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Materials Characterization 47 (2001) 83 – 87

Hydrothermal conversion of coral into hydroxyapatite

Ye Xu, Dazhi Wang*, Lan Yang,
Honggao Tang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026,
People’s Republic of China
Received 21 November 2000; accepted 31 May 2001


Porous coralline hydroxyapatite (CHA) was prepared by the hydrothermal conversion of Porites skeleton
(aragonite) with and without the use of the mineralizer KH2PO4. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Fourier
transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize
the exchange process. The complete conversion was achieved after 10 and 17 days, respectively, with and without
the mineralizer. When the mineralizer was present, the exchange process involved only the direct conversion of
aragonite into HA. Without the presence of the mineralizer, there were, in addition, intermediary conversions of
aragonite into calcite and calcite into b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP). The research study also showed that the
presence of the mineralizer accelerated the conversion process and preserved the interconnecting microstructure of
the coral better. D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydroxyapatite; XRD

1. Introduction achieved at elevated temperatures and pressures,

insuring more than adequate sterilization and preserv-
Hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2; HA] has been ing the original structure of coral. However, the
widely investigated as a bone substitute, because it complicated exchange process has not yet been
has been shown to form a direct bond with adjacent investigated in any detail. In this paper, we report
hard tissue [1 – 6]. Current methods of preparing HA on the conversion of the calcium carbonate (aragon-
range from an aqueous solution [7 – 9], solid-state ite) skeleton of the marine coral Porites into HA, both
reaction [10], to hydrothermal methods [11]. Cor- with and without the use of the mineralizer KH2PO4,
alline HA (CHA), prepared by the hydrothermal and the subsequent study of the exchange process.
conversion of marine coral, has been used extensively
in clinical applications in recent years [12]. Coral
exists in very large quantities and has a cancellous 2. Experimental procedure
pore structure essential for the in-growth of bone
tissue [13]. The hydrothermal conversion to HA is 2.1. Sample preparation

Porous CHA with micrometer-range intercon-

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-551-36011701. nected pores was prepared by mixing the Porites
E-mail address: (D. Wang). and (NH4)2HPO4, with or without the mineralizer

1044-5803/01/$ – see front matter D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 0 4 4 - 5 8 0 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 5 4 - 1
84 Y. Xu et al. / Materials Characterization 47 (2001) 83–87

KH2PO4, through the following procedure. First,

coral blocks obtained from the coast were cleaned,
dried and then sliced into average pieces (10  10
 5 mm). The pieces of Porites coral together with
equal quantities of phosphate and water were placed
in an autoclave, occupying three-quarters of the
autoclave volume. The autoclave was then sealed,
heated at a specified temperature and pressure for
periods of time varying from 2 to 17 days, cooled,
and the products collected. In another autoclave,
under the same reaction conditions, a small quantity
of KH2PO4 was added as the mineralizer. The
following main exchange reaction took place:

10CaCO3 þ 6ðNH4 Þ2 HPO4 þ 2H2 O

) Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2 þ 6ðNH4 Þ2 CO3 þ 4H2 CO3

2.2. Sample characterization

The phases of the products were studied using X-

ray diffraction (XRD) analysis (Kingaku D/Maz-g),
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
(using a Bruker Vector-22 spectrometer) and a Hita-
chi X-650 scanning electron microscope (SEM). The
Fig. 2. XRD spectra of CHA produced with mineralizer
KH2PO4 present for (a) 2, (b) 6, (c) 8, and (d) 10 days.

microstructural observations in the SEM were per-

formed on gold-coated specimens.

3. Results and discussions

3.1. XRD analysis

Figs. 1 and 2 show the XRD patterns obtained

from the hydrothermal conversion products at various
stages during the conversion process, both without
and with the mineralizer. Fig. 1a, the XRD pattern of
the CHA produced after 2 days with no mineralizer
present, shows a well-crystallized pattern of HA with
sharp peaks (Fig. 1a). The original aragonite phase is
also detectable. When the reaction time was extended
to 6 days (Fig. 1b), more HA was produced and less
aragonite remained. After 8 days (Fig. 1c), the
aragonite diffraction lines have disappeared com-
pletely and new diffraction lines are seen at 2q values
of 31.1, 34.1 and 27.8. These reflections are
attributed to the formation of b-tricalcium phosphate
(b-TCP). Calcite diffraction lines were also detected
at this stage. The XRD patterns obtained after 10
(Fig. 1d) and 13 days (Fig. 1e) show the gradual
Fig. 1. XRD spectra of CHA produced without mineralizer disappearance of b-TCP and its replacement by HA.
present for (a) 2, (b) 6, (c) 8, (d) 10, (e) 13, and (f) 17 days. After 17 days, only HA was detected (Fig. 1f). From
Y. Xu et al. / Materials Characterization 47 (2001) 83–87 85

these observations, a complex transformation process

is inferred. This involves parallel reactions, one in
which the aragonite is converted directly into HA and
a second in which there is an intermediate trans-
formation of aragonite into calcite, a more thermo-
dynamically stable form of calcium carbonate [14]. In
the early stages of the conversion, aragonite trans-
formed to HA faster than to calcite, so the main
product detected was HA. As the change from
aragonite to calcite being slower than that to HA,
the calcite phase diffraction lines began to appear
later in time. The calcite was subsequently trans-
formed into b-TCP because of their structural sim-
ilarity [15]. However, HA is more thermodynamically
stable than b-TCP [16], so after 17 days, only pure
HA was produced.
By contrast, no conversion of aragonite into
calcite and formation of b-TCP were observed in
the experiment incorporating the mineralizer KH2PO4
(Fig. 2), all the aragonite being converted directly
into HA. From this, it was inferred that the mineral-
izer KH2PO4 accelerated the direct conversion of

Fig. 4. IR spectra of CHA produced with mineralizer

KH2PO4 present for (a) 2, (b) 6, (c) 8, and (d) 10 days.

aragonite into HA and inhibited the conversion of

aragonite into calcite.

3.2. FTIR spectroscopy

FTIR spectroscopy furnished additional informa-

tion of the structure of CHA. Fig. 3 illustrates the
spectra of CHA formed without the mineralizer being
present. The complex changes detected in the XRD
spectra were also found in the FTIR spectra. The IR
absorption spectrum of the CHA was characterized by
three main regions, which are related to the vibra-
tional frequencies of the CO32  , OH  and PO43 
ions [17]. The peaks seen at 712.4 and 699.0 cm  1
in Fig. 3a and b were due to CO32  in aragonite,
while that seen at 712.2 cm  1 in Fig. 3c – e was due
to CO32  in calcite [18]. This confirmed the change
of aragonite to calcite observed in XRD patterns.
When the reaction time was increased, these carbon-
ate bands became less intense then disappeared
completely (Fig. 3f). In addition, there are CO32 
bands at 1422, 1453 and 1548 cm  1 in Fig. 3f. This
suggests that a small amount of carbonate remained
and took up the partial positions of OH  and PO43 
in the HA lattice. Types A and B carbonated HA were
produced, as revealed by the CO32  bands at 1548
Fig. 3. IR spectra of CHA produced without mineralizer and 1460 cm  1, which correspond to Type A carbo-
present for (a) 2, (b) 6, (c) 8, (d) 10, (e) 13, and (f) 17 days. nated HA, and by those at 1460 and 1415 cm  1,
86 Y. Xu et al. / Materials Characterization 47 (2001) 83–87

which correspond to Type B carbonated HA [19]. At after 10 days, at the end of the reaction, it had almost
the same time, the bands that corresponded to the disappeared. On the other hand, the peak at 877
stretching (3565 cm  1) and librational (633 cm  1) cm  1, representing Type A carbonated HA, strength-
modes of the OH  groups became more intense with ened with time. This indicates that the Type B form
duration, which means that OH  groups had been gradually transformed to Type A HA. The mech-
gradually incorporated into the HA lattice [17,20]. anism of this change is presently under study.
The FTIR spectra obtained from CHA formed in
the presence of the mineralizer are shown in Fig. 4 3.3. Scanning electron microscopy
and it is apparent that there are some differences from
the spectra of Fig. 3. At the beginning of the Fig. 5a is a scanning electron micrograph of the
exchange process, the peak at 855 cm  1 is very original Porites. The skeleton is permeated by inter-
strong, which suggests that CO32  mostly occupied connecting channels forming a fenestrate microstruc-
the PO43  position in the HA lattice and thus ture that has the advantage of allowing circulation of
represents Type B carbonated HA. This peak gradu- body fluids and of increasing the potential for firm
ally weakened as the exposure time increased, so that attachment of body tissue. Fig. 5b and c show the

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of (a) Porites, (b) CHA completely exchanged without mineralizer present, and (c) CHA
completely exchanged with mineralizer KH2PO4 present.
Y. Xu et al. / Materials Characterization 47 (2001) 83–87 87

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