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Reading Material

Data Analysis Using Spread Sheets

Seven students of Presidency University went for a trip on last Sunday.
They contributed some amount to create a fund and they thought that
later they will individually distribute the amount. Bhadra is a commerce
graduate so he took the responsibility of the spending. They had their
breakfast on the roadside Dhaba when they were travelling by bus. Spot
was booked by Sushil and full amount of Rs. 1000 had been paid by him.
Sl. No Name Gender Contribution Expense Savings / Payment
1 Sushil Male 700
2 Ruma Female 850
3 Bhadra Male 900
4 Anand Male 600
5 Risha Female 700
6 Rishav Male 800
7 Anusha Female 900

Break Fast

Roti 9 Every piece Rs. 5

Dal 2 Rs. 15 every plate
Cold Drinks 3 Rs. 45 every bottle
Idli 9 Every piece Rs. 7
Sumber 3 Rs. 10 every plate
Sweet 3 Rs. 30 every plate
Egg 6 Every piece Rs.10
Bread 8 Every piece Rs. 5
Tea 2 Every cup Rs. 10

Normal rice 3 Every plate Rs. 30
Parantha 12 Every piece Rs. 7
Paneer Masala 3 Every Plate Rs. 90
Chicken 1 Rs. 170
Salad 1 Rs. 70
Curd 1 Rs. 50
Gobi Parantha 8 Every piece Rs. 15
Fried Bringal
Masala 1 Rs. 50
Mutton Biryani 2 Rs. 70 each
Cold drinks 3 Rs. 45 each

Expenditure details
Bus fair for going to spot 350
Breakfast bill
Bus fair from the spot 350
Spot booking
Total cost

Seven MBA students of Presidency University went for a trip on last

Sunday. They contributed some amount to create a fund and they
thought that later they will be individually distribute the amount. Bhadra
is a commerce graduate so he took the resposibility of the sendings. They
had their breakfast on the roadside Dhaba when they were travelling by
bus. Spot was booked by Sushil and full amount of Rs. 1000 had been
paid by him. Sushil, Ruma and Risha consumed tea 4 times in the day but
rest four consumed only twice this in addition to breakfast. Every cup
costs Rs. 10. Whole tea cost was paid from fund.
Break Fast
Total Money was paid by Anand
Every piece Rs.
Roti 9 5
Rs. 15 every
Anand, Risha, Anusha
Dal 2 plate
Rs. 45 every
Pepsi 3 bottle

Total money was paid by Sushil

Idli 9 Every pice Rs. 7
Rs. 10 every
Sushil and Ruma Sumber 3 plate
Rs. 30 every
Sweet 3 plate
Total money was paid by Bhadra

Egg 6 Every pice Rs.10

Bhadra and Rishav Bread 8 Every pice Rs. 5
Tea 2 Every cup Rs. 10

Paid by Anand Lunch

Every plate Rs.
Normal rice 3 30
Parantha 12 Every pice Rs. 7
Every Plate Rs.
Anand, Sushil and Rishav Paneer Masala 3 90
Chicken 1 Rs. 170
Salad 1 Rs. 70
Curd 1 Rs. 50

Paid by Bhadra
Every pice Rs.
Gobi Parantha 8 15
Ruma, Bhadra, Risha and Fried Bringal
Anusha Masala 1 Rs. 50
Mutton Biryani 2 Rs. 70 each
Cold drinks 3 Rs. 45 each

Expenditure details
Bus fair for going to spot 350 Full amount was paid by Anand
Breakfast bill

Tea 200

Bus fair from the spot 350 Full amount was paid by Risha

USE data base for DATA for Graphs

There are 204 employees in an office. Managing Director, Mamta
Bhatnagar does not have any data about her employees. So she is
interested to know what are the details of her employees. She called her
office assistant Minakshi Salon and told her to provide the data after
analysis. Managing director told her to prepare the following details:-
1. Employees brake up according to their age with pie and bar graph
(both in number and percentage).

2. Employees brake up according to their salary with pie and bar graph
(both in number and percentage).

3. Employees brake up according to their posts with pie and bar graph
(both in number and percentage).

4. Employees brake up according to their working department with pie

and bar graph (both in number and percentage).

5. Employees brake up according to their marital status with pie and bar
graph (both in number and percentage).
6. Employees brake up according to their educational qualification and
Working department with bar graph (both in number and percentage).
7. Employees brake up according to their holding post and salary with
bar graph (both in number and percentage).
8. Employees brake up according to their gender and salary with bar
graph (both in number and percentage).
9. How many male and female employees are there in the organisation?
Prepare a Pie and bar graph.
How many data are there in database
If data is in numerical format use only count function
If data is in numerical & non-numerical format use counta function
If you would like to count blank cells use countblank function
Now we will solve quarry no 9
Gender Number
Male 135
Female 69
=COUNTIF('Data sheet'!C2:C205,"Male")
=COUNTIF('Data sheet'!C2:C205,"female")
Pie graph

First select the table. Go to pie and click. Write click on any of the slices
and click on Add data level. Again write click on any of the slices and take
format data level.

Male Female




Male Female

You can take any category as per your requirement. New graph will be
like below.

Female, 69, 34%

Male, 135, 66%

Male Female

Bar Graph
Select the data and go to bar graph. You will get









Male Female

Like pie graph you can customize bar graph also.




80 69




Male Female

By taking pivot table

Click on insert you will get PivotTable. Click on PivotTable

Select a table or range

Drag and drop Gender in ROWS and again in VALUES
Count of
Row Labels Gender
Female 69
Male 135
Grand Total 204
To convert the number into percentage we have to click on a small arrow
by the side of Count of Gender. The click on Value Field Settings
Go to show values as

Click on show values as and inplace of No Calculation take percentage of

Grand Total.
Count of
Row Labels Gender
Female 33.82%
Male 66.18%
Grand Total 100.00%
Same way you can solve 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Preparation of frequency distribution, convert the data into table and
Quarry no. 3: Use pivot table and you will get
Heads Number
Executive 63
Manager 33
Managing Director 3
Office Asst. 21
Officer 51
Sr. Manager 33
Use bar graph you will get








Executive Manager Managing Office Asst. Officer Sr. Manager

Write click on any of the bar and take Format Data Series
Make graph width 0 and you will get








Executive Manager Managing Office Asst. Officer Sr. Manager
Convert the data into table
Select the table. Press ctrl+t

Press OK. The data will be transferred to table.

Remove table
Select data again. Go to Table tool – design

Click on Convert to Range the table will be removed.

Quarry no. 6
Count of
Qualification Column Labels
Business Financ Head Human Marketin Productio Grand
Row Labels Operation e office Resource g n Total
10th Pass 3 9 12
12th Pass 3 3 6 9 3 24
Graduation 15 9 9 30 9 72
Master Degree 15 9 9 18 9 60
More than Master
Degree 6 18 3 3 3 3 36
Grand Total 6 51 24 27 63 33 204
You can transfer the number into percentage also.
Grouping the data
Quarry no.7
Count of Monthly
Row Labels #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### Grand Total
Executive 3 3 3 12 12 3 15 3 3 6 63
Manager 15 3 6 3 3 3 33
Managing Director 3 3
Office Asst. 3 3 9 3 3 21
Officer 6 3 3 3 6 9 9 9 3 51
Sr. Manager 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 33
Grand Total 3 15 3 24 24 15 3 6 21 3 36 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 15 6 204

Write click on the top row. Go to group and you will get

Click on OK you will get

Count of Monthly Income Column Labels
Row Labels 15000-24999 25000-34999 35000-44999 45000-54999 Grand Total
Executive 36 21 6 63
Manager 18 12 3 33
Managing Director 3 3
Office Asst. 18 3 21
Officer 30 9 12 51
Sr. Manager 15 12 3 3 33
Grand Total 117 60 6 21 204

Frequency distribution:
Click on OK you will get
You will get out put like this
Sum of
Row Labels Price
downtown 4985.5
uptown 4606.5
Grand Total 9592

You can change the sum of price into percentage

Click on Sum of price and go to Value Field Setting

Show Values as click on percentage of grand total

You will receive output like this

Row Labels Sum of Price
downtown 51.98%
uptown 48.02%
Grand Total 100.00%
Summarizing Revenue by month

Now you change first sum of price into percentage of grand total you
will get the output like this
Row Labels Sum of Price Sum of Price2
January 8.81% 845
February 8.55% 820
March 6.58% 631
April 8.10% 776.5
May 8.48% 813
June 8.87% 850.5
July 8.77% 841
August 7.13% 684
September 8.71% 835.5
October 7.85% 753
November 9.11% 873.5
December 9.06% 869
Grand Total 100.00% 9592

Calculating the revenue for each product

Sum of
Row Labels Price
Adhesive 1 24
Adhesive 10 70
Adhesive 2 63
Adhesive 3 49
Adhesive 4 238
Adhesive 5 168
Adhesive 6 42
Adhesive 7 70
Adhesive 8 42
Adhesive 9 91
Safety 1 732
Safety 10 90
Safety 2 740

Pareto 80-20 principle

Sum of
Row Labels Price
Safety 1 732
Safety 2 740
Safety 7 420
Safety 8 5050
Tape 10 490
Tape 7 340
Grand Total 7772
Report Filter and Slicer
Prepare an out put table with month, store and price of product.

You will receive out put like this

Sum of Price Column Labels
Row Labels downtown uptown Total
January 482 363 845
February 363 457 820
March 299 332 631
April 407 369.5 776.5
May 408.5 404.5 813
June 400.5 450 850.5
July 446 395 841
August 372.5 311.5 684
September 446.5 389 835.5
October 394 359 753
November 503.5 370 873.5
December 463 406 869
Grand Total 4985.5 4606.5 9592

Now go to Insert and click on Slicer

Click on Product and do OK you will receive

Now we will learn the PivotChart
For this we will use the data titled LaPetitBakery.
Effect of the Day of the Week on Bakery Sales
Change all values in average you will receive an output like below
Average of Average of Average of Average of Average of
Row Labels Cakes Pies Cookies Smoothies Coffee
Sunday 96.5 59.46794872 593.8974359 240.2820513 434.5128205
Monday 78.58333333 48.19230769 482.0961538 195.3653846 353.7564103
Tuesday 76.93630573 46.76433121 480.6242038 198.5732484 348.3630573
Wednesday 76.34394904 47.75159236 486.866242 198.2101911 347.5286624
Thursday 77.37579618 48.10828025 488.6751592 197.1719745 362.9426752
Friday 94.67948718 59.68589744 597.3397436 235.0064103 427.0320513
Saturday 103.724359 64.98076923 654.7179487 265.0512821 467.9935897
Grand Total 86.2803653 53.54794521 540.4511416 218.4666667 391.626484
Click in insert and go to PivotChart

Click on PivotChart and you will receive

I have taken line chart. You can take anything as per your requirement.
Analyzing Product Seasonality

Put the curser on month and click. You will receive the following output
Average of Average of Average of Average of
Row Labels Cakes Average of Pies Cookies Smoothies Coffee
Jan 83.07526882 51.64516129 516.8817204 171.5591398 398.2688172
Feb 84.39285714 53.6547619 534.3571429 174.9047619 398.9761905
Mar 84.38709677 53.75268817 545.8494624 182.0430108 390.5053763
Apr 84.45555556 51.63333333 519.3333333 211.2888889 383.8888889
May 89.89247312 52.10752688 536.1827957 241.2258065 369.8494624
Jun 86.22222222 54.97777778 525.5333333 277.4555556 388.2
Jul 86.93548387 52.48387097 540.0860215 286.6021505 398.0107527
Aug 84.92473118 55.16129032 544.8817204 287.3548387 406.2795699
Sep 87.13333333 52.35555556 551.1666667 219.3 378.6777778
Oct 86.46236559 55.02150538 554.0537634 213.0430108 392.6666667
Nov 89.38888889 55.05555556 573.5222222 171.8111111 396.8111111
Dec 87.97849462 54.7311828 543.2258065 180.9892473 397.483871
Grand Total 86.2803653 53.54794521 540.4511416 218.4666667 391.626484


400 Average of Cakes

Average of Pies
Average of Cookies
Average of Smoothies
Average of Coffee


2013 2014 2015

Trend analysis
Regroup the data according to year and drag the date out from row box in
PivotTable you will receive the following output
Average of Average of Average of Average of Average of
Row Labels Cakes Pies Cookies Smoothies Coffee
2013 81.84383562 52.65205479 523.2986301 213.8082192 377.1863014
2014 86.90136986 53.74520548 542.8136986 219.4684932 394.5479452
2015 90.09589041 54.24657534 555.2410959 222.1232877 403.1452055
Grand Total 86.2803653 53.54794521 540.4511416 218.4666667 391.626484


400 Average of Cakes

Average of Pies
Average of Cookies
Average of Smoothies
Average of Coffee


2013 2014 2015
How to group the data in PivotTable
espn data is available for this purpose.

Change from sum to count. Your output will be like this.

Suppose you would like to know how many Male and Female people
are there in age difference of 10.
Write click on any of the age data and go to group.
Count of
Age Column Labels
Row Labels f m Total
8-17 18 66 84
18-27 65 230 295
28-37 51 244 295
38-47 26 154 180
48-57 25 57 82
58-67 11 16 27
68-77 5 28 33
78-87 3 5 8
88-97 3 9 12
98-107 2 2
108-117 1 5 6
Grand Total 208 816 1024
You can calculate percentage of any parameter based on your

I have taken percentage of column total and the output is as under

Count of
Age Column Labels
Row Labels f m Total
8-17 8.65% 8.09% 8.20%
18-27 31.25% 28.19% 28.81%
28-37 24.52% 29.90% 28.81%
38-47 12.50% 18.87% 17.58%
48-57 12.02% 6.99% 8.01%
58-67 5.29% 1.96% 2.64%
68-77 2.40% 3.43% 3.22%
78-87 1.44% 0.61% 0.78%
88-97 1.44% 1.10% 1.17%
98-107 0.00% 0.25% 0.20%
108-117 0.48% 0.61% 0.59%
Grand Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%







You can make a crosstab between Age and Income also.

Excel Charts
Actual Target
January 1331 1417
February 1606 1457
March 1624 1488
April 1225 992
May 1202 1339
June 1618 1334
July 909 930
Select whole data and select bar graph

Chart Title
January February March April May June July

Actual Target

Write click on target graph and change chart type, you will get
You will get the following graph

Filtrate, 5000

Tape, 3200
Command, 2900
Others, 2300 Sales



Filtrate Tape Command Others
Then find Minimum and Maximum value.
Minimum value =MIN(Table1[Cakes])
Maximum Value =MAX(Table1[Cakes])
Bin Range selection.
Press ctrl+shift+enter
To prepare a bar graph from graph option and

Bin Frequency
30 0
50 27
70 207
90 454
110 270
130 109
150 25
170 3
>170 0

Chart Title
30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 >170

Skewness: =SKEW(Table1[Cakes])
If skewness is >+1 is called mostly positively skewed.
If the skewness is <-1 is called mostly negatively skewed.
Standard deviation of a data set
Percentile.exe and Percentilrank.exe Functions
Percentrank provides you how unusual a certain information
Large and Small function
5th largest value in an array
3rd smallest value in an array
Total =COUNT(Cakes)
How many promotions?
Promotion =COUNTIF(promotion,Q14)
None =COUNTIF(promotion,Q15)
Days sold >=122 cakes =COUNTIF(Cakes,">=122")
For Cakes how many Mondays are there in the data base
Total Cake sales on all Mondays =SUMIF(daywk,N21,Cakes)
Average Cake sales on all Mondays = =AVERAGEIF(daywk,N21,Cakes)
Rank =RANK(T20,$T$20:$T$26,0)
Total Cake sales in the month of February when promotion had been
made =SUMIFS(Cakes,Namemonth,N45,promotion,O45)
Average Cake sales in the month of February when promotion had been
Count of number of days when cake sales is more than 122, in the
month of February when promotions had been made
Suppose date wise sales of a company have been given. You would like
to assign days against date. First use Weekday function to assign
numbers. Then use VLOOKUP function. =VLOOKUP(F5,lookday,2)
Suppose the same data is on row then use HLOOKUP

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