A Must Course A For Attacker L For Luxurious A For Amazing N For Noble B For Best

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A must course

A for Attacker

L for Luxurious

A for Amazing

N for Noble

B for Best

This is definitely a must course to improve your tactics and especially piece strengths. If you have any
blind spots, oh I missed that! Problems this is a great course for you. The most amazing thing I can tell
about this course that it is suitable for everyone. This is because of the change time feature of chess
able. I recommend to set the timer to unlimited if you are unrated – 1200 FIDE , 90 seconds if you are
1250 – 1500 FIDE , 60 seconds if you are 1500 – 1800 FIDE , 45 seconds if you are 1800 – 2000 FIDE and
30 seconds if you are above 2000+ FIDE. One more thing I can point out is Alan is the most appropriate
author to write this course because if this would be written by any other author it would be more
commercial. But thanks to Alan for making it free!

How I use this Book

I have settled my timer 60 seconds at the first cycle Further Readings -

1) Complete all the Attack series if you have not (they are free)

2) Checkout Alan’s other courses (they are not free but worth)

2) You can also check out Kingscrusher Tactics Snacks or Tactics Time (They are not free but worth)

Best Regards


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