Juggling Juggling On The On The Moon Moon

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g gl in g

on t h e
m o o n
This is a story about an unfortunate clown called
Juggling on the Moon who performs in the circus,
Juggling on the Moon. I know you probably have
an aversion to clowns. If it's any solace, he doesn't
like himself too much either (he could never
actually get to juggling on the moon). Tragic, I
know. I would like to think that this is why he
spends his free days drinking the alcoholic beverage
Juggling on the Moon (don't tell his mother).

Part I: before
(opening night)
ng On the Moon pres
ggli ent
Ju s


Food Drinks
feb 14
Price: $17
Juggling on the Moon’s Performers

Juggling on the Moon: the clown

Pip "The Spectacular": the strong man
Jo-Jo : the acrobat
Oz: the magician
Medrano: the tightrope walker
Maude W: the ventriloquist
Zippo: the unicyclist
Jago: the contortionist
Rusty: the fire-blower
Coco & Nellie: the knife throwing duo
SSSSS: the snake charmer
CC : the sword swallower
Griffin: the ringmaster
Venus: the hypnotist

Pip is a very strong man. He can lift up to 133,333.34

oranges with one hand! Every day Pip lifts oranges and
has been dreaming of traveling with Juggling on the
Moon ever since he was a little kid. His favorite menu
items are Juggling on the Moon and Sour Patch Kids. He
is known for his honesty and kindness. Be sure to raise
your hand when Pip comes out for a chance to join him
on stage.

Honorable mention: Juggling on the Moon

Part II: during

(the performances)
Ringmaster’s Script
Introduction: welcome to Juggling on the Moon's opening night! I am Griffin the
ringmaster and this has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, so it is
really great to see the stands filled with lovely smiling people.

Point to the left side: how excited are you?

wait for cheers
Point to the right side: how excited are you over here?
wait for cheers
Come on you can do better than that!
wait for cheers
Great! I'm glad to see you're as excited as I am.

Let me introduce our performers. First up, we have Juggling on the Moon, who is
a clown that will be juggling three oranges. Oops, my apologies; I forgot to correct
this. He will be juggling three lemons. This is awkward. Next, we have Jo-Jo, the
acrobat! She will be doing all kinds of flips and tricks. Give it up for Oz, the magician!
One lucky child will be able to take the bunny he pulls out of his hat home! Medrano is
a tightrope walker, and as you guessed: she walks on a tightrope. Clap your hands for
Maude W., who is a ventriloquist and will be joined today with her puppet, Petunia.
Some people can't ride a bike with two wheels, but Zippo can ride a bike with one!
Zippo is a unicyclist! Can you bend backward as far as he can? Point to Jago. Jago is a
contortionist, and he is very bendy! Can you guess what Rusty does? That's right; he
blows fire! Coco and Nellie are the knife-throwing duo! Let's hope they don't miss.
Don't get on SSSSS's bad side; he can charm snakes! Give it up for CC, our sword
swallower! Venus is our hypnotist, and one lucky audience member will get to join her
on stage for a chance to be hypnotized.

LASTLY, and most importantly, we have PIP THE SPECTACULAR. He is so

strong he can lift all the oranges in this carton. One lucky audience member will
get to come on stage with him.

Don't forget to check out our overpriced menu! Without further ado, give it up
for all our performers, especially Pip, and let the show begin!
Twix Bar: $5 Juggling on the Hot Dog: $9.50
Mars Bar: $2 Moon: $5 Hamburger: 8.50
Milkyway:$9 Water: $14 Funnel Cake: $15
Starburst: $3 Bloody Mary: $20 Cotton Candy: $5
Sour Patch Kids: $6 Orange Lemonade: Popcorn: $5
m&ms: $2.50 free Martini: $19 Peanuts: $3

made with
Side effects love from
include: underpaid
death employees

we are not responsible for the bad tasting food, your potential death, or your
lighter wallet. We hope you understand (but we don't care if you don't). :)
Reporter Transcript
Barty: Hi, friends! I'm Barty. Welcome back to Juggling on the Moon radio station, where we talk
about all the latest events in Mars Bar, California.

Milo: Hi, friends! I'm Milo. Today, we will be providing live commentary on performances from
Juggling on the Moon's opening night. We know a lot of people couldn't get tickets to the sold-
out event, but not to worry, we're going to tell you all the details.

Barty: That's right! In just a couple of minutes after we play Harry Style's Watermelon Sugar, we
will be looking at the clown: Juggling on the Moon's performance.

Milo: Does anyone even like clowns anymore?

Barty: I surely don't! We'll be back after Watermelon Sugar.


Milo: Right now, JOTM is coming out with his three lemons.

Barty: Lemons? Why are they lemons and not oranges? Folks, we're already onto a bad start...

Milo: Maybe he'll recover

Barty: And he just dropped a lemon...

Milo: Well, friends, be glad you didn't waste your money. This circus looks like a joke.

Barty: Poor clown, he looks like he's going to cry too.

Milo: And with that, let's play a couple more songs.

Milo: I thought this show was going to fail with JOTM's opening performance

Barty: Me too!

Milo: Good thing Pip was there to save the day. I mean, did you see how many oranges he lifted?

Barty: I know! Hey, do you ever think he eats the oranges?

Milo: Who knows! Anyway, let's play a couple more songs.

Dear Diary,

Today, I am having the worst possible day. I just messed up my

performance, and I was the opening act. :( Everyone is going
to think I am a joke of a clown. The first thing that went
wrong was I lost my oranges. I had them right there in my
dressing room, and after I went to the bathroom, they were
gone! Maybe someone stole them. I'm not sure. I had to use
my backup lemons, and I think that's why I dropped one. I
haven't practiced with lemons before and I certainly could not
use balls :(((. I put up a missing poster sign for my oranges, so
hopefully, someone will find them. I'm sure everyone is going
to have a better performance too. My mom was here to watch
me ugh. :(

Update: Pip had the best performance I had ever seen. I didn't
mention it before, but people booed after my performance.
Everybody loved his performance. I know I dropped my
lemons, but I feel like they could have been a little nicer.

Final Update: This has been the worst night ever. Just as I leave
the dressing room with my pity flowers (from my mom), I see
Pip. Eating. My. Oranges. I would have confronted him, but...
he can lift 133,333.34 oranges, and I can probably only lift 3.

Juggling on the Moon
Juggling on the Moon
Police Department





Part III: after
(the betrayal)
Dear Pip,

I can't believe you ate all my oranges. I was planning

on juggling with the three juiciest ones for Juggling
on the Moon's opening night yesterday. I had to
juggle with lemons yesterday, and what Clown
juggles with lemons? Not to mention I dropped my
lemons because you stole my oranges. Even my
lemons disappeared after the show. What will I juggle
with next show? Balls??

Sincerely (passive-agressively),

Dear Juggling on the Moon,

I would apologize, but your oranges were the juiciest

oranges I have ever eaten. They were the most
succulent things I have ever tasted. I am drooling just
thinking about your oranges. I promise I would
apologize, but your oranges made the best orange
juice I have ever tasted.

Sorry (passive-agressively),

p.s. your lemons made excellent lemonade ;)

How To Make Orange Lemonade
For: Juggling on the Moon

After my friend gave me his lemons and oranges, I was inspired

to make Orange Lemonade. Never before has such an inventive
idea popped into my head, so I would like to thank my friend
Juggling on the Moon. I will be forever grateful for your
generosity. This recipe has been a labour of love, and I am very
excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy!


2 1/2 cups water
2 tablespoons grated lemon zest
2 tablespoons grated orange zest
1-1/2 cups lemon juice (about 10 lemons)
1-1/2 cups orange juice (about 5 oranges)
6 cups cold water

Steps (not in order)

1. Cool the mixture.
2. Stir in the juices and the citrus zest.
3. Combine your sugar and 2 1/2 cups of water in a large saucepan.
4. Enjoy :)
5. Fill the glasses with equal amounts of fruit syrup and water to serve.
6. Cook the mixture over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved.
Et Tu, Brute?
For: PIP

“It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing

was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting
― David Levithan, The Lover's

"When life gives you lemons don't make

lemonade, make p̶i̶n̶k̶ Orange lemonade. Be
—Wanda Sykes.

For: PIP

"When life gives you lemons, squirt

someone in the eye."
—Cathy Guiswite.


"When life gives you lemons, learn to

- James Patterson.

Description (answers provided by Pip)

Name: Pip
Age: unknown
Weight: about 180 oranges
Height: about 100 lemons stacked together
Hair: lucsious curls
Occupation: performer in Juggling on the
Moon (circus)
Eyes: sparkly
Nationality: from the moon
Wanted for: stealing lemons and oranges
Part IV: epilogue
(the aftermath)
Autopsy of Three Oranges
February 14, 1986

The oranges were in excellent shape. The pedicel was

still attached to all three oranges. The oranges were likely
once much more circular; however, their shape is still
slightly retained. Although there were bruises on the rind
(I suspect from too much juggling), surprisingly, the
insides were intact. The central core looks as it typically
would. There were 8 seeds in the first orange, 6 in the
second, and 12 in the third. I think I will plant some
orange trees in my backyard. The juice vesicles are in
good shape, and they certainly worked to make these
three oranges juicer. The albedo was a white color and
was the least tasty part of each orange; however, this is to
be expected. All three oranges were delicious;

however, if I had to order them from best to worst

1. Orange #3
2. Orange #1
3. Orange #2

I conclude that the more seeds an orange has, the tastier

it is.

Contact information:
Pip "The Strongman"
1122 Juggling on the Moon Street
Mars Bar, California 00092
Final Letter:
Barnum "the ringmaster",

This is my resignation letter. I regret to inform you (but not really) that I
am leaving Juggling on the Moon in pursuit of better things. I am afraid
that I am wanted elsewhere. It appears I am wanted quite urgently too. I
would tell you that I had a wonderful time performing in your circus, but
to be honest, the only good part of the entire show was my performance.
Winning "Best Act" was likely the easiest thing I have ever done. I regret
to inform you that I was likely the only good act. Not to mention that
Juggling on the Moon accused me of stealing his oranges and lemons?
You wrote on the flyer that I am "known for [my] honesty and kindness."
The accusation is ridiculous. I wish you the utmost success (not really), and
I respect you as much as all the oranges I own (not really).

with love (not really),


Scrapped Letter:
Barnum "the ringmaster,"

This is my resignation letter. I regret to inform you that I am putting in

my two weeks. Due to some internal disagreements, I will no longer be
performing with Juggling on the Mood. I hope you understand. I wish
you and the other performers the best.

~ FIN ~
Works Cited
“Orange Lemonade.” Taste of Home, 29 Sept. 2021,

“40 When Life Gives You Lemons Quotes to Make the Best out of
Every Situation.” Free Ideas For Family Fun & Learning, Kidadl, 7 Dec.
2021, https://kidadl.com/quotes/when-life-gives-you-lemons-quotes-

“75 Quotes about Being Betrayed.” AnQuotes.com, 19 Jan. 2022,


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