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Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

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Performance of microbubble ozonation on treated tropical peat water:

Effects on THM4 and HAA5 precursor formation based on DOM
hydrophobicity fractions
Muammar Qadafi a, *, Suprihanto Notodarmojo b, c, Yuniati Zevi b, c
Environmental Engineering Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Department of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Water and Wastewater Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan. Ganesha 10,
Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Microbubble ozonation was con-

ducted prior to final chlorination
 DAX-8, XAD-4, and IRA-958 resin
were used to isolate the DOM
 Microbubble ozonation reduced the
THM4 and HAA5 formation below
USEPA standard.
 The TPH fraction decreased during
the microbubble ozonation as C-DBPs
 The hydrophilic fractions were found
to be B-DBPs precursors.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The hydrophobicity properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) found in tropical peat water has an
Received 23 December 2020 impact on the formation of carcinogenic DBPs such as trihalomethanes-4 (THM4) and haloacetic acids-5
Received in revised form (HAA5). This study was conducted to determine the effect of microbubble ozonation on changes in DOM
31 March 2021
fraction and its effect on the formation of THM4 and HAA5. Alum coagulation and activated carbon
Accepted 18 April 2021
adsorption were carried out to reduce the DOM concentration before microbubble ozonation. Micro-
Available online 21 April 2021
bubble ozonation was carried out at acidic (pH 5.5), neutral (pH 7) and alkaline (pH 8.5) conditions to
Handling Editor: Junfeng Niu determine the effect of pH. Coagulation and adsorption of activated carbon were successful in reducing
the presence of the hydrophobic acid fraction (HPOA) in peat water completely, but the transphilic (TPH),
Keywords: charged hydrophilic (HPIC) and neutral hydrophilic (HPIN) fractions remained in the water. Microbubble
Microbubble ozonation ozonation succeeded in decreasing the presence of TPH fraction but increased the formation of HPIC and
Tropical peat water HPIN. The degradation of the TPH fraction resulted in reduced formation of chlorinated THM4 and HAA5
DOM fraction (C-THM4 and C-HAA5). On the other hand, the formation of HPIC and HPIN fractions increased the
formation of brominated THM4 and HAA5 (B-THM4 and B-HAA5) after the final chlorination process.
Haloacetic acids
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:,
(M. Qadafi).
0045-6535/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

1. Introduction microbubble ozonation.

Although microbubble ozonation has been reported successfully
Disinfection is an important process in water treatment to reducing organic pollutants, the research regarding the effect of
protect human health from aquatic diseases (Siddique et al., 2015; microbubble ozonation on DBPs precursor formation is still limited.
Wang et al., 2019) such as cholera, dysentery, leptospirosis, etc. Li et al. (2018) reported that microbubble ozonation could promote
(Postigo et al., 2018). The chlorine disinfection process in water the formation of bromo-organic DBPs and bromate precursors in
containing natural organic matter (NOM) triggers the formation of bromide-containing water. Compared to conventional bubble
carcinogenic DBPs such as THM and HAA (Qadafi et al., 202a). The ozonation, microbubble ozonation also reported has higher effi-
United States Environmental Agency (USEPA) determines the ciency on the removal of aromatic compounds such as phenol and
contaminant limits for THM4 (chloroform/TCM, bromodichloro- nitrobenzene (Wu et al., 2019) which precursors to THMs and HAAs
methane/BDCM, chlorodibromomethane/CBDM, and bromoform/ (Bond et al., 2012). Then, Sun et al. (2021) also reported that
TBM). Including the limit for HAA5 (Chloroacetic acid/MCAA, microbubble ozonation could reduce the protein-like compound
dichloroacetic acid/DCAA, trichloroacetic acid/TCAA, bromoacetic that was an important precursor to THMs (Bond et al., 2012). Our
acid/MBAA, and dibromoacetic acid/DBAA) in drinking water of previous research (Qadafi et al., 2020a) reported that microbubble
80 mg/L and 60 mg/L respectively, due to the carcinogenic properties pre-ozonation has successfully reduced the total formation of
(USEPA, 1998). THM4 and HAA5 in tropical peat water treatment below the USEPA
Natural peat water has been reported to contain very high dis- standards.
solved organic matter (DOM) in the form of humic acid with hy- Considering the fact that the effect of microbubble as the final
drophobic acid (HPOA) properties, therefore producing a brownish step before chlorine disinfection and the mechanism for THM4 and
color and acidic pH in water (Mahmud et al., 2013; Sudoh et al., HAA5 formation based on its precursors in tropical peat water
2015; Zulfikar et al., 2016). Generally, the high DOM concentra- treatment were still unknown. This research aims to determine the
tion in tropical peat water triggers high DBPs formation during the effect of microbubble ozonation as a treatment before the chlori-
disinfection process using chlorine. It is also reported to contain nation process towards changes in the hydrophobicity properties of
other DOM fractions such as TPH, HPIC, and HPIN (Mahmud et al., DOM fractions and their relationship to the THM4 and HAA5 for-
2013). Our previous research reported that the process of alum mation. Based on these results, it is expected that the mechanism of
coagulation and activated carbon adsorption was unable to reduce changes in the DOM fraction resulting THM4 and HAA5 reduction
the formation of THM4 and HAA5 below the USEPA standards in tropical peat water treatment using alum coagulation, activated
(Qadafi et al., 2020a), hence additional treatment is needed. Usu- carbon adsorption, and microbubble ozonation can be explained.
ally, the coagulation by using alum only reduces the hydrophobic Finally, it is possible to determine the precursor properties of THM4
fraction in water (Edzwald and Tobiason, 1999; Sudoh et al., 2015), and HAA5 compounds from each tropical peat water DOM fraction
but activated carbon adsorption adsorbs NOM selectively based on and suggesting better treatment methods for reducing these two
molecular weight (Park et al., 2019). classes of DBPs.
DOM can be categorized into several fractions’ types including
hydrophobicity, and molecular weight (Bing-zhi et al., 2007). Its 2. Materials and methods
hydrophobicity fraction is determined using a resin column, for
example, XAD. The DOM hydrophobicity property has different 2.1. Samples and chemicals
characteristics as a THM4 and HAA5 precursor (Bond et al., 2012).
Previous research (Bing-zhi et al., 2007; Mahmud et al., 2013) Samples were taken from the peat river found in Indragiri Hilir
categorized DOM in natural water-based on fractions, namely Hy- Regency’s peatland, Riau Province, Indonesia. All fractionation
drophobic acid (HPOA), weak hydrophobic/transphilic (TPH), resins (Superlite DAX-8, Amberlite XAD-4, and Amberlite IR-958),
hydrophilic-charged (HPIC), and hydrophilic neutral (HPIN). Also, were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (USA). The fractionation
the THM4 formation potential (THMF4P) and HAA5 formation po- chemicals (hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride,
tential (HAA5FP) depend on THM4 and HAA5 precursors found in sodium sulfite, and methanol), and phosphate buffer were pur-
each DOM fraction (He et al., 2018; Navalon et al., 2010). chased from Merck (Germany). Aluminum sulfate and powdered
Ozone has the ability to degrade high molecular weight organic activated carbon (1000 mesh; iodine number, 1000 mg/g) were
compounds (i.e., humic acid) to smaller sizes which are usually purchased from Bratachem (Local). The THM4 and HAA5 standards
hydrophilic (Hua and Reckhow, 2013; Zhong et al., 2017a). Recent and extraction reagents were based on our latest research (Qadafi
studies reported that the ozonation process could reduce the for- et al., 2020a, 2020b). Chlorine solution (sodium hypochlorite 25%)
mation of THMs and HAAs (Yiran et al., 2014; Fan et al., 2015; was purchased from Pudak Scientific (local). All solutions were
Deeudomwongsa et al., 2017; Yaman et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2018; diluted into mili-Q grade water.
Gao et al., 2020). Ozonation using microbubble has been widely
used in water and wastewater treatment to reduce various pollut- 2.2. Experimental procedures
ants concentrations (Khuntia et al., 2014; Li et al., 2018a; Deng et al.,
2021). The reactive ozone properties and microbubble that is Fig. S1 shows the schematic diagram of the laboratory-scale peat
capable of optimizing ozone mass transfer (Li et al., 2018; Zeng water treatment including DOM fraction analysis. Alum coagulation
et al., 2020) is the right combination to degrade or oxidize the followed by sedimentation was used as pre-treatment to remove
pollutants mentioned (Deng et al., 2021; Khuntia et al., 2014). The the hydrophobic fraction of DOM. The coagulated peat water was
effect of microbubble ozonation on organic pollutant removal has again treated by powdered activated carbon adsorption placed in a
been studied recently (Wu et al., 2019; Deng et al., 2021; Jabesa and mechanical shaker for 2 h. Then, Microbubble ozonation was con-
Ghosh, 2021; Jothinathan et al., 2021). Jabesa and Ghosh (2021) ducted to the treated water in pH 5.5, 7, and 8.5 for acidic, neutral,
reported the same result in removal efficiency of dimethyl sulf- and alkaline conditions. The water samples in all sections were
oxide (DMSO), although ozone microbubbles have higher ozone fractionated using fractionation resin and chlorinated to determine
consumption than ozone milibubbles. The high reaction rate con- DOM fractions fraction characteristic and THM4 and HAA5 forma-
stant in organic removal also reported by Deng et al. (2021) and tion. The same process of microbubble ozonation was also applied
Jothinathan et al. (2021) in wastewater treatment using catalyzed to raw peat water as a control.
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

2.2.1. Coagulation, activated carbon adsorption, and chlorination method (USEPA, 1995b), in which GC-MS (Xie, 2001) was modified
The coagulation jar test activated carbon and chlorines dosing for HAA5 analysis. Agilent 7693 Series Automatic Liquid Sampling
was described elsewhere (Qadafi et al., 2020a). Prior coagulation was used for sample injection. The Agilent MSD ChemStation
process, 150 mg/L of sodium carbonate to increase peat water software was used in the data processing.
alkalinity. The peat water was coagulated using 40.8 mg/L Al2O3 of
Aluminum sulfate. Then, the coagulated peat water was placed in a 3. Results and discussions
mechanical shaker for 2 h activated carbon adsorption using
250 mg/L powdered activated carbon dose. The treated peat water 3.1. Peat water characteristics
was filtered using a 2.5 mm ashless filter (Whatman Grade 42)
before placing on a microbubble ozonation reactor. Each sample Table 1 showed the natural peat water characteristics as samples
was chlorinated for 24 h and stored in the dark at 25  C using in this research. Natural peat water has a high organic content as
10 mg/L chlorine content of sodium hypochlorite. indicated by the high DOC concentration and UV254 absorption (a
measurement of the amount of light absorbed by organic com-
2.2.2. Microbubble ozonation pounds in water). The DOC concentration was intermediate
The microbubble ozonation process was carried out based on compared to Borneo Island (Kalimantan) peat water reported by
our previous research (Qadafi et al., 2020a). Ozone microbubbles other researchers (Mahmud et al., 2013; Sudoh et al., 2015) that
were injected to 9 L of coagulated and activated carbon adsorbed reach 20 mg.C/L and 33 mg.C/L respectively. Also, a high SUVA254
tropical peat water in a cylindrical Plexiglas reactor with 15 cm value that is greater than 4 and 5.4 indicates that tropical peat
diameter and 60 cm height using a vortex microbubble diffuser. The water has a highly hydrophobic DOM (Edzwald and Tobiason,
ozone flow was maintained at 0.5 L/h with a 3 g/h ozone rate 1999). An acidic pH from natural peat water indicates that the
produced by an ozone generator (Hypro, China) using dehumidified DOM was found in the form of humic acid and is strongly
air as an oxygen source. The water inlet was maintained at 12 L/min hydrophobic.
producing a pump pressure of 0.4 MPa. This maintained condition The chloride content of tropical peat water is categorized as
can produce ozone microbubbles with a 59.6 mm average diameter. moderate due to the sea’s tidal influence. However, the bromide
These microbubbles’ size was agreed by the statement of Temesgen concentration of tropical peat water is relatively high and the same
et al. (2017) which states the microbubbles have a tiny diameter as the standard seawater bromide concentration reported by other
between 10 mm and 100 mm. The water pH was adjusted to 5.5, 7, research (Ged and Boyer, 2014). The high concentration of hydro-
and 8.5 for acidic, neutral, and alkaline conditions using hydro- phobic DOM added with the presence of bromide in water requires
chloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution. The water was circu- adequate treatment, hence the formation of brominated DBPs in
lated through the reactor, pump, and buffer tank for 60 min the final chlorination process is controllable.
microbubble ozonation time. About 250 mL water was sampled
from the rector every 10 min for analysis. The experiment was
3.2. Coagulation and activated carbon adsorption
conducted in triplicate for data accuracy.
Table S1 showed the effect of alum coagulation, activated carbon
2.2.3. DOM fractionation
adsorption, and coagulation followed by activated carbon adsorp-
The fractionation of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) was
tion on DOM removal. Alum coagulation standalone was successful
conducted according to the previous research (Bing-zhi et al., 2007;
in significantly reducing UV254 absorption and dissolved organic
Vieira et al., 2012; Mahmud et al., 2013). Peat water was filtered
carbon (DOC) concentration. The decrease in DOC concentration by
using a 0.45 mm membrane to remove suspended particles. Samples
59.08% caused the SUVA254 value to drop below 4, which indicated
were adjusted to pH 2 then fed onto a Superlite DAX-8 resin, which
that the coagulation process has succeeded in removing the pre-
absorbs HPOA fraction. The unabsorbed fraction was fed onto an
dominant hydrophobic DOM (humic and fulvic acid) content
Amberlite XAD-4 resin, which absorbs the TPH fraction. The
(Edzwald and Tobiason, 1999; Ghernaout, 2014). Since the SUVA254
absorbed HPOA and TPH fractions were eluted with sodium hy-
value between 2 and 4 indicates the mixture of hydrophobic and
droxide. The unabsorbed, which passed the XAD-4, was fed onto an
hydrophilic DOM (Edzwald and Tobiason, 1999; Matilainen et al.,
anion exchange Amberlite IRA-958 resin, which absorbs HPIC
2010), it was concluded that the coagulation process could not
fraction. This was then eluted with a mixture of sodium hydroxide
remove all the hydrophobic fraction. Same as coagulation stand-
and sodium chloride. The remaining effluent of XAD-4 was HPIN
alone, activated carbon standalone could remove DOC concentra-
fraction that was not retained by any of the resins. Each of the
tion significantly by 50.83%, but the SUVA254 value still higher than
processes was conducted in triplicate for data accuracy.
4. Activated carbon adsorption has been noticed as more suitable
for low molecular weight DOM removal compared to high molec-
2.3. Analytical methods
ular weight DOM (Matilainen et al., 2006). Activated carbon
adsorption that follows the alum coagulation process reduced DOC
The analytical method was conducted based on our latest re-
again by 51.87% and the SUVA254 value fall below 3 which indicates
searches (Qadafi et al., 2020a, 2020b). UVeVis Spectrophotometer
the removal of hydrophobic and hydrophilic DOM.
(Shimadzu UV-1700) was used for analyzing UVeVis absorbance,
color (AHPA 8025), and bromide (APHA 4500 BreB) (APHA, 1998).
Argentometric (APHA 4500 CleB) and DPD colorimetric (APHA Table 1
4500 Cl-G) methods were used to determine chloride and free re- Peat water characteristics.
sidual oxidant (APHA, 1998). EPA 415.3 method (USEPA, 2003) was Parameters Mean SD
employed to analyze DOC using TOC Analyzer (Shimadzu TOC
DOC (mg.C/L) 25.9 1.47
VCSH). Gas Chromatography (GC) Agilent 7890 A and Agilent 5975C UV254 (1/cm) 1.52 0.02
Mass Selective Detector (MSD) were used to analyze THM4 and SUVA254 (L/mg.m) 5.9 0.24
HAA5. The sample extraction procedure was performed based on pH 5.0 0.3
the EPA 551.1 method (USEPA, 1995a), with a modification for GC- Chloride (mg/L) 85 2.5
Bromide (mg/L) 67 2.2
MS (Liu et al., 2015). The THM4 was analyzed using the EPA 552.2
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

3.2.1. Effects of coagulation and activated carbon adsorption on separated by the resins. The coagulation process could not remove
DOM fractions characteristics all the HPOA fractions containing humic acid that has high
Fig. 1 shows the effect of alum coagulation and activated carbon aromaticity and molar mass, conjugated double bond, and phenolic
adsorption on DOM fraction in peat water. Approximately 50.9% of structure (Matilainen et al., 2010).
the DOM content is dominated by HPOA fractions followed by TPH, As a continuation of the coagulation process, activated carbon
HPIC, and HPIN with concentrations of 26.4%, 14.1%, and 8.3% adsorption has a significant impact on reducing the DOC concen-
respectively. Since HPOA fraction dominates the raw peat water, tration of all DOM fractions. Furthermore, the remaining HPOA
alum coagulation standalone tends to significantly reduce the DOC fraction tends to be completely removed by the activated carbon
concentration (Fig. 1a). However, the coagulation process did not adsorption process, while the TPH drops to 20%. A quite significant
give any further effect on the other three fractions except only decrease also occurred in the hydrophilic fraction where the HPIC
slightly decreasing the TPH fraction. This is consistent with decreased by 50% and the HPIN by up to 40%. This result is
Edzwald and Tobiason (1999) and Hudori et al. (2020) which stated consistent with previous research (Park et al., 2019) which stated
that the coagulation process only reduced the concentration of the that adsorption of activated carbon reduced the hydrophilic frac-
hydrophobic fraction containing humic-like compound, and had no tion concentration in water, although this decrease is selective to-
significant effect on the hydrophilic fraction. Activated carbon wards the DOM molecular weight in water. The decrease in DOC
standalone has greater TPH, HPIC, and HPIN fraction removal than concentration of each fraction also contributes to that which
coagulation standalone, but lower for HPOA fraction. This may occurred in SUVA values.
happen due to activated carbon adsorption was more amenable for
low molecular weight DOM (Matilainen et al., 2006). The combi- 3.2.2. Effects of coagulation and activated carbon adsorption on
nation process of alum coagulation followed by activated carbon THM4 and HAA5 formation
adsorption has a significant impact on DOM fraction removal. Fig. 2 shows the coagulation effect accompanied by adsorption
Coagulation followed by adsorption of activated carbon also of activated carbon on the THM4 and HAA5 formation after chlorine
decreased the SUVA254 value of each DOM fraction (Fig. 1b), which disinfection. Raw tropical peat water originating from Indonesian
when above 4 indicates high aromaticity of DOM with strong hy- peatlands has a very high THM4 formation (Fig. 2a), which the total
drophobic, while between 2 and 4 indicates the mixture of hy- after chlorination reached 1545.80 ± 8.49 mg/L exceeding the USEPA
drophobic and hydrophilic fraction in water (Edzwald and standard of 80 mg/L. Similar to our previous study (Qadafi et al.,
Tobiason, 1999; Matilainen et al., 2010). The coagulation process 2020a), BDCM formation was slightly greater than that of TCM
could decrease the concentration of DOC of HPOA fraction due to the high concentration of bromide in tropical peat water.
dramatically, but the SUVA254 value slightly decreased and still Concerning THM4, HAA5 formation in raw peat water chlorination
above 4. This may happen because the isolated sample was only was dominated by C-HAA5 (DCAA and TCAA), followed by MBAA
contained by the HPOA fraction since the other fractions were and DBAA respectively (Fig. 2b). Furthermore, MCAA is the least

Fig. 1. Effects of alum coagulation (Al), activated carbon adsorption (AC), and coagu- Fig. 2. Effects of alum coagulation (Al), activated carbon adsorption (AC), and coagu-
lation followed by powdered activated carbon adsorption (Al þ AC) on the peat waters’ lation followed by powdered activated carbon adsorption (Al þ AC) on the peat water’
DOM fractions characteristics: (a) DOC, and (b) SUVA254. DBPs formation: (a) THM4, and (b) HAA5.

M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

formed HAA5 after the chlorination of raw tropical peat water. molecular weight DOM (Zhong et al., 2017a) under these condi-
Previous researches (Stuart et al., 2001; Sururi et al., 2019) states tions. On the other hand, high reactivity occurs at alkaline condi-
that C-THM dominates the chlorination of raw water containing €
tions due to the formation of OH$ (Hu et al., 2020; Onnby et al.,
hydrophobic DOM. The high concentration of B-DBPs in peat water 2018) that not has selectively reacted with DOM.
is triggered by that of bromide due to the introduction of seawater
(Ged and Boyer, 2014; Qadafi et al., 2020b). The presence of bro-
mide ions triggers the formation of bromate and hypobromous acid 3.3.1. Effects of microbubble ozonation on DOM fractions
that is more reactive than chlorine during the chlorination process characteristics
(von Gunten, 2003b; Teksoy et al., 2008). Microbubble ozonation standalone has a significant effect on the
The coagulation process using alum succeeded in reducing the DOM fractions composition of peat water (Fig. S3). Microbubble
THM4 formation significantly to 80.58 ± 2.32 mg/L, but this value ozonation could lead to the degradation of the HPOA fraction at all
was still the same or above the USEPA standard. Also, the activated pH conditions (5.5, 7, and 8.5) (Fig. S3a) and the TPH fraction at pH 7
carbon adsorption standalone has slighter THM4 removal than the and 8.5 (Fig. S3b). On the other hand, the hydrophilic fraction was
coagulation process. But, the adsorption of activated carbon from increased (Fig. S3c,d). Alkaline condition (pH 8.5) has better per-
coagulated water was able to reduce the total THM4 by 36.3% that formance on the HPOA and TPH fractions removal by 55.0% and
lead to the total THM4 (t-THM4) formation below USEPA standard. 59.2% respectively than the other conditions. In the same condition,
Adsorption of activated carbon reduced the DBPs formation after the greater formation of HPIC and HPIN fraction has been achieved.
the chlorination process (Utku et al., 2020) because the carbon The microbubble ozonation of peat water could only achieve the
absorbed the hydrophilic DBPs precursor that cannot be removed higher DOC concentration removal by 19.5% at the neutral condi-
through the coagulation (Abouleish and Wells, 2015). Based on tions. This could happen due to the formation of volatile DOM
these results, only coagulation-filtration and adsorption of acti- (Zhong et al., 2017a). High pH conditions could increase ozone
vated carbon are needed to reduce THM4 formation in peat water reactivity and decomposition into hydroxyl radical (OH$) (von
treatment after chlorination. Additional treatment is possibly €
Gunten 2003b; Onnby et al., 2018). Ozonation can transform the
required when the peat water condition has a higher DOM hydrophobic DOM into the hydrophilic (Zhong et al., 2017a, 2017b),
concentration. but could not remove it significantly from water (Matilainen et al.,
The total HAA5 formed after chlorination of raw peat water 2006). Since the DOM removal was insignificant, ozonation
reached 727.52 ± 32.10 mg/L, much higher than the USEPA standard standalone could not be used in the peat water treatment process.
of 60 mg/L. The alum coagulation process succeeded in reducing the Fig. 3 shows the effect of microbubble ozonation of treated peat
total HAA5 (t-HAA5) concentration significantly (74.3%), especially water (alum coagulation followed by activated carbon adsorption)
DCAA and TCAA. Since alum coagulation reduced hydrophobic pH conditions on the DOM fractions composition. Ozonation has an
DOM (Edzwald and Tobiason, 1999) that is the main precursor of C- important role in the DOM hydrophobicity in tropical peat water
DBPs, the removal of C-HAA formation using this same process has treatment. Furthermore, the TPH fraction was degraded during the
been quite successful. A quite significant decrease also happened in microbubble ozonation process (Fig. 3a). The TPH fraction is a DOM
the MBAA formation of B-HAA5, while the formation of MCAA and fraction that has intermediate polarity between hydrophobic and
DBAA was not significant. hydrophilic DOM and has low aromatic and phenolic carbon
Activated carbon adsorption standalone has better HAA5 for- compared to HPOA fraction (Croue  et al., 2003). The TPH fraction is
mation removal, especially DCAA and DBAA compared to alum also defined as a low hydrophobic DOM fraction (Shi et al., 2018).
coagulation. This result was agreed by Park et al. (2019) that report The pH condition played a significant role in the degradation of the
the powdered activated carbon could remove the DBPs formation TPH where alkaline conditions have a faster degradation rate fol-
consistently. The combination process of alum coagulation fol- lowed by acidic and neutral. Conversely, HPIC and HPIN fractions
lowed by the activated carbon adsorption has better performance increased during the microbubble ozonation process as shown in
than the standalone processes. Although it succeeded in reducing Fig. 3b and c respectively. HPIN fraction formation is faster than
the HAA5 formation significantly (88.9%), the process of alum HPIC, especially at alkaline conditions.
coagulation followed by activated carbon adsorption has not been At acidic conditions, ozone reacts slowly and selectively with
able to reduce the t-HAA5 below the USEPA standard. Hence, the DOM, whereas ozone decomposition to OH$ occurs when the pH
next process is required to reduce the total formation of HAA5. €
was increasing (Ozbelge and Erol, 2009; Sadrnourmohammadi
et al., 2020). The acidic condition also caused the DOMs contain-
3.3. Microbubble ozonation ing carboxylic and phenolic groups to become less negatively
charged as the effect of protonation (Sadrnourmohamadi et al.,

2015) that has lower reactivity to ozone (Onnby et al., 2018; von
Microbubble ozonation did not have a significant effect on
changes in DOC concentration but affected UV254 absorbance Sonntag and von Gunten, 2012). The high decomposition of
(Table S2). Note, the ozonation did not significantly remove the ozone to OH at alkaline conditions increases the ozonation effec-
DOM content in water, but it changed the DOM characteristics €
tiveness (Onnby et al., 2018), therefore the TPH degradation process
(Sadrnourmohammadi et al., 2020; Siddiqui et al., 1997), but the and formation of hydrophilic fractions take place faster.
process significantly reduced UV254 (Sadrnourmohammadi et al., Each DOM fraction has a different reactivity to ozone (von
2020). This transforms from a high into low molecular DOM (Qi Gunten, 2003b). Therefore, the increase in the concentration of
et al., 2018; Zhong et al., 2017a, 2017b) that is potentially biode- hydrophilic fractions happens due to the reaction between ozone in
gradable (Siddiqui et al., 1997). The ozonation effect on DOM two pathways (ozone and OH$) and organic compounds with a

transformation is pH-dependent (Onnby et al., 2018). large molecular weight (HMW) to form a lower molecular weight
The ozone consumption in microbubble ozonation at alkaline (LMW) DOMs (von Gunten, 2003b; Onnby € et al., 2018;
conditions happens quite quickly, followed by neutral. This infer- Phattarapattamawong et al., 2016). The O3 and OH$ can quickly
able from the decrease in dissolved ozone residues during micro- react with double bonds and aromatic compounds forming the
bubble ozonation (Fig. S2). At acidic conditions, ozone consumption hydrophilic DOM such as carboxylic acid, aldehyde alcohols, and
appears to be quite stable because of O3 reaction selectivity on high aliphatic (Phattarapattamawong et al., 2016; Zhong et al., 2017a).
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

Fig. 3. Effects of microbubble ozonation on DOM fractions formation in peat water treatment process: (a) TPH, (b) HPIC, and (c) HPIN.

The O3 and DOM reactions happened more selectively by the due to high ozone reactivity and decomposition to OH$ at the
electron-rich functional groups such as unsaturated hydrocarbon €
alkaline condition that more reactive to the phenolic group (Onnby
bonds and activated aromatic structures (De Vera et al., 2015; Qi et al., 2018). Since the phenolic and aromatic group was a precursor
et al., 2018), while OH$ is more reactive and tend to react with all to TCM (Zhang et al., 2017), the degradation could perform faster.
DOM fractions (Hu et al., 2017; Ratpukdi et al., 2010). In this case, Similar to TCM, BDCM experienced a significant decrease at
the LMW formation happened due to degradation of the TPH alkaline conditions followed by acidic and neutral respectively
fraction that generally had an aromatic carbon (Croue  et al., 2003) (Fig. 4b). In reducing BDCM formation, ozonation under acidic
and also changed in the weight between the hydrophilic fractions conditions was slightly better than in the neutral ones. It was re-
themselves. This was because the HPOA fraction has been ported that ozonation has the ability to reduce C-THM4 formation,
completely removed in the process of alum coagulation and acti- especially TCM (Qadafi et al., 2020a; Sadrnourmohammadi et al.,
vated carbon adsorption. 2020). The high ozone reactivity at alkaline conditions led to a
high decrease in the C-THM formation. Contrarily, the low ozone
3.3.2. Effects of microbubble ozonation on THM4 formation reactivation under acidic conditions causes small changes in chlo-
The effect of microbubbles ozonation on coagulated and rinated THM4 precursors (Ӧnnby et al., 2018). The decrease in C-
adsorbed peat water using activated carbon on the THM4 formation THM4 formation during microbubble ozonation under acidic con-
can be seen in Fig. 4. Similar to the pre-ozonation process in the ditions was slow due to the small ozone reactivity, therefore the
previous research (Qadafi et al., 2020a), chlorinated THM4 (C- precursor removal cycle happened (Hansen et al., 2016; von
THM4) experienced a decrease in formation during the micro- Gunten, 2003b).
bubble process. Ozonation under alkaline conditions (pH 8.5) In contrast to C-THM4, the formation of brominated THM4 (B-
reduced TCM formation better, followed by neutral (pH 7) and THM4) has increased significantly during the microbubble ozona-
acidic (pH 8.5) conditions respectively (Fig. 4a). The pattern of TCM tion. CDBM formation was increased by up to 130% and 140% under
reduction at alkaline was faster than the other two conditions neutral and acidic conditions, respectively (Fig. 4c). Meanwhile, it
where the formation decreased significantly after 20 min of fluctuates at alkaline during the microbubbles ozonation where the
microbubble ozonation before finally stabilizing. This could happen
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

Fig. 4. Effects of microbubble ozonation on THM4 formation in peat water treatment process: (a) trichloromethane (TCM), (b) bromodichloromethane (BDCM), (c) chlorodi-
bromomethane (CDBM), and (d) tribromomethane (TBM).

formation dropped to the lowest point (25% decrease) after 40 min The increase of THM4 formation under ozonation at acidic condi-
and rose to the highest (110% increase) at the end of the process tions was following Galapate et al. (2001). The high bromide con-
(60 min). The fluctuation could happen due to the formation of B- centration in peat water triggered hypobromous acid in the
DBPs precursor shifted into the bromate as the increase of the ozonation process (Zhang et al., 2005; Teksoy et al., 2008; Hua and
ozone dose in alkaline condition (Siddiqui et al., 1995). The for- Reckhow, 2013; Verma et al., 2016) which react with natural
mation of CDBM was influenced by the presence of bromide ions organic compounds in water and form brominated THM4 (von
since it is a high brominated DBPs (Petronijevic et al., 2019). Higher Gunten, 2003b; Teksoy et al., 2008). The reduction in TBM forma-
bromide-to chlorine ratios in the water result in more bromine tion after an increase of 30 min microbubble ozonation under
incorporation (Hua and Reckhow, 2012). The change of NOM hy- alkaline conditions followed Siddiqui et al. (1997). Increasing the
drophobicity into more hydrophilic that more reactive with ozone dose at alkaline tends to reduce the formation of hypobro-
bromine than chlorine also contribute to the formation of B-DBPs mous acid that reacted with DOM to form B-DBPs, but increases
(Petronijevi c et al., 2019) such as CDBM. The increase in the TBM bromate formation (Siddiqui et al., 1997). The fluctuation of TBM
formation happened quite significantly compared to BCDM and formation at alkaline happened due to the high decomposition of
occurred more rapidly in the microbubbles ozonation under acidic ozone to OH$ (Jacangelo et al., 1989; Sun et al., 2018).
conditions than at neutral (Fig. 4d). Also, there was a fluctuation in Since ozonation is only able to decrease C-THM and increase B-
the TBM formation at alkaline conditions that decreased after THM formation, then the reduction in t-THM4 concentration only
30 min of the process. The increase in B-THM formation in water happened for 10e20 min under neutral and alkaline conditions. At
ozonation of coagulated tropical peat and activated carbon acidic conditions, tTHM4 increased during the ozonation process.
adsorption is not much different from the pre-ozonation in the Mao et al. (2014) stated that the TCM, BDCM, and CBDM concen-
previous research (Qadafi et al., 2020a). tration decreased with increasing ozone dose. The increase in total
The increase of B-THM4 formation, especially TBM happened THM4 formation in post-ozonation at neutral conditions corre-
due to the formation of hydrophilic NOM during the ozonation, sponds to Hansen et al. (2016), Verma et al. (2016), and Sun et al.
which is the main precursor of B-THM4 (Hua and Reckhow, 2013). (2018) but in contrast to Chang et al. (2002) and Zhang et al.

M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

(2017) which stated that ozonation potentially reduced the tTHM 3.4. THM4 and HAA5 precursor formation mechanism
Fig. 6 shows the suggested mechanism of THM4 and HAA5
precursors formation in proposed peat water treatment systems.
3.3.3. Effects of microbubble ozonation on HAA5 formation The coagulation process can easily remove the HPOA fraction and
The effect of microbubble ozonation on HAA5 formation in peat few TPH. Meanwhile, alum coagulation cannot remove the hydro-
water treatment can be seen in Fig. 5. Similar to THM4, the for- philic (HPIC and HPIN) fractions. Since HPOA in the form of humic
mation of chlorinated HAA5 (C-HAA5) decreased for 60 min of acid has a higher contribution to THM4 and HAA5 formation in
microbubble ozonation, and that of MCAA reduced more rapidly tropical peat water, the coagulation process significantly reduced
under neutral conditions, followed by acidic and alkaline (Fig. 5a). the formation. The activated carbon adsorption has a different role
After 60 min, the reduction efficiency of MCAA formation was not in the proposed peat water treatment process compared to coag-
significantly different at all pH conditions. Jacangelo et al. (1989) ulation. It was selective through molecular weight, while the
stated that ozonation significantly reduced the concentration of coagulation process was through hydrophobic fractions. The
DCAA and TCAA precursors. In contrast to MCAA, DCAA decreased remaining HPOA that has higher molecular weight was easily
more rapidly under ozonation at acidic but insignificantly under removed by the activated carbon adsorption, but still selective to a
alkaline conditions (Fig. 5b). The existence of HAA5 which has 2 hydrophilic fraction. This process led to the removal of THM4 and
halogen ions (D-HAA) is often in the spotlight because of its high HAA5 except for the TBM that slightly increased due to the high
formation during the chlorination process in water treatment, hydrophilic content of activated carbon adsorbed water.
especially DCAA (Farre  et al., 2011). Furthermore, different results Because the HPOA has been removed by the alum coagulation
were obtained again on the decrease in TCAA formation (Fig. 5c) and activated carbon adsorption process, the presence of TPH, HPIC
where the pH condition did not have a significant effect even and HPIN fraction is important in the formation of DBPs. The ex-
though there was still a faster decrease in the formation under istence of TPH and HPI NOM played an important role in the for-
neutral conditions. The efficiency for the removal of TCAA is smaller mation of DBPs in low humic substance water (Hua and Reckhow
than the removal of DCAA. Hua and Reckhow (2007) stated that the 2007). Since the ozonation process was carried out in two mech-
formation of HAA5 which has 3 halogen ions (T-HAA) is more anisms, namely direct O3 and decomposition to OH$, the ozonation
dependent on the presence of hydrophobic NOM than transphilic by-product tends to vary based on O3 and OH$ selectivity (von
and hydrophilic, meanwhile, D-HAA5 depends more on a hydro- Gunten, 2003). The direct reaction was highly selective to aromatic
philic NOM (Hua and Reckhow, 2007; Hong et al., 2013). compounds when the indirect mechanism occurred in fast and
Similar to B-THM4, brominated HAA5 (B-HAA5) increased dur- non-selective oxidation (Zhong et al., 2017b). The TPH fraction that
ing microbubble ozonation and MBAA formation elevated signifi- contained more aromatic-acid-like compounds (Wang et al., 2016)
cantly (Fig. 5d). Furthermore, similar to monohalogenated C-HAA tends to be easily oxidized, directly and indirectly, producing more
(MCAA) but in the opposite direction, the formation of MBAA is hydrophilic fractions. Furthermore, the hydrophilic fractions
faster at alkaline (409%) conditions followed by acidic (330%) and potentially passed through indirect reactions giving intermediate
neutral (194%), which also decreased after 30 min of microbubble product, peroxide, acids, and aldehydes (Zhong et al., 2007a; Hua
ozonation. A significant increase also occurred in the formation of and Reckhow, 2013).
DBAA under acidic and neutral conditions (Fig. 5e). At alkaline The reduction of TPH fraction in the microbubble ozonation
conditions, similar to the MBAA and TBM, there was a change in the process tends to reduce the formation of C-THM4 and C-HAA5.
pattern of DBAA formation during the microbubble ozonation Furthermore, the formation of a hydrophilic fraction (HPIC and
process where the increase experienced was faster than in acid and HPIN) increased the amount of B-THM4 and B-HAA5 after the final
neutral conditions which reached 439% in just 20 min. However, it chlorination process especially in acid and neutral conditions.
decreased after 30 min until the microbubble process was com- Higher ozone doses at alkaline conditions have the ability to reduce
plete. This occurred due to the high formation of bromate on the B-DBPs formation. This occurred due to the high ozone
ozonation under alkaline conditions (Siddiqui et al., 1997). The decomposition in the alkaline condition that led to the formation of
increasing of ozone dose under alkaline conditions could lead to the bromate instead of hypobromous acid, the precursor of B-DBPs
increase of bromate formation that minimizes the formation of (Siddiqui et al., 1997). Since the formation of C-DBPs was still
hypobromous acid (Siddiqui et al., 1995) that could lead to the dominant in the coagulated and activated carbon adsorbed tropical
formation of B-DBPs (von Gunten, 2003a). The reduction in DBAA peat water, the ozonation process had a significant impact on the
formation on microbubble ozonation at alkaline conditions at reduction of tTHM4 and tHAA5 formation. Based on this treatment
60 min is still high compared to when ozonation is not involved. process, it is concludable that the microbubbles ozonation process
The formation of B-HAA5 shows a significant effect on t-HAA5 can be used to reduce the formation of THM4 and HAA5 in a certain
formation. Hua and Reckhow (2013) and Jacangelo et al. (1989) time and pH condition to maintain the formation of B-DBPs under
stated that ozonation can increase brominated DBPs (B-DBPs), control.
and this process can be carried out at low pH to control the for-
mation of bromate (Siddiqui et al., 1997) which can react with DOM 3.5. Effect of microbubble ozonation on USEPA regulation standards
to form B-DBPs. The high level of B-HAA5 formation tends to be achievement
influenced by the presence of HAA5 precursors which are similar to
amino acids and the dicarboxylic group in the form of 3- Microbubble ozonation standalone could reduce THM4 and HAA
oxopentanedioic acid, hydrophilic NOM formed during the ozona- formation (Fig. S4), but the formations still extremely exceed the
tion process (Dickenson et al., 2008; Dotson et al., 2009; Bond et al., USEPA standards. Microbubble ozonation could only reduce THM4
2012). The formation of B-DBPs has a close relationship with the formation by 3.86% at the acidic condition when neutral and
presence of hydrophilic NOM during the chlorination process (Hua alkaline conditions increase the formation (Fig. S4a). The HAA5
and Reckhow 2007). Therefore, because ozonation degrades highly formation of raw peat water was reduced by 9.93% and 6.07% at
aromatic HMW NOMs to hydrophilic carboxylic-rich LMW (Zhong, acidic and neutral conditions respectively, but alkaline conditions
2007a), the formation of B-DBPs is increased (Hua and Reckhow uplift the formation (Fig. S4b). Since the ozonation process could
2013). not reduce the DOC concentration significantly (Matilainen et al.,
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

Fig. 5. Effects of microbubble ozonation on HAA5 formation in peat water treatment process: (a) chloroacetic acid (MCAA), (b) dichloroacetic acid (DCAA), (c) trichloroacetic acid
(TCAA), (d) bromoacetic acid (MBAA), and (e) dibromoacetic acid (DBAA).

2006), the DBPs formation still shows high formation. Ozonation could not be removed efficiently by the ozone standalone (Qadafi
could transform high molecular weight NOMs to low molecular et al., 2020a).
weight NOMs that are relatively volatile (Zhong et al., 2017a). On The microbubble ozonation as an additional treatment after
the other hand, the high presence of DOC in natural peat water coagulation and activated carbon adsorption has successfully

M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

Fig. 6. Proposed mechanism of THM4 and HAA5 precursors formation on peat water treatment processes based on DOM fractions hydrophobicity.

reduced the formation of total THM4 and HAA5 under USEPA The presence of inorganic salts could affect the ozone solubility and
standards (Fig. S5). The optimum condition of microbubble ozon- bubble size distribution that contribute to the mass transfer effi-
ation was achieved at acidic conditions (pH 5.5) after 20 min. ciency (Boncz et al., 2005). Since inorganic salt has a radical-
Although was increased in the optimum condition compared to scavenging effect, the presence of inorganic salts also could affect
without microbubble ozonation, the t-THM4 formation was still ozone selectivity on NOM (Boncz et al., 2005; Lam et al., 2019). The
below the USEPA standard (Fig. S5a). On the other hand, t-HAA5 presence of inorganic salt could also carry the halogen ion such as
formation decreased below USEPA standard (Fig. S5b). The pattern bromide, chloride, and iodide into the water that affects the DBPs
of t-THM4 formation only shows a reduction in alkaline conditions. speciation during the disinfection process (Fang et al., 2018;
Conversely, the t-HAA5 shows the fluctuation at all pH conditions Manasfi et al., 2017; Pantelaki and Voutsa, 2018). Considering the
since a different pattern of C-HAA5 and B-HAA5 formations. fact that most of the peat river is located in the coastal and sub-
Ozonation in low to medium pH conditions could reduce the coastal area and a buffer between the salt and fresh water (Page
formation of C-DBPs (Zhong et al., 2017a; Qadafi et al., 2020a). The et al., 2006). The research regarding the effect of inorganic salts
ozone residue was more stable under low pH conditions (Siddiqui on ozone microbubble mass transfer and DBPs speciation in peat
et al., 1995), but B-DBPS can form (Siddiqui et al., 1997). water treatments should be done in future studies.
Conversely, ozonation at At higher pH condition, ozonation at high
dose could lead to the formation of bromate (Siddiqui et al., 1997)
4. Conclusions
so that the fluctuation could happen. The pH condition plays a
significant role in controlling DBPs precursor formation during
The microbubble ozonation process of peat water which has
ozonation (von Gunten, 2003a).
experienced alum coagulation and activated carbon adsorption
process has significantly reduced the total formation of THM4 and
3.6. Effect of inorganic salts on peat water ozonation HAA5 below the USEPA standards. The alum coagulation and acti-
vated carbon adsorption process removed the whole HPOA fraction
Inorganic salt has a significant role in the ozone oxidation pro- but still left other fractions. Due to the absence of the HPOA frac-
cess (Boncz et al., 2005) and disinfection by-product removal tion, the TPH fraction which had hydrophobic properties became
(Deeudomwongsa et al., 2017), and its speciation (Fang et al., 2018). the main precursor for C-THM4 and C-HAA5. Furthermore, the
M. Qadafi, S. Notodarmojo and Y. Zevi Chemosphere 279 (2021) 130642

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