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End Semester Examination, Dec- 2021

Program: MBA III

Subject: Consumer Behaviour

Subject Code: 11.623.3


Section: I (5 Marks)

1. Differentiate between Customer & Consumer with help of example.

2. Distinguish between Marketing & Selling.
3. Explain the different types of Market with help of example.
4. Discuss the concept of Demographic segmentation with help of Example?
5. Express in own words the importance of conducting Consumer Research.

Section: II (10 Marks)

6. Analyze the various buying role of consumer with help of practical example.
7. Explain in detail the different sources through which a consumer gathers information.
8. Explain Projective technique as an instrument to gain consumer response. Illustrate with
help of example.

Section: III (20 Marks)

9. Mention the different factors that affect consumer Behavior? Produce suitable example to
explain your point.

Section: I (5 Marks)
1. Discuss the concept of just noticeable difference.
2. Discuss the relevance of lifestyle in consumer behaviour.
3. Explain the importance of Self Image in consumer Behaviour.
4. Discuss the concept of Conspicuous Consumption? Give few examples to clarify the
5. Differentiate between Stimulus Generalization & Stimulus Discrimination?
6. Discuss how Cognitive dissonance applies to Purchase behavior.

Section: II (10 Marks)

7. Explain Classical conditioning theory in detail? Analyze the implication of this learning
theory on designing advertising Programme?
8. Critically analyze Maslow’s need hierarchy theory with its application in consumer
9. Explain the different types of Perceived Risk? Recommend few strategies to reduce
perceive risk.
10. Explain the concept of Attitude. Analyze and describe the different ways through which
attitude is formed.
11. Explain the Concept of perception? Please analyze and discuss the role of perception in
consumer Behavior.

Section: III (20 Marks)

12. Evaluate the relevance of personality in consumer Behaviour. Explain Freud’s
Psychoanalytic theory & Trait theory with practical example.

Section: I (5 Marks)
1. Discuss the role of Husband & Wife in Family decision making.
2. Describe the role of Mother in purchase behaviour.
3. Discuss the concept of cross cultural Analysis.
4. Define culture? Discuss the different characteristics of culture.
5. Explain the importance of consumer involvement in Consumer behaviour with help of
Section: II (10 Marks)
6. Explain the Concept, type & role of Reference Group in consumer Behaviour.
7. Compare Culture & Sub-culture. Illustrate through example how have they become
important element in targeting customers?
8. Explain important characteristics of social class & analyze the impact of status on
consumer behavior.

Section: III (20 Marks)

9. Explain the concept of Sub-Culture along with its type? Recommend its importance with
respect to consumer Behaviour?
10. Explain the different Stages of Family Life Cycle with the help of practical example?
Evaluate the relevance of FLC for Marketers.


Section: I (5 Marks)
1. Discuss the importance of Media in effective communication?
2. Discuss the concept of Noise with help of example.
3. Describe in detail the profile of Opinion leader.
4. Discuss the importance of opinion leader for marketers.
5. Discuss the Importance of Innovation with practical example.
6. Explain the concept of diffusion of innovation.
7. Discuss two examples of each of low and high involvement in case of consumer non-
durable and durable product.

Section: II (10 Marks)

8. Illustrate with the help of practical example the innovation –adoption process.

Section: III (20 Marks)

9. Explain in detail the entire process of communication? Recommend important points to

be kept in mind while designing persuasive communication?

Prepared By: Dr. Abhishek Pratap

Disclaimer: - This is a Model Question Paper. The Question in End term examination will differ from the
Model Question Paper. This Model Paper is meant for practice only.

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