Collage App Essay Final

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Joshua Wood

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Pd 2.

1 Oct. 2021

College Application Essay

Do you have an interest that you want to progress to a point you can live off it? Well, I do

too, ever since I was little, I’ve had an interest in technology. I first realized how much I had an

affinity for technology when I first learned how to play the Wii I had as a kid. Ever since then,

I’ve always wanted to know what made it tick in a sense. I grew to just love technology in

general no matter what it was, I wanted to learn how to use it, which was simple. As most of the

devices I could get my hands on were designed to be easy to use.

As most do, I slowly got older, and I started to go into more depth with my passion more

technology. I started to want to take devices apart and see what was inside of them, the first time

I did this was sometime around when I was twelve. I took apart a PlayStation three controller

that was broken. I didn’t know what most of it was at the time, but I did find a small plug, which

I know now is the connecter between the controller and battery, was unplugged from a spot in

the controller. I plugged it back in and put it back together, and to my surprise, it turned on.

From there I was taking anything, I could get my hands on apart to see what the electronics and

components of it looked like, I would end up breaking some devices and fixing others in the

process. Another device I fixed was a laptop, it wasn’t working, to begin with, so I took it apart,

still with caution, since it couldn’t hurt after all it was already broken, and when I did, I noticed

that the CPU fan’s plug started to come loose, this would stop it from turning on since the device

sensed something was wrong after I plugged it in, I put It back together and, it booted into


As most do while learning I broke some of the electronics I took apart, I felt bad because

I thought it was a waste of money, so I stopped for a while. Until I got into high school at least,

then I found computer maintenance and tech class, that teaches me about all sorts of machines,

and other tasks related to technology like computers, networking, and recognizing the internals

of different devices. I even have a certification from that class allowing me to work in just about

any workplace, which will take high school students in their IT field, the certification would give

me experience in the field I’m increasingly passionate about. On top of this, the certification

would give me the opportunity, to make some much-needed money from one of these places. I

would like to try and learn more about everything technology and push for even tougher jobs in

the field on top of this.

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