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2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME)

Bandung, 6-7 November 2017

Short-term Wind Speed Prediction Base on

Backpropagation Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm;
Case Study Area Nganjuk
Teuku Multazam 1, Ratna Ika Putri2 Margo Pujiantara3, Vita Lystianingrum4, Ardyono Priyadi5,
Department of electrical engineering Mauridhi Hery P6
Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Department of electrical engineering
Surabaya, Indonesia Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS
Department of electrical engineering Surabaya, Indonesia
3 4
Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia , ,
5 6
E-mail: teuku.multazam@gmail.com1, ,

Abstract—Wind energy is one of the main sources of Backpropagation neural network is the best method to get
renewable energy that is widely converted to electrical optimal result because has high accuracy [10] and many
energy because reduce emission. The fluctuating of the wind algorithms are used to update weights so as to reduce predictive
will affect power quality of wind power generation when error and get optimal results [11].
delivered to grid so that it takes prediction of short-term In this study presents with speed prediction based on wind
wind speed. In this study, wind speed prediction use speed measurement in Nganjuk, Indonesia. Three algorithms
Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) with Lavenberg are used to predict of short-term wind speeds such as
- Marquardt algorithms for weight update. Its performance Levenberg-Marquardt, Conjugate Gradient Fletcher Reeves
will be compared with Conjugate Gradient Fletcher Reeves (CGFR), Conjugate Gradient Quasi Newton (BFGS). These
(CGFR) and Conjugate Gradient Quasi Newton (BFGS) algorithms used will be compared to see the performance to get
based on correlation coefficient, Mean Square Error best algorithm that has high accuracy and faster convergence in
(MSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and making prediction of short-term wind speed.
computation time. Based on the testing, Levenberg
Marquardt Backpropagation Neural Network is the most II. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK
optimal algorithm compared to fletcher - reeves and quasi Artificial neural networks are the most widely applied
newton where the value of correlation coefficient is 0.99056, artificial neural networks to solve problems ie forecasting,
MSE 0.0187, MAPE 5.1965 and computation time 79.19 pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, image classification,
milisecon. code translation, and various other pattern recognition analyzes
[6-10]. The various artificial neural network methods have been
Keywords—algorithm; prediction short term; wind speed; developed as well as multilayer perceptron, radial base function,
BPNN; Wind Turbine. backpropagation, probabilistic neural network [12-15].
Backpropagation is a supervised learning algorithm and is
I. INTRODUCTION usually used with multiple layers to change the weights
Wind energy is one main sources of renewable energy that is connected to neurons is in the layer as shown in Figure 1.
converted into electrical energy [1] because widely available The weight update will be corrected if the resulting network
and reduce emission. The intermittent of wind speed will be output is divergent of target. These use three algorithms ie,
effect on wind power systems. It is can be effect to unstable of Levenberg-Marquardt, Conjugate Gradient Fletcher-Reeves
wind power generation systems that will impact on the quality (CGFR), Conjugate Quasi Newton Gradient (BFGS).
of power delivered to grid. Wind speed prediction is one of to
maintain power quality to grid, improve wind power efficiency,
and control wind energy conversion systems [2].
Currently, short-term wind speed prediction using various
methods, namely, persistence, statistic, spatial correlation,
physical, artificial intelligent and hybrid [3-9]. Artificial neural
network is the best method that can be used for time series
prediction because it can be used to express a complex Fig. 1. Structure of Backpropogation Neural Network
nonlinear relationship [2].

978-1-5386-3455-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 163

2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME)
Bandung, 6-7 November 2017

A. Lavenbert Marquadt Algorithm III. PREDICTION MODEL WIND SPEED

The Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm is a standard The data used in the training and testing to predict short-term
backpropagation algorithm. This algorithm will be corrected wind speed base on the measurement on Nganjuk City in
weight update process and the bias using negative gradient August 2015 with height of 8 meters. These data include wind
descent directly. This method has a fast convergence [16]. The speed, humidity, wind direction, temperature, and pressure. The
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm uses Hesian (H) matrix data used are 720 in seconds intervals and divided into two
approach that can be computed by the equation: process, 80 % training set and 20 % testing set.
‫ ܪ‬ൌ ‫ܬ ்ܬ‬ (1) In this research, the method used is backpropagation neural
network through weight updates algorithm that is Levenberg
The gradient can be calculated, Marquardt, Fletcher Reeves, and Quasi Newton. The results of
݃ ൌ  ‫݁ ்ܬ‬ (2) this improvement were obtained based on the performance of
MSE, MAPE, and the time of convergence. Each of the
J is a jacobian matrix which contains the first derivative of performance results and the time will be compared.
the network error to the weight and the bias of the network. The Backpropagation neural network uses three layers with input
weight changes can be calculated through equations as first layer, hidden layer as second layer, and output as third
οš ൌ  ሾ‫ ܬ ்ܬ‬൅ Ɋ ሿ െ ‫݁ ்ܬ‬ (3) layer. To input layer using 4 neurons, the hidden layers use 25
neurons which activation function is tangent sigmoid can be
e is a vector that the network output, ȝ is the learning calculated:
constant, and I is the identity matrix. The weighted update can
be determined with: ଵ
݂ሺ‫ݔ‬ሻ ൌ   (8)
š ൌ š ൅  οš (4) ଵା௘ షೣ

š ൌ  οš ൅  ሾ ୘ ൅ Ɋ ሿ െ  ‫݁ ்ܬ‬ (5) The layer output use 1 neuron which activation function is
purelin. The learning algorithm uses in this research is
B. Quasi Newton Algorithm Levenberg - Marquadt, Fletcher Reeves, and Quasi Newton. The
Quasi Newton's algorithm is one of conjugate gradient performance of neural network used and the prediction of wind
alternatives that can get optimum value and faster using newton speed prediction using correlation coefficient parameter, mean
method [7]. The basic concept of the newton method is absolute error (MSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE),
and convergent time.
ܹ௞ାଵ  ൌ ܹ௞  െ  ‫ିܣ‬ଵ
௞ ‫ כ‬൅‰ܹ௞ (6) The MSE can be calculated:

σ ȁ௒೟ ିᐓ೟ ȁమ
k is a hessian matrix (second derivatives) of the ‫ ܧܵܯ‬ൌ (9)

performance index of the k-value weights. Newton's method is
runs faster, but this method is very complex, requires The MAPE can be determined:
considerable time and memory because at each iteration must ଵ ௒೟ ିᐓ೟
be calculated second derivative. ‫ ܧܲܣܯ‬ൌ σ ȁ ȁͳͲͲΨሺͳͲሻ
௡ ௒೟
The conjugate gradient method can be considered as
ܻ௧ is actual wind speed and ᐓ௧ is predicted wind speed.
derivative gradient descent and Newton's method. This is
motivated by the desire to accelerate the normally slow
convergence associated with decreased gradients. This method TABEL 1. PARAMETER BACKPROPOGATION
also avoids the information requirements associated with the NEURAL NETWORK
evaluation, storage, and inversion of the Hessian matrix, as Parameter Value
required by Newton's method. Input 4
Node Hidden Of Layer 25
C. Algoritma Fletcher- Reeves (CGFR) Output 1
Fletcher-Reeves algorithm which is one of the conjugate Epochs 1000
gradient alternatives that can get the optimum value faster IV. RESULT AND DISCUSS
through update weight process. These process of is not always
a downward direction but adapted to conjugate direction [7]. In this paper we will be compared the performance results of
The basic concept used for the improvement of weights is the predicted short-term wind velocity by using backpropagation
neural network Levenberg - Marquardt, Fletcher-Reeves, quasi
௚ௐೖ ᇱ‫ כ‬௚ௐೖ newton. The performance is analyzed by correlation coefficient,
 ൌ ௚ௐ ‫כ‬ (7) mean square error (MSE), mean absolute percentage error
ೖషభ ᇱ ௚ௐೖషభ
(MAPE) and convergent time. Figure 2 shows the comparison
between the predicted wind speed and actual data using
Lavenberq-Marquardt Algorithm. Figure 3 shows the
comparison between the predicted wind speed and actual data

2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME)
Bandung, 6-7 November 2017

using Fletcher Reeves algorithm. Figure 4 shows the wind speed Based on Figure 4 shows that the results of testing using
forecasting results using the Quasi Newton algorithm. backpropagation neural network with Fletcher-Reeves
algorithm obtained that the value of MSE produced is 0.1081
and MAPE value is 26.70 percent with a computation time of
317.31 milisecon.
To compare the performance of the three algorithms used
for backpropagation the correlation coefficient, MSE, MAPE,
and computation time of training and testing results are
tabulated in tables 2 and 3. Based on the table it is found that
the highest correlation coefficient of training and testing is
produced by Backpropagation Neural Network Lavenberq
Marquardt with the resulting value of 0.99927 and 0.99056 with
a computation time of 335.62 milliseconds and 79.17
millisecons, as well as the smallest MSE and MAPE produced.
This shows that Background Neural Network Lavenberq
Marquardt has better performance than Backpropagation
Fig. 2. Prediction result using Backpropogation Levenberq Marquardt Neural
Neural Network using Fletcher - Reeves and Quasi Newton
Network algorithms.

Based on Figure 4 shows that the results of testing using TABLE I. PERFORMANCE BACKPROPOGATION NEURAL NETWORK OF
backpropagation neural network with Fletcher Reeves
algorithm obtained that the value of MSE produced is 0.1081 Algorithm Auto MSE MAPE Time
and MAPE value is 26.70 percent with a computation time of Correlation (milisecon)
317.31 milisecon. Lavenberq 0.99927 0.0018 3.54725 335.625
Fletcher 0.99547 0.009766 9.08397 595.64
Quasi Newton 0.99582 0.00847 8.59015 538.75



Algorithm Auto MSE MAPE Time

Correlation (milisecon)
Lavenberq 0.99056 0.0187 5.1965 79.17
Fletcher Reeves 0.9442 0.1081 26.7018 317.31
Quasi Newton 0.97252 0.0970 17.464 282. 65

Fig. 3. Prediction result using Backpropogation Quasi Newton Neural V. CONCLUTION

Based on the above comparison results show that
Based on figure 3 shows that the results of testing using Lavenberq Marquardt Backpropagation Neural Network is the
Backpropagation Neural Network with Quasi Newton algorithm best algorithm in predicting short-term wind speeds because it
obtained the value of MSE produced is 0.0970 and MAPE value shows the advantages of the highest correlation coefficient,
is 17.46 with a computation time of 282.65 milisecon. MSE, MAPE and low computational time. As for the second
and third position of Backpropagation Neural Network Quasi
Newton and Backpropagation Neural Network Fletcher –
Reeves. The result can be used as input on a control system for
output power stability of wind turbine and grid system. In
future, the result can be used as input on a control system for
output power stability of wind turbine and grid system.


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Bandung, 6-7 November 2017

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