat nurses oft en administ ered
Godfrey's Cordial, a special concoct ion of opium and t reacle, t o soot he baby colic.[69]

Orphaned children were placed in eit her prisons or t he poorhouse/workhouse, as t here were so
few places in orphanages, or else t hey were left t o fend for t hemselves on t he st reet . Such
openings in orphanages as were available could only be obt ained by collect ing vot es for
admission, placing t hem out of reach of poor families.

Known orphanages are:

Name Location Founder

1741 Foundling Hospit al London Thomas Coram

Brist ol Asylum for Poor Orphan nr St okes Croft t urnpike,

Girls (Blue Maids' Orphanage) Brist ol

St Elizabet h's Orphanage of

1800 East combe, Glos

Hackney, London
London Asylum for Orphans
1813 Wat ford 1871 Rev Andrew Reed
London Orphan Asylum
Cobham 1945

1822 Female Orphan Asylum Bright on Francois de Rosaz

Infant Orphan Asylum

Royal Infant Orphanage
1827 Royal Wanst ead School Wanst ead Rev Andrew Reed
Royal Wanst ead Children's
Foundat ion

1829 Sailor Orphan Girls School London

Jews' Orphan Asylum

Norwood Jewish Orphanage Goodman's Fields,
1831 1928 Whit echapel, London 1831
Norwood Home for Jewish West Norwood 1866
Children 1956

1836 Ashley Down orphanage Brist ol George Müller

Asylum for Fat herless Children St oke Newingt on
1844 Rev Andrew Reed
Reedham Orphanage St amford Hill
Purley 1846

Goldt horn Hill,

1854 Wolverhampt on Orphan Asylum John Lees
Wolverhampt on

1856 Wilt shire Reformat ory[70] Warminst er

Rev. William Gowan

1857 St . Mary's Orphanage for Boys Blackheat h, London
Todd, D.D.
1860 Major St reet Ragged Schools Liverpool Canon Thomas Major
Lest er

St . Philip Neri's orphanage for

1861 Birmingham Orat orians

St Andrew's Place,
1861 Adult Orphan Inst it ut ion
Regent 's Park, London

1861 Brit ish Orphan Asylum Clapham, London

1861 Female Orphan Asylum West minst er Road, London

Charlot t e Row, St Pet er

1861 Female Orphan Home
Walwort h, London

Merchant Seamen's Orphan Bromley St Leonard, Bow,

Asylum London

Haverst ock Hill, Kent ish

1861 Orphan Working School
Town, London

Eagle House, Hammersmit h,

1861 Orphanage

Christ church, Marylebone,

1861 The Orphanage Asylum

The Sailors' Orphan Girls' School

1861 Hampst ead, London
& Home

1861 Sunderland Orphan Asylum Sunderland

1862 Swansea Orphan Home for Girls Swansea

Brit ish Seaman's Orphan Boys'

1863 Brixham William Gibbs

1865 The Boys' Home Regent 's Park London

1866 Dr. Barnardo's various Dr. Barnardo

Nat ional Indust rial Home for

1866 London
Crippled Boys

1867 Peckham Home for Lit t le Girls London Maria Rye

1868 The Boys' Refuge Bisley

1868 Royal Albert Orphanage Worcest er

1868 Worcest er Orphan Asylum Worcest er

1868 St Francis' Boy's Home Shefford, Bedfordshire

Rev Thomas Bowman

1869 Ely Deaconesses Orphanage Bedford
St ephenson

1869 Orphanage and Almshouses Erdingt on Josiah Mason

The Neglect ed Children of

1869 Exet er
Exet er

Alexandra Orphanage for

1869 Hornsey Rise, London
Infant s

1869 St ockwell Orphanage London Charles Spurgeon

1869 New Orphan Asylum Upper Henwick, Worcs

Wesleyan Met hodist Nat ional

Children's Homes
Rev Thomas Bowman
1869 Nat ional Children's Homes various
St ephenson
NCH Act ion for Children
Act ion for Children

James William Condell

1870 Fegans Homes London

Manchest er and Salford Boys'

1870 Manchest er
and Girls' Refuge

18 St epney Causeway
The William Baker Memorial
1870 Goldings est at e, Dr. Barnardo
Technical School for Boys
Hert ford 1922

1871 Wigmore West Bromwich and Walsall WJ Gilpin

1872 Middlemore Home Edgbast on Dr. John T. Middlemore

St Theresa Roman Cat holic

1872 Plymout h Sist ers of Charit y
Orphanage for Girls

Henry S.
1873 The Orphan Homes Ryelands Road, Leominst er

1874 Cot t age Homes for Children West Derby Mrs. Nassau Senior
1875 Aberlour Orphanage Aberlour, Scot land Rev Charles Jupp

1877 All Saint s Boys' Orphanage Lewisham, London

Birmingham Working Boy's

Major Alfred V.
1880 Home (for boys over t he age of Birmingham

The Waifs and St rays'

Societ y[73]
Church of England
Incorporat ed Societ y for
Edward de Mont joie
1881 Providing Homes for Waifs East Dulwich, London
and St rays 1893
Church of England Children's
Societ y 1946
The Children's Societ y 1982

Cat holic Children's Prot ect ion James Nugent &

1881 Liverpool
Societ y Bishop Bernard O'Reilly

1881 Dorset Count y Boys Home Milborne St Andrew

Brixt on Road, Lambet h,

1881 Brixt on Orphanage

West Square, London Road,

1881 Orphanage Infirmary
Sout hwark, London

Sout h St reet . London Road,

1881 Orphans' Home
Sout hwark, London

St Michael's Home for

1882 Salisbury
Friendless Girls

1890 St Saviour's Home Shrewsbury

1890 Orphanage of Pit y[70] Warminst er

Wolverhampt on Union Cot t age

1890 Wolverhampt on

The Waifs and St rays'

1892 Calt horpe Home For Girls Handswort h, Birmingham
Societ y[74]

1899 Nort hern Police Orphanage Harrogat e Cat herine Gurney

St George's House, Harrogat e

1899 Inglewood Children's Home Ot ley, Leeds

1918 Painswick Orphanage Painswick

unknown Clio Boys' Home Liverpool

St Philip's Orphanage, (RC

unknown Inst it ut ion for Poor Orphan Brompt on, Kensingt on

Sub-Saharan Africa

AIDS orphans in Malawi

The majorit y of African orphanages (especially in Sub-Saharan Africa) appear t o be funded by

donors, oft en from West ern nat ions, rat her t han by domest ic government s.


"For example, in t he Jerusalem Associat ion Children's Home (JACH), only 160 children remain of
t he 785 who were in JACH's t hree orphanages." / "At t it udes regarding t he inst it ut ional care of
children have shift ed dramat ically in recent years in Et hiopia. There appears t o be a general
recognit ion by MOLSA and t he NGOs wit h which Pact is working t hat such care is, at best , a last
resort and t hat serious problems arise wit h t he social reint egrat ion of children who grow up in
inst it ut ions, and deinst it ut ionalizat ion t hrough family reunificat ion and independent living are
being emphasized."[75]


A 2007 survey sponsored by OAfrica (previously OrphanAid Africa) and carried out by t he
Depart ment of Social Welfare came up wit h t he figure of 4,800 children in inst it ut ional care in
148 orphanages.[76] The government is current ly at t empt ing t o phase out t he use of orphanages
in favor of fost er care placement s and adopt ion. At least eight y-eight [77] homes have been
closed since t he passage of t he Nat ional Plan of Act ion for Orphans and Vulnerable Children. The
websit e www.ovcghana.org det ails t hese reforms.


A 1999 survey of 36,000 orphans found t he following number in inst it ut ional care: 64 in regist ered
inst it ut ions and 164 in unregist ered inst it ut ions.[78]


There are about 101 orphanages in Malawi. There is a UNICEF/Government driven program on de-
inst it ut ionalizat ion, but few orphanages are yet involved in t he program.

Amit ofo Care Cent re ("ACC"), founded and direct ed by Venerable Hui Li from Taiwan since 2004 is
a charit able, non-government al and nonprofit making orphanage organizat ion, which comprises an
administ rat ion cent er, children's dormit ories, yout h dormit ories, preparat ory school, Yuan Tong
Primary and Secondary schools, library, act ivit y cent er, medical cent er, religious cent er,
Communit y Bases Organizat ion (CBO), et c. ACC is founded and direct ed by Venerable Hui Li wit h
an aspirat ion and mission t o direct ly rear and care for need and vulnerable children of Africa wit hin
t he humanit arian and educat ional umbrella. The main principles of ACC are based on local African
cult ure, Chinese cult ure, West ern cult ure, and Buddhist philosophy which are delivered t o t he
needy and vulnerable children. This is considered a unique and remarkable charact erist ic of ACC
alt hough it must be st ressed t hat none of t he orphans have t aken refuge in Buddhism, as we
respect t heir religious freedom and will allow t hem t o choose t heir own as t hey ent er adult hood.


Out of 400,000 orphans, 5,000 are living in orphanages.[79] The Government of Rwanda are
working wit h Hope and Homes for Children t o close t he first inst it ut ion and develop a model for
communit y-based childcare which can be used across t he count ry and ult imat ely Africa[80]

"Current ly, t here are 52 orphanages in Tanzania caring for about 3,000 orphans and vulnerable
children."[81] A world bank document on Tanzania showed it was six t imes more expensive t o
inst it ut ionalize a child t here t han t o help t he family become funct ional and support t he child
t hemselves.


Nigerian orphanage in the late 1960s

In Nigeria, a rapid assessment of orphans and vulnerable children conduct ed in 2004 wit h UNICEF
support revealed t hat t here were about seven million orphans in 2003 and t hat 800,000 more
orphans were added during t hat same year. Out of t his t ot al number, about 1.8  million are
orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Wit h t he spread of HIV/AIDS, t he number of orphans is expect ed t o
increase rapidly in t he coming years t o 8.2  million by 2010.[82]

South Africa

Since 2000, Sout h Africa does not license orphanages any more but t hey cont inue t o be set up
unregulat ed and pot ent ially more harmful. Theoret ically, t he policy support s communit y-based
family homes but t his is not always t he case. One example is t he homes operat ed by


A 1996 nat ional survey of orphans revealed no evidence of orphanage care. The breakdown of
care was as follows:
38% grandparent s,
55% ext ended family,
1% older orphan,
6% non-relat ive.
Recent ly a group of st udent s st art ed a fundraising websit e for an orphanage in Zambia.[78][84]


Mother of Peace AIDS orphanage, Zimbabwe, 2005

There are 39 privat ely run children's charit y homes, or orphanages, in t he count ry, and t he
government operat es eight of it s own.
Privat ely run Orphanages can accommodat e an average
of 2000 children, t hough some are very small and locat ed in very remot e areas, hence can t ake in
less t han 150 children. St at ist ics on t he t ot al number of children in orphanages nat ionwide are
unavailable, but caregivers say t heir facilit ies were becoming unmanageably overwhelmed almost
on a daily basis.
Bet ween 1994 and 1998, t he number of orphans in Zimbabwe more t han doubled
from 200,000 t o 543,000, and in five years, t he number is expect ed t o reach 900,000.
(Unfort unat ely, t here is no room for t hese children.)[85]


In Togo, t here were an est imat ed 280,000 orphans under 18 years of age in 2005, 88,000 of t hem
orphaned by AIDS.[86] Ninet y-six t housand orphans in Togo at t end school.[86]

Sierra Leone


Children (0–17 years) orphaned by AIDS, 2005, est imat e 31,000[88]

Children (0–17 years) orphaned due t o all causes, 2005, est imat e 340,000[88]

Orphan school at t endance rat io, 1999–2005 71,000[88]


Children (0–17 years) orphaned by AIDS, 2005, est imat e 25,000[89]

Children (0–17 years) orphaned due t o all causes, 2005, est imat e 560,000[89]

Orphan school at t endance rat io, 1999–2005 74,000[89]

South Asia


There are at least 602 child care homes housing 15,095 children in Nepal[90] "Orphanages have
t urned int o a Nepalese indust ry t here is rampant abuse and a great need for int ervent ion."[42][91]
Many do not require adequat e checks of t heir volunt eers, leaving children open t o abuse.[90]


PRT donates clothing, blankets to Khowst orphanage in Afghanistan

"At Kabul's t wo main orphanages, Alauddin and Tahia Maskan, t he number of children enrolled has
increased almost 80 percent since last January, from 700 t o over 1,200 children. Almost half of
t hese come from families who have at least one parent , but who can't support t heir children."[92]
The non-government al organisat ion Mahboba's promise assist s orphans in cont emporary
Afghanist an.[93] Nowadays t he number of orphanages had changed. There are approximat ely 19
orphanages only in Kabul.[94]


"There are no st at ist ics regarding t he act ual number of children in welfare inst it ut ions in
Bangladesh. The Depart ment of Social Services, under t he Minist ry of Social Welfare, has a
major program named Child Welfare and Child Development in order t o provide access t o food,
shelt er, basic educat ion, healt h services and ot her basic opport unit ies for hapless children." (The
following numbers ment ion capacit y only, not act ual numbers of orphans at present .)

9,500 – St at e inst it ut ions

250 – babies in t hree available "baby homes"
400 – Dest it ut e Children's
Rehabilit at ion Cent re
100 – Vocat ional Training Cent re for Orphans and Dest it ut e Children
1,400 -
Sixt y-five Welfare and Rehabilit at ion Programmes for Children wit h Disabilit y

The privat e welfare inst it ut ions are most ly known as orphanages and madrassahs. The
aut horit ies of most of t hese orphanages put more emphasis on religion and religious st udies. One
example follows:
400 – Approximat ely – Nawab Sir Salimullah Muslim Orphanage.[95]


Orphans, Children (0–17 years) orphaned due t o all causes, 2010, est imat e 51.[96]


Tirurangadi Orphanage, India.

India is in t he t op 10 and also has a very large number of orphans as well as a dest it ut e child
populat ion. Orphanages operat ed by t he st at e are generally known as juvenile homes. In addit ion,
t here is a vast number of privat ely run orphanages running int o t housands spread across t he
count ry. These are run by various t rust s, religious groups, individual cit izens, cit izens groups,
NGO's, et c.

While some of t hese places endeavor t o place t he children for adopt ion a vast majorit y just care
and educat e t hem t ill t hey are of legal majorit y age and help place t hem back on t heir feet .
Prominent organizat ions in t his field include BOYS TOWN, SOS children's villages, et c.

There have been scandals especially wit h regard t o adopt ion. Since government rules rest rict
funds unless t here are a cert ain number of resident s, some orphanages make sure t he resident
numbers remain high at t he cost of adopt ion.


According t o a UNICEF report in 2016, t here are around 4.2 million orphaned children in
Pakist an.[97] Pakist an has had sizable economic growt h from 1950 t o 1999 yet t hey aren't
performing well in mult iple social indicat ors like educat ion and healt h, and t his is mainly due t o
t he corrupt and unst able government .[98] Pakist an heavily relies on t he nonprofit sect or and
zakat t o finance social issues such as aid for orphans. Zakat is a financial obligat ion on Muslims
which requires one t o donat e 2.5% of t he family's income t o charit y, and it is specifically
ment ioned in t he Quran t o t ake care of orphans.[99] Wit h t he new use of zakat money from
donat ions t o invest ment s it has a lot of pot ent ial in benefit ing t he development as well as t he
ult imat e goal of povert y alleviat ion. The Pakist an government relies on t his public sect or on
t aking care of local issues so t hat t hey do not have t he burden. Furt hermore, only 6 percent of
cash revenues are cont ribut ed t o non-profit s in Pakist an, and t hey are heavily favored by t he
government because it saves t hem money as non-profit s are t aking care of issues such as
orphan care.[100]

East and Southeast Asia


The number of orphanages and orphans drast ically dropped from 15 inst it ut ions and 2,216
persons in 1971 t o 9 inst it ut ions and 638 persons by t he end of 2001.

There are st ill a subst ant ial number of NGOs and informal Orphanages in Thailand, part icularly in
Nort hern Thailand near t he borders of Laos and Myanmar, e.g. around Chiang Rai. Very few of t he
children in t hese est ablishment s are orphans, most have living parent s. They at t ract funding from
well-meaning t ourist s. Oft en prot ect ing t he children from t rafficking/abuse is cit ed but t he
names and phot ographs of t he children are published in market ing mat erial t o at t ract more
funding.[101] The realit y is t hat t he safest environment for t hese children is almost always wit h
t heir parent s or in t heir villages wit h familial connect ions where st rangers are rarely seen and
immediat ely recognized. A very few of t hese orphanages, go so far as t o abduct or forcibly
remove children from t heir homes, oft en across t he border in Myanmar. The parent s in local hill
t ribes may be encouraged t o "buy a place" in t he orphanage for vast sums, being t old t heir child
will have a bet t er fut ure. Some children's homes claim t o always t ry t o repat riat e children wit h
t heir families, but t he local managers & direct or of t he homes know of no such procedures or

South Korea

"There are now 17,000 children in public orphanages t hroughout t he count ry and unt old numbers
at privat e inst it ut ions."[103]


As of 2015, Japanese orphanages are severely underfunded, relying heavily on volunt eer work.
There are 602 fost er homes across Japan, each wit h 30-100 children. The government allocat es
a large amount of funding t o t he care of it s growing senior populat ion, Japan being purport ed t o
have t he highest percent age elderly populat ion in t he world. Declined birt hrat e and increased life
expect ancy have caused a populat ion crisis in Japan. A large port ion of children in orphanages are
not orphans but vict ims of domest ic abuse or neglect .


There are numerous NGOs focusing t heir effort s on assist ing Cambodia's orphans: one group,
World Orphans, const ruct ed 47 orphanages housing over 1500 children in a t hree-year period.[104]
The t ot al number of orphans is much higher, but unknown: "There are no accurat e figures available
on how many orphans t here are in Cambodia." One charit y named "CHOICE Cambodia" is run by ex-
pat s based in t he capit al cit y of Phnom Penh; it helps support ext remely poor and homeless
people and helps families st ay t oget her rat her t han have t heir children put int o orphanages where
t hey might get exploit ed.

"Current ly t here are 50,000 children in Chinese orphanages, while t he number of abandoned
children shows no sign of slowing. Official figures show t hat fewer t han 20,000 of China's orphans
are now in any form of inst it ut ional care."[105] Chinese official records fail t o account for most of
t he count ry's abandoned infant s and children, only a small proport ion of whom are in any form of
acknowledged st at e care.[105] The most recent figure provided seems implausibly low for a
count ry wit h a t ot al populat ion of 1.2 billion.[105] Even if it were accurat e, however, t he
whereabout s of t he great majorit y of China's orphans would st ill be a complet e myst ery, leaving
crucial quest ions about t he count ry's child welfare syst em unanswered and suggest ing t hat t he
real scope of t he cat ast rophe t hat has befallen China's unwant ed children may be far larger t han
t he evidence in t his report document s.


"It is st at ed t hat t here are 20,000 orphaned children in Laos. There are only t hree orphanages in
t he whole count ry providing places for a t ot al of 1,000 of t hese children." No Tit le. By Anneli
One of t he largest orphanages in Laos is in t he t own of Phonsavan. It is an S.O.S.
orphanage and t here are over 120 orphans living in t he facilit y.[106]

Middle East and North Africa

Orphan girls at the Aleppo Armenian orphanage, 1923


"The [Mosques of Charit y] orphanage houses about 120 children in Giza, Menoufiya and Qalyubiya."
"We [Dar Al-Iwaa] provide free educat ion and accommodat ion for over 200 girls and boys."
Al-Mu'assassa Al-Iwaa'iya (Shelt er Associat ion), a government associat ion affiliat ed wit h t he
Minist ry of Social Affairs, was est ablished in 1992. It houses about 44 children."
There are also
192 children at The Awlady, 30 at Sayeda Zeinab orphanage, and 300 at My Children Orphanage.

Not e: There are about 185 orphanages in Egypt .

The above informat ion was t aken from t he
following art icles:
"Ot her families" by Amany Abdel-Moneim. Al-Ahram Weekly (5/1999).
brings a charit y t o Egypt 's orphans". Shanghai Star (13 December 2001).
"A Child by Any Ot her
Name" by Réhab El-Bakry. Egypt Today (11/2001).

Orphanage Project in Egypt —www.lit t lest lamb.org


There is st ill at least one orphanage in Sudan alt hough effort s have been made t o close it .[107]


The "Royal Charit y Organizat ion"[108] is a Bahraini government al charit y organizat ion founded in
2001 by King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifah t o sponsor all helpless Bahraini orphans and widows. Since
t hen almost 7,000 Bahraini families are grant ed mont hly payment s, annual school bags, and a
number of universit y scholarships. Graduat ion ceremonies, various social and educat ional
act ivit ies, and occasional cont est s are held each year by t he organizat ion for t he benefit of
orphans and widows sponsored by t he organizat ion.


UNICEF maint ains t he same number at present . "While t he number of st at e homes for orphans in
t he whole of Iraq was 25 in 1990 (serving 1,190 children); bot h t he number of homes and t he
number of beneficiaries has declined. The qualit y of services has also declined."

A 1999 st udy by UNICEF "recommended t he rebuilding of nat ional capacit y for t he rehabilit at ion
of orphans." The new project "will benefit all t he 1,190 children placed in orphanages."

Palestinian Territory

"In 1999, t he number of children living in orphanages wit nessed a considerable drop as compared
t o 1998. The number dropped from 1,980 t o 1,714 orphans. This is due t o t he policy of child re-
int egrat ion in t heir household adopt ed by t he Minist ry of Social Affairs."
Former Soviet Union

The Moscow Orphanage (founded in 1763, constructed in the 1770s)

In t he post -Soviet count ries, orphanages are bet t er known as "children's homes" (Детскиe
домa). Aft er reaching school age, all children enroll at int ernat s (Школа-интернат) (boarding


Over 700,000 orphans live in Russia, increasing at t he rat e of 113,000 per year. UNICEF est imat es
t hat 95% of t hese children are "social orphans", meaning t hat t hey have at least one living parent
who has given t hem up t o t he st at e.[109][110][111][112] In 2011 Russian aut horit ies regist ered 88,522
children who became orphans t hat year (down from 114,715 in 2009).[113]

There are few webpages for Russian orphanages in English, such as St Nicholas Orphanage in
Siberia,[114] or t he Alapaevsk orphanage in t he Urals.
"Of a t ot al of more t han 600,000 children
classified as being 'wit hout parent al care' (most of t hem live wit h ot her relat ives and fost ers), as
many as one-t hird reside in inst it ut ions."[115]

In 2011, t here were 1344 inst it ut ions for orphans in Russia,[116] including 1094 orphanages
("children's homes")[117] and 207 special ("correct ive") orphanages for children wit h serious healt h


"Many children are abandoned due t o ext reme povert y and harsh living condit ions. Some may be
raised by family members or neighbors but t he majorit y live in crowded orphanages unt il t he age
of fift een when t hey are sent int o t he communit y t o make a living for t hemselves."[119]

Approximat e t ot al – 1,773 (1993 st at ist ics for "all t ypes of orphanages")


Belovodski Preschool Orphanage in Karabalta, Kyrgyzstan

Part ial informat ion: 85 – Ivanovka Orphanage [120]


"No one can be sure how many lone children are t here in t he republic. About 9,000 are in int ernet s
and in orphanages."[121]


Orphanage in Ukraine
103,000[122] Of t his number about 80 percent are described as "social orphans", because t he
parent s are eit her t oo poor, abusive, or t oo addict ed t o drugs or alcohol t o raise t hem.[123]

Since 2012 t he number of children adopt ed by foreigners has gradually been reducing. From
about t wo t housand in 2012 t o about t wo hundred in 2016.[124] A bit more t han a t housand
children were adopt ed by Ukrainians in 2016.[124] During 2019 1,419 children were adopt ed.[125] In
2020 2,047 children were adopt ed, in 1,890 cases t he adopt ion was carried out by cit izens of

Ot her informat ion:

t housands – Zaporizhzhia Oblast .[126]

150 – Kyiv St at e Baby Orphanage [127]

30 – Beregena Orphanage

120 – Dom Invalid Orphanage [128]


Part ial Informat ion: 80 – Takht akupar Orphanage



Orphanages in Aust ralia most ly closed aft er World War II and up t o t he 1970s. Inst ead, children
are mainly put in eit her Kinship, Resident ial or Fost er care. Not able former orphanages include t he
Melbourne Orphanage and t he St . John's Orphanage in Goulburn, New Sout h Wales.[129]


No verifiable informat ion for t he number of children act ually in orphanages. The number of
orphaned and abandoned children is approximat ely 500,000.[130]


Orphans, children (0–17 years) orphaned due t o all causes, 2005, est imat e 25,000[131]

North America and Caribbean


Hait ians and expat riat e childcare professionals are careful t o make it clear t hat Hait ian
orphanages and children's homes are not orphanages in t he Nort h American sense, but inst ead
shelt ers for vulnerable children, oft en housing children whose parent (s) are poor as well as t hose
who are abandoned, neglect ed or abused by family guardians. Neit her t he number of children or
t he number of inst it ut ions is officially known, but Chambre de L'Enfance Necessit eusse Hait ienne
(CENH) indicat ed t hat it has received request s for assist ance from nearly 200 orphanages from
around t he count ry for more t han 200,000 children. Alt hough not all are orphans, many are
vulnerable or originat e in vulnerable families t hat "hoped t o increase t heir children's opport unit ies
by sending t hem t o orphanages. Cat holic Relief Services provides assist ance t o 120 orphanages
wit h 9,000 children in t he Ouest , Sud, Sud-Est and Grand'Anse, but t hese include only orphanages
t hat meet t heir crit eria. They est imat e receiving t en request s per week for assist ance from
addit ional orphanages and children's homes, but some of t hese are repeat request s."[132]

In 2007, UNICEF est imat ed t here were 380,000 orphans in Hait i, which has a populat ion of just
over 9 million, according t o t he CIA World Factbook. However, since t he January 2010 eart hquake,
t he number of orphans has skyrocket ed, and t he living condit ions for orphans have seriously
det eriorat ed. Official numbers are hard t o find due t o t he general st at e of chaos in t he count ry.


"...at least 10,000 Mexican children live in orphanages and more live in unregist ered charit y homes"

Mexican Orphanages[133]

Mazat lan Mexico Orphanage [134]

Casa Hogar Jeruel:[135] Orphanage in Chihuahua Cit y, Mexico

United States
St. Elizabeth's orphanage in New Orleans, 1940

Some privat e orphanages st ill exist in t he Unit ed St at es apart from government al child
prot ect ive services processes.[136][137] Following World War II, most orphanages in t he U.S. began
closing or convert ing t o boarding schools or different kinds of group homes. Also, t he t erm
"children's home" became more common for t hose st ill exist ing. Over t he past few decades,
orphanages in t he U.S. have been replaced wit h smaller inst it ut ions t hat t ry t o provide a group
home or boarding school environment . Most children who would have been in orphanages are in
t hese resident ial t reat ment cent ers (RTC), resident ial child care communit ies, or wit h fost er
families. Adopt ing from RTCs, group homes, or fost er families does not require working wit h an
adopt ion agency, and in many areas, fost ering t o adopt is highly encouraged.[138][139]

Central and South America

In a Colombian orphanage, a nurse takes care of three children.


"...current ly t here are about 20,000 children in orphanages."[140]


Casa Hoger Lamedas Pampa, in Huanaco.

Significant charities that help orphans

Prior t o t he est ablishment of st at e care for orphans in First World count ries, privat e charit ies
exist ed t o t ake care of dest it ut e orphans, over t ime ot her charit ies have found ot her ways t o
care for children.

The Orphaned St arfish Foundat ion[141] is a non-profit organisat ion based in New York Cit y t hat
focuses on developing vocat ional schools for orphans, vict ims of abuse and at -risk yout h. It
runs fift y comput er cent ers in t went y-five count ries, serving over 10,000 children worldwide

Lumos works t o replace inst it ut ions wit h communit y-based services t hat provide children wit h
access t o healt h, educat ion, and social care t ailored t o t heir individual needs.

Hope and Homes for Children are working wit h government s t o deinst it ut ionalize t heir child
care syst ems.

St ockwell Home and lat er Birchingt on, st art ed by Charles H Spurgeon, is now Spurgeons aft er
t he last orphanage closed in 1979. Spurgeons Children's Charit y provides support t o vulnerable
and disadvant aged children and families across England.

SOS Children's Villages is t he world's largest non-government al, non-denominat ional child
welfare organizat ion t hat provides loving family homes for orphaned and abandoned children.

Dr. Barnardo's Homes are now simply Barnardo's aft er closing t heir last orphanage in 1989.

OAfrica, previously OrphanAid Africa, has been working in Ghana since 2002, t o get children out
of orphanages and int o families, in part nership wit h t he government and as t he only privat e
implement ing part ner of t he Nat ional Plan of Act ion.[142]

Joint Council on Int ernat ional Children's Services is a nonprofit child advocacy organizat ion
based in Alexandria, Virginia. It is t he largest associat ion of int ernat ional adopt ion agencies in
America, and in addit ion t o working in 51 different count ries, advocat es for et hical pract ices in
American adopt ion agencies

See also

Adopt ion

Boys Town (organizat ion)

Child abandonment

Child abuse
Child and family services

Child and yout h care

Communit y-based care

Congregat e Care

Cot t age Homes

Deinst it ut ionalisat ion

Family support

Florida Sheriffs Yout h Ranches

Fost er Care

Fost er Care in t he Unit ed St at es

Group home

Hope and Homes for Children

Janusz Korczak

Kinship Care

Orphan Train

Resident ial Care

Resident ial Child Care Communit ies

Resident ial educat ion

Resident ial t reat ment cent er

Set t lement movement

Teaching-family model

The St eele home Orphanage

Wraparound (childcare)

Whole Child Int ernat ional

1. "Milton Hershey School Website" (https://www.mhskids.org/) . 21 July 2018.

2. "Mooseheart" (http://www.mooseheart.org/) . mooseheart.org.

3. "Crossnore School & Children's Home - Foster Care - Clinical Services" (https://www.crossnore.org/) .

4. "Careers as Houseparents - Milton Hershey School" (https://www.mhskids.org/careers/careers-housep

arent/) .

5. Conger, D. Rebeck, A. "How Children's Foster Care Experiences Affect Their Education." Vera Institute of
Justice. 2001.

6. "A Critical Look at The Foster Care System: Foster Care Outcomes." 2015

7. Nelson, Charles; et al. (2007). "Cognitive Recovery in Socially Deprived Young Children: The Bucharest
Early Intervention Project". Science. 318 (5858): 1937–1940. Bibcode:2007Sci...318.1937N (https://ui.a
dsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007Sci...318.1937N) . doi:10.1126/science.1143921 (https://doi.org/10.112
6%2Fscience.1143921) . PMID 18096809 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18096809) .
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There are no cit ed sources for t he informat ion on Japan.

External links

Media relat ed t o Orphanages at Wikimedia Commons

Keeping Children Out of Harmful Inst it ut ions: Why we should be invest ing in family-based care
(ht t ps://web.archive.org/web/20110927213242/ht t p://www.savet hechildren.org.uk/en/54_ 96
78.ht m)

Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Orphans and Orphanages"  (ht t ps://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Cat

holic_ Encyclopedia_ (1913)/Orphans_ and_ Orphanages) . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York:
Robert Applet on Company.
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