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The theme of friendship and loyalty in The Merchant of Venice is

represented on many levels and by many characters, but the most pronounced
representatives of it are Antonio and Bassanio, who represent both friendship
and loyalty. Antonio and Bassanio have a deep and genuine friendship that even
extends to honest representations of information that others may receive a
falsified idea of. Specifically, Antonio at first protests that he is not concerned
about his ships because he has money invested in more places than his ships, so
if they are delayed in or prevented from returning with their cargos of imports,
Antonio won't be financially ruined.

Antonio and Bassanio are very good friends, becomes clear right

from the initial scenes. Whatever slight doubt is there gets cleared by the end.
Throughout the drama, the two friends are dearer than life to each other. Their
love and trust for each other are evident at every stage of the drama. Each one
of the two is ready to go to any extent to serve and help the other. It is visible
that Bassanio is less a friend and more a brother to Antonio.

Antonio lets Bassanio use his money like it’s his own.  He does not
differentiate between himself and his friend. Bassanio has no money and he has
been living in debt which he plans to repay. He also feels embarrassed over the
large sums he has been borrowing from Antonio. However, Antonio’s money is
tied in the cargo which is still at sea. So, he asks him to borrow from anyone in
Venice in his name and go and see Portia. Bassanio has to do little to persuade
his friend for money. Antonio is already more than willing to lend him. This
proves Antonio’s selflessness and that he considers Bassanio a brother.

Another proof of Antonio and Bassanio’s deep friendship comes in

scene 3 of Act 1 when the two are before Shylock to ask him for a loan. Shylock
is surprised at his luck that how destiny has brought two of his worst enemies in
Venice to his doors seeking help.  The crazy Jewish moneylender reminds them
of how bad Antonio has been to him in the past. However he would call
Shylock’s business practices unfair, spit on him, and kick him. He is still willing
to lend them the three thousand ducats. Shylock does not want to let this
opportunity of exacting revenge from Antonio go.

However, he is ready to lend them money only on the condition

that given Antonio fails to repay; he would lose a pound of flesh from his body
as Shylock wills. Antonio knows that his friend needs the money and tells the
Jew that had the situation been different, he would have treated him just as he
always does. It shows his stubbornness and proves that inside his heart, Antonio
is innocent and a little childish. Had it not been so, he would have been able to
avoid the trap Shylock had set. For his friend’s sake, he is willing to accept the
Jew’s offer and also ready to change his attitude towards Jews in the future.

  Antonio is doing it all for his friend since he would not like to see
Bassanio disappointed. Bassanio suspects that the villain is up to something
very cunning and tries to stop Antonio from accepting the Jew’s offer. He
would instead go without the money than let his friend put his life at stake.
However, Antonio convinces him that as soon as his ships arrive from the
sea, he will return the Jew his money. All of this shows that the two friends love
and trust each other deeply, and they will make any sacrifice for one another. It
also shows that Antonio is quite emotional about his friend and can grow
blinded by his love for him.

Bassanio receives Antonio’s letter while he is with Portia and

grows anxious that he has lost his ships at sea and failed to repay the loan.
Antonio loves Bassanio from the bosom of his heart and wishes to see him
before the cunning Jew has taken his life away. His letter also contains a
friendly rebuke for Bassanio, who seems to have forgotten his friend in Portia’s
company. Bassanio has found his love, whereas fate has been cruel to Antonio,
who has lost all his wealth, but Bassanio’s love and respect for his dearest pal
have not reduced. Their friendship is not for money, but they are intensely loyal
to each other. His friend’s letter appears like Antonio’s dead body to Bassanio.
Every word in Antonio’s letter is calling him a liar and disloyal. After all, it is
for him and his love that Antonio had borrowed from the Jew. He feels guilty
that he has betrayed his friend, and he would never be able to pardon himself if
Antonio dies.

Upon being asked by Portia that who Antonio is, Bassanio replies
that he is not just his best friend and the kindest man but also the most
honorable person in all Italy. Antonio is a friend who is ready to sacrifice
anything for him.
Portia at once understands that Antonio is a noble person who has
suffered for Bassanio. She promises to provide Bassanio with as much wealth
that he can repay twenty times the debt. The debt of the friend is massive, and
Bassanio postpones his marriage. He rushes immediately to repay cruel
Shylock and argues with him to accept a sum multiple times his loan and
settle the contract. His requests are futile, and the Jew would disagree.
However, things take a different turn when Portia intervenes.

  It gets clear that both friends are fiercely loyal to each other. At
first glance, it may look like Antonio is making all the sacrifices, and Bassanio
is using him to find his love. Had it been so, Bassanio would not have
postponed his marriage to return and see Antonio. Bassanio’s helplessness near
the end proves that he loves his friend dearly and cannot let him die at
Shylock’s hands. Antonio is an honest young gentleman who believes in fair
business and is equally kind-hearted. Bassanio is also a loyal friend whose
conscience is being weighed down with guilt. He remains honest in his
friendship with Antonio and stands by his side till the end when things take a
comic turn, and the friends win the case against Shylock.

Their trust in each other reveals that both are honest and honorable
characters, true to their word. The bond between the two is unbreakable, and
even when Antonio has no money, his worth for his friend has not been
reduced. It signifies several things, including the credibility of the two
characters,  their selflessness, and their devotion to each other. Shakespeare has
provided one of the best examples of friendship and loyalty through Antonio
and Bassanio in his Merchant of Venice.

Portia and Nerissa are another example of friendship. While their

relationship is unequal because Portia is the mistress and Nerissa the maid, they
speak to each other as friends, openly and intimately.

Nerissa is Portia's lady-in-waiting and is portrayed as a loyal,

trustworthy friend throughout the play. Nerissa reveals that she is a supportive,
practical friend by advising Portia to be thankful for having a wise father and
encouraging her to remember Bassanio, who was a handsome, promising suitor.
She not only offers Portia valuable advice concerning Bassanio but also
sympathizes with her difficult situation and listens to her lament about her
undesirable suitors.

In addition to listening to Portia vent about her situation, Nerissa

also demonstrates her loyalty by agreeing to marry Gratiano under the condition
that Bassanio successfully picks the right casket and secretly accompanying
Portia to Venice to save Antonio's life. Nerissa keeps Portia's secret and also
disguises herself as a law clerk during the court proceedings. She does not
compromise Portia's identity during the trial and remains a steadfast, loyal
friend to the end.

Overall, Nerissa is portrayed as a loyal friend by consoling Portia

regarding her difficult situation and helping her save Antonio's life in the
Venetian court while they are disguised as men.

This is clear demonstation that how Shakesphere proves the value

of friendship in his own Merchant Of Venice.

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