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Career Options in Science Stream

1 Agriculture
2 Aqua Science
3 Astronomy
4 Biochemistry
5 Bioinformatics
6 Biostatistics
7 Electronics
8 Environmental Science
9 Forensic Science
10 Food Technology & Processing
11 Forest Ranger
12 Geology
13 13Horticulture
14 Home Science
15 Meteorology
16 Molecular Biology
17 Oceanography
18 Plant Pathology
19 Physical Sciences
& Allied Field
20 Photonics
Careers in Chemistry—Career Descriptions
In simplest terms, chemistry is the science of matter. Anything that can be touched, tasted,
smelled, seen or felt is made of chemicals.

Chemists are the people who transform the everyday materials around us into amazing
things. Some chemists work on cures for cancer while others monitor the ozone protecting us
from the sun. Still others discover new materials to make our homes warmer in the winter, or
new textiles to be used in the latest fashions. The knowledge gained through the study of
chemistry opens many career pathways. Here are just a few of the careers chosen by chemists.

Career Descriptions:
 Agricultural Chemistry
 Analytical Chemistry
 Biochemistry
 Biotechnology
 Catalysis
 Chemical Education
 Chemical Engineering
 Chemical Information Specialists
 Chemical Sales
 Chemical Technology
 Colloid and Surface Chemistry
 Consulting
 Consumer Product Chemistry
 Environmental Chemistry
 Food and Flavor Chemistry
 Forensic Chemistry
 Geochemistry
 Hazardous Waste Management
 Inorganic Chemistry
 Materials Science
 Medicinal Chemistry
 Organic Chemistry
 Oil and Petroleum
 Physical Chemistry
 Polymer Chemistry
 Pulp and Paper Chemistry
 R&D Management
 Science Writing
 Textile Chemistry
 Water Chemistry

 Bioinformatics
 Biotechnology
 Forensic Sciences
 Genetics
 Microbiology
 Neuroscience

 Animal Behavior
 Botany
 Entomology
 Ornithology
 Parasitology
 Physiology
 Marine Mammal
 Biological Systematics
 Ecology
 Oceanography, Marine Science & Marine Biology
 Systematic and Evolutionary Biology
 Zoological Park and Aquarium

Health Related Careers

 Dentist
 Optometrist
 Pharmacist
 Physician
 Physician Assistant
 Podiatrist
 Veterinarian
 Veterinary Assistant and Animal Caretaker

 Elementary and Secondary School Teacher
Careers using physics
 Acoustics
 Aeronautical Engineer
 Agricultural Engineer
 Air Traffic Controller
 Airline Pilot
 Archaeologist
 Architect
 Astronomer
 Audio Engineer
 Broadcasting
 Cartographer
 Chartered Surveyor
 Civil Engineer
 Climatologist
 Clinical Scientist
 Computing
 Designer
 Doctor
 Electrical Engineer

 Energy
 Engineering
 Environment
 Environmental Scientist
 Forensic Scientist
 Gas Engineer
 Geologist
 Health Services
 Journalist
 Laboratory Technician
 Marine Engineering
 Mathematician
 Mechanical Engineer
 Medical Physicist
 Meteorologist
 Naval Architect
 Naval Career
 Nuclear Scientist
 Oceanographer
 Operational Research
 Patent Agent
 Patent Examiner
 Pharmacist
 Radiation Protection
 Radiographer
 Scientific Officer (Government)
 Space and Remote Sensing
 Teacher
 Transport
 Water Management

List of Mathematics Careers

 Actuary
 Engineer
 Cryptologist
 Cryptologist

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