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Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015

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Incorporating functional traits to enhance multimetric index

performance and assess land use gradients
Kai Chen a,1, Abdul Razzaque Rajper a,1, Robert M. Hughes b, John R. Olson c, Huiyu Wei a, Beixin Wang a,⁎
Department of Entomology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, PR China
Amnis Opes Institute and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97333, USA
School of Natural Sciences, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA 93955, USA


• Species traits support stream ecological

• Functional metrics systematically co-
varied with natural variations.
• Better performance exhibited by
Functional-taxonomic than taxonomic
adjusted MMI.
• Functional-taxonomic MMI diagnoses
early changes in land use disturbance.
• Functional-taxonomic MMI facilitates
pre-emptive management and

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Taxonomic-based multimetric indices (MMIs) have been widely employed for assessing ecosystem status, partic-
Received 5 February 2019 ularly through the use of stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. However, the functional diversity and compo-
Received in revised form 3 July 2019 sition of assemblages is also important for maintaining stream ecosystem condition. Nonetheless, aquatic insect
Accepted 3 July 2019
functional diversity and composition have not commonly been included in MMIs. Our goal was to advance our
Available online 04 July 2019
understanding of the performance and ecological interpretation of an MMI that potentially combined functional
Editor: Yolanda Picó and taxonomic metrics. We sampled aquatic insects and natural and land-use variables at 74 temperate Chinese
streams. We selected a candidate set of 36 functional and 20 taxonomic metrics that were screened by range
Keywords: tests, natural variation, responsiveness to anthropogenic disturbance, and redundancy for subsequent inclusion
Functional diversity in MMIs. We determined if natural variation adjustments improved the performance of a functional-taxonomic
MMI MMI. Finally, we evaluated the degree to which the functional-taxonomic MMI served as an early-warning indi-
IBI cator of land use intensity. Natural variation explained between 19.62% and 71.02% of metric variability, indicat-
Random forest ing that functional metrics changed systematically along natural gradients. The final functional-taxonomic MMI
Aquatic insects
adjusted for natural variation incorporated multiple aspects of assemblage characteristics: functional richness,
Rao's quadratic entropy, abundance-weighted frequency of soft bodies, abundance-weighted frequency of pred-
ators, and number of Diptera taxa. In contrast to the natural variation unadjusted MMI, the functional-taxonomic
adjusted MMI clearly distinguished least-disturbed sites from most-disturbed sites, exhibited high precision and
low bias, and showed a significant negative response to land uses. The slope of a linear regression relative to

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K. Chen), (A.R. Rajper), (R.M. Hughes), (J.R. Olson), (H. Wei), (B. Wang).
Co-first author.
0048-9697/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1006 K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015

0–10% urban and 0–20% agriculture was significantly steeper for the functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI than
that of the taxonomic adjusted MMI. We conclude that functional-taxonomic adjusted MMIs are more effective
indicators of ecological condition and risks to biota from human pressures than are purely taxonomic unadjusted
MMIs because functional-taxonomic MMIs are more sensitive to subtle anthropogenic pressures.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2010). However, improved understanding of the effects of natural vari-

ation on functional diversity and composition can facilitate more accu-
Trait information has proven useful for characterizing ecosystem rate detections of ecological differences among sites and more
function and structure and assessing ecological condition (Verberk accurate diagnoses of anthropogenic impacts on assemblages (Dolédec
et al., 2013). Land use change is a major cause of biodiversity loss and and Statzner, 2010; Menezes et al., 2010). Modeling based on natural
changes of ecosystem functions and services, and species traits ulti- variation in reference condition data is an increasingly common way
mately drive the biodiversity and ecosystem function relationships to obtain site-specific expectations that can improve the performance
(Flynn et al., 2009). Species traits such as life histories and physiologies of MMIs (Pont et al., 2009; Hawkins et al., 2010b; Mazor et al., 2016).
of species are expected to respond predictably to land-use caused envi- Therefore, our aim was to develop a natural-variation adjusted MMI
ronmental changes (Statzner and Bêche, 2010; Dolédec et al., 2011). that included functional and taxonomic metrics (hereafter functional-
Trait information based functional metrics (e.g., functional diversity taxonomic adjusted MMI) that passed our metric screening steps. We
and composition) can reveal more consistent relationships between then sought to use that MMI to assess the condition of aquatic insect as-
levels of land use intensity and biological assemblage responses semblages and their associations with land use pressures. We intended
than taxonomic variables (Dolédec et al., 2006; Flynn et al., 2009; to produce a robust assessment tool that would support a wide variety
Mouillot et al., 2013). Functional diversity has also been documented of bioassessment applications for perennial temperate streams and riv-
to indicate early warning signals preceding species loss (Villéger ers in eastern China and similar regions. We expected that adjusted
et al., 2010; Mouillot et al., 2013). In addition, a multifaceted approach MMIs would partition the effects of natural variations from anthropo-
(e.g., multimetric indices, MMIs) better represent ecological condition genic pressures on metrics, thereby improving the ability of the
and are more informative than a single metric (e.g., functional richness functional-taxonomic MMI to discriminate least- and most-disturbed
and evenness) (Saito et al., 2015; de Castro et al., 2018). Incorporating sites (hypothesis 1). We also hypothesized that a functional-
species traits in bioassessment thus offers a potential means of improv- taxonomic adjusted MMI would be a more sensitive indicator of low
ing ecological condition assessments (Dolédec and Statzner, 2010). levels of urban and agriculture intensity than a conventional taxonomic
Although increasing trait data are available for many stream and adjusted MMI (hypothesis 2).
river invertebrates (e.g., Poff et al., 2006), the use of traits in MMIs is
poorly developed (Bonada et al., 2006; Vandewalle et al., 2010;
2. Methods
Orlofske and Baird, 2014; Saito et al., 2015). Their uncommon adoption
reflects poor knowledge of species trait-function relationships for ap-
2.1. Study area and sampling sites
propriate choices of traits (Pedley and Dolman, 2014), the accuracy
and sensitivity of traits to discriminate anthropogenic stressors
We surveyed stream sites across the middle of the Qiantang River
(Dolédec et al., 1999; Orlofske and Baird, 2014), as well as how traits re-
Basin in eastern China (Fig. 1) in April of 2010 and 2011. The Qiantang
spond to particular stressors (Culp et al., 2011; de Castro et al., 2018;
River Basin has a drainage area N 55,000 km2. The study area is charac-
Leitão et al., 2018). Although trait-based functional metrics, such as
terized by a subtropical monsoon climate, with a mean annual temper-
the relative abundance of feeding, habitat, and tolerance groups have
ature of 17 °C and an average annual precipitation of 1600 mm. The
been commonly used in MMIs (e.g., Hering et al., 2006; Stoddard
Qiantang River discharge peaks in May through September as a result
et al., 2008), functional diversity and composition per se have been
of thunderstorms (Wang et al., 2012).
rarely used (Saito et al., 2015).
We sampled a total of 90 stream sites (100-m long reach) distrib-
MMIs based on species traits aid detection of early assemblage-level
uted along a gradient of known anthropogenic impacts based primarily
changes along disturbance gradients, particularly those associated with
on the amount of agricultural and urban land use in their catchments
changes in ecological processes (Mouillot et al., 2013). When species
(Wang et al., 2012). The landscapes in the region constitute mosaics of
perform similar functions, high functional redundancy buffers assem-
well-established mechanized agriculture, urban areas, and undisturbed
blages against disturbances (Mouillot et al., 2014). Therefore, loss of
primary forests (Liu et al., 2016). Land uses in the upper study region
any given species may have relatively little effect on ecosystem func-
were dominated by forest, but it also has been modified by some aggre-
tioning (Petchey et al., 2007; Ricotta et al., 2016). Traditional taxonomic
gate mining, agricultural activities, and rural developments. The impacts
composition metrics (e.g., species richness and evenness) thus are often
of anthropogenic activities are minimal for the northwestern region, but
weak tools for signaling disturbance (Hussin et al., 2012) or ecosystem
the remaining area is dominated by agricultural and urban land uses.
recovery (Villéger et al., 2010). On the other hand, low disturbance in-
tensity may decrease abundance of sensitive species with vulnerable
and unique functions without modifying overall assemblage composi- 2.2. Water quality
tion or affecting total species richness (Mouillot et al., 2013; Leitão
et al., 2016; de Oliveira-Junior et al., 2017). We collected water chemistry samples and measured physicochem-
Functional metrics based assessments may require adjustments to ical variables in situ before biological sampling. We measured electrical
partition the effects of natural variations from co-occurring anthropo- conductivity using a portable meter (HI 98129, HANNA, Italy). We col-
genic pressures (Zuellig and Schmidt, 2012). Although functional com- lected stream water (500 ml) from a riffle at each site in an acid-
position was reported to be confounded by spatial extents and natural cleaned high-density polyethylene bottle, stored it in the dark on ice,
environmental gradients (e.g., Statzner et al., 1997; Poff et al., 2010; and then analyzed it in the laboratory for total nitrogen and total phos-
Pease et al., 2012), functional metrics have been rarely evaluated phorus by UV spectrophotometer following Standard Methods for the
along natural environmental gradients (but see Péru and Dolédec, Analysis of Water and Wastewater (EPBC, 2002).
K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015 1007

Fig. 1. Locations of study sites in the middle Qiantang River Basin, eastern China.

2.3. Predictor variables and land use stressors macroinvertebrate samples to those yielding a minimum of 300 individ-
uals (Hughes and Peck, 2008; Stoddard et al., 2008). We excluded 6 sites
We characterized natural, unalterable predictor variables and with b200 individuals collected (Chen et al., 2015). A total of 74 sites
human activity land use stressors through use of a geographic informa- with complete environmental, taxonomic, and functional data were
tion system. We used the Geospatial Modeling Environment (Beyer, used for further MMI development and ecological interpretation
2014) to extract predictor variables and land use stressors of the analyses.
whole catchment upstream from the site (catchment-scale) and the
local site scale. We delineated catchment boundaries for each site with
2.5. Candidate biological metrics
the multi-watershed delineation tool (Chinnayakanahalli et al., 2006)
from 30-m digital elevation models ( provided
The number of candidate metrics used in the literature often exceed
by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We obtained land use information
100 (e.g., Stoddard et al., 2008), we proposed a priori 86 metrics (36
from the Zhejiang Land Use 2007 database (
functional and 50 taxonomic) for possible inclusion in the MMIs. We fo-
to calculate the % area in each catchment classified as forest, agriculture,
cused on aquatic insects (especially Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemerop-
or urban. The predictors used in modeling were catchment area, catch-
tera, Heteroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) because of
ment shape, catchment slope, and catchment elevation range (http://
their known sensitivities to anthropogenic disturbances (Wang et al.,, and both catchment- and site-scale land surface
2012; Helson and Williams, 2013; Chen et al., 2017) and their trait infor-
temperature (Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, 2013),
mation availability.
bio-climate (Hijmans et al., 2005), air temperature, and precipitation
(Grumman, 2002; Hijmans et al., 2005; Willmott and Matsuura, 2012).
2.5.1. Functional metrics
2.4. Aquatic insects For each taxon, we characterized eight traits (Table 1) commonly
used in previous macroinvertebrate functional diversity studies
We sampled aquatic insects from each site via a multi-habitat sam- (Dolédec and Statzner, 2010; Schmera et al., 2017) that were considered
pling technique (Barbour et al., 1999) through use of a modified Surber likely to link organism performance with environmental conditions or
sampler (0.09 m2, 250 μm mesh size) from 3 riffles and 2 pools. We ecosystem processes (Poff et al., 2006). Each trait was characterized
washed the substrate materials in the field and inspected the net for using a trait modality following Colzani et al. (2013) and Ding et al.
aquatic insects adhering to the mesh. The composite sample in an area (2017). Trait information was mainly obtained from published articles
of 0.45 m2 for each site was preserved with buffered 10% formalin, (Morse et al., 1994; Statzner et al., 1997; Usseglio-Polatera et al., 2000;
and then processed in the laboratory in a water-filled shallow plastic Poff et al., 2006; Tomanova and Usseglio-Polatera, 2007; Colzani et al.,
tray under incident illumination. The processed insects were then pre- 2013; Zhang et al., 2013) and online sources (
served in 80% ethanol. All individuals were counted and identified ds187/, Because of in-
under a stereomicroscope to the lowest practical taxonomic level (usu- sufficient data, we used maximum adult lengths as surrogates of larval
ally genus; Morse et al., 1994). We excluded 10 sites because some func- body size (Ding et al., 2017). We selected traits that were readily avail-
tional metric (e.g., functional dispersion) calculations are not applicable able in the literature or that could be determined confidently by expert
to sites with ≤2 taxa (Laliberté and Legendre, 2010). Also, metrics that opinion and applied to all our taxa. Those traits have been shown to re-
rely on abundances (e.g., taxa richness or uncommon species) show a spond to specific environmental gradients and stream conditions
strong dependence on the number of individuals collected (Lorenz (e.g., Poff et al., 2006; Ding et al., 2017). We defined a discrete score
et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2015). For this reason, the U.S. Environmental for each trait modality within each trait beginning with 1, 2, 3, and so
Protection Agency's National Rivers and Streams Assessment limits on (Colzani et al., 2013).
1008 K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015

Table 1 functional trait-space, where the centroid is the average of the traits of
Description of traits and trait modalities used in the trait-based functional metrics analyses species present in the assemblage (Anderson, 2006; Laliberté and
(modified from Colzani et al., 2013 and Ding et al., 2017).
Legendre, 2010). High FDis reflects the differentiation among coexisting
Trait Trait modalities Score Code species, such as interspecific competition, favoring of niche segregation,
Soft body 1 Prot1 or environmental heterogeneity, selecting for species adapted to differ-
Exoskeleton or external
Lightly sclerotized 2 Prot2 ent habitats. FDiv measures the degree to which the species abundances
Highly sclerotized 3 Prot3 diverge from the center of a functional space (Mason et al., 2005;
Integumentary 1 Resp1
Villéger et al., 2008). High FDiv entails a high degree of niche differenti-
Respiration type Branchial 2 Resp2
Air (spiracles, tracheae, plastrons) 3 Resp3 ation, more efficient resource use, and thus low resource competition
Small (b9 mm) 1 Size1 (Mason et al., 2005). RaoQ quantifies functional diversity as pairwise
Maximal body size Medium (9–16 mm) 2 Size2 differences in trait composition between taxa and accounts for relative
Large (N16 mm) 3 Size3 abundances of taxa in an assemblage (Botta-Dukát, 2005). RaoQ is use-
Hydrodynamic (flat, fusiform) 1 Shape1
Body shape
Not hydrodynamic (cylindrical, round) 2 Shape2
ful in explaining the relationships between assemblage assembly pro-
No refuge 1 Refu1 cesses and environmental constraints (Rao, 1982; Mouchet et al.,
Fixed network and retreat 2 Refu2 2010; Péru and Dolédec, 2010). It combines information from both
Refuge type
Sand, debris, and/or shell 3 Refu3 FRic and FDiv and simultaneously indicates if taxa are clustered in
Leaf parts or wood 4 Refu4
trait space and if there is divergence of taxa in resource use (Schleuter
Only depositional 1 Rheo1
Rheophily Depositional and erosional 2 Rheo2 et al., 2010). We also calculated the abundance-weighted frequency of
Erosional 3 Rheo3 each trait modality in the assemblage as a measure of functional
Burrower 1 Habi1 composition.
Climber 2 Habi2
Habit Sprawler 3 Habi3
2.5.2. Taxonomic metrics
Clinger 4 Habi4
Swimmer 5 Habi5 We started with over 50 candidate taxonomic metrics, which we re-
Collector-gatherer, brusher 1 Trop1 duced to 20 commonly used metrics that had previously been shown to
Collector-filterer 2 Trop2 have high disturbance-discriminating power and low redundancy in
Trophic habit Herbivore (scrapers, leaf miners) 3 Trop3
our study area (Chen et al., 2014, 2015, 2019; Table S1). Our candidate
Predator (piercers, engulfers) 4 Trop4
Shredder 5 Trop5 taxonomic metrics included all suggested metric categories (Stoddard
et al., 2008): taxonomic richness (e.g., total number of aquatic insect
taxa, number of Diptera taxa), taxonomic composition (e.g., % Ephem-
eroptera individuals), compositional diversity (e.g., Margalef richness
index), and tolerance (e.g., number of generally sensitive or intolerant
We calculated 36 functional metrics (8 functional diversity indices taxa). Some taxonomic richness and composition metrics were calcu-
and 28 functional composition metrics; supplementary data Table S1) lated because of their resistance (e.g., Diptera) or sensitivity
to describe the functional composition and structure of aquatic insect (e.g., Ephemeroptera) to disturbances (e.g., Macedo et al., 2016), using
assemblages based on the species position in multidimensional func- all taxa and abundances within that order. The selected metrics have
tional space and their relative abundances. Following Villéger et al. also been widely used in other bioassessment indices (e.g., Vander
(2008), we calculated functional diversity indices by simply lumping Laan and Hawkins, 2014; Macedo et al., 2016).
all trait modalities together without weighting. We calculated trait rich-
ness (TR) and trait diversity (TD) following Bonada et al. (2007) and 2.6. MMI development
Larsen and Ormerod (2010), respectively. TR calculates the total num-
ber of trait modalities of all species individuals occurring at each site 2.6.1. Site classification
(Bêche and Statzner, 2009). TD is similar to the Simpson taxon diversity We stratified the study region into small, medium and large
based on richness and abundance across all modalities within each trait catchment-size categories (Table 2) and then selected the least-
(Larsen et al., 2011). We used the pd function in the picante R package disturbed sites within each category as reference sites (Stoddard et al.,
(Kembel, 2010) to calculate distance-based functional diversity (dbFD; 2006; Vander Laan and Hawkins, 2014). A compromise between refer-
Faith, 1992; Petchey and Gaston, 2002). Distance-based FD measures ence site quality and representativeness of the natural environment is
the extent of complementary among-species trait values by estimating needed for site-specific condition predictions at a large and varied num-
the dispersion of species in trait space (Petchey and Gaston, 2002), ber of least-disturbed sites (Ode et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2019). Catch-
which is related to functional richness (Poos et al., 2009). Distance- ment strata ensure that we had reference sites in upland and lowland
based FD is estimated by measuring the total length of the branches of areas and across a range of stream sizes. Least-disturbed site selection
the dendrogram constructed from species functional composition thresholds for each of the screening variables were determined
(Petchey and Gaston, 2002). We used Gower's dissimilarity to develop
functional distance matrices and applied the unweighted pair group
method using arithmetic average (UPGMA) for clusters. We used the Table 2
Catchment size classes, land use, and chemical thresholds used to define least- and most-
dbFD function in the FD R package (Laliberté and Legendre, 2010) to cal-
disturbed sites.
culate functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve), functional
dispersion (FDis), functional divergence (FDiv), and Rao's quadratic en- Variable Least-disturbed Most-disturbed
tropy (RaoQ). FRic is the convex-hull volume of the functional space Catchment size Catchment size
filled by all species within the local assemblage, which measures the
Small Medium Large Small Medium Large
overall spread of traits in a particular assemblage (Villéger et al., 2008)
Area (km2) ≤5.9 5.9–50 N50 ≤5.9 5.9–50 N50
with higher values implying more niches filled by taxa. We standard-
% Agriculture ≤5 ≤10 ≤15 ≥25 ≥25 ≥50
ized the FRic between 0 and 1. FEve measures the distribution of abun- % Urban ≤5 ≤10 ≤15 ≥20 ≥20 ≥40
dance in a functional trait space ranging between 0 and 1. Lower FEve Conductivity (μs/cm) ≤100 ≤100 ≤300 ≥300 ≥300 ≥500
indicates the underused niche space (Mason et al., 2005; Villéger Total nitrogen (mg/L) ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≥3.0 ≥3.0 ≥5.0
et al., 2008). FDis measures the average distance of species weighted Total phosphorus (mg/L) ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.15 – – –
Number of sites 18 4 1 7 7 2
by their relative abundance to the centroid of the assemblages in a
K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015 1009

differently for catchment-size categories, with the most stringent therefore, we did not partition spatial autocorrelation effects in our ad-
criteria used for small catchments, and progressively less rigorous stan- justed MMIs.
dards for medium and large catchments (Table 2). We also used land
use and available water chemistry data to identify sites with the greatest Redundancy. We used cluster analysis and t-statistics to select
apparent human-caused degradation. No biological information was non-redundant metrics to reduce the average correlation among met-
used to identify the least-, intermediate- or most-disturbed sites. A rics (Van Sickle, 2010; Chen et al., 2014). A cluster dendrogram was de-
site was not considered to be least- or most-disturbed if it failed any veloped using absolute Pearson's correlation coefficients (r) as the
one of the filters in Table 2. Sites that were not designated as either similarity measure and Ward linkage as the clustering method (Cao
least- or most-disturbed were assigned as intermediate. We identified et al., 2007).
23 least-disturbed (reference) sites, 35 intermediate-disturbed sites,
and 16 most-disturbed sites for further analysis. Discrimination testing and final metric selection. The discriminat-
ing ability of each metric was evaluated through use of non-
2.6.2. Metric selection & MMI development parametric t-tests comparing mean metric values from least- and
We developed 4 MMIs: a natural variation adjusted MMI that com- most-disturbed sites. We selected the metric from each of the above
bined functional and taxonomic metrics (i.e., functional-taxonomic ad- clusters that showed the greatest differentiation (i.e., the largest abso-
justed MMI), a functional-taxonomic unadjusted MMI without natural lute t-value) to include in the MMI.
variation adjustment of metrics, a taxonomic adjusted MMI, and a taxo-
nomic unadjusted MMI. Metrics failing any of the following screening 2.6.3. Metric and MMI normalizing, rescaling and scoring
criteria were removed from consideration in the final MMIs (Stoddard We standardized each metric to a score between 0 and 100 to nor-
et al., 2008). malize the range of metric values on a common scale and, if necessary,
rescaled their response direction to calculate the final MMIs (Stoddard Range test. Metrics with a high proportion of the same values or et al., 2008). In practice, raw metric values have different numbers
narrow ranges across sites are unlikely to cover a wide range of natural and units and different response directions with increasing disturbance.
variation and to sufficiently discriminate site-level difference in assem- Also, metric values can respond either by decreasing (e.g., sensitive taxa
blage condition (Stoddard et al., 2008; Esselman et al., 2013; Chen et al., richness) or increasing (e.g., % tolerant individuals) with increased an-
2014). For example, the number of Heteroptera taxa per site was usually thropogenic disturbance. To combine these individual measures into
only one or zero, leaving no room for intermediate metric scores and in- an integrated MMI, it is essential to standardize all metrics to the
creasing the probability of erroneous scoring based on the detection of a same response direction and to unitless scores on a common scale rang-
single individual or not. Low ranges in metric values across reference ing between 0 and 100. We scored raw metric values that decreased
sites indicate little natural variability, thereby limiting a metric's ability with increased anthropogenic disturbance as 100*(metric value –
to detect the potential effects of human stressors on the aquatic biota M5th)/(M95th – M5th), with M5th and M95th being the 5th and 95th percen-
(Stoddard et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2019). Following Tang et al. (2016), tile of metric values. We rescaled disturbance-tolerant metrics by
we excluded metrics with scores ranging b15% change among reference subtracting the score from 100 to reverse the scale, so that all scored
sites and having the same or very similar metric values at more than half metrics had the same negative direction of response to impact (Cao
of all sites. et al., 2007; Stoddard et al., 2008). Each standardized metric score is
thereby finally expressed so that higher scores indicate less impairment Natural variation adjustment. An adjusted MMI attempts to con- (Hering et al., 2006). We used 5th and 95th percentiles of metric scores
trol for the effects of natural factors on metrics by determining the site- to prevent effects of extreme values, because this approach produces
specific expected metric values at reference sites given natural environ- an MMI with high responsiveness and lower coefficients of variation
mental gradients (Pont et al., 2009; Hawkins et al., 2010b). Because bi- (Blocksom, 2003). Rescaled metric scores b0 were set to 0 and those
ological metrics often vary along natural environmental gradients N100 to 100 (Cao et al., 2007). The final MMI was the sum of the selected
(Hawkins et al., 2010a; Moya et al., 2011), that natural variation could metrics divided by the number of metrics to rescale the MMI range from
reduce our ability to discern meaningful biological degradation caused 0 to 100, regardless of the final number of metrics. This step facilitates
by anthropogenic disturbances (Cao et al., 2007). To correct for this po- our ability to combine different metrics into a sensitive MMI and detect
tential confounding influence, we determined expected metric values human stress on aquatic systems, without changing metrics' response
for each site as a function of natural predictor variables that were unal- magnitudes (supplementary data Fig. S1). However, we can still exam-
terable by humans. Residuals (observed – predicted metric values) from ine and interpret individual metrics using the calculated metric values
random forest (RF) models of metric response to natural gradients, in- before their standardization.
stead of raw metrics, were used in subsequent metric selection steps.
We used residuals when RF models explained N10% of the variation in 2.6.4. Performance evaluation
reference metric scores; otherwise, we retained the raw metric values The performances of the alternative MMIs were evaluated in terms
(Hawkins et al., 2010a). The attractive features of RF models are their of bias, precision, responsiveness, and sensitivity (Hawkins et al.,
ability to handle non-linear relationships, model interactions among 2010a). We assessed systematic bias by the degree to which the remain-
predictor variables, and conduct bootstrap subsamples (i.e., in-bag and ing variation within reference site MMI values were associated with
out-of-bag samples). In addition, RF models are insensitive to correlated natural gradients. MMI scores at reference sites were regressed as a
predictors and overfitting, and several diagnostic tools (e.g., variable im- function of natural environmental variables using RF models, with
portance and partial dependence plots) are available (Cutler et al., higher % variance explained indicating higher bias. The observed vari-
2007). We implemented RF models to create 1500 trees for each ability (coefficient of variation, CV) of MMI scores among reference
model with randomForest package (Liaw and Wiener, 2002). sites was used to measure how precisely we can estimate MMI scores,
In riverine ecosystems, significant spatial autocorrelation can result with a lower CV indicating higher precision. Responsiveness was
from individuals moving freely among reaches (Lloyd et al., 2006), assessed by the difference between mean MMI scores between least-,
resulting in similar assemblages simply because of spatial proximity intermediate, and most-disturbed sites through use of a Student's t-
(Van Sickle and Hughes, 2000). Therefore, we tested for spatial autocor- test. The larger absolute t-statistic indicates greater discrimination effi-
relation in species composition using Mantel tests with 1000 permuta- ciency. We measured sensitivity as the percentage of intermediate and
tions (Pyron et al., 2008). We found no significant effects of spatial most disturbed sites inferred as being in non-reference biological condi-
autocorrelation in composition (Mantel r = 0.02 and p = 0.16); tion. Samples with MMI scores below the reference score equivalence
1010 K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015

threshold from one-sided non-central interval and equivalence tests Table 3

(Bowman and Somers, 2006) were considered as being in non- Random Forest (RF) models for metrics included in functional-taxonomic adjusted and un-
adjusted MMIs. RF % Var = % variation of least-disturbed site metric values explained in RF
reference condition. Higher correct classification indicates higher model. Predictors are arranged by variable importance with decreasing importance from
sensitivity. left to right. CatArea = catchment area (km2), Lat = latitude, ELEV_Mean_CA = mean
We also evaluated the relevancy of MMIs in responding to land use catchment elevation (m), SLPMAX_CA and SLPMIN_CA = maximum and minimum catch-
gradients to test our second hypothesis. We first used univariate and bi- ment slope (%), DOY = day of year, BIO2_PT = site monthly mean diurnal range (max
temp - min temp) (°C), BIO8_PT = mean temperature of wettest quarter for site (°C),
variate partial-dependence plots from RF models to assess the relation-
BIO13_PT = precipitation of wettest month for site (mm), BIO15_PT = precipitation sea-
ships between MMI scores and % urban and % agriculture. The partial sonality (coefficient of variation) for site, BIO18_PT = precipitation of warmest quarter for
dependence plots characterize the effect of % agriculture or % urban on site (mm), BIO3MN_CA = isothermality (* 100) for catchment.
each MMI score by plotting its predicted score across the gradient of
Metric RF % Predictors
the predictor while accounting for % urban or % agriculture (Hastie Var
et al., 2001). We visually inspected the partial dependence plots to iden-
Functional richness (FRic) 28.44 CatArea+BIO15_PT
tify % urban and % agriculture thresholds as the point at which a small BIO8_PT+AREA
increase in land use variables resulted in a large change in MMI scores. Rao's quadratic entropy (RaoQ) 19.62
We then used linear regressions to evaluate the relevancy of the rela- Distance-based functional diversity (dbFD) 59.49 BIO18_PT
tionship between MMI scores and % agriculture and % urban (from 0% DOY+BIO13_PT
Abundance-weighted frequency of soft body 71.02
to threshold %) land use in the catchment (Tang et al., 2016). We mea-
Abundance-weighted frequency of
sured relevancy as the amount of variance in MMI scores explained by % collector-gatherer and brusher
catchment land use and by the slope of the relationships. A steeper slope LAT+SLPMAX_CA
Abundance-weighted frequency of predator 64.98
indicates a better early warning signal of land use impacts. We used +ELEV_Mean_CA
generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) to test if different ELEV_Mean_CA
No. of Diptera taxa 33.98
MMIs responded significantly differently to land use gradients using
site as a random effect. We implemented GLMMs with the lmerTest
package (Kuznetsova et al., 2017). We only compared relevancy be-
tween functional-taxonomic adjusted and taxonomic adjusted MMI The resulting 5 taxonomic metrics with the highest t-statistic also
scores because unadjusted MMI values were always confounded by sys- differed between adjusted and unadjusted taxonomic MMIs. The met-
tem biases (see Results below). All statistical analyses were conducted rics for the taxonomic adjusted MMI were number of Ephemeroptera
in R software (version 3.2.3; R Development Core Team, 2014, http:// and Plecoptera taxa, number of Coleoptera taxa, number of Diptera taxa, number of intolerant taxa, and % EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera,
Trichoptera) individuals. The metrics for the taxonomic unadjusted
MMI included number of EPT taxa, number of Coleoptera taxa, number
3. Results
of intolerant taxa, % EPT individuals, and number of clinger taxa
(Table S2). Thus, the 2 taxonomic MMIs differed in only one metric: Dip-
3.1. Aquatic insect assemblages
tera taxa versus clinger taxa.
We collected a total of 221 aquatic insect taxa, with taxa richness
3.3. Performance of MMIs
ranging from 3 to 74 across all sites. We identified an average of 52
(±15) taxa and 2099 (±1001) individuals at least-disturbed sites, 15
Our functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI exhibited low bias, high
(±11) taxa and 1135 (±1377) individuals at intermediate sites, and 5
precision and responsiveness, and sensitivity to disturbance gradients
(±2) taxa and 240 (±34) individuals at most-disturbed sites. Species
(Table 4, Fig. 2). Site-specific systematic bias of the functional-
composition differed between the least- and most-disturbed sites
taxonomic adjusted MMI was significantly reduced, with only 2.0% of
(Fig. S2), with the most-disturbed sites highly correlated with urban
the variability in reference site scores associated with natural environ-
and agriculture land use stressors, and the least-disturbed sites highly
mental variation. In contrast, natural variation accounted for 12.9% of
correlated with % forest (Fig. S3).
the variability in the taxonomic adjusted MMI scores and 44.7% and
72% in the functional-taxonomic unadjusted and taxonomic unadjusted
3.2. Metric screening and selection of final metrics MMI scores. Precision estimates of the functional-taxonomic adjusted
MMI (CV = 0.09) were the highest, followed by functional-taxonomic
The screening procedure reduced the 56 candidate metrics to 5 final unadjusted MMI (CV = 0.14), taxonomic adjusted MMI (CV = 0.19),
metrics for each of the 4 MMIs. Range tests excluded 5 metrics. Natural and taxonomic unadjusted MMI (CV = 0.36). Overall the functional-
gradients explained N10% of the variation for all remaining candidate taxonomic adjusted MMI performed the best in differentiating sites
metrics. The residuals of those metrics were separated into five distinct under different disturbance levels, except for its ability to discriminate
clusters. The 5 metrics with the highest t-statistic differed between intermediate- and most-disturbed sites. The percent of intermediate-
functional-taxonomic adjusted and unadjusted MMIs. The metrics in and most-disturbed sites assessed as being in non-reference condition
the functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI were FRic, RaoQ, abundance- was 96% for the functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI. In contrast, we ob-
weighted frequency of soft bodies, abundance-weighted frequency of served the lowest sensitivity with the taxonomic adjusted MMI with
predators, and number of Diptera taxa, with natural variation explained 90% of test sites as being in non-reference condition.
ranging between 19.62% and 71.02% (Tables 3 and S2). The metrics in- Both functional-taxonomic adjusted and taxonomic adjusted MMIs
cluded in the functional-taxonomic unadjusted MMI were FRic, dbFD, showed significant negative responses to the land use disturbance gra-
abundance-weighted frequency of soft bodies, abundance-weighted dient; however, the degree to which the MMIs responded to % catch-
frequency of collector-gatherers and brushers, and number of Diptera ment land use varied (Figs. 3 and S4). Percent agriculture and urban
taxa, with natural variation explained ranging between 28.44% interactively contributed to both functional-taxonomic adjusted and
and 71.02% (Tables 3 and S2). Geomorphologic (e.g., elevation and taxonomic adjusted MMI scores demonstrating the significant effect of
slope), climatic (e.g., precipitation and temperature), and spatial human land use on aquatic insect assemblage condition. However, rela-
(e.g., latitude) were primary factors explaining 47.01–71.02% of aquatic tionships between % catchment land use was weaker with the taxo-
insect functional composition and 19.62–59.49% of functional diversity nomic adjusted MMI than with the functional-taxonomic adjusted
variation (Table 3). MMI. The partial dependence plot curves reveal that both functional-
K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015 1011

Table 4
Results of MMI performance based on: bias (RF % Var: % of variation among least-disturbed site MMI scores associated with natural variables after random forest modeling), precision
(coefficient of variation [CV] of least-disturbed site MMI scores), responsiveness (mean difference for comparison between mean least-, intermediate-, and most-disturbed site MMI
scores), and sensitivity (% of intermediate- and most-disturbed sites evaluated as in non-reference condition). Adjusted MMI = MMI with natural variation adjustment, unadjusted
MMI = MMI without natural variation adjustment.

Bias CV Responsiveness Sensitivity % Relevancy

RF % Var
Least vs intermediate Intermediate vs most Least vs most % Urban % Agriculture

R2 adj. slope R2 adj. slope

Functional-taxonomic MMI
Adjusted 2.0 0.09 11.5 5.4 28.6 96 0.69 -6.6 0.48 -2.6
Unadjusted 44.7 0.14 11.4 5.9 22.4 94 - - - -
Taxonomic MMI
Adjusted 12.9 0.19 9.9 4.7 18.7 90 0.55 -5.7 0.34 -2.0
Unadjusted 72.0 0.36 10.9 4.3 13.0 92 - - - -

taxonomic adjusted and taxonomic adjusted MMIs decreased rapidly metrics, and model selection) prevent direct comparisons, we believe
across % urban ranging from 0 to 10% and across % agriculture ranging that our incorporation of functional metrics with natural variation ad-
from 0 to 20%, but less markedly to further disturbance (Fig. 3). justments are reasons for the better performance of our functional-
The adjusted R2 and slope of a linear regression of the functional- taxonomic adjusted MMI than that reported in recent published studies
taxonomic adjusted MMI relative to 0 to 10% urban and 0 to 20% agricul- (Table S3).
ture were higher than those for the taxonomic adjusted MMI given the
same range of % urban (adjusted R2 0.69 vs 0.55 and slope − 6.6 vs 4.1. Natural gradient adjustment
−5.7) and % agriculture (adjusted R2 0.48 vs 0.34 and slope − 2.6 vs
−2.0) (Table 4, Fig. 3). Slopes between functional-taxonomic adjusted Aquatic insect functional diversity and composition varied along
and taxonomic adjusted MMIs as a function of % urban (p = 0.001) natural gradients. Similar results were reported from glacial streams
and % agriculture (p = 0.005) were significantly different. Including (e.g., Ilg and Castella, 2006), the tropics (e.g. Pease et al., 2012), and tem-
trait information strengthened the relationship between adjusted perate zones (e.g., Poff et al., 2010; Zuellig and Schmidt, 2012). Heino
MMIs and low levels of land use disturbance (Table 4, Fig. 3). et al. (2013) also found that assemblage traits developed from field
data sets varied along the longitudinal gradient of reference streams.
4. Discussion Variations in functional metrics were systematically correlated with
local- and catchment-scale geomorphology and climate variables in
Our functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI demonstrated that inclu- our study. This indicates a high degree of natural environmental vari-
sion of traits provided more meaningful and accurate assessment of ability to which aquatic insects responded, as others have reported
ecological conditions of temperate monsoonal streams than did the (Poff, 1997; Heino, 2005). As suggested by Heino et al. (2007), Poff
other MMIs. Our results confirmed both our hypotheses that 1) the et al. (2010), and Zuellig and Schmidt (2012), physiographic
functional metrics varied along natural gradients and adjusting metrics (e.g., elevation), climatic (e.g., precipitation and temperature), and spa-
for those gradients improved MMI performance, and 2) the functional- tial (e.g., latitude) gradients were primary factors explaining our func-
taxonomic adjusted MMI was more sensitive to 0–10% urban and 0–20% tional metric variations (Table 3). We also found that natural
agriculture intensity than the taxonomic adjusted MMI. Although differ- environments explained higher variation in functional composition
ence in factors (e.g., spatial extents, natural variability, candidate metrics than in functional diversity indices. Those indices, which

Fig. 2. Ranges of functional-taxonomic and taxonomic adjusted and unadjusted MMIs for disturbance categories. Boxes encompass the 25th – 75th percentiles, horizontal lines are medians,
and circles are outliers. Adjusted MMI = MMI with natural variation adjustment, unadjusted MMI = MMI without natural variation adjustment.
1012 K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015

Fig. 3. Partial dependence plots from the Random Forest biota-stressor models and linear regression of MMIs on stressors showing how functional-taxonomic and taxonomic adjusted
MMIs scores vary along % urban and % agriculture gradients. Adjusted MMI = MMI with natural variation adjustment.

integrate multidimensional facets of different traits, likely diminish the functional diversity of aquatic insect assemblages (Ding et al., 2017).
effects of natural environments to some extent, whereas functional Decreased FRic simultaneously implies loss of suitable niches for species
composition metrics are likely more sensitive to changes in natural en- (de Castro et al., 2018) as well as reduced taxonomic richness (Villéger
vironments. Similar results have been reported for taxonomic diversity et al., 2008; Leitão et al., 2018) with increased disturbance. Changes in
indices versus taxonomic composition responses to natural and anthro- relative abundance distributions can alter functional diversity without
pogenic gradients (Stoddard et al., 2008; Marzin et al., 2012). changing species richness (Petchey and Gaston, 2006). RaoQ is thus a
Accounting for the effects of natural variability improved the promising functional diversity indicator for assessing effects of distur-
functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI performance relative to that of un- bance (Péru and Dolédec, 2010; Ding et al., 2017) because it measures
adjusted MMIs. This has been shown to be true for other MMIs across a the pair-wise species dissimilarity in trait space weighted by relative
variety of stream types (e.g., tropical, subtropical, temperate), especially abundances (i.e., functional divergence) along stressor gradients (Leps
regarding human alterations that co-vary with natural gradients (Cao et al., 2006; Mouchet et al., 2010).
et al., 2007; Hawkins et al., 2010a; Chen et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2017). Functional composition metrics responses varied with increased dis-
Natural variation adjustment also improved the relevancy of our turbance. For example, frequency of soft body occurrence responded
functional-taxonomic adjusted MMI for detecting land use gradients, positively to increased disturbance, whereas frequency of predator oc-
and thus increased the possibility for causal interpretations of ecological currence responded negatively to increased disturbance (Fig. S4). In-
degradations. Similar results were reported by Vander Laan et al. (2013) creasing farm and urban land use intensity results in more taxa having
and Tang et al. (2016) for spatially extensive studies of USA streams. traits of resilience or resistance to sedimentation (e.g., soft body;
Furthermore, this indicates the need to determine the degree to which Lange et al., 2014; Ding et al., 2017). The greater farm and urban land
the natural gradients of reference sites represent those of intermediate use, the higher the sediment inputs (Allan, 2004). Therefore, taxa living
and most-disturbed sites. This is important because the regional repre- in depositional areas dominated by fine sediments tend to have soft
sentativeness of the natural gradients of reference sites is necessary to bodies to tolerate or thrive in unstable sediments (Stoddard et al.,
prevent the application of MMIs to inappropriate sites and invalid infer- 2008); on the other hand, those same conditions tend to reduce the fre-
ences of ecological condition (Ode et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2019). quency of predators, which generally require coarse sediments (Fierro
et al., 2018).
4.2. Metric selection
4.3. Early warning signals of land use impacts
Functional diversity and composition are useful indicators for dis-
criminating least- and most-disturbed sites in temperate monsoonal Land use intensification can greatly reduce species richness and eco-
streams. Because traits are phenotypic characteristics linked to organ- system functioning (Davies and Jackson, 2006; Flynn et al., 2009).
ism survival (Weiher, 2011), functional diversity was expected to be Therefore, MMIs based on species traits and abundances are more likely
lower at most-disturbed sites than at least-disturbed sites because to be early-warning disturbance indicators than taxonomic composition
most-disturbed sites restrict the life forms capable of colonization. We alone (Dolédec et al., 2006; Mouillot et al., 2013). Coleman et al. (2015)
did observe that higher disturbance decreased functional diversity concluded that traits elucidated early detection of environmental
scores (Fig. S4). Decreased FRic and RaoQ at intermediate and most- changes in marine fish assemblages, when traditional taxonomic
disturbed sites also indicate that human disturbance reduced the MMIs did not. Our results demonstrated that our functional-
K. Chen et al. / Science of the Total Environment 691 (2019) 1005–1015 1013

taxonomic adjusted MMI was more sensitive to low-level land use dis- Author contributions
turbance than a taxonomic adjusted MMI (Table 4, Fig. 3). Leitão et al.
(2016) reported that significant reductions in functional diversity KC conceived the research ideas. KC and ARR led the analyses and
could be related to disproportionate extirpation of rare and sensitive writing. BW provided the data. All co-authors contributed to the writing
taxa. In our study, land use intensification caused early loss of species of all versions of the manuscript.
with unique traits (Fig. S4 and Fig. 3), whereas other species with differ-
ing traits persisted, perhaps via a habitat filtering process (Flynn et al., Acknowledgements
2009). Thus, functional metrics change more rapidly than taxonomic
metrics because increased land use intensity greatly affects functional This research was funded by the National Natural Science Founda-
composition and diversity even if few species are lost from the system tion of China (NSFC, no. 51509159 and 41771052). We thank the
(de Castro et al., 2018). When land use intensification increases further, Zhejiang Environmental Monitoring Center for water chemistry analy-
functionally generalist species persist without changing functional ses, and colleagues at the Laboratory of Aquatic Insects and Stream
diversity. Ecology of Nanjing Agricultural University for assistance with macroin-
Functional richness is sensitive to proportions of species losses vertebrate sampling and processing. We thank all 7 anonymous re-
(Pakeman, 2014). Mouillot et al. (2013) predicted that FRic would not viewers for the many edits, comments and suggestions that improved
be sensitive to disturbance intensity because low disturbance intensity the manuscript's clarity.
may deplete populations of rare species with vulnerable combinations
of traits without modifying species composition or species or functional Appendix A. Supplementary data
richness. However, our results conflict with their predictions. de Castro
et al. (2018) also reported reduced response in FRic beyond intermedi- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
ate levels of disturbance gradients, but to a lesser degree than our re- org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.047.
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