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Submitted by
Gloria dungdung
ROLL NO.:- MB/20/039
MBA 3rd semester

• Employees are fundamental pillar of any organisation . The very success or failure of any organization rest on
the fact that upto what extent employees are synchronizing their own interest with the goals ,mission and vision
of the organization.
• Technically ,it is described as the satisfaction level that employees are getting by working in the organization.
Quoting Nancy C. Morse (1997) “Satisfaction refers to the level of fulfillment of one’s needs, wants and desire.
Satisfaction depends basically upon what an individual wants from the world, and what he gets.”
• This means employee satisfaction ,in simple terms , can be defined as how much the employee is while working
in the organization. As the employee satisfaction has implication over a number of variables within the
organization like profit, productivity, coordination et. cetra , ignoring this aspect can be disastrous for any
business entity in long term.
• Within this context this study focuses into gauging the level of satisfaction of employees at HEAVY
ENGINEERING CORPORATION RANCHI (HEC RANCHI) by using subjective as well as objective tools. This has
been done while paying attention to the major determinants of employee satisfaction within the organization.

• Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance for employees to remain happy and also deliver their level
best. Satisfied employees are the ones who are extremely loyal towards their organization and stick to it
even in the worst scenario.
• This is of utmost importance for large PSUs of India which are facing huge challenges in the form of rising
competition ,declining productivity , stagnant growth etc. one of the foremost reason for such a scenario is
public sector is failing to retain good talent due to low level of satisfaction of employees working on it.
• In such a scenario,it becomes necessary that an intense investigation should be done to gauge out the level
of satisfaction of employees in public sectors and highlight the reasons for such pathetic state.
• It is for this reason the study has chosen HEC RANCHI as a template PSU so that a comprehensive and
holistic study can be done.

The study aims to achieve the following objectives:-

• To evaluate how human resource factors (general factors) affect the satisfaction level of employees in
• To assess how far welfare and financial factors motivate the employees.
• To determine the various facilities provided .
• To determine the opinion of employees towards the working life.

• Richmond, Mccroskey and Davis (1982), stated that “moderately satisfied employees may be more
productive than dissatisfied employee; extremely satisfied employees may form the type of work group
known as the “happiness for lunch bunch” (McCroskey, Larson & Knapp, 1971) and be more of a social
group than a work group, hence lowering productivity.
• Rajendran (1987) in a public sector industry highlighted a significant correlation between work culture
and employee satisfaction.
• Rashid Saeed et al., (2014),in his study found promotion, pay, fairness and working condition to be the
key factors that contribute to employee job satisfaction. The study was conducted on 200 telecom sector
employees of Pakistan. It was concluded that money and compensation play an important role in the job
satisfaction of the telecom employees of Pakistan.

• TYPE AND SOURCE OF DATA- Both primary and secondary data are used for the study. The primary data
are collected by using questionnaire method. Secondary data are collected from books, journals, company
manuals, company website, company magazines and informal talk with the officers and the employees.
• TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES- Tools and techniques involves various accounting techniques and statistical tools
like percentages and ratios, which is used as a device to analyse and interpret the cost and value of human
resources of the company as it is one of the most powerful tool of financial analysis. Graphs, tables, figures
and bar diagrams are used, as it helps in presenting quantitative facts in simple, clear and effective pictures
and are also attractive and create lasting impression.
• POPULATION -The survey was conducted in three departments of HEC RANCHI, namely, Human Resource
Development & Industrial Relations (HRD & IR) Department, Personnel Department and Finance & Accounts (F
& A) Department.
• SAMPLE- Convenience sampling was used for the survey.
• LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY- Due to the busy work schedule of the employee chances are there that
response may be with lack of full concentration and Insufficient time lead to inadequate focus in all sections.

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