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Personal Essay

It was the summer of 2017 and I was having a good life. My dad was in Austin for some
police training. I was with my little brother and we were doing our summer homework. My older
brother and my mom walked into the room and they were serious. They sat us down and told my
younger brother and I that my father had cheated on my mother. A huge wave of disappointment
hit me and I was overwhelmed with anger. My older brother told us that he was never in Austin,
he was with his mistress.
I know that there are many people who have experienced this, but I did learn from it in
which I think some people don’t talk about. This experience guided me to become a better
person. As I see the world change, I must change with it. My mom always told me to not trust
anyone but your family, but now I don’t believe they can also be trusted. After that point, my
family had fallen apart. My family on my father’s side had always come to our house for
celebrations or holidays. After that point, my family had fallen apart. Now we haven’t talked
since a year ago, and it feels awful. We were so close with our cousins and now it feels strange
when we get together.
The last time my family got together with my cousins was when we went to the beach.
We had a great time and stayed away from the whole situation. It was nice seeing my cousins,
my mother, and my brothers smile. It was fun but I felt that my cousins were a little distant at
some times. My uncle had remarried after his second wife passed away, and he was also going
through some marriage problems. My cousins didn’t like their stepmom and they wanted their
father to divorce her. My uncle soon did divorce her, but she also began to talk to my mom. She
told my mother that my cousins and my uncle were saying awful things about my mother. My
mom got angry and believes her, but it seems very hard to believe. My family now dislikes each
other for awful reasons. My mother also told me that my grandma was a very bad person. She
said bad things to my uncle’s second wife and my mom. Everyone is an imposter in my family,
or that is what I had been told.
My life hasn’t been a tragedy like others, but this is my story and who I am. I have
become more aware of things that happen in my life and around me. My older brother had
become more like a father to me. He taught me how to defend my self, fish, and live properly.
My morals have become more humane and important to everything to me. I try my best to treat
everyone the same, and I changed my attitude to school and my way of living. I want to succeed
in college, not for the reason of having a degree. I want to help many people, and repay my
family back for giving me a great foundation.

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