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Weekly Reading Journal

Name: ______________________________________________

Author: ______________________________________________ Pages: _____________

Vocabulary Words. Write words that you do not know and their meaning in your own words. Watch your spelling.






Cultural Connections. Write several ideas or words that remind you of something in your culture. You may need to look
you the meaning. Then write what you think about the idea.

Pg.______ Para_____1.

Pg.______ Para_____2.

Question. Write 2 questions that come to your mind while you are reading. Write the page and paragraph where you
had the question and write your thoughts.

Pg.______ Para_____1.

Pg.______ Para_____2.

Summary. Write what you think the writer/passage is trying to say and give reasons why you think this way. Or choose
one paragraph and explain what it means.

Pg.______ Para_____1.

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