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 A microscope is an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye.
 The science of investigating small objects using such an instrument is called microscopy.
 Microscopic means invisible to the eye unless aided by a microscope.

Simple vs. Compound Microscope

Simple Compound
Uses single lens Uses set lenses or a lens system

Compound Microscope
1. Mechanical Parts – adjustments and support
2. Magnifying Parts – enlarge the specimen
3. Illuminating Parts – provide the light

Mechanical Parts
a. Base – bottom most portion that supports the entire/lower microscope
b. Pillar – part above the base that supports the other parts
c. Inclination Joint – allows for tilting of the microscope for convenience of the user
d. Arm – curved/slanted part which is held while carrying the microscope
e. Stage – platform where object to be examined is placed
f. Stage clips – secures the specimen to the stage
g. Stage opening
h. Body tube – attached to the arm and bears the lenses
i. Draw tube – cylindrical structure on top of the body tube that holds the ocular lenses
j. Revolving/Rotating Nosepiece – rotating disc where the objectives are attached
k. Dust shield – lies atop the nosepiece and keeps dust from settling on the objectives
l. Coarse Adjustment Knob – geared to the body tube which elevates or lowers when rotated bringing the object into
approximate focus
m. Fine Adjustment Knob – a smaller knob for delicate focusing bringing the object into perfect focus
n. Condenser Adjustment Knob – elevates and lowers the condenser to regulate the intensity of light
o. Iris Diaphragm Lever – lever in front of the condenser and which is moved horizontally to open/close the diaphragm

Illuminating Parts
a. Mirror – Located beneath the stage and has concave and plane surfaces to gather and direct light in order to illuminate
the object
b. Electric Lamp – a built-in illuminator beneath the stage that may eb used if sunlight is not preferred or is not available

Magnifying Parts
a. Ocular/eyepiece – another set of lens found on top of the body tube which functions to further magnify the image
produced by the objective lenses. It usually ranges from 5x to 15x.
b. Objectives – metal cylinders attached below the nosepiece and contains especially ground and polished lenses
 LPO / Low Power Objective
o Gives the lowest magnification, usually 10x
 HPO / High Power Objective
o Gives higher magnification usually 40x or 43x
 OIO / Oil Immersion Objective
o Gives the highest magnification, usually 97x or 100x, and is used wet either with cedar wood oil or
synthetic oil

Total Magnification
Magnification = Objective lens x Eyepiece lens

Ex: What is the total magnification if the objective lens is twenty times (X20) and the eyepiece lens five times (X5)?
Magnification = 20 X 5 = X100
 As magnification increases, detail increases but less of the cell is seen.

Caring for the Microscope

1. Do not let any liquids to come in contact with the microscope.
2. Always store the microscope inside a box after use.
3. Return the objective lens onto low power after use.
4. Carry the microscope by the arm.
5. Use a soft, clean tissue to wipe the lenses


Functions of Epithelium
1. Covering of external surfaces
2. Lining of internal surfaces
3. Protection
4. Absorption
5. Secretion
6. Sensation
7. Contraction

2 Main Kinds of Epithelium

1. Covering and lining epithelium
o Covers outer surfaces of body and lines internal body passages

2. Glandular epithelium
o Contains cells specialized for secretion

Characteristics of Epithelium
• Basal lamina anchors epithelium to underlying connective tissue.
• Epithelial cells are very cohesive due to intercellular junctions.
• Epithelial cells vary a lot in shape and size.
• Epithelial tissues are avascular.
• Epithelial cells demonstrate polarity.

Structure of Epithelium
1. Basement membrane
2. Connections between cells
3. Specialized apical structures

Basement membrane = basal lamina + reticular lamina

Functions of Basal Lamina

1. Structure: attaches epithelium to connective tissue
2. Organization: arranges plasma membrane proteins in the basal membrane
3. Filtration: regulates movement of material between epithelium and connective tissue.

 “Basal lamina” and “basement membrane” are sometimes used interchangeably.

 The basal lamina is part of the basement membrane. They are not the same thing.


Intercellular junctions are present in most tissues but are especially numerous and prominent in epithelium.
a. Zonula occludens (tight junction)
b. Zonula adherens (belt desmosome)
c. Macula adherens (desmosome)
d. Hemidesmosomes
e. Gap junction (nexus)
Zona occludens
 Most apical junction in epithelium
 Form bands (zonula) that completely encircle each cell
 Membranes of adjacent cells fuse to seal off the intercellular space
 Claudins and occludins are two families of proteins that form a seal to prevent flow of materials between epithelial
 More zona occludens = tighter seal

Zonula adherens
 Form bands that completely encircle each cell
 Cadherin and catenin proteins provide adhesion between adjacent cells
 Actin filaments in cytoplasm insert into attachment plaques

Macula adherens
 Spot adhesion between cells
 Desmosomes on adjacent cells line up
 Cadherins present in intercellular space
 Cytokeratin intermediate filaments insert into attachment plaques containing desmoplakin
and plakoglobin
 Super strong attachment points between cells
 The more desmosomes, the more tightly the epithelial cells are attached

 Hemidesmosomes attach epithelial cells to basal lamina.
 Integrins attach the basal portion of the cell to the basal lamina.

Junctional complex intercellular junctions

 ZO: zonula occludens
 ZA: zonula adherens
 D: desmosome
 In some types of epithelia (simple columnar of digestive tract) junctions occur in this order

Gap (communicating) junction

 Occur almost anywhere along lateral surfaces of epithelial cells and also in other cells, such as cardiac muscle cells
 Connexons are protein channels with central pores connecting plasma membranes
 Allow ions and other small molecules to pass through to adjacent cells to facilitate communication


 Microvilli + cell coat (or glycocalyx) = brush border or striated border
 Purpose of microvilli: increase surface area for absorption or secretion
 Microvilli have a central core of actin microfilaments
 Microvilli don’t wave back and forth like cilia.

 Are long, non-motile microvilli found in parts of the male reproductive system

 Are much longer and wider than microvilli.
 They move back and forth to propel fluid along the epithelial surface.
 Cilia contain microtubules in a 9 + 2 configuration called an “axoneme”
 Cilia insert into basal bodies with 9 triplets of microtubules

Types of Covering/Lining Epithelium

How is covering/lining epithelium categorized?
1. Shape of superficial cells
2. Number of cell layers
3. Presence of specialized structures


1. Squamous: width > height (flattened)
2. Cuboidal: width = height (square, round)
3. Columnar: width < height (tall and slender)
1. Simple: one layer of cells
2. Stratified: two or more layers of cells
3. Pseudostratified: all cells contact basal lamina, but not all cells reach lumen







Presence of Specialized Structures

1. Cilia
2. Microvilli
3. Keratin

Types of Glandular Epithelia

1. Mucous goblet cell: unicellular gland
2. Exocrine gland: retains connection with surface epithelium; hormones secreted through ducts
3. Endocrine gland: no connection with surface epithelium; hormones secreted through blood

Formation of glands from surface epithelium

Methods of Secretion in Exocrine glands

• Merocrine: secretory granules leave cell by exocytosis from secretory cells into epithelial-walled ducts and then onto
bodily surface or into the lumen. Most common method. Example: mucous and serous glands
• Holocrine: entire cell disintegrates to secrete its substance. Example: sebaceous gland
• Apocrine: portion of secreting cell’s body (apical cytoplasm ) is lost during secretion. Example: mammary gland

Merocrine Gland
• Secretes by merocrine mode of secretion: exocytosis of product at apical end of cell.
• By far the most common type of exocrine gland based on mode of secretion.

Holocrine Gland
• Secretion occurs by disintegration of secretory cells.
• Example: sebaceous glands.
Apocrine Gland
• Secretion occurs by loss of large amount of apical cytoplasm.
• Example: mammary glands.

Mammary Gland
• Note loss of apical portions of cytoplasm.

Examples of Glandular Epithelial Cells

1. Ion transporting cells
2. Serous secretory cells
3. Mucous secretory cells
4. Neuroendocrine cells
5. Myoepithelial cells

Ion-transporting cells
• Deep invaginations of basal cell membranes
• Zonula occludens
• Mitochondria in basal cytoplasm provide energy for ion transport
• Examples: proximal tubules in kidney

Serous secretory cells

• Large, rounded nucleus and abundant rough ER, Golgi and secretory granules
• Examples: pancreatic acinar cells, serous cells in salivary glands

Mucous secretory cells

• Abundant rough ER, Golgi and secretory granules
• Produce mucins (protective, lubricant glycoproteins)
• Examples: mucous cells in stomach, goblet cells in small and large intestine, and mucous cells in salivary glands


Neuroendocrine cells
• Dense secretory granules in cytoplasm contain polypeptides and/or amines (like
epinephrine and norepinephrine)
• Scattered throughout the body

Myoepithelial cells
• Spindle-shaped cells found in glandular epithelial between basal lamina and basal
• Embrace gland acini like an “octopus on a rock”
• Contain actin: contract and squeeze out secretory product


Connective Tissue
• Found throughout the body; most abundant and widely distributed in primary tissues
• Embryonic
• Connective tissue proper
• Cartilage
• Bone
• Blood

Embryonic Connective Tissue

• Embryonic connective tissue is formed during the development of the embryo. It is divided into mesenchyme (in
embryos) and mucoid connective tissue (umbilical cord).
• Mesenchyme develops into the various connective tissues of the body. Mucoid connective tissue is a gelatinous
substance found in the umbilical cord.
• Mesenchyme is a part of embryonic mesoderm. It is composed of unspecialized cells that are placed loosely arranged in
a gelatinous ground substance. It consists of primitive mesenchymal cells that have an irregular, stellate shape with
delicate branching cytoplasmic processes that form an interlacing network throughout the tissue.
• From the mesenchyme, all connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and the circulatory and lymphatic systems are produced.



Functions of Connective Tissue

• Binding and support
• Protection
• Insulation
• Transportation

Characteristics of Connective Tissue

• Connective tissues have:
• Mesenchyme as their common tissue of origin
• Varying degrees of vascularity
• Nonliving extracellular matrix, consisting of ground substance and fibers

Structural Elements of Connective Tissue

• All connective tissues share similar structural elements
1. Ground substance – unstructured material that fills the space between cells
2. Fibers – collagen, elastic, or reticular
3. Cells – fibroblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts, and hematopoietic stem cells

Ground substance
• Interstitial (tissue) fluid
• Adhesion proteins – fibronectin and laminin
• Proteoglycans – glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
• Functions as a molecular sieve through which nutrients diffuse between blood capillaries and cells

Ground substance: proteoglycan structure

1. Collagen – tough; provides high tensile strength
2. Elastic – long, thin fibers that allow for stretching
3. Reticular – branched collagenous fibers that form delicate networks

• Each type of connective tissue has to be made by a certain cell type. In an immature stage each cell secretes
the fibers needed for its connective tissue.
• Fibroblasts – connective tissue proper
• Chondroblasts – cartilage
• Osteoblasts – bone
• Hematopoietic stem cells – blood
• White blood cells, plasma cells, macrophages, and mast cells

Connective Tissue Proper

• Besides bone, cartilage and blood all mature connective tissues belong to the Connective Tissue Proper class.
• We can break these into loose connective or dense connective.


Areolar connective tissue

• Gel-like matrix with all three connective tissue fibers
• Fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, and some white blood cells
• Wraps and cushions organs
• Widely distributed throughout the body

Adipose connective tissue

• Matrix similar to areolar connective tissue with closely packed adipocytes
• Reserves food stores, insulates against heat loss, and supports and protects
• Found under skin, around kidneys, within abdomen, and in breasts
• Local fat deposits serve nutrient needs of highly active organs

Reticular connective tissue

• Loose ground substance with reticular fibers
• Reticular cells lie in a fiber network
• Forms a soft internal skeleton, or stroma, that supports other cell types
• Found in lymph nodes, bone marrow, and the spleen



Dense Regular connective tissue

• Parallel collagen fibers with a few elastic fibers
• Major cell type is fibroblasts
• Attaches muscles to bone or to other muscles, and bone to bone
• Found in tendons, ligaments, and aponeuroses

Dense Irregular connective tissue

• Irregularly arranged collagen fibers with some elastic fibers
• Major cell type is fibroblasts
• Withstands tension in many directions providing structural strength
• Found in the dermis, submucosa of the digestive tract, and fibrous organ capsules



Hyaline cartilage
• Amorphous, firm matrix with imperceptible network of collagen fibers
• Chondrocytes lie in lacunae
• Supports, reinforces, cushions, and resists compression
• Forms the costal cartilage
• Found in embryonic skeleton, the end of long bones, nose, trachea, and larynx

Elastic cartilage
• Similar to hyaline cartilage but with more elastic fibers
• Maintains shape and structure while allowing flexibility
• Supports external ear (pinna) and the epiglottis
• Matrix similar to hyaline cartilage but less firm with thick collagen fibers
• Provides tensile strength and absorbs compression shock
• Found in intervertebral discs, the pubic symphysis, and in discs of the knee joint




Osseous Tissue (bone)

• Hard, calcified matrix with collagen fibers found in bone
• Osteocytes are found in lacunae and are well vascularized
• Supports, protects, and provides levers for muscular action
• Stores calcium, minerals, and fat
• Marrow inside bones is the site of hematopoiesis


• Red and white cells in a fluid matrix (plasma)
• Contained within blood vessels
• Functions in the transport of respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes


Function of Bones
1. Support
2. Protection (protect internal organs)
3. Movement (provide leverage system for skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints)
4. Mineral homeostasis (bones act as reserves of minerals important for the body like calcium or phosphorus)
5. Hematopoiesis: blood cell formation
6. Storage of adipose tissue: yellow marrow

Shape of Bones
1. Long bones (e.g., humerus, femur)
2. Short bones (e.g., carpals, tarsals, patella)
3. Flat bones (e.g., parietal bone, scapula, sternum)
4. Irregular bones (e.g., vertebrae, hip bones)

Bone Anatomy
• Diaphysis: long shaft of bone
• Epiphysis: ends of bone
• Epiphyseal plate: growth plate
• Metaphysis: b/w epiphysis and diaphysis
• Articular cartilage: covers epiphysis
• Periosteum: bone covering (pain sensitive)
• Sharpey’s fibers: periosteum attaches to underlying bone
• Medullary cavity: hollow chamber in bone
o red marrow produces blood cells
o yellow marrow is adipose
• Endosteum: thin layer lining the medullary cavity
• Compact Bone – dense outer layer
• Spongy Bone – (cancellous bone) honeycomb of trabeculae (needle-like or flat pieces) filled with bone marrow

Compact bone: Osteon, external layer

• called lamellar bone (groups of elongated tubules called lamella)
• majority of all long bones
• protection and strength (wt. bearing)
• concentric ring structure
• blood vessels and nerves penetrate
• periosteum through horizontal openings called perforating (Volkmann’s) canals.

Blood and Nerve Supply of Bone

• Bone is supplied with blood by:
o Periosteal arteries accompanied by nerves supply the periosteum and compact bone
o Epiphyseal veins carry blood away from long bones
• Nerves accompany the blood vessels that supply bones
o The periosteum is rich in sensory nerves sensitive to tearing or tension

Compact Bone
• Central (Haversian) canals run longitudinally. Blood vessels and nerves.
o around canals are concentric lamella
o osteocytes occupy lacunae which are between the lamella
o radiating from the lacunae are channels called canaliculi (finger
like processes of osteocytes)
• Lacunae are connected to one another by canaliculi
• Osteon contains:
1. central canal
2. surrounding lamellae
3. osteocytes
4. canaliculi

SPONGY BONE or Cancellous Bone, Internal Layer

• trabecular bone tissue (haphazard arrangement).
• filled with red and yellow bone marrow
• osteocytes get nutrients directly from circulating blood.
• short, flat and irregular bone is made up of mostly spongy bone

• Histology of bone tissue
• Cells are surrounded by matrix.
o 25% water
o 25% protein
o 50% mineral salts
• 4 cell types make up osseous tissue
o Osteoprogenitor cell
o Osteoblasts
o Osteocytes
o Osteoclasts
Osteoprogenitor cells:
• derived from mesenchyme
• all connective tissue is derived
• unspecialized stem cells
• undergo mitosis and develop into osteoblasts
• found on inner surface of periosteum and endosteum.

• bone forming cells
• found on surface of bone (arrow)
• no ability to mitotically divide
• collagen secretors

• mature bone cells
• derived form osteoblasts
• do not secrete matrix material
• cellular duties include exchange of nutrients and waste with blood.

• bone resorbing cells
• bone surface
• growth, maintenance and bone repair
• Abundant inorganic mineral salts:
o Tricalcium phosphate in crystalline form called hydroxyapatite Ca3(PO4)2(OH)2
o Calcium Carbonate: CaCO3
o Magnesium Hydroxide: Mg(OH)2
o Fluoride and Sulfate

• Chondrocytes: cartilage producing cells.
• Lacunae: small cavities where the chondrocytes are encased.
• Extracellular matrix: jellylike ground substance.
• Perichondrium: layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the cartilage.
• No blood vessels or nerves

1. Hyaline cartilage – (glassy)
• Most abundant cartilage
• Provides support through flexibility
• Articular cartilages and costal cartilage, larynx, trachea, and nose

2. Elastic cartilage – contains many elastic fibers

• Able to tolerate repeated bending
• Ear and epiglottis

3. Fibrocartilage – resists strong compression and strong tension

• An intermediate between hyaline and elastic cartilage
• Intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis

• The process of bone formation is called ossification
• Bone formation occurs in four situations:
1. Formation of bone in an embryo
2. Growth of bones until adulthood
3. Remodeling of bone
4. Repair of fractures

Formation of Bone in an Embryo

• cartilage formation and ossification occurs during the sixth week of embryonic development
• two patterns
• Intramembranous ossification
o Flat bones of the skull and mandible are formed in this way
o “Soft spots” that help the fetal skull pass through the birth canal later become ossified forming the skull
• Endochondral ossification
§ The replacement of cartilage by bone
§ Most bones of the body are formed in this way including long bones

Intramembranous Ossification
• An ossification center appears in the fibrous connective tissue membrane
• Osteoblasts secrete bone matrix within the fibrous membrane
• Osteoblasts mature into osteocytes

Endochondral Ossification

Replacement of hyaline cartilage with bone

Most bones are formed this way (i.e. long bones).


Longitudinal Growth (interstitial) – cartilage continually grows and is replaced by bone

1. Bones lengthen entirely by growth of the epiphyseal plates
2. Cartilage is replaced with bone as quickly as it grows
3. Epiphyseal plate maintains constant thickness
Growth in Length
• The growth in length of long bones involves two major events:
1. Growth of cartilage on the epiphyseal plate
2. Replacement of cartilage by bone tissue in the epiphyseal plate
• Osteoblasts located beneath the periosteum secrete bone matrix and build bone on the surface
• Osteoclasts located in the endosteum resorbs (breakdown) bone.

Growth of Cartilage on the Epiphyseal Plate

• epiphyseal plate (bone length)
• 4 zones of bone growth under hGH.
1. Zone of resting cartilage (quiescent):
o no bone growth
o located near the epiphyseal plate
o scattered chondrocytes
o anchors plate to bone

2. Zone of proliferating cartilage (proliferating zone):

o chondrocytes stacked like coins
o chondrocytes divide

3. Zone of hypertrophic (maturing) cartilage

o large chondrocytes arranged in columns

4. Zone of calcified cartilalengthwise expansion of epiphyseal plate

o few cell layers thick
o occupied by osteoblasts and osteoclasts and capillaries from the diaphysis
o cells lay down bone
o dead chondrocytes surrounded by a calcified matrix.

 Matrix resembles long spicules of calcified cartilage.

 Spicules are partly eroded by osteoclasts and then covered in bone matrix from osteoblasts: spongy bone is formed.


 Growing bones widen as they lengthen
 Appositional growth – growth of a bone by addition of bone tissue to its surface
 Bone is resorbed at endosteal surface and added at periosteal surface
o Osteoblasts – add bone tissue to the external surface of the diaphysis
o Osteoclasts – remove bone from the internal surface of the diaphysis

 bone continually renews itself
 never metabolically at rest
 enables Ca to be pulled from bone when blood levels are low
 osteoclasts are responsible for matrix destruction
 produce lysosomal enzymes and acids
 spongy bone replaced every 3-4 years
 compact bone every 10 years

• type of connective tissue composed of cells known as chondrocytes and collagen or yellow elastic fibers
• fibers and cells embedded in firm gel-like matrix of polysaccharides
• not as hard as bone and much more flexible and elastic

Characteristic Features of Cartilage

• no blood vessels or lymphatics, nutrition diffuses through the matrix, hence, slow healing process
• no nerves, therefore , insensitive
• surrounded by fibrous membrane called perichondrium
• articular surface has no perichondrium thus regeneration after injury inadequate because perichondrium plays a major
role in regeneration
• when cartilage calcifies, chondrocytes die and cartilage replaced by bone-like tissue
• calcium salts not present in matrix, instead chondroitin which provides flexibility

1. Hyaline – most common
• found in the ribs, nose, larynx, trachea
• precursor of bone
• surrounded by capsule-like perichondrium, chondrocytes located in lacunae, area adjacent to cell is capsule
• cluster of cells arising from mitosis called isogenous groups
• homogenous extracellular matrix (ECM)
• matrix immediately surrounding capsule called territorial matrix, matrix that occupies majority of space
between chondrocytes called interterritorial matrix

2. Fibrocartilage
• intervertebral discs, joint capsules, ligaments
• intermediate in appearance between dense connective tissue and hyaline cartilage
• chondrocytes situated in lacunae with no identifiable perichondrium
• matrix acidophilic due to large amounts of coarse type I collagen fibers
• few cells when compared with hyaline cartilage

3. Elastic – found in the external ear, epiglottis and larynx

• chondrocytes located in lacunae and tissue surrounded by perichondrium
• elastic fibers predominate in the ECM which gives heterogenous or fibrillar appearance when stained with H &


1. Hyaline cartilage
• very thin fibers have same refractive index as matrix of cartilage, thus fibers not seen
• articular cartilage of long bones, sternum, ribs
• bluish white in color and flexible

2. Fibrous cartilage
• numerous white fibers
• in symphysis pubis, sterno-clavicular joint
• glistening white and opaque

3. Elastic cartilage
• numerous yellow elastic fibers
• pinna of ear, external auditory meatus, Eustachian tube, epiglottis
• yellowish and appearance is opaque

Hyaline Fibrous/Fibrocartilage Elastic

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