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Bishop / Knight

Bishop vs Knight: 1. Bishop is better than Knight when there are NO central pawns and there are pawns
on both sides of the board. 2. Minor pieces play poorly against a Rook passed pawn so the side playing
for win should keep the Rook pawn alive and try to create a passed Rook pawn where possible. 3. King
activity in such endings is very important 4. Knight should try to create a barrier with pawn to prevent
King entry for opponent 5. Improve the position of your pieces well at the same time do not allow
opponent to improve the position of his pieces. Our Improvement and prevention of opponent
improvement should go hand in hand. 6. Zuzgwang is a very important tool to win in such endgames. 7.
Play for 2 weaknesses after all your pieces have reached good squares. When all our pieces are in good
squares then we should seriously consider pushing pawns on one side of the board to create second
weakness 8. We should try to create entry for our King or put opponent in Zugzwang or create a passed
pawn in the later stage of the endgame. 9. In endgames, King should do the defensive role of defending
our weak pawns and blocking opponents passed pawns 10. Ideally each of our pieces should attack a
different weak pawn in opponent position. 11. Whenever opponent makes pawn moves in endgames,
especially in passive positions, it could mean that he has no useful piece moves. In such positions, it is a
good idea to give the move to opponent so he will soon run out of all the pawn moves and fall in

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