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SAINT FRANCIS UNIVERSITY TOUNDED 647 SAINT FRANCIS UNIVERSITY Loretto, PA 15940 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT LESSON PLAN Format Student Teacher Khloe Moore Grade Pre-K. Subject Creative Thin sion IEG ‘Time Needed for Lesson____20 minutes Lesson Concept Music Fast |S\ow PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards): OA MPK-Huse-a-variety-oftechnalogies-for praducing-or-performing-works of.art. 9-+-M-PK-A-Know-and-use-basic-elements.and-principles-of music. a 39 PE-B.\ Explore aire deserib® Motion a toys and ayes. BIG IDEAS/ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Big Ideas: Music.can be used to-express and initiate aesthetic and-physical responses NSical properties help vs to under stand the world. Essential Quegfigns: How.can [express my thoughts, feelings, and ideas-through seusie-anc-movement? WDM Ppa properties ot akjects’. row are, prypical proper tics OF ELIGIBLECONTENT: oyierss, gigcovered? Whit effect does energy nove on NIA in Prek re physical properties of objects? OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts): ‘ Speed (hot! ‘The students will use boxes as drums to follow the shythis of the music and teacher, for 2 minutes, \s\or) MATERIALS: © Boxes sae © Pencils Popaicles: KS ACTIVITIBS (There are three sections here): OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook) Togs pe Yopsicie Sack, : 7 i Have a dunt with pencifs. Ask the students, “What do you think we are going to do with the box and ree today?” Allow response and discussion. Start to tap on the drum, “how am T using it if T do this?” Allow students to respond. Yes! We are going to use the boxes as drums. “Can anyone come up and show me how to drum fast?” “Can someone show me slow?” “Today we are going to follow the music that I will play, it will play fast, slow, loud, and quiet, You will need to listen to the song and follow." PorsicX, State the rules of the drums and persia Ghd consequence ifthe rule is broken. BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included) Hand out the drums to cach student. First start by asking the students to all drum, fast, stow. Play Drum - Fast and Slow on Youtube. Remind the student (0 follow the beat of the music. If the music is fast go fast, Ifthe music is slow go slow. ‘After the song see if the students can echo pattems with the drums. CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective? es Poptice Sticws Now it is time to clean up our drumis and penetts: Each of you are going to have a tum to tell us to stop drumming, but first can anyone tell me what we did today? How did we know to go fast or slow? Where are these materials going to be if we would like to do this during centers? ‘Ask the students to drum, Call on a student to tell the class to stop, After the student has a turn, they will put the box and penctf away and go to centers. Continue until all students had a turn, opsicle Sticks ACCOMMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS WEP. & PP. sit next to student to ensure that they are using materials correctly ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has_mastered objectives?): Consider formative and summative assessment measutes for all levels of differentiation, Have checklist | - Student Completed 2- Student did not complete 3 -X US on Fast {Sew

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