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Congratulations on your decision to boost your Network Marketing
Business with the How to Recruit 20 People in 30 Days program. By
stepping into your potential and following the simple steps in this
program, you’ll be pulling the trigger to your future. In a mere 30 days,
your life and business as you know it, will be transformed by growing
your team by 20 new recruits. All you have to do is follow the 9 Courses
that will guide you to recruit 20 people in 30 days.

Course 1 — 20 Recruits Can Change Your Life: We’ll share why 20 is
the ideal number and how this general number comes from 30 years’
worth of experience. There is also a certain Psychology that results
because Success Loves Speed.

Course 2 — The Schedule: You’ll learn how to map out all of your
activities and appointments to make sure that you reach your goal of
20 in 30.

Course 3 — Preparation: This is laying the foundation by preparing

emotionally, physically and tactically to launch this effort. And it all
begins with your mindset.

Course 4 — Filling the Funnel: Learn to fill up your calendar by getting

enough prospects in play so that 20 recruits are the result at the end
of the process.

Course 5 — Telling Your Story: One of the most powerful tools you’re
going to use during this process is telling your story. We’re going to
role play and have some fun!

Course 6 — Closing, Objections and Follow Up: You’re going to learn

strategies for helping prospects make a decision while educating them
in the process. By the end of the 30-day period, you’re going to have
a lot of people who are thinking about it.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 1

Course 7 — How to Make Sure You Get the 20 in 30 Done: This is all
about holding yourself accountable... how do you ensure you follow
through with what you are capable of doing?

Course 8 — Getting Your People Started: This is about getting your

new team members off to a Quick Start. Course 9 — 20 in 30 Recap
and Wrap Up: Recruiting 20 in 30 is not only achievable, it will
absolutely change your life. Are you willing to be unreasonable with
yourself for 30 days?

This is YOUR time to make a difference in your business and your life.
If you do this work, and commit these exercises and lists to paper and
to yourself, you’ll experience some amazing results.

So, welcome and let’s get started!


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 2

Pattern #1: Recruiting 20 in 30 is a Key to Your Success
Most of my success can be tracked back to a few times when I
recruited a bunch of people in a short period of time. The general rule
for me, is that every big push ended up being around 20. Most of the
earnings came from the result of the efforts when I was in one of those

Pattern #2: Success Loves Speed

Research among my six and seven-figure earner friends and from 30+
countries around the world revealed the evidence is clear: Success
Loves Speed. Reality is, Slow and Steady does NOT win the race in
Network Marketing. Speed brings with it a certain energy, velocity,
excitement and momentum.

Pattern #3: The Key is Getting off the Ground

To get off the ground in your Network Marketing business, you need
to give it 100%. If you give it full throttle, and you get if off the ground,
then you can make choices. No matter the size of your dreams in
Network Marketing, the beginning of your career starts with 100% full
throttle for a burst, a season.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 3

The first thing I want you to understand is what it’s going to take for
you to get your 20. It’s just math – a numbers game. And everyone in
the business has the ability to recruit 20 in 30. You just have to take
the actions necessary to do it.

What is it worth to recruit 20 in 30? Fill in the blanks and do the math
to get your total number of what this is worth to you.

1. UPFRONT: Is there any upfront commission with your company

on the product purchase they make? What is that? Now multiply that
by 20.

Upfront: $/€ _________ x20 = $/€ __________

2. OTHER BONUSES: Are there any other bonuses? Fast-start

bonuses or anything that kicks in with a new team member?

Other bonuses: $/€ ___________ x20 = $/€ ____________

3. EXTRA CUSTOMERS: If you recruit 20, how many customers could

you end up with?

Extra customers: $/€ ____________ x20 = $/€ _____________

4. 12 MONTH ESTIMATE: How much would you earn the next 12

month by bringing 20 new recruits in the team?

Estimated 12 month number: $/€ ____________

5. LIFETIME: What is the estimated lifetime value of bringing in 20 in

30? What will it be worth over the course of your career?

Lifetime Estimate: $/€ _______________

6. RANK ADVANCE: Will you rank advance if you bring in 20 in 30?

Does that have a value to you? Does your pay structure change?

Rank Advance Estimate: $/€ _______________

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 4

7. POSITIVE ROLE MODEL: What if you were a positive role model for
your team?

Estimate of Positive Role Model quantified: $/€ ___________________

8. PRESTIGE/REPUTATION: What about the impact from Prestige

and Reputation?

Estimate of prestige or reputation quantified: $/€ _________________

TOTAL VALUE of 20 in 30: $/€ ______________________________


Will do something
After 90 days
After 1 Year
After 5 Years

This is a typical scenario. If you’re going to recruit 20 people anyway,

you might as well bring them all in quickly, all together, so they feel
like part of a connected team. This is a general rule. I want you to get
momentum. So, what is the 20 in 30 worth to you?

Now which one would you rather do? If you’re going to recruit the
same 20 people anyway, why not do it quickly, and give everyone a
better chance for success together?

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 5

FAST 30 DAYS 30 Months
10 presentations = 3-4 Distributors 10 presentations = 2 distributors
60-70 presentations 100 presentations = 20
80-90 appointments 125 appointments
150 texts/calls 300 texts/calls
150-300 on your list 300-500 on your list

Typical result from a 30 day recruitment effort Typical result from a 30 month recruitment effort

In this course, we’re going to talk about a Schedule and building your
list. You use it to list everyone you know, with whom you’re in contact,
everyone in your sphere. If you haven’t already done so, download the
Ultimate Memory Jogger which is in the nowornever On-Boarding
Tool. When you’ve filled it out completely, you should feel confident
that you can send enough texts to fill out your calendar with
appointments. Don’t worry too much at this point. Relax, take a deep
breath, and assume that success is yours.

So, 300 to 500 names on your Master Candidate List will get you your
300 texts or calls. If you do this quickly, you’ll get your 100
presentations, and you’re going to get your 20 people recruited from
those presentations. Now, here’s what I want you to understand. The
numbers above in the chart are what you need to do if you were going
to try and bring in 20 in 30 months, if you just spread it out over time.

Instead, if you’ll engage in a condensed burst of energy, if you’ll do

this in 30 days, these numbers change to those in the box above. You’ll
see that you still need to take massive action, but instead of two
distributors from 10 presentations, most people get three to four.
Instead of having to do 100 presentations to get 20 distributors, you’ll
typically have to do 60 to 70, and so on.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 6

The added benefit of doing it quickly is, you’re going to get a much
higher return on your time and effort and energy. If you’re an introvert
like me, it’s actually easier to think about doing a short burst of intense
production and then recharge your batteries. Even if you’re not an
introvert, most people can get into a mindset to do 30 days of
phenomenal recruitment effort.

What if you did this just once a year? You get the intensity over with
and then just work with the team and have a great time the rest of the
year. Wouldn’t that be great, instead of thinking every day about where
you’re going to find people to help build your team?


Part #1 — Preparation:

We’ll go more in depth in the next course. There’s a preparation phase

and it’s very important. If you prepare properly, you can double the
results. Double what you’re going to do in this 30-day period of time
with less effort.

Part #2 — The First 10 Days:

During these first 10 days, you’re going to be front-loading an

enormous amount of presentations. As many as you can physically
possibly do. We have to plant a lot of seeds in the first part of this 30-
day window in order for people to have time to process, and then
you’re going to harvest at the end.

Part #3 — The Second 10 Days:

You’re still doing presentations, but you’re going to start to transition

into follow up.

Part #4 — The Third 10 Days:

You’re going to be focused on closing. You’re going to be focused on

helping people make a decision.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 7

Step 1: Commitment
During this preparation period, you’ve got to make a commitment to
give 100%. Show the world the best you’ve got. You’re going to face
your fear for 30 days and ignore the emotional turmoil inside of your
body. Make a commitment that no matter what, you’re going to follow
through. And it’s done. Successful people proclaim their commitment.
Who can you tell about your commitment to recruit 20 people in 30
days? Your friends, family, team, company? List them here and then
tell them.


Step 2: Sacrifice
Every entrepreneur goes through a season of sacrifice. You’ve got to
make sacrifices to be able to pursue your dream. Decide what you’re
willing to put aside for 30 days. What are you willing to sacrifice in
order to make this thing work? Are you willing to be uncomfortable for
30 days? You have to decide what you’re willing to give up. For 30 days
can you turn off the television, turn off your sports team, turn off your
hobbies, get someone else to mow the lawn, etc.? What will you
sacrifice? Write it down here.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 8

Step 3: Ask Others to Sacrifice
What can you ask your spouse/friend/children to help you with so you
are 100% free to focus on the burst of activity? If you have employees
at your office, you can ask them to step it up. It could be a friend who
could pick up some of the slack for you. You’re trying to clear the
decks so you can be totally laser-focused. Who do you need to ask,
and what will be your approach? Write it down here.


Step 4: Negotiate with the Important People in Your Life

You need to negotiate with your family, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend,
the people in your life. You can say: “I believe our future is worth the
effort. I’m prepared to work really hard for 30 days. Will you give me
the space and grace in order to make that happen?” If you don’t
negotiate with the important people in your life, it can bring a lot of
resentment into your relationships: unsupportive spouse or significant
other, your kids, your employees. You’re chasing your dreams, but
when are you going to take off? Let them know you understand the
payoff has not been worth the distraction. Ask them if they will give
you 30 days to clear the deck so you can give 100%. And involve them
in the process. Then together, you can look at the results and decide
from there. Who do you need to negotiate with? Do you anticipate
resistance and from whom? Write it down.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 9

Step 5: Determine the Time You’re Willing to Spend
This challenge is going to take a significant effort. Are you willing to go
through 30 days of pain for a lifetime of gain? If you are part time, I suggest
six to eight hours a day on your Network Marketing business, six days a
week. This is the price of entry if you are part time and want to change your
life. If you are full-time, I would suggest ten to sixteen hours a day. What
kind of time can you commit to this challenge? Be as specific as possible.
Write it down.


Step 6: Clear the Deck of All Distractions

All possible distractions need to be eliminated from your life for this
30-day time period. Negotiate with your team, because your existing
team can be one of the biggest distractions. Almost nobody is ready
to go full throttle at the same time. Ask them to get their questions
answered someplace else. 30 days from now, you’ll tell them how you
did it and will help them do it too. What distractions are currently in
your life that you can eliminate, or put on hold for this 30-day time
period? Write them down.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 10

Step 7: Tools
Identify if you need products, such as products for sampling. Do you
need brochures? Are there tools inside of your company that you’re
going to need in order to do presentations every single day? What do
you need to have in stock to prepare for this? Write down what you
need to put together so you’re always prepared to show someone
your opportunity, especially when you go to do your presentations.


Step 8: Pick a Start Date

Part of preparation is deciding your start date. This can be scary, but
it’s also exciting! Once you decide, I would love for you to announce it
to the world. Let them know you’re going on a campaign that’s going
to change your life and change the lives of the people who go with
you. During this time, “I’m not gonna be around a lot. I’m going to be
busy doing a project.” Proclaim it. Pick that start date. Write down
your start date, how you chose that date, and anything you need to
do to clear the decks and get that start date locked in your calendar.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 11

Step 9: Warm Up Your List
Call people you know and say “Hi,” send a text message and say “Hi,”
or send an email. Connect, connect, connect and get in conversation.
If you warm up the list to be able to do this, your chances double. The
secret weapon is the Whisper Campaign. You want to be able to recruit
people you could never recruit any other time of your life. Their ego
won’t allow it. They need to be treated special. You’re putting together
an inner circle. Who can you contact to warm up your list? Write down
their names here and when you will contact them.


Step 10: Imagine You’ve Done This

Envision that you just finished your 30 days and you’ve already done
these steps to prepare yourself for this 20 in 30 campaign. Imagine
that they are done. How does it feel to have recruited 20 people in 30
days? To have a team of fresh, excited, motivated, empowered and
passionate people looking at you with gratitude for the opportunity to
be able to do something special with you? How about your family and
friends congratulating and encouraging you, especially the ones who
were resistant or skeptical? Acknowledge and embrace how you feel.
And as you begin your Preparation process, you’ll embark with energy,
passion, and a drive to succeed. What emotions are you feeling? How
are you feeling about the reactions of others? What are you feeling
about moving forward with your new team? Write it down.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 12

EXERCISE: Creating Your Business Plan
Before you start creating your list, let’s begin by Making the Calendar
Your Friend. This is your boss.

1. Write down the number of hours that you’re prepared to work for
these 30 days. You can print a copy of the blank calendar on page one
of The Calendar to write down the hours daily.

Number of hours / day: _________ Number of days / week: _________

Total number of hours in 30 days: ________________

2. Why are you going to do this? What is your driving force?


3. How are you going to do it? What are the tactics you’re going to
use? What is your strategy?


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 13

4. How will you use the Ultimate Memory Jogger (On-Boarding
Tool) to guide you to your 20 in 30?


Go to the Calendar, and we’re going to start setting up appointments,
now that you have made your commitment on what hours you will
work each day. I recommend that you book the appointments in 30-
minute blocks. If it’s a face-to-face presentation, determine where
you’re going to do it. Pick a spot that will become your go-to-spot.
Face-to-face will radically improve your results, any time you can
possibly do it.

Building Your List

Next, we’re going to determine who we’re going to invite. This is where
you go to The Ultimate Memory Jogger in order to list any possible
candidate. What is a candidate, and who are candidates for your list?
A candidate is someone who might be a prospect for your product or
opportunity, for them to be a customer

or distributor. Don’t worry about anything for the next 30 days but
hitting our numbers.
• We’re going to do 60–70 presentations. We’re going to tell the story
60–70 times. • 30 minutes each time = 35 hours of presentation time
over the next 30 days.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 14

Steps to Using the Ultimate Memory Jogger
1. Use the Ultimate Memory Jogger Workbook you find in the
nowornever On-Boarding Tool.

2. Write down all the contacts you have. Pull out your phone, your
address books, Social Media. We’re looking for somebody to tell our
story to. We’re going to be doing 70 presentations in 30 days.

3. Think about all the contacts. Who do they know? This is the second
degree of separation.

4. Think about long distance candidates. Does your company do

business in more than one country? Who do you know in these other

WRITE THEM DOWN now on the Master Calendar Lists

Candidate List: Three Groups/Markets

Once you build this list, you’re going to separate them into three
different groups or categories:

1. Hot Market: Close family and friends. They may give you a
challenge as you’re growing your business.

2. Warm Market: People who you know who are on a peer level.

3. Cold Market: You may know them, but they don’t know you,
and you need to make an introduction. You may need to warm
them up during the preparation phase to move them to your
Warm Market.

And how you approach each respective market will necessitate a

different approach in order for you to be effective.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 15


Inviting Your Hot Market

Objective: To sit down with them or find a way to do a presentation.

To let them understand what it is we have to offer.

1. You’re going to tell your story.

2. You’re going to do the thing, whatever the thing is in your
3. You’re gonna ask a few questions.
4. And then you’re going to ask: “Are you in or are you out?”

Key Words When Speaking to Your Hot Market:


Inviting Your Warm Market

Rather than the support and practice approach, “I’ve got something
I’d like to share with you. Can I get together with you for coffee?” Or,
“Listen, I just want to share with you what I’m doing. I want to find out
what’s going on in your life.”

Inviting Your Cold Market

Don’t worry too much about your cold market right now unless you’ve
warmed them up in your preparation phase.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 16

The Fastest Approach to Filling Your Calendar: Texting
Texting has now become the preferred method of communication, and
it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to Network Marketing. We get
annoyed when we get phone calls now and they tend to bring a lot of

The world’s changed to the point that if you don’t respond to a text
message now, you’re kind of a jerk. Texting is so efficient for so many

- Send out 150-200 text messages today, starting with A in your

phone until you get to Z.
- If you send out 300, you’re going to book 150 appointments
within 24 hours.
- And it’s done!

I recommend you cram 70 presentations into the first ten days. What
are 35 hours you can find in the first ten days? If you did two
Saturdays, twelve hours each, that would be 24/day x 2 = 48 of your
70 done! All you would need is 22 in the other eight days. It could be
two a day.

WRITE DOWN your strategy for sending out 150–200 text messages
today. And which 35 hours will you commit to in the first ten days?

If you don’t get 70 or 90 appointments from your 150, then text some more.
And remember... face-to-face changes the game!

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 17

Once you’ve picked the date, send 150 text messages or direct
messages in one day. It’s really important you do it in one day. You
can test it by doing a little trial run. Send ten text messages if you
want, just to set up a few appointments over the course of the next ten
days, just to get your feet wet. This will prepare you for your campaign
by giving you an added edge of confidence.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 18


Part #1: Your Background


Part #2: What you didn’t like


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 19

Part #3: You found a solution


Part #4: How You Feel About the Future


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 20

Practice with a Partner
If you’re watching this from home or in your office, and have somebody that
you can practice with, it’s a great way to practice the Four Elements to
Telling a Story while telling your story over and over again until it becomes
natural and you have it in your body. This should be easy, because it’s your
personal story.

Every one of you has a story. You might have struggled. You might not know
that you even have a story. This is when you need to play at 100% for a few
minutes. If you can, find someone you don’t know very well, or even a

EXERCISE PART I: Telling Your Story

Step 1: Connect with that person. For two minutes, one person tells the
story to the other person. Then for two minutes, that person comes back
and tells their story back to you.

Step 2: Share with one another how that experience was. What did it feel
like? For example, “The more you talked, the more I wanted to listen.” Or,
“It was a little clumsy for me.” It could be: “When you started talking about
Network Marketing, your whole face lit up and I started to feel that passion.”

Having a structure to tell the story gives you something to work with. Write
down some of the feedback you received or what you noticed about your
partner’s story. What did you feel?


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 21

The Most Important Part of the Story: What You Didn’t Like
Nobody cares about the future, until they relate to you and your pain.
Nobody cares how cool you are, and how many facts and figures you
know, until they know the story of your life. In most of the world,
showing weakness = death. It’s the Army way of dealing with it. In the
corporate world, you show weakness and you could lose your job.

In this situation, how many of you felt you could trust this person
within a couple of minutes? And if you have that platform of trust, now
you’re ready to listen. You want to hear more. The commonality and
the pain is what binds us. It’s what allows us to connect with another
human being.

EXERCISE PART II: Telling Your Story

For this second part, pick a different person this time. Don’t cheat and
do it with the same person.

Step 1: This time, push yourself to be a bit more real, maybe even
more than you’ve ever articulated in your life, about the things that
made you unhappy in your life. The dissatisfaction in your

Step 2: Share how it made you feel that maybe you’ve never
articulated to somebody else. Your doubts. Your concerns. Your fears
about that whole situation. Get really raw with what you didn’t like. Do
this for two minutes. Then switch.

Step 3: Now share the feedback on the experience this time. Express
openly, like “Vulnerability works.” Or, “I got chills after that.”

Things you may notice are that it’s a little bit more comfortable with
structure. And you realize you have an emotional, an inspirational, an
empowering story too. And once you tell it ten times, you’re going to
find your groove.

Write down how it felt this time for you. Was it easier? Were you
more emotional or passionate? What feedback did you receive from
your buddy? What feedback did you have for your buddy? Did you

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 22

notice that you were more willing to be vulnerable if you went


You’ll have success if you do this. This is a big part of what you’re
going to do 70 times in 30 days. You’re going to start every
presentation with: “Let me just tell you my story to start.”

Let’s do one more exercise so that you can feel the difference when
you focus on a different element of your story.

EXERCISE PART III: Telling Your Story

This time, you’ll only have two minutes; one minute each.

- You are forbidden to tell your background.

- You’re forbidden to talk about your pain.
- All you get to do is talk about the solution that you found and
how you feel about the future.
- Take one minute each.
- Share with your partner how it felt. Awkward? Uncomfortable?
Sales-y? Empty?

Write down how it felt. Was is personal or impersonal? Did you feel
comfortable doing it? Did you even want to do it? How did it feel
listening to your partner? What feedback did you receive from your
partner? Be open and honest about how that felt for you.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 23


This is what most of you have been doing your entire network
Marketing career. You’ve been telling them about your company,
product, compensation plan, timing, team, your goals and dreams.
And nobody cares. Everybody wants to run the other way.

My goal is to teach you things that work.

Exercise I: I wanted you to do it one time and go, “Huh, that kind of

Exercise II: The second time, I wanted you to go, “Wow! Emotion matters,
and we have more in common than we have separate. And I trust this
person more because they were more open with me.”

Exercise III: The third time was sterile. How empty and ugly it feels when
it’s all facts and figures and hype, and your dream, and you, you, you.
But you can fix it from now on.

With this process, you will be liberated. You are now empowered and
equipped. Now, when you get together with someone, you’re going to
be more connected with them and you know it will be a great

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 24

GO tell your story to 100 people in the next 30 days.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 25

1. Tell our Story
2. Do the Thing... every company has the thing that they do.
3. Ask some Questions

Here are some questions to ask at the end of the presentation that will
absolutely change everything:

- How do we effectively help a person make a decision?

- How do we close?
- How do we get them signed up as a customer or a distributor?

The formula for telling your story is a simple thing that makes big


What do you need to do in order to be a professional at the end of the
presentation? You’ve told your story. You’ve done the thing. Now what?
Here’s what it is...ask questions that will guide them to a decision.

Question #1: What did you like best of what I just showed you?

Question #2: On a scale of 1 through 10, if 1 is, you have zero interest
in doing anything like this and 10 means you’re ready to get started
this moment, where are you on a scale of 1 to 10?

Question #3: If you did decide to do something with this company,

with this business, part time, about how much would you need to earn
per month in order to make this worth your time?

Question #4: How many hours a week, realistically, could you commit
to developing that ($1,000) a month?

Question #5: How many months would you be willing to work those
10 hours a week while you were developing that ($1,000) income?

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 26

Question#6: “If I, would you...?”
Example: If I could show you how to develop a $2,000 monthly
income working 15 hours a week, flexible hours, hours of your time,
we could do some of this together and you could develop that over
the course of the next six months...would you be ready to get

What you’re saying is, “If I give you everything you want, and I show
you how to do it, do you want to do it or not?”

Ask the questions as a consultant. Then give them a solution.

If you can’t give them a solution, there are two options:

- One is to challenge them. If they say they want to make $10,000

working three hours a week, you can challenge them, like, “Come
on, how much are you making, really?” You get a little reality
check in the conversation.
- Two, you can say, “You know what? Nobody in our company has
done what you’re looking to do. But I’m not gonna tell you that
you can’t do it. I can show you what it would take in order to be
able to do it. I can show you the math and you can give it your
best shot.”

It’s going to take practice. Sit down and practice with somebody.

Questions and Objections

1. They have a limiting belief about themselves.
2. They have a limiting belief about Network Marketing.

Answer to both is a simple formula:

1. Listen with respect. Be attentive.

2. Relate to them. The more you can relate to the person and let them
know they’re not crazy for the objection, let them know you thought
about that stuff, too, and let them know. And then, tell your story.

3. Tell the story.

4. Ask the question, “If I, ...would you?”

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 27

Answering will take some practice. Who could you practice this with?
How can you improve your posture, your tone, your presentation, how
you tell your story?

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 28
Our whole life, we’ve been programmed to avoid pain. Consequences
have been built in to almost every action. Here are some strategies for
ensuring you do what you set out to do, once you put this commitment
in motion, if you’re really serious.

Strategy #1 — Proclaim it to the World:

- Tell everybody. Tell your whole team you’re gonna do it. Tell
your upline. Tell your company owner.
- Create some accountability.
- Don’t give yourself excuses to back out.

Strategy #2 — Create Incentives:

- Create some incentives, bonuses you’re going to earn if (when)

you do it.
- Create something fun if you accomplish it.
- Create a competition. Is there someone else in the company
willing to do it at the same time?
- This needs to become so all-encompassing that it’s all you talk
about. It’s all you think about.

Strategy #3 — Find a Friend to Do It with Together:

- This is a great way to become a master at this.

- Brainstorm. Don’t stop talking about it. Mastermind. Figure it
out. Solve problems.
- Share ideas and push each other.
- Create a support system.
- Create some penalties if you don’t.

Strategy #4 — Sacrifice Some Passions Until You Meet Your Goal:

- Maybe you need to turn off some of the things that are passions
for you.
- It could be watching sports on TV. Or your favorite TV show. Or
Social Media time.
- You don’t get to do any of that until you get your 20.

How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 29

Be the boss that you don’t have for yourself. Employ yourself and push
yourself to make this happen. Accountability here is something that
you need to create. But create a bubble around you, an incubator, a
support system that will force you to do it. Accountability is critical.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 30

People who get off to quick starts in Network Marketing start with a
belief immediately. They act right away vs. testing the water. What you
want to do with every one of the 20 is plant the seed. At some point
you want to help them get 20 people in 30 days. “When you’re ready,
I want to help you get 20 people in 30 days. You let me know, because
that’s gonna change your life. It changed mine.”

Get Them Started “Over The Line” To Build Their Belief

There is a concept of “Over the line:”

1. On one side of the line, it’s easier to quit.
2. On the other side of the line, it’s easy to stay.

What you want to do is move your brand new people into the easier
to stay column. You’re going to do that in a getting started process
of helping them:

• Get connected on the product.

• Help get them to an event.
• Help them rank advance.
• Help them get a commission check.

Do the different things you know how to do that’s going to build their
belief and confidence in the business and in you. Planting the seed
of 20 in 30 is a simple way to think about how you’re going to get
these people started.


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 31

20 in 30 can happen for you, and it will change your life. You are going
to be proud of yourself, and other people are going to be proud of you.
They’re going to be in awe when all of a sudden you bust out,
especially those of you who have been hanging around your company
for a long time.

You do 20 in 30, and people will be talking about you with praise.
“He’s the one exploding and building that market in that other city
that nobody thought was buildable in that city, but brought in 20
people in 30 days. That’s the one. Let’s go see if we can get a picture.”

You do 20 in 30, and someday, your critics today are going to brag
about how they met you. They’re going to brag about the fact that they
know you.

My request of you is that you be unreasonable with yourself for 30

days. Nobody who’s changed the world was a reasonable person.

• I want you to be unreasonable with yourself.

• I want you to be unreasonable in your expectations.
• I want you to be outrageous with your vision.
• I want you to be a champion inside of you – the best you – even
just for 30 days. • The most fearless you for 30 days.
• The biggest champion in you for 30 days.

You’re going to gather a strength around you like a storm. When that
30 days happens, you’re going to unleash every ounce of passion you
have inside of you. You’re worthy. You’re deserving. You’re capable.

You can do it. You’ve got this.

All you have to do is make a decision.

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How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 33


How to recruit 20 people in 30 days 34

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